Daniel_G Member
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  • Member since Apr 10th 2019
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Posts by Daniel_G

    • Gas-phase calorimetry at high temperatures has subtle artifacts from radiative losses dependent on surface albedo

    Not necessarily.

    1)The Jacques Ruer transpiration calorimeter recovers more than 99% of its input energy in the passing air stream.

    2) all calorimeters undertake painstaking calibration procedures to track all relative heat flows under controlled conditions which are also followed under test conditions.

    In the first case above there are simply no losses to correct for. In the second case all losses are accounted for via pre and post test calibration runs.

    I find it hard to comprehend what possible scenario you could imagine where the purported error would be relevant in a proper calorimetric system.

    Could you hand hold me a bit and walk me through your thoughts?

    However, none of this matters if we have a modern replicable experiment - which could be made certain by repetition answering skeptical questions each time till there are none left and the result is certain.

    For what it’s worth, we are working on this very issue. We have a working reactor and a dummy. I have brought it to two reputable labs run by credible and well known researchers. We have done a positive run on one calorimeter and then I immediately brought it to another lab with a different type of calorimeter. We are now rotating active reactor runs and dummy runs over several swaps and following if the calibration drifts at all between active runs.

    All of this data is being reviewed by a name everyone here would recognize and we are over the next coming weeks planning some upgrades to our equipment which we hope will bring down uncertainty to the minimum possible with our current budget.

    I can’t make any kind of conclusions until this entire process is complete but if it works out as it currently appears to, it could become a nice reference experiment as you described above, or we might just discover some kind of systemic error and this could just become another false alarm. In any case I feel good about our methodology and really trying to get the best possible data given our limitations.

    I had an email from a former Rohner investor today. He said ' We shareholders did get a settlement, puny dontchaknow, and he was probably subjected to some kind of house arrest. I don't even know if I'm curious anymore only certain that I've met at least one total charlatan in my life."

    John Rohner not Bob Rohner. Two very different stories.

    THH, speaking from someone who is in the process of validating our current technology in multiple labs I personally appreciate your critical feedback as something I can learn from.

    One lab where I am at right now did a calibration run, kind of half expecting to see another negative result, then ran our reactor and saw significant signal but instead of popping the champagne bottles, this particular professor decided to disassemble the whole apparatus, recalibrate all the critical sensors, run another dummy experiment and then finally rerun the active reactor without changing any wires or settings in order to minimize any possible systemic errors.

    We also are putting together a collaborative effort of multiple labs with blinded reactors and doing a round robin validation where we measure reactors unknown whether they are dummy or active and then sharing these reactors so that 3 or 4 labs all make their measurements and then upload their results to the cloud where they will finally be unblinded and shared.

    We are also doing our best to upgrade our calorimetry equipment to squeeze out all the uncertainty we can and using multiple sensors for each point as much as possible.

    BEC has had enough oomph to raise multiple rounds of funding at high evaluations but it’s not always in the company’s best interests to publish and publicize such results. Clean Planet has also done the same. Both of these companies are ahead of us in this sense.

    What I’m trying to say is that it’s not always the private company’s motivation to prove all the skeptics wrong. Their main mission is to raise funds and move the company forward.

    Finally, could you please be a little more precise in your criticism of the BEC SRI report? Measurement of pulses can be famously problematic but from a practical side, if you just measure power at the plug over a long enough period you can easily get enough data to satisfy the critics. If it was me, that’s what I would be doing.

    THH, speaking from someone who is in the process of validating our current technology in multiple labs I personally appreciate your critical feedback as something I can learn from.

    One lab where I am at right now did a calibration run, kind of half expecting to see another negative result, then ran our reactor and saw significant signal but instead of popping the champagne bottles, this particular professor decided to disassemble the whole apparatus, recalibrate all the critical sensors, run another dummy experiment and then finally rerun the active reactor without changing any wires or settings in order to minimize any possible systemic errors.

    We also are putting together a collaborative effort of multiple labs with blinded reactors and doing a round robin validation where we measure reactors unknown whether they are dummy or active and then sharing these reactors so that 3 or 4 labs all make their measurements and then upload their results to the cloud where they will finally be unblinded and shared.

    We are also doing our best to upgrade our calorimetry equipment to squeeze out all the uncertainty we can and using multiple sensors for each point as much as possible.

    BEC has had enough oomph to raise multiple rounds of funding at high evaluations but it’s not always in the company’s best interests to publish and publicize such results. Clean Planet has also done the same. Both of these companies are ahead of us in this sense.

    What I’m trying to say is that it’s not always the private company’s motivation to prove all the skeptics wrong. Their main mission is to raise funds and move the company forward.

    Finally, could you please be a little more precise in your criticism of the BEC SRI report? Measurement of pulses can be famously problematic but from a practical side, if you just measure power at the plug over a long enough period you can easily get enough data to satisfy the critics. If it was me, that’s what I would be doing.

    Yes, but it also means the arc is more difficult to quench. That might create problems - as this isn't welding...

    The aluminium buckets are a neutron source - a thoriated TIG rod won't do the same job.

    Agreed the time scales are much faster in an engine application but there is no perceptible delay in arc quenching during TIG welding and Alan says this is what they actually are doing.

    It might not be a coincidence that Bob’s brother also had cancer.

    Frogfall I think the answer can be found here: https://app.aws.org/technical/facts/FACT-27.pdf

    Thorium is often used to make the plasma arc easier to start in TIG welding. This would make perfect sense here and probably a lot safer if Bob used thoriated tungsten electrodes rather than the thorium buckets that Papp used.

    I met both brothers in Thailand and my impression from them was the same as yours that they were genuinely serious engineers trying to replicate what Papp had done.

    I just don’t at all get what happened with John and McKubre. Very strange. Papp engine, Stanley Myers water capacitor both deserve more serious consideration in my opinion.

    Wrong Rohner. You're thinking of John Rohner, the third brother. The last I heard he was in Canada living free like a Canada Goose.

    I read old articles from Infinite Energy about Papp's engine that had some wild ideas about how it works. I hope I proposed a realistic process. But it seemed odd that the mag supports LENR, but then ignores new ideas.

    I would be more inclined to write a book than an article, because I think this will be a game changer if proven correct.

    Strange story. McKubre was at one time involved with John but suddenly there was a securities violation case and John publicly apologized, admitted wrongdoing and then eventually everything went quiet.

    Bob called me a few years ago asking for some thorium.