LeBob Verified User
  • Member since Jul 18th 2019
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Posts by LeBob

    Hey, what does H*-H*-A stand for?

    I'm just as curious as the next guy and i want to experience this amazing potencial. but i'm just observant of the whole vacuum augmented energy thing that's all. I agree it would be awesome! if all the produced potencial is released by atomic and chemical guts better than current sources it's good enough for me!

    Just a suggestion for Axil. Please size your images to not larger than 640 x 480 unless absolutely necessary for resolution and in any case, no larger than needed. Huge images require lots of annoying scrolling and can transiently mess up some displays.

    For some, but for people with higher resolution displays that can clear it up the detail is appreciated!

    axil I here you. Just trying to absorb all possible angles and work within E=mc^2. I would say, as Bob and others have, that alot of the transmutation reactions are also endothermic or weakly exothermic. They will use up fusion and fission energy producers around them instead of damaging it. Also life is what I like to call God's nanotechnology with the right arrangements you could have LENR reactions that only consume what is needed and nothing more... Though I'm surprised that if it is sapposedly present in life as many claim, how come no life formed to have it as a main energy source?

    Mass involved may also include subatomic particles and altered states of matter that are harder to measure. So things we aren't consistently detecting can be a part of the process both exothermically and endothermically. At least with realitively low budget experiments.

    Made this comment on the EVO thread not sure if it would be more appropriate to post it here, cause that isn't what it is about! Will delete the one that is least appropriate if necessary.

    It is the ego that causes us to avoid comparison and shun compromise between theories and experimental procedures to find truth. I say try as much as possible that has been backed by the research and math of others even if parts of our pet theory may be disproven. Physics and chemistry are both important in this field as well as nano tech and electromagnetic processes. The general forming picture seems to be, as a newcomer looking and observing for the past couple years, that novel hydrogen (HH, hh or DD, dd) based exotic matter structures enable energetic chemical/nuclear reactions, transmutation with little radiation and mostly stable products. I may be wrong but to intuit that these supposedly "competing" ideologies are describing the same thing or slight variations of the same process is on the good side of crazy.

    One thing I will say, this is not some pseudoscience scalar wave overunity energy thing, those ideas are holding us back from understanding the strange but real nuclear/chemical/quantum processes. The active agent is real, cause there are exotic objects that are not organised the same as standard matter. Whether it is a Hydroton, exotic matter cluster condensate whatever, if it's real it works within math and the fundamental laws of physics! A beautiful denser substance that can pass through matter as well as affect it stronger than anything we control presently. The most awesome thing is you can create a black hole like effect with the right situation, releasing copious amounts of energy and plowing through stable elements powerfully. Maybe this is actually instrumental in powering the stars, the planets, comprises most dark matter and what we now call black holes. I Admire Shoulders for his black hole analogy, clarifying that there may be more than just chemical and expected 'easy' fission/fusion pathways going on, something a lot more explosive yet safer. I guess it is changing the fundamental foundations of stable matter and causing matter to disintegrate. Holmid, Mills and Wyttenbach makes a lot of sense to me as well. Bob Greeners work with the transmutation charts and stuff is encouraging At the moment to!

    Are the different theories really that different though??? Who's to say that the Hydroton does not exist at the same time as Mills like hydrogen chemical power releases? Again we can label things and put up fences but it's like trying to trademark a fundamental (O + HH = H2O + e) reaction. This is a new class of complex matter energy interactions that are going on all over the place and present all over the universe. Just like there are many different chemical reactions and understood brute force isotopic nuclear reactions involving unstable elements and high energy inputs, there will be varieties of approaches that may all work at varying levels. Like burning wood or a fuel cell just quite a few orders of a magnitude more cosmic in application and energy density.

    It is the ego that causes us to avoid comparison and shun compromise between theories and experimental procedures to find truth. I say try as much as possible that has been backed by the research and math of others even if parts of our pet theory may be disproven. Physics and chemistry are both important in this field as well as nano tech and electromagnetic processes. The general forming picture seems to be, as a newcomer looking and observing for the past couple years, that novel hydrogen (HH, hh or DD, dd) based exotic matter structures enable energetic chemical/nuclear reactions, transmutation with little radiation and mostly stable products. I may be wrong but to intuit that these supposedly "competing" ideologies are describing the same thing or slight variations of the same process is on the good side of crazy.

    One thing I will say, this is not some pseudoscience scalar wave overunity energy thing, those ideas are holding us back from understanding the strange but real nuclear/chemical/quantum processes. The active agent is real, cause there are exotic objects that are not organised the same as standard matter. Whether it is a Hydroton, exotic matter cluster condensate whatever, if it's real it works within math and the fundamental laws of physics! A beautiful denser substance that can pass through matter as well as affect it stronger than anything we control presently. The most awesome thing is you can create a black hole like effect with the right situation, releasing copious amounts of energy and plowing through stable elements powerfully. Maybe this is actually instrumental in powering the stars, the planets, comprises most dark matter and what we now call black holes. I Admire Shoulders for his black hole analogy, clarifying that there may be more than just chemical and expected 'easy' fission/fusion pathways going on, something a lot more explosive yet safer. I guess it is changing the fundamental foundations of stable matter and causing matter to disintegrate. Holmid, Mills and Wyttenbach makes a lot of sense to me as well. Bob Greeners work with the transmutation charts and stuff is encouraging At the moment to!

    Are they really that different though??? Who's to say that the Hydroton does not exist at the same time as Mills like hydrogen chemical power releases? Again we can label things and put up fences but it's like trying to trademark a fundamental (O + HH = H2O + e) reaction. This is a new class of complex matter energy interactions that are going on all over the place and present all over the universe. Just like there are many different chemical reactions and understood brute force isotopic nuclear reactions involving unstable elements and high energy inputs, there will be varieties of approaches that may all work at varying levels. Like burning wood or a fuel cell just quite a few orders of a magnitude more cosmic in application and energy density.

    TBH this is the best i've seen this interpretation or theory described since i've been following this, but i'm wondering if the same affect can be achieved with a condensed matter arrangement. I agree with the matter to energy thing the disruption of a fine balance. ATM I'm not even sure if the universe is expanding or the redshift background is actually the result of what we call dark matter, that isn't actually dark just dim. In my mind it's condensed exotic matter based energy in a steady state/yoyo universe approach or the standard dark energy expanding universe model, ohh yea in which EVOs change the fundamental values of the vacuum.. That just sounds almost metaphysical. I'm not even sure if these two approaches are at odds or I am just looking at it wrong. Open to the amazing possibilities, Thanks!

    LeBob maybe you can help me here and being an example of two either joining efforts of one of them giving up in.favor of another one. Like, we just realized than NAE and phonon theory are the same ....

    I honestly believe they are looking at the same hydrogen phenomena that is a precursor and one of the machinations that drive LENR. The dark matter thing is important to, and the novel claim that the cosmic background radiation is the absorption spectra for condensed hydrogen.

    I don't think either of them is a hundred percent wrong that's why I put them together.

    I calculate ~100,000 D-D fusions to vaporise a micron hole..maybe I made a mistake?

    Perhaps the 100,000 D-Ds have a consensus before deciding on the blow

    Maybe it's not all D-D fusion. If you have a condensed Hydrogen construct with similar behavior to a micro black hole, some energetic dense hydrogen charged plasmoid torus... More like matter evaporation in a spinning black holes accretion disk. Much better than fusion, complete releasing and recondensing of the atomic structure. The transmutation is always to stable elements. Maybe..

    "Mills/Holmid/Wyttenbach" would it be nice to ask all three before putting it this way?

    True good point. Amazingly the Suncell and the HH to hh reactions is more than good enough as it is. I'm in full support of the current proposed products even without any nuclear reactions.

    On your point, I would love them to chime in and say there view on it.

    The micro cavity is a source of LENR activity as you propose, but with the advent of LENR fuel, it has been found that the NAE is mobile. SEM micrographs from many experiments have shown that once the NAE has formed, it can move as a particle. Before me356 went dark, he shared with us some SEMs that show how the NAE can exit the place where it formed and move over a surface transmuting elements as it goes. See this here below. The evolution of elements from transmutation is shown by increased atomic weight as the transmutation tracks get whiter near the ends of the tracks. These tracks are forming on carbon tape.



    That's why I think a micro chip approach makes solid state LENR valid, because you can create macroscopic reaction sites that hold the active agent/catalyst. Also with adaptation of lab on a chip technology fuel can be piped in with microtubes. Due to mass production processes and cheap source materials once the chips burn out in a year or so you replace them like a printer ink cartridge. Any transmutation products get smelted out during the recycling process. I can dream 😂.

    Was interesting following this!

    Yes...the latest videos show they still have much work left. From my understanding, they feel the reaction is ironclad. With the low cost to build, it would be revolutionary...if they could get it to work 7/24/365. That will be an expensive R/D project, and will soon court new investors so they can finish the job.

    Lots of excitement on the team after these latest tests. They seem genuinely frustrated, that few outside BLP are as excited as they are.

    I am excited, just waiting on a serious release to show it without caution! The Mills/Holmid/Wyttenbach worldview is very intreging when viewed altogether.

    How is H*-H* aka Hydrino 1/4 remidied ??? We know from others that it can hang around and change the properties of matter. I would never stay a long time in this lab when the SUN-Cell is running for a longer periode.

    There was one experiment (last year) that did show the chamelion nature of 56Fe +H* that acted in between 57Fe & 57Co....

    May be this leads to new vitamins...

    Best: Mills team finds a path to LENR.... (finally..)

    Ya BLP is taking the bonfire approach instead of trying to squeeze as much energy as possible out of the reactor. Theory is what is limiting them not reality. If they worked together with other similar ideas, that are different in good ways, they would have finish a mobile stable prototype already!? What possibilities do you see? I'm here to learn mostly.

    Seven of Twenty had it right with his cartoon. It is just an old joke, because NDA's are a common excuse used in the field. One in particular is the man from Italy. To be clear; I have no NDA with BLP.

    Got it!

    I signed an NDA. :)

    If true, that is a good sign! Do you think it's purely a novel chemical reaction or there may be nuclear elements in power production as well? Did you view just thermal pool experiments or did you by chance get a peak at the working ceramic MHD design.. Hopefully this isn't on the NDA lol.

    It would be nice if those with similar theories worked together to fill holes in each other's propositions! I don't think Mills theory is one hundred percent correct. Hopeful about the reality of the energy source, I am inclined to be skeptically optimistic!


    Perhaps muons or muon catalysed fusion is not needed.

    Though it isn't needed for excess energy, muons may unleash the amount of energy or the number of hydrogen shrinking reactions needed per fusion reaction. Also Holmid's muon process was laser driven and the hydrogen process radiates extremely high energy light, it could open a muon production in a condensed hydrogen cluster whether it's needed or not! You put the image i had in my mind in words better than I could right now, about the possible symbiotic domino effects.