Drgenek Verified User
  • Member since Jul 29th 2019
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Posts by Drgenek

    Surely consensus would be the death of science? By expressing different views and trying different experiments or investigations based on those views is how we progress our understanding of the universe and all it contains. We need to listen to other views, but it would not be healthy if we were to automatically adopt them.

    Our forum is not a church with authority to burn heretics. It is not University with authority fire faculty. But it can and should limit prejudice and may need to expel a bad actor on occasion. It is not possible for the forum to cause any view to be automatically adopted. Anyone who think that by volume of his/her post that he/she is cause his/her views to achieve consensus is just fooling themselves. It would not be health to progress to stop listening to other views. Neither is it health to one's understanding to listen without deciding for oneself what is helpful or useless.

    In the nearly 5 years I have participated in this forum; I have paid attention to many new ideas and ignored many more. Further, I have offered what I thought to be good quality comments for the general usefulness. I may be guilty of pushing too much for comments on the facts I have discovered or my models. If I seem to be trying to force consensus, I tell you that it was not my intent. I believe a good comment should be persuasive but not a data dump. I find it hard to find just the right balance. This forum has the best research partner that I had in my many years.

    I appreciate the feedback. Keep it coming.

    I'm really confused now about the concesus about EVO's. Are they Quark Gluon Plasma (QGP), or are they a new Universe? Or are they simply a room temperature superconducting BEC? Or are they an exiton polariton structure of anti de-Sitter space? Please, self proclaimed experts in EVO's, help me understand.

    After nearly 5 years of attempting to get an honest review of facts and models on this forum, I am convinced that there is no means to get consensus on this forum.

    What is called an EVO is boson condensed cluster of electrons. Electrons repel each other. Bosons act in coherent waves. Hence, if the boson actions are sufficiently strong, that "light" can condense a cluster of electrons. The strength or power of boson field is its energy. The energy of strongest component of boson field is defined by the Pharis Williams' phat equation. The phat equation defines the various quantum levels in the boson condensate. The equation is E= n2(energy of basic photon of exchange). In cold fusion the basic exchange frequency is about 13.6 eV, the ionization energy for hydrogen. One can show by modelling that phat equation and the basic photon of exchange predict Ed Storm amazing spectra of energies of deuterons emitted from glow discharge. If you really what to know just look at the numerous detailed mathematically and data-based posts, I have provided in this forum.

    You can get out of this dead end in a philosophical and metaphysical way, namely: By uniting all that exists into one single infinite absolute whole - our World. Then it will be necessary to admit that our World is absolutely non-mechanical, since it has nowhere to mechanically move. In our World, only non-mechanical internal motion is possible, such as birth and disappearance, synthesis and analysis of fermion-baryon matter, that is, material-neutrino-energy induction.

    Your many comments seem to have been better expressed by dynamic theory. Exploring 5 Dimensions | The Dynamic Theory of Pharis Williams: A New View of Space-Time-Matter | by Observing The Anomaly | Predict | Medium

    This is a great example of what I DO NOT LIKE about the field of LENR.

    So: to make this type of "everywhere in many ways" LENR believable I need a better answer to the question: "where are the high energy products / unstable products"?". And I think most physicists who look at the LENR collection of evidence seriously would have the same question.

    First, all nuclear reactions occur because the reactants obtain energies necessary to overcome the coulomb barrier; there are catalysts but no low energy nuclear reactions. Hence, a better explanation is that the catalyst absorbs the energy that otherwise would be observed in high energy products. Further, since the catalyst has non-thermalized energy sufficient to overcome the coulomb barrier, it also has sufficient energy to catalyst decay of what would otherwise be unstable products.

    The present of such a catalyst is not a guess, it is a conclusion derived by simple spreadsheet math and reasonable engineering assumes. One to uses data from Santilli's intermediate fusion patent applications and from NASA's chemical composition of AquaFuel to do mass balances. By accounting for the chemical reactions, what is left then can be balanced by accounting for nucleons, since in transmutation a nucleon may move from one element to another, but the total number of nucleons remains unchanged. Hence, in the case of Santilli's data, by the well excepted often used method of stoichiometry one finds that 7 Deuterium + one oxygen = 2 nitrogen and 2 hydrogen. (7*2+16 = 2*14 + 2). The accountability for mass (including nucleon masses) in this equation is 99.9% and the source was ppmv via mass spectroscopy by a certified lab. Most engineers accept the assumptions based on the quality of the results.

    Acceptance of the involvement of a catalyst explains why a multiple step reaction shows up as a single overall reaction. The balanced equation reveals the mechanism. The extreme gravity of a star allows fusion of light to heavy elements and in this case the reaction sequence also parallel the alpha sequence of main line stars. The conversion of gamma ray to mass (pair production) occurs when the gammas pass close enough to a heavy element (this case a star rather than an element). The expectation of high energy products and unstable elements assumes thermal equilibrium between the energy in the star and the immediate environment. Thermal exchange occurs within but not outside of the escape horizon of the star. Earth own star surface is 5000 oK, but the corona rises to millions of degrees.

    A new form of gravity is needed to explain the catalyst for so called LENR, electro-gravity. Those who care to know will find within this forum: 1) derivation of the electro-gravitational constant based on a potential energy balance at the escape horizon of an electron charge cluster. 2) correlation of size of images of Matsumoto's blackholes to low integer numbers of clusters of pseudo-neutrons. These neutron stars emitted as a unique radiation to "Cold fusion"' which is not found elsewhere. 3) Pixel by Pixel development of Matsumoto's images suggests "Cold fusion" produces an extremely large number of masses; therefore, such reactions are high entropy and low enthalpy. Less that 4/10000 of perfect mass loss to energy production that might otherwise be predicted from Santilli's data. 4) Derivation of various quantum states within an electro-gravity star based on Pharis William's phat equation. And 5) Correlation of the phat equation to the spectra of energic deuterons emitted in Ed Storm's amazing results.

    Hence, an answer exists to your concerns which is rich in math and experimental observations if you are serious enough to spend the time and effort.

    An alternative to your view is presented by Matsumoto and expounded by me. Small ball lightening radiates electrons and itonic neutron clusters (neutron stars) which explode (go supernova by throwing off an itonic net). The resulting Matsumoto blackholes are a source of particles much smaller than neutrons. The Matsumoto blackholes can be trapped at an interface of a film. Hence, they are sources of energy to develop images in the film. Given that the blackhole image originate from cluster of neutrons and such cluster have countable numbers of neutrons and blackholes can only radiate until they have no mass/energy left, then the diameter of the image must correlate to a countable number of neutrons (mass/energy units). I measured the images and did the correlation. The images correlate to small integers with 99.9% correlation. I am fairly sure I have shared a graph of that correlation in this forum.

    Matsumoto observed the micron size ball lightening tracks on film. These are double tracks (train tracks) reported by others from various cold fusion experiments. But in addition, Matsumoto also published images of hopping of energy sources on a film interface, images of itonic nets surrounding an energy source, images of itonic nets without the central energy source, and energy sources without the itonic net. Simple observation reveals the images are not traces of high energy radiation but rather images developed from many dots (pixelated). Each image implies an energy source is focused from the interface of film to develop the image dot by dot.

    Matsumoto blackholes are not so massive that not even light can escape them. They get trapped by the electrostatic field at the interface of a film. Matsumoto blackholes do not absorb all the surrounding matter and grow until they consume the earth. Obviously, the gravity is not the same as universal gravity. What escapes to develop the image follows a path from the source to create a ring on the film. Since, the source must be a small number of "neutrons", the source is femtometers in size compared to the images in microns. Hence, the particle which develop the image must follow a path which is the same as if the particles where a spaceship escaping earth's gravity. That is to say, particles are ejected at a tangent to an escape orbit. Hence, one concludes that particles radiating from a Matsumoto blackhole are massive particles escaping a source of gravity.

    But what happens to the blackholes that don't escape the micron sized ball lightening? These can absorb various elements as the ball lightening makes tracks. So, the alternative to ball lightening being a blackhole/whitehole which consumes elements and spits out other elements is that ball lightening can acquire fentometer sized blackholes/whiteholes as part of itself which accomplish the transmutation effect which has been observed by various experiments.

    I will add to the comparison. The model is boson condensed charge cluster. The reason a cluster of pseudo-electrons is possible is because a string is formed between an electron and a near massless particle. The string is a boson and the light exchanged between these strings causes a cluster. Hence, the resulting boson condensate resembles universal gravity, but the gravitational constant (coupling constant in place of the universal gravity constant) is many orders of magnitude greater than the universal gravitational constant.

    The structure of the cluster. The cluster is a quantum object. The photons exchanged are phat photons as described by Pharis Williams. The size of the object is directly related to a quantum number, n. The larger the object the larger the maximum quantum number, n. There are various phat photons in a cluster but as yet no evidence for phat photons that are not related to hydrogen ionization. Hence, the buildup of the quantum object is likely based on the energy of phat photons = n2 (~hydrogen ionization energy). Each n level has the same sum energy (equal partitioning theory for energy levels in quantum objects such as atoms). One view is that the particles in the buildup are W bosons. If so, then the nearly massless particles are likely Majorana neutrinos. So, for a cluster at maximum n=5, there would be an average of 1 W boson at 5(5)(~13.6 eV) = 340 eV. Each of the other n levels also average 340 eV, so the total energy above the ground state is 1700 eV for the cluster.

    The model for the cluster is a quantized form of electro-gravity based on an energy balance at the escape horizon. A W boson or pseudo-electron or negatively charged hydrogen atom is repelled from the cluster by the Coulomb force and attracted to the cluster by electro-gravity. The strength of the repulsive force depends only on the number of electron charges in the cluster. One assumption is that the electro-gravity is the same for a cluster contaminated with a small about of negatively charged hydrogen. Hence, the masses for the electro-gravity side of the balance are 1) units of electron mass in the cluster and 2) an electron mass at the escape horizon. Since the only unknown in the balance equation is the electro-gravity coupling constant, one can solve the equation for the value of the coupling constant. The solution indicates that coupling constant for electro-gravity is many orders of magnitude stronger than the universal gravitational constant.

    The cluster is a planetoid or star. There is an exchange between kinetic energy and potential energy for pseudo-electrons as a function of the distance from the center of gravity of cluster. Hence, the most probably energy for a pseudo-electron near the escape horizon is that of the highest n level in that cluster. Hence if a pseudo-electron or negatively charge hydrogen atom escapes the planetoid, it is repelled at an energy that is functional related to phat photon energies of hydrogen ionization. Ed Storms Amazing results data fitting - Physics - LENR Forum (lenr-forum.com). For a minimum sized nuclear active boson condensed charge cluster, Ed's data suggests the highest n=58. Cluster energy = 58*58*58*(13.58 eV) =2.65 MeV. Such a cluster gives up nearly all of it energy to catalysis a nuclear reaction but would then absorb the energy back from an exothermic reaction.

    Nuclear reaction on the cluster and LENR features of the reactions. Per Ed Storms Amazing data, a boson condensed charge cluster can have energies in the MeV range for a projectile/ target reaction occurring at or beyond the charge cluster's escape horizon. Hence, if an atom penetrated to the escape horizon it may react if energetics is favorable, if momentum is conserved and if (for charged particles), the energy of the projectile (negatively charge hydrogen atom being repelled by the planetoid) is sufficient to overcome the Coulomb barrier between the nuclei. Reactions are very dependent on what available.

    For charge cluster produced via electric power, typically, high energy negatively charged hydrogen fuse to each other to form deuterium and then photolysis frees neutrons from deuterium. Typically, a negatively charged deuterium or a highly electronegative atom becomes a neutron absorber since they tend to get through the layers of charged ions about a boson condensed charge cluster. For a cluster trapped in the metal lattice (see George Miley's papers) then, typically, metal atoms of lattice fuse to each other. For an arc in a current carrying solution, Matsumoto traced nuclear reaction to ions that carry the current. For low conductivity water, an electric arc will cause reaction in the electrolysis gases. The gas reaction mostly produce oxygen by multiple fusions of hydrogen to hydrogen and also fuse hydrogen to oxygen via a sequence of reactions which is nearly identical to the alpha cycle in stars but terminates with silicon-28 fission to nitrogen-14. The mass balance and stoichiometry for Santilli's intermediate fusion (arc in gas) follow the same reactions sequences as in electrolysis gas and was accountable to 99.9% for nucleons in the balanced equation.

    Further, a boson condensed charge cluster is like a heavy atom, so the expected gamma rays are converted to mass (by pair production). Further, the positrons and electrons combine to the planetoid, charge cluster. Pair production causes a conversion of nucleons to an itonic cluster. The positrons and electrons form an itonic net over a cluster of pseudo-neutrons. The pseudo-neutron cluster can go supernova ejecting the itonic net (net images) and forming a Matsumoto blackhole. This expectation follows from the orders of magnitude stronger electro-gravity as compared to universal gravity. A Matsumoto blackhole is a strange radiation source: it will radiate strange radiation until it ceases to exist. Radiation out of existence is the expectation for any blackhole. Matsumoto found that only cold fusion produces itonic net images, ring images and the pixelated spots he called blackholes. The size of image of Matsumoto blackhole are 99.9% correlated to only integer values. Only integer sized images are expected because there can be only integer numbers of pseudo-neutrons in these smallest of all possible the neutron stars. It not possible to estimate the number of particles that develop any image. Obviously, number exceeds any expectation of the number of fundamental particles present in an integer number of neutrons. Hence our understanding of fundamental particles and of blackholes needs updating to conform to observation. In the galaxies blackhole are a source of dark energy. In various cold fusion experiments, the nuclear reactions are a source of strange radiation.

    The conversion of the energy from nuclear reaction to strange radiation is the dominate output from boson condensed charge clusters. Only 4/10000 of mass loss in the balance equation from the stoichiometry for Santilli's intermediated fusion was observed as heat from the reaction. Most of the expected Matsumoto blackholes remain attached to the boson condensed charge cluster, therefore the charge cluster is a strange radiation source. The strange radiation has been characterized by Rout et al and can be used to power an LEC. See LEC in this forum.

    Skip the energy required to perform H20 dissociation and perform hydrogen ionization directly in a more controllable fashion?

    Consider Santilli's experiment in his intermediate fusion patent application. He had an electric arc between two carbon rods in mostly deuterium which was contaminated with some atmospheric gas. The mass balance and stoichiometry produce a reaction equation. The mass accountability for the reaction equation is 99.9%. Unquestionably the reaction equation occurs which indicates transmutation but the mass loss conversion to energy yield is only 4/10000th. Where is the rest of the energy? Some or all of it is in the magnecules!

    Of course, magnecules isn't a correct description because one can't alter quantum fields in that manner. Rather, the new mass produced by the nuclear reaction causes a bonding as if the elements were bonding magnet to magnet. A fuel is produced. If the carbon arc is in water, then hydrogen substitutes for deuterium and a fuel is produced. Some of the energy from nuclear reaction is preserved in that fuel. How do we know that? Read Santilli's article about AquaFuel. A mass balance will verify the reaction equation and show that the nuclear reactions occur. From NASA analysis of the fuel, one can predict the thermal yield. Then compare that to the actual torque/ thermal yield per the engine test done by Briggs and Stratton. The energy yield is about 3 times what should be basis on chemical composition. The nuclear reaction occurs but the energy from nuclear reaction is seen when the fuel is combusted. See thunderstorm generator in this forum. You can find the kinetic equation for the energy yield in WO 2018/20433 A1. One has a twostep process. The first step is nuclear transmutation which produces a fuel. The second step is conversion of an unknown sticky mass back to energy. That mass was produced by nuclear catalysis during the nuclear transmutation and remain a fuel until converted back to energy.

    What if such boson condensed plasma occurred in the sun? Then surface of the sun could be a cool 5000 Ko where the sticky mass is produced by nuclear transmutation. The heat causes some of the sticky stuff to convert to energy and some of sticky mass to acquire kinetic energy. The kinetic equation indicates that the heat production rate increases with temperature. So, the temperature of the sun rises from the surface outward, and the temperature reaches a maximum when the sticky stuff is converted all to energy.

    It is very instructive to study chemical reactions and entropy while considering that entropy maybe a measure of the amount of sticky stuff. It is also instructive to consider trying to cool a material when the smallest size mass in the universe is entropy and entropy could convert to energy. Suprise! One should reconsider the origin of so call zero-point energy.

    Electrolysis/fusion (hydrogens to oxygen) then combustion is a two-step process. Some hydrogen and oxygen accumulate but so does the nuclear sourced fuel from the CP. When combustion occurs, the nuclear sourced fuel adds to the explosion. The higher the temperature in the combustion, the greater the heat yield.

    Anybody else done some analysis on how to efficiently create CPs?

    Maybe one should consider that the desired object for nuclear catalysis is not a plasma but rather a boson condensate. You have done the control work: charges and discharges (without an arc through water or air). You have discovered that melting metal destroys devices and confounds understanding.

    Egely mentioned in his devices hydrogen gas and water vapor...

    There is not just a possibility of energy generation by an arc in deuterium gas or water, but it can be proven by mass balance and stoichiometry for of Santilli's intermediate fusion patent application and for AquaFuel. In both cases the hydrogen fuses stepwise. And there are two reaction sequences. In one sequence hydrogen or deuterium fuses and the series results in oxygen. In the other sequence deuterium or hydrogen fuses stepwise to oxygen in a sequence that resemble the alpha cycle in stars. The product of fusion starting with oxygen is silcon-28 which fissions to nitrogen-14.

    The reactions occur because of fusion containment and the energies obtained by containment are in the MeV range. In glow discharge experiments Ed Storms has measured radiations of deuterium anions with specific spectra peaks in the MeV range. The containment results from a boson condensate not a plasma. Hence, the spectra are modeled with the equation E= n2 (maximum energy within the condensate) where n is a quantum number. See Ed Storm's amazing result in this forum. The boson condensate creates a force similar to gravity but with a coupling constant 42 orders of magnitude stronger than universal gravity. One can solve for the gravity with a force balance. The gravity holds pseudo-electrons in ball lightening (EVO). An electron at the escape horizon has no net force. Electro-gravity attracts it to the ball and coulomb repulsion repels it from the ball. One can use the math to solve for the value of the coupling constant for electrogravity or what Matsumoto called electronuclear gravity.

    So, no LENR, rather a high intensity of light at the frequency that will ionize hydrogen interacting with hydrogen and electrons creates a boson condensate which via electro-gravity causes containment and energies in the MeV range. However, the boson condensate acts as a near perfect converter for the energy which would result from E=mc2. Instead of heating, a massive radiation is produced. So, about 4/10000th of the expected energy as heat but the rest likely as massive radiation. This mass will condense with itself at low velocity in high electric or magnetic field density. (These effects are like pair production from gamma photons except no leptons and the mass can range in size and shape). If the mass condensate is large enough it will react with film. See Rout et al in the thread LEC. This massive radiation will convert gas to an electrolyte. The electrochemical reaction of the massive radiation with gas creates the EMF in the LEC (a best guess interpretation).

    So, you want a better device consistence with spark plugs in water. Try discharging capacitors through wet celite. Wet celite provides region of gas for ionization and regions of water for electrolysis. So, the electrolysis produces hydrogen. When there is enough hydrogen ionization or combustion you get a great explosion. Keep the scale of your device very small. I suggest 22-gauge wire like this.

    May be dark photons of negative mass at tachionic speed into a parallel universe....

    Here on earth all photons = radiation represent pure energy...

    Read Rout et al. Not dark photons. Not negative mass. Not tachionic speeds. Not parallel universe. But massive radiation which can condense and can react with film". Read "Registration of high energy radiation from "magnetised" water exposed to scattered sunlight".

    Science is not a campaign where if you state your opinion often enough it becomes the truth, rather scientists provide facts and models.

    We will see if your hypothesis is consistent with reality when the SAFIRE waste water transmutation system comes on line. If the reaction produces energy in the transmutation of heavy unstable elements to lead and other elements, then the SAFIRE reactor should meltdown. The amount of elemental transmutation that will occur in that system will be huge and should produce outsized nuclear based energy over anything that that reactor can withstand. If that reactor does not melt down as I expect will happen, then you must go back and reformulate your thinking.

    NO! Transmutation occurs but the energy yield is low because of the massive radiation produced causes high entropy. (Mass not converted to energy but rather converted to other mass). Santilli's intermediate fusion in a two-minute time period transmuted enough deuterium and oxygen to nitrogen and hydrogen (proved by mass balance with 99.9% accountability) to produce a bomb 1/10 the size of the Hiroshima bomb. But the heat actually observed was only about 4/10000 of theorical based on mass lost. You and I predict the same low energy output. The difference is that I have the math and observations prove my point.

    Drgenek, You wrote a lot of words, but you never once said the word “neutrino.” It is known, based on numerous experiments, that a free neutron decays into a proton, electron and antineutrino. And are you trying to unravel the mystery of cold nuclear fusion without neutrinos?

    I wrote "The boson composite is a string of an electron and some unknown nearly massless particle." One could assume that particle is Majorana neutrino/antineutrino and the stings are W particles. However, since a Matsumoto blackhole radiates massive particles until it ceases to exist, the either Majorana neutrino/antineutrino is the lowest possible mass of particle, or we must look for another candidate for a particle for the deconstruction of what was a neutron. It seems to me that the product of blackhole deconstruction could be the mass/energy basis of the Higgs field if so, it would be poorly labeled by the name "neutrino".

    Furthermore, blackholes are likely the origin of dark energy. So, given that the massive radiation of a Matsumoto blackhole isn't different from celestial blackholes, this unknown nearly massless particle takes another role beyond "neutrino."

    Lets look at the data and model the data to explain catalyzed nuclear fusion aka LENR, cold fusion.

    What highly reproducible means of LENR became a multimillion-dollar business? Answer: Santilli's claim of magnecules.

    What then went wrong? Answer: The theory of magnecules was an incorrect explanation of the fuel gas produced by nuclear reaction. Those who bought the business tried to improve it with their common knowledge of scientific engineering. But since nobody really understood the origin of the fuel, they spend their investment in vain and the business when bankrupt. Update: see the thread thunderstorm generator. There is a water-based reaction which will generate excess energy when that water-based fuel is mixed with hydrocarbon fuel to a combustion engine. This is exactly what Santilli found in his investigation of AquaFuel. AquaFuel was the basis which led to his business. A failure to understand it led to the business failure.

    What is the science? Mass balance and stoichiometry based on accepting a phenomenon of magnecules can be applied to data in Santilli's intermediate fusion patent application. The result is a 99.9% accountability in this equation: 7D + O = 2N + 2H. Mass balance and stoichiometry on the reaction which produces AquaFuel indicates that hydrogen will substitute for deuterium in the above equation. This overall reaction is explained by a series of reaction steps which look very much like the alpha cycle used in stars. Like a Tokamak, some containment of very high energies allows this reaction series to occur. Obviously, fusion as per the above equation is only known to occur in very massive stars. To accept the obvious would mean a second type of gravity which couples to mass through a constant several orders of magnitude stronger than universal gravity.

    If one accepts there is only one type of gravity, then one must accept dark matter to balance the observed movement of stars near the edges of the galaxies. The alternative is modified gravity which means something causing a change in the couple constant for gravity. Hence, a second form of gravity is a solution at astronomical scales as it would be for LENR.

    Santilli's intermediate fusion and AquaFuel use an arc of electricity. Arc's create clusters of electrons. Since electrons repel each other then there must be an opposing, force which causes attraction in such objects as ball lightening. However, if an electron became part of a composite particle which composite particle is a boson, then bosons create a condensate which resembles gravity.

    The model works as follows. The boson composite is a string of an electron and some unknown nearly massless particle. The difference in mass and charge of the boson composite and the electron from which it is made is insignificant. Hence, observers like Ken Shoulder see a cluster of electrons but it is boson condensate not a plasma. The boson condensate is built up according to a Phat equation. The equation has the form E= n2(photon energy). This equation was discovered by Pharis Williams. The size of the condensates increases with the quantum number n. The energy in this equation is the maximum energy of a boson composite in the cluster. The energy is preserved in each string in the cluster as relative mass: that is the kinetic velocity of the nearly mass-less particle relative to the electron. The swinging of the nearly-massless particle about the electron causes effects on time, on length between the nearly massless particle and the electron and on the mass of the nearly massless particle. The change in these metrics is the Lorentz factor as predicted by special relativity. Hence, the electro-gravity results from special relativity and buildup of a quantum object. In effect a warp field is build up around each composite particle and by their exchange of photons the warp field extends around the whole cluster.

    The photon exchanged is that which corresponds to the ionization of hydrogen, (about 13.6 eV). Hence, Brillant Light Power observes these radiations as a function of the phat equation but interprets them as resulting from production of hydrinos. Further, Ed Storms amazing spectra of energies of deuterons emitted for glow discharge experiments correlate to Phat equations and to build-up as described in the prior paragraph. This data has been described in detail in this forum.

    So, imagine Ken Shoulder's EVO, a cluster of pseudo-electrons. Pseudo-electrons because real electrons repel each other and these electrons under the influence of a boson condensate attract each other. One can derive an equation for electro gravity by a force balance. This was done several times in this forum. There is an escape horizon above the cluster of pseudo-electrons at which a pseudo-electron is equally attracted to the cluster and repelled by the coulomb force between the negative charge of the electron at the escape horizon and the negative charge of the cluster. One chooses the attractive force as electro-gravity. By using the same mass and charge for pseudo-electrons as for electrons, one can solve for the coupling constant for electro gravity. One finds it to be orders of magnitude stronger than universal gravity. In fact, electro gravity is so strong that it can create blackholes with a mass equal to a few neutrons. The data to support this claim is found by analysis of the images of Matsumoto blackholes and related images by Matsumoto. The particles emitted by Matsumoto's blackholes follow the path of escape from orbit which indicates the particles are massive and under the influence of an attraction like gravity. The sizes of the images are quantized as expected from a countable number of pseudo-neutrons within a neutron star which goes supernova releasing an itonic net and then radiating out of existence as expected for a blackhole. Further, massive radiations fit the description of radiations from cold fusion experiments as per Rout et al.

    If massive radiations come from cold fusion, then in the transmutation equation derived by stoichiometry all the mass loss is not converted to energy per E=mc2. This is true. The yield of energy from Santilli's intermediate fusion is only about 4/10000 of that predicted assuming 100% of mass loss by transmutation is converted to energy.

    So, what the summary? A cold fusion occurs and can be proven with a high degree of certainty based on mass balance and stoichiometry. The explanation of cold fusion as resulting from electro gravity is mathematically reasonable and supported by data analysis but extremely outside of the mind set of most scientists. Cold fusion produces massive radiations and therefore not a high energy output as expected for hot fusion.

    There is still hope for cold fusion. Analysis show that the massive radiations of cold fusion are a fuel. The simplest and oldest way to use cold fusion is produce a fuel gas like Aquafuel or improve on a design such as the thunderstorm generator. Further, experiments such as LEC, G. Edgeley's device and speculation on results of Brillant Light Power suggest that the massive radiation from cold fusion can be converted to electrical power.

    You Probably Don't Know Why You Really Have Mass (youtube.com)

    Sabine said mass is caused by the condensate of the Higgs Field for standard model masses which masses have different coupling factors therefore difference masses. However, for atomic nuclei it is the pions condensate within the nucleus that give mass to nucleons.

    A boson condensate causes electrogravity and electrogravity create a non-thermal distribution of energy which provides the energy to overcome the Coulomb barrier for what is called cold fusion.

    Fusion is difficult because atoms have a positive charge and repel each other without electrons. The fusion process must use extreme temperatures and pressures to overcome the forces that naturally want to repel the atoms.

    I feel like you are throwing bait to me with your carbon cycle questions because I think you are not unaware that I have answered carbon cycle and related questions in various posts in this forum.

    You suppose that carbon is being converted to oxygen. That is not what the data says. Rather a fuel is produced that reduces the amount of gasoline consumed to produce the load power of the machine. Hence, less hydrocarbon combustion and more flow through oxygen.

    The fuel that is produced is produced by a nuclear reaction. Where else could this fuel come from to complete a mass balance? The nuclear fuel is oxygen. The reaction is the fusion a pseudo-neutron to oxygen-16. This is common reaction demonstrated by measurement of reaction equations in AquaFuel, Santilli's intermediate fusion and the work of B. J. Huang with heat exchangers. Charge clusters are formed which can produce at least 2.23 MeV at their escape horizon. With above 2.23 MeV, pseudo-neutrons are produced by charge clusters. Pseudo-neutrons are subject to electrogravity; they attract each other. Clusters of pseudo-neutrons will go supernova releasing their itonic net and decaying to Matsumoto blackholes. A Matsumoto blackhole radiates massive particles in such a way that they can radiate out of existence and develop the numerous pixels of images of Matsumoto. Hence, the expectation of large amounts of energy from LENR is false due to the enormous amount of entropy (massive radiations).

    I remember a report of making gold from Mercury. There was a movement that was replacing mercury switches, mercury lights and etc to minimize exposure to mercury. The mercury was then converted to stable form to bury it in Canada. One of scientists came up with making gold.

    The problem is that some mercury was used to mine gold. To verify if an electric arc to mercury creates gold, I first evaporated the mercury to remove the gold (the source it used was used to mine gold). Then I exposed the purified mercury as an electrode in an arc through hydrogen for period of time, then evaporated the mercury a second time. I found a flake of gold was left when the supposed purified mercury was evaporated. I was not impressed.

    An arc in hydrogen can create pseudo-neutrons as a result of electrogravity. One of the isotopes of mercury can be converted to gold by pseudo-neutron absorption. It would be a difficult business to pursue.

    I believe if someone can't develop a theory with a strong mathematical basis, they shouldn't be making fake "theories".

    I do not feel qualified to be making such postulates. I only have a BS in Engineering Physics from Cornell, and I work with mathematical algorithms and physics related phenomena. But I have never really worked in pure physics. So that does not qualify me to make broad based speculations. I do feel qualified to judge certain people as unqualified to make their broad all-knowing statements. And I think those type of people are really bad for our goal of getting LENR research accepted.

    Impostor syndrome is people doing their best with what they know but nevertheless feeling they are not qualified. Yet if you are certain of your logic and your math then you are a person skilled in the art and should be respected as such.

    I think you have the skill to understand an analysis with a strong mathematical basis provided the math and logic would be typical of person with a BS in Engineering Physics. I think you could look at a spreadsheet proof and verify the math and logic of every cell. I believed I had such skill.

    I have made claims on this forum that I believe anyone with your level of skills could verify using the data I found in the public domain. Is that something you would do? [email protected]

    "The maximum boiler input is 10 kW, but it ranges 6-10 kW, mostly 8 kW, during the tests."

    In recent experiments, the largest ratio (COP) reported was 1.6. So the excess is ~4.8 kW. That is impressive, and easy to measure. I think this is the highest power from cold fusion in history.

    For comparison Santilli's intermediate fusion heat balance from [0074-0078] of US2012/0033775.

    Heat from rise in temperature of steel of reactor: 7404 BTU = (449 j/kg x 137 kg x 127 C)/1055 J/BTU/kWh = approximate output. Heat from electrical arc: 4533 BTU = ((kWh x 2)/60) x 3400 BTU/kWh = input. COP = output/input = 7404 BTU/ 4533 BTU = 1.63 COP.

    Accounting is more impressive than B. J. Huang. For the above fusion reaction 4604 ppmv Oxygen + 40655 ppmv Deuterium goes to 10333 ppmv Nitrogen and 10312 ppmv Hydrogen. Some of the deuterium consumed fuses to oxygen and that de novo oxygen is consume in sequence of reaction that produce de novo nitrogen and de novo hydrogen. One can see the accounting in the transmutation reaction is 99.9%. Like for B. J. Huang reaction the first transmutation step is production of oxygen-17.

    What is really impressive about the boiler reaction is that heat is produced from heat rather heat energy produced from electrical energy. The reaction for B. J. Huang's boiler appears to be a shortened sequence compared to what happens in intermediate fusion. That is oxygen17 fuses to oxygen17 then fissions to carbon and neon-20. Whereas in intermediate fusion multiple deuterium fusion steps leads to Silicon-28 which fissions to nitrogen.

    What still needs an answered for the boiler reaction is how much transmutation leads to how much excess heat. As noted in comment above, mass to energy conversion may be miserly in perfect with the vast majority of free energy being converted to entropy.

    This is explained in all depth in SOP (SO(4) physics) a model for nuclear mass and ground states

    Mass reduction occurs as harmonically resonant EM flux starts a new rotation, what allows to store more energy in the same volume, what is equal to the fact that all involved flux lines in average get shorter.

    The Lorentz ratio defines these relationships between mass, length and time. As more energy is stored in the same volume, the volume may appear to an observer to decrease (length contraction), the mass of the volume may appear to increase, and the decay time within the volume may appear to be longer.

    Such terminology is nonsense. Atoms nuclei , alpha particle have about the same density as a black hole. But a black hole is defined by its g-force = nuclear or at least EM force.

    I have provided a derivation for the electrogravitational constant which is 42 orders of magnitude stronger than universal gravity. I have shown by correlation that Masumoto blackholes are produced from nucleon units. The images called blackholes by Masumoto are composed of many pixels. These pixels are mathematically tied to a gravitational horizon escape path of massive particles. Hence, "pseudo-neutrons" once they have lost their itonic net which Masumoto has also observed, will disintegrate into a large number of massive particles much smaller in mass than "pseudo-neutrons." I use the term pseudo-neutrons since we both know that neutrons do not decay in this manner. The suggestion of Matsumoto is that "electronuclear gravity" ferments (reorganizes units within a nucleus). It is possible to modify the equation for the Schwartzchild radius with the assumption of a universal fundamental particle to define the universal gravitational constant as a combination of the coulomb constant and ratio of the square of charge to square of mass of a universal fundamental particle. Hence, it is consistent to view a cluster of "pseudo-neutrons" as a remnant of a neutron star, aka blackhole. In which case Masumoto images of blackholes would be created by stretch and squeeze effects caused by the coherent radiation of universal fundamental particles aka gravitational waves.