Drgenek Verified User
  • Member since Jul 29th 2019
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Posts by Drgenek

    No, it isn't. Alas. Most of these projects are barking up the wrong tree. They will not produce useful results because these people do not know the first thing about cold fusion. They think it is a form of plasma fusion. They are making the same mistakes people made in 1989. Because they have not done their homework. Because some of them are arrogant know-it-alls and will not listen to the cold fusion researchers or read the literature.

    Yes, these projects are barking up the wrong tree. See my previous comments in this thread.

    However, cold fusion (non-thermal nuclear fusion) is plasma based, because it is based on electro-gravity. If not so, then show me where the data analysis I've presented fail.

    The problem is the tremendous amount of transmutation for an almost negatable amount of heat. The problem is that successful applications like: AquaFuel, Osama gas, S&G gas, and GEET are not recognized as non-thermal nuclear fusion. The adage "if it appears to be too good to be true, then it probably is" has limited successful applications to waste recycling and then after developing a false cover story. The problem is that truth lies between what is real according to consensus and what is ridiculous or seen as fantasy.

    I object to these people siphoning off money intended for cold fusion to use in plasma fusion instead.

    As I say back in post #28 of this thread, the ARPA effort was bias from the beginning. I didn't expect it to do any good.

    It was designed to create thought conformity to educational norms. It selects for people who can give the answers that would keep funding going where the university scholars want it, to justify the continued failure to advance physics by funding modifications of failed theories.

    With apologies, I meant that it’s not clear to me that your characterisation of the funded work as being unduly focused on neutrons is correct. I didn’t mean to suggest that heat is not the primary signature of LENR. On that you get no disagreement from me.

    If your objection is, as I understand, that you believe that there is a focus on neutrons to the exclusion of heat, then I don’t know that that characterisation comports with what might reasonably be inferred at this point.

    That was all I meant to say.

    Ed Storms would show his data that glow discharge experiments emit protons with energies in the MeV range. Implied is that energies are in the range that coulomb barrier can be breached. Rather than neutrons he suggests that hydrogen 4 is produced. However, both are likely mostly wrong. That is to say that neither neutrons nor helium from hydrogen 4 is the primary radiation.

    When one multiplies the effect of gravity with the electromagnetic force, the resulting electro-gravity constant is Gre = kqe2/me2. Hence, the electro gravity constant is 42 orders of magnitude stronger than so called Universal gravity. I am not saying very event in what's called LENR is a supernova rather just that some are. Supernova produce neutron stars and neutron stars produce blackholes. Matsumoto's electrogravity based blackholes produce non-ionizing radiation that develop complex images by a pixel-by-pixel development process.

    It is famously said when one has eliminated other possibilities what is left however seemingly impossible is likely true. This is likely the case for the complex images of Matsumoto.

    A better hypothesis: a non-thermal nuclear reaction for which the amount of transmutation is measurable to a high degree of accuracy and precision, and for which mass balance and stoichiometry produce a reaction equation and which reaction equation then allows the application of E=mc2 so that the predicted energy production is known and for which reaction the heat produced is measured with reasonable precision.

    That is an interesting hypothesis. Is there any experimental evidence for it?


    Heat balance from [0074-0078] of US2012/0033775. Heat from rise in temperature of steel of reactor: 7404 BTU = (449 J/kg x 137 kg x 127 C) / 1055 J/BTU = approximate output. Heat from electrical arc: 4533 BTU = ((40 kWh x 2)/60) x 3400 BTU/ kWh = input. The net heat: output - input: 2871 BTU = 7404 BTU - 4533 BTU.

    For all the details of mass balance, stoichiometry, reaction equation, predicted energy production see WO 2018/204533 A1. Summary in ppm volume: 4604 Oxygen + 40655 Deuterium = 10312 Hydrogen + 10333 Nitrogen. In addition, some deuterium is fused to oxygen which is also used in the main reaction sequence. The step-by-step reaction sequence differs from the alpha process (which is typical of heavy stars) in that the silicon 28 fissions to nitrogen 14.

    Wow! The nuclear process is the same as in a heavy star except that the extreme gravity prevents thermal equilibrium with the reaction's immediate environment and extreme gravity changes the output. The output is unique to cold fusion and was characterized by film emulsions by Takaki Matsumoto. The output is same dark energy recently predicted to be produced by blackholes in the greater universe. The same dark energy output that will drive a LEC.

    From [0117] the predicted heat "Since the mass balance shows the volume percentage of nitrogen produced, one can calculate the number of atoms transformed from the total moles of gas in the container before the reaction started. Therefore, one can predict the expected total energy production by the reaction. That value is about 95.6 million BTU..."

    Plenty of transmutation and very little heat. Percent of expected heat = 2871/95600000 x 100 = 0.003 %

    Imagine what the world looks like when we can routinely tap the dark energy of universe for our power needs.

    At what point do the Fermented Soybeans come into it?

    It an analogy. Nucleons are like soybeans, soybeans kept dry, can be kept for centuries. However, just as soybeans can be fermented, nucleons are subject to electro-gravity induced reactions that separate the charges from neutral composite particles. Matsumoto envisions the fermentation causes the neutron stars to have a central neutral mass surrounded by charges in the form of positrons and electrons whose natural attraction organizes them into a mesh.

    The electro-gravity induced blackholes emit synchronous non-ionizing particles. You may be familiar with the image amplifying effect of laser light, the same would be true here. The first image is with the mesh over the blackhole and is oriented as if you were looking at the headlight of a car coming at you down the highway. One sees a ring trace because the particle source leaves the film interface before the blackhole has completed it life cycle. In the second image, one sees the mesh separated from the blackhole but in theory the image is only visible because of the image amplifying effect of the synchronous particle radiation.

    It is worth comparing glow discharge to contact glow discharge. Extensive reproducible and numerous reports of contact glow discharge are available in Masumoto's step to electronuclear collapse.

    The set-up is two nickel wires in a caustic solution of water. The cathode has much less area in the solution than the anode. When a voltage above about 50 V is applied, the anode vigorously evolves gas and the gas glows.

    Matsumoto used film emulsions positioned at a window to the cell to capture radiation traces. Matsumoto proposes that neutron escape the cold fusion reaction to the film. However, these "neutrons" are neutron stars which resulted from supernova in the contact glow discharge. These neutron stars then decay to electro-gravity induced blackholes. Hence, the traces are created not from ionizing radiation but from radiation sources (decaying blockholes) which produce numerous non-ionizing radiations from a point-source captured at the film interface.

    The same reason might be applied to "neutrons" from glow discharge experiments. So some confirmation via film emulsions would be useful.

    Energy fragment = photons .

    The point of Rout et al, Matsumoto's steps to electronuclear collapse and Perevozchikov et al is that various data suggest massive particles whose mass/energy is in a non-ionizing range but that will interact with film to develop it. That doesn't fit the concept of photons and it doesn't fit the standard model because neutrino and photons don't have mass in the standard model. Even accepting that neutrino do have mass, the consensus view is neutrinos won't develop film.

    It is called strange radiation because it doesn't fit in academic consensus boxes. THHuxleynew may not like this statement but there is enough data to say that strange radiation exists and therefore to discuss it.

    Strange radiation expands the particle problem since it has mass yet some of that mass will convert to energy.

    However it is incorrect to make statements of certainty (even I am sure quarks are not fundamental particles) on such a basis.

    I see you point of view, but I challenge that it is correct. For example, how would you feel about me stating quarks are likely not fundamental particles. The conversation really would not have been any different, would it?

    I am not being disrespectful of different theories - merely questioning your claim that a theory which (however it was disliked at first) has made a lot of correct predictions and held up well - can't be true. A very strong statement.

    That is not what I said. I accept quarks. I don't accept that they are fundamental. I am not even saying the standard model can't be true as far as it goes.

    You always consider any links or data I provide as speculative. If there is no basis by which you can accept data that you have never considered before, how can you reason with that data?

    The point of this particle problem is what is fundamental? Given things are quantum, they are composed of smaller parts and per conservation on the average 2 + 2 =4 etc. In "Theory of
    Space-time Impetus" Silverburg proposes energy fragments as the fundamental unit of everything. I think he proposes energy fragments rather that mass fragments to avoid quantum mechanics on the basis that abandoning particles for fields solves things. But does it really?

    Perhaps he ignores masses not in the standard model to avoid being told what data he can't consider because people with your viewpoint would consider that data speculative. Hence, there would be nothing to discuss.

    Why not?

    Since, you ask the question, I know you did not read the argument. But I suppose you think I have objection to quarks. I don't.

    Rather, my argument is that quarks must be composed of the lower energy particles that develops the images of Matsumoto.

    I then used Rout et al and Perevozchikov et al to show that strange radiation is like the particles that develop the images of Matsumoto. Finally, I refer to Theory of space time impetus and the organization of standard particles in family as suggestions of something more fundamental that the particles of standard model.

    You can believe what you want. But it is just that a belief, since the images of Matsumoto can't be explained by quarks being fundamental.

    Yes, I know nothing can prove anything to you. But I was hoping for reason. So, I admit that although there is doubt that quarks are fundamental, you can continue to argue that that is true, if it makes you more comfortable that discussing the possibility that quarks aren't fundamental.

    The journey of reductive science has spanned from our complex everyday world of biology to the more structured world of chemistry and then down to the even more structured world of physics. \

    This journey implies that increasing simplicity must lead to a base level from which everything arises.

    In the standard model the neutron is composed of quarks which are fundamental. This can't be true rather consider the images of radiation from cold fusion by Matsumoto. He found tracks from ionizing radiation but more interesting were images which he assumed were made from the disintegration of neutrons.

    The “neutrons” disintegrate into an exceptional substantial number of particles, each of these particles interact with the film to develop an image rather than a radiation trail. So, the particles that create the image are of low energy rather than ionizing radiation. The image results from one particle reaction at a time until the complete sequence of reactions develops the complete image.

    With the proposal that electrogravity creates blackholes (EGBH) and the proposal that the interface of a film emulsion creates an electric field that captures EGBHs and the proposal that EGBHs subsequently radiate particles to create a complex image, then one can provide interpretation of Matsumoto’s images. Modeling of blackholes by experts confirm that blackholes have polarity and blackholes do evaporate.

    First, EGBHs have polarity that is why the electric field at the interface of the film emulsion can capture them. EGBH become a particle source that create an image. If the source moves the image moves. The moving ring images are because EGBH are hopping or moving at the interface as proposed by Matsumoto. A particle would come out of an EGBH at the escape horizon and have a tangential escape path. This trajectory combined with polarization of the EGBH produces a ring image when the polarization of the film and the EGBH are in the same plane. When the film and EGBH polarizations are perpendicular, the image is a funnel. If the electric field of the film emulsion immobilizes the EGBH for its entire lifetime, the image is a multi-exposure of an ever-decreasing size of ring. That multi-exposure would be a black dot. But what are the particles that produce the image since they don’t seem to be light as expected for Hawking radiation?

    According to Rout et al radiations from cold fusion can fog film. Perevozchikov et al confirms these radiations will react with film. They say these radiations have mass. According to Perevozchikov et al these radiations will condense in a magnetic field in water to form dots, or chains or large torus shapes. Rout et al says these radiations do not conform to light or any form of known radiation. Rout observes the strange property that the radiation seems to diffuse through pores. These pores will block chemical diffusion and provide no path for light. Further, Rout indicates that magnetic fields deflect the cold fusion radiations. Further he indicates that electric fields can direct if not also collect these radiations. This directing effect is not polarity dependent.

    The implication is that cold fusion radiations are particles with an electric dipole that attract each other. Perevozchikov implies the smallest size for a film reactive particle (large enough cluster of quintessence to be electrochemically reactive) is about 5 eV based on its magnetic moment in water. These particles in a magnetic field of 0.4 Tesla and at 300o K have a magnetic moment of 1000 times the Bohr magnetron. The combination of these data implies that a quantum of from EGBHs is nearly balanced in north and south magnetic field and positive and negative electric fields, but these quanta may assemble to larger clusters.

    Consider that if a neutron disintegrates to mass rather than light, then there could be a universal particle from which everything else is composed, quintessence. Aristotle first proposed such a universal material and used the term quintessence. Recently, Larry Silverburg proposed a fundamental material from which everything could be composed which he called impetus in a “Theory of spacetime impetus.”

    Consider further, that the standard model is composed of particles in columns like the periodic table. That becomes reasonable if as implied by the data I summarized that particles of standard model are composed of something more fundamental and like the periodic table the more fundamental particles combine using some quantum rules.

    In my patent application, I proposed that only specific distances between metal atoms lead to NAE. Likewise, one can consider Miley's Patents US20130044847 and US2011/0005506. These like Storms report suggest specific distances leading to NAE.

    A waveguide is a receiver for electromagnetic energy. Dimensions within the waveguide determine the wavelength of light in resonance in the waveguide. The precise wavelengths required for NAE depends on quantum states. The absorbance of these wavelengths convert hydrogen to a form of hydrogen that accumulates in the waveguide, and which form of hydrogen has an interaction with hydrogen of same form such that an NAE is created. These states are defined such that if they decay the energies emitted are equal to n2(~13.58 eV) where n is quantum number. Unfortunately, nano synthesis methods are still lacking to forms commercially useful numbers of such specific wavelengths.

    Miley uses dislocations because the desired wavelength is slightly different from what is possible in a perfect crystal.

    (n.b. I think these Paul Brown posts are detracting from the LEC thread, and belong elsewhere)

    LEC is poor name for a device that via some radiation characterized by Rout et al causes an ion conductive flow in gas between two dissimilar metal which conduction create an EMF as defined by Faraday's law.

    Brown's device also creates an EMF very likely also by Faraday's law and via strange radiation. Speculation is okay in this forum.

    From 1992: https://www.sec.gov/news/digest/1992/dig100292.pdf

    The device in the Brown patent looks suspiciously like the Alfred Hubbard device from the 1920s

    Frogfall suspiciously gives us only a negative incomplete view. Here is an update to this story of shadow powers in play. Book Review: The Half-Life of a Nuclear Battery by Jeane Manning (infinite-energy.com)

    But the looks like a dead end. See below.

    PHILIP H. TALBERT II, LLC.. NORTH PALM BEACH, FL (bisprofiles.com)

    Frank & Harper have looked very carefully at nuclear batteries, and decided they are not the answer, in general they require to much radiation to produce really useful power.

    US patent 4835433 Apparatus for Direct Conversion of Radioactive Decay Energy to Electrical Energy. The claimed power output is just two paragraphs before the claims: " a continuous output of 23 amperes at 400 volts into a resistance load has been achieved."

    From sources who I know investigated this, they say the claims seemed to be real, but that Paul Brown had problems with getting a stable yield. Unfortunately, nothing more comes from this effort after Paul Brown dies.

    The point is that gas doesn't have stable ions so one doesn't expect electrochemical reactions with gas rather than salt solutions as the medium between the electrodes. However, when magnecules like SG gas are created they are stable ions. So, gas with stable ions becomes conductive.

    An electrochemical cell needs a slow carrier (ion conduction) and a fast carrier (electron circuit). How would a molten metal conduct ions?

    Well, i would say you and Ed are thinking that ionized species from the surface could be enough stable during their travel up to the opposite electrode ?

    i' m not a chemist, you know, so i try only an hypothesis by postulating, in this way, that excitation level of ionized species could be linked with the distance crossable ? Probably important..?

    Hypothesis: the strange radiation from LENR stabilizes ions and strange radiation is made by the method below.

    For example: see US20160361419A1 - Method of stabilizing compounds in water, water compositons thereby, and articles containging said water compositions - Google Patents

    See these quotes from above.

    "The aqueous fluid is placed in a reaction zone in the method of the invention. Overall, the method employs creation of a magnetic field in the aqueous fluid and periodic collapse of the magnetic field under conditions which do not provoke electrolysis of the aqueous fluid. Under these conditions, a single gas is generated and collected. This gas has desirable properties and is useful for applications.

    "What has now been discovered is that peroxides and chlorine dioxide (compounds) can be stabilized for long periods of time (years) by combining the compounds with water that has been infused with SG gas."

    Taking the concept to the extreme and to provide a test. Make S&G gas. Place a mixture of S&G gas and atmospheric gas between two electrodes. If the two electrodes can generate a current in a salt solution, then they are expected to generate a current in a gas solution of S&G gas and atmospheric gas.

    Here is a link for COP > 4 based on injection of the electrical energy of a capacitor into water.

    Production of fuel with COP above 1 (electric energy input/heat energy output) patent about to expire in 2021 - Page 7 - General LENR Talks - LENR Forum (lenr-forum.com)

    Perhaps we agree on a list of simple examples of LENR.

    It seems the best course of action would be to for forum members to submit and revise various versions of key discoveries or historical views of the progress of LENR. Alternatively, we could share various versions of research proposals and allow other to revise them. Honestly, if we cannot decide where LENR has come from or where it is going, we might as well just wait for Hot fusion which now claims it time has finally come.