Nowator Member
  • Member since Jun 5th 2020
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Posts by Nowator

    Это программа показывает структуру атомных ядер в Геометрической модели.…1JDdmXzP-a3fMCduKWsfSLiUR 3Y-mcthX0cNGLnraLrVf9.nSuvYbrZNonKawTH0gI9ccOzkclrvuCrfEkfHKBoLtYZOj2FczGZWoAJE2cuNZahEyk0MhzTT1ojMHwy2HrUTA

    В этой модели нейтрон на расстоянии, сравнимом с его размером, имеет слабый отрицательный потенциал. Возникновение ядра не является сплошным положительным зарядом, а местами очень даже отрицательным. И в этих случаях может протон в ЛЕНР встретится. Можно выбирать ядра с большим количеством таких мест. Например из Платины получать Золото и излишек энергии.

    Вот компьютерная программа для моделирования структуры ядра (под Windows )
    Посмотреть и скачать с Яндекс Диска

    Все ядра разделены связями между кластерами гелия.

    Цвет разделительных линий и цвет формул внизу слева совпадают.

    Программа основана на данных центра обработки данных фотоядерных экспериментов МГУ. Панель графиков показывает количество позиций для LENR, куда может присоединиться протон. Число указывает количество связей с нейтронами. Пожалуйста, высказывайте пожелания, комментарии. Насколько удобен интерфейс, функционал понятен.

    Whoever is destined to be hanged will not drown. Whoever is destined to leave Covid-19 will go to the best of all worlds in bliss and grace.

    Я прошу тех, кто желает получить Нобелевскую премию, помочь мне вывести формулу для точного расчета энергии связи в атомных ядрах от Z = 1 до Z = 160. Программа компьютерного моделирования структур атомных ядер - ( только для Windows).

    Однозначная корреляция графиков энергии связи и количества (протон-нейтронных) связей, а также влияние дисбаланса асимметричных ядер. Заметно влияние числа связей в нуклине, начиная с нуклидов водорода, энергии и стабильности нуклидов. (четное число связей дает больше энергии связи). Есть и другие видимые закономерности и мысли по этому поводу. Готовы обсудить это с заинтересованными специалистами. Тема энергии связи - белое пятно в современной физике. Во всем мире используется полуэмпирическая формула Вайцзекера. Решение этой проблемы - однозначный прорыв в ядерной физике,

    Буду благодарен за любые отзывы и комментарии по программе моделирования. Насколько удобен интерфейс, понятен ли функционал программы. Особое внимание уделю наличию кластеров He4 в ядрах и разноцветным линиям (для радиоактивных), по которым ядра разделяются на неравные фрагменты. [email protected]

    . Электрон своим магнитным полем линейно взаимодействует с магнитным полем своего протона, который «сидит» в ячейке атомного ядра ... Понятно?

    А вот про клетку, в которой сидит протон - это очень верно.

    here is a program for modeling the structure of atomic nuclei of all nuclides

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    The cube and dodecahedron have a vertex-edge ratio =2/3. Apparently, this causes the transformation of 0-dimensional disks of the surrounding space into 1-dimensional vectors representing an electric field. The sum of these vectors (the electric field) at any radius (the area of the sphere) is a constant. Therefore, the magnitude of the electric field is inversely proportional to the square of the distance. When a charged particle moves in space, these vectors unfold in an effort to maintain the direction to it. This rotation is the essence of the magnetic field. It is impossible to detect the carrier of the magnetic field, since the rotation of the vector cannot have one.

    The interaction of the charged particle creating these vectors (or rotating them) with the particle itself and other charged particles gives the entire spectrum of observed electric and magnetic phenomena and effects. It is enough to understand that a region of space that is under the influence of rotating effects from different moving charges will experience either a joint effect or a counter effect. And, accordingly, influence back on the speed of these charges. A simple example - in a coil with a current, there is a magnetic field in the form of rotating electric field vectors caused by the movement of charges along the winding.The termination current. And already rotating vectors transmit the energy of rotation to the charges in the winding causing induction.

    You complicate the topic of mass very much. If we assume that the mass and volume of elementary particles depend only on the size, then everything becomes simple. (If you forget about the stupid Compton wavelength). The simplest explanation of the essence of elementary particles - They all consist of some one matter with the same density (i.e., filling the volume with mass), which allows them to turn into each other in cosmology, is an axiom that gravity (the generation of mass) bends space. Let's look at this question in a different way - the Volume of mass bends space, and gravity-the appearance of forces acting on a material body located on the "slope" of the funnel of space distortion.

    By the way, the inertial mass essentially has the same nature - if the body is trying to "push" out of the funnel of its own gravitational distortion, it will try to roll back along its slope. And if space distortion is an established fact for planets, stars, and black holes, why is it denied to nuclei and elementary particles ?

    Compare the beginning of the table of elementary particles and the list of Plato's bodies-regular polyhedra. Proper rotations of a 3-dimensional space are exhausted by a list of Cn,Dn,C,and O. Y. the First two are sporadic groups, and the last three are groups of Plato bodies. And here you can consider this option: a photon is a tetrahedron (dual to itself) and an antiparticle to itself. Electron-cube, electron-neutrino-octahedron. The mu-meson is a dodecahedron, and the mu-neutrino is an icosahedron.

    The last two pairs are connected by duality, common symmetry (lepton charge), and polyhedra with a triangle face move at the speed of light. And if the volume of a cube (electron) with edge a=1 is V=1, then the volume of a dodecahedron with edge =3 is V=206.9. Almost exact hit to the Muon mass. The error is about 0.06%.

    When forced high motion of an elementary particle, it does not shrink, but rather "smears" across space along the trajectory of movement. This gives a total volume in discrete time greater than that of the particle at rest. This is what is called relativistic mass increase. The constancy of the speed of light is a consequence, first of all, of the discreteness of continuous space (this is no worse than the wave-particle duality) and of the constant transmission of the excited space as a particle with triangular faces to the neighboring discrete space.

    Breaking away from the electron (and carrying away part of its mass smeared in an orbit around the nucleus), the photon obeys only the space through which it propagates. If on the way there is a substance (consisting of atoms) that the photon does not have a straight path, but in places moves along the slopes of gravitational pits formed by the masses of atomic nuclei. Naturally, this path will be longer and we will notice a decrease in the speed of light in the substance. After leaving the substance, the photon again moves in a straight line, restoring the speed of light.

    And diffraction with interference-phenomena obtained by the passage of a photon near the edges of matter, falling in places into gravitational pits that bend its path and give a spread of further trajectories and their directions.

    A photo well from a distant star does not matter in which inertial system the object is considered to fall into. If stationary, then directly into it, and if moving, then into some part of it "smeared" along the trajectory.

    To understand what the program shows, read the two files that I specified above. There are the patterns I saw and an example of dividing U235 into fragments. An understanding of how the core is built is given by: 1-the Number of nuclear and electronic shells coincide. I left them with a single designation. If in the electron cloud an electron is attached to the shell" L "position " p3", then in the nucleus a proton-netron pair is attached to the same spatial position - to the shell" L "position"p3". The algorithm for filling shells with nucleon pairs (proton+neutron) can be seen if you click the ALGORITHM button. Neutrons in an amount greater than Z*2 are added using the same algorithm.

    Only first the places where the neutron will get a bond with three protons are filled, then the places where it will get two bonds, and then the rest with one bond. I called these places "Vacancies" and designated them as W1 W2 W3 W4. the Latter occur in neutron-deficient nuclei.

    I completely forgot - all graphs and images and data samples that they are built on can be saved. Images in the PICTURE folder. Drawnings - in the CHART folder, data in the DATA folder . Except for the centrifugal forces, which are not yet clear, they are inaccurate.

    Sorry my English-this is how Yandex translates

    You can help me. (We will get the Nobel prize together). Tell me how to calculate the centrifugal forces of an object consisting of nucleons located in the nodes of a three-dimensional orthogonal lattice and rotating with it around the z axis. How does the asymmetry of an object affect the centrifugal force ? Whether it causes precession and / or nutation. The nucleons are located in the lattice at a certain distance at the points of equilibrium of Coulomb forces. (we believe that near the neutron - has a small negative charge) How does the displacement of nucleons from equilibrium points affect the binding energy ? How to calculate the centrifugal force acting on the inner nucleon, given that it experiences a centrifugal force and associated nucleons, but located further from the axis of rotation than it. (Analogous to the rotation of a chain of connected balls). I don't know how to count it. All higher mathematics is long forgotten. I am retired and this is my hobby, but it gives interesting results.

    Certainly a very interesting theory of Mr. Dr. J. A. Wittenbach. When I read about toroidal structures, I immediately have a question-what are these structures made of ? There must be the existence of something very small that forms the walls of this torus. Moreover, the small size of these sub-sub-sub particles should form a continuous shape of the walls of these tori. What exactly are the currents in these trades ? What are the microparticles, and what charges to carry these currents and the magnetic field ?


    I consider the statement of the difference in the density of different particles to be complete nonsense. I understand that everything about the size of elementary particles depends on the Compton wavelength. There is one animated Soviet film about animals. They measured the length of a boa constrictor by elephants, monkeys, and parrots. As a result, it turned out that in parrots the boa is longer.The Compton wavelength is the wavelength of a gamma quantum with the same Energy as the mass of the particle. That is, we measure a non-relativistic three-dimensional particle (an elephant) by a one-dimensional parrot flying at the speed of light.... Absolute schizophrenia.

    The nuclear data center publishes only experimental data. There is no mystery. (It's hard for me to explain to a person if You haven't downloaded and opened the simulation program.) about the stability of helium nuclei : Start with Hydrogen. And note that isotopes with an even number of bonds have more energy. Now watch Be8. It has 8 nucleons with three bonds each. Be9-a neutron is added to position Js1 (Shell J position s1) and the distribution of nucleons by the number of bonds changes. Now nucleons with one bond - 1, with three-7 and one with four bonds. And this gives stability to Be9. Similarly with F19, adding a neutron to the Kp1 position increases the number of nucleons with an even number of bonds. And so it is for absolutely all nuclides. I pondered this fact for a long time. Since I am a communications engineer by basic education, I came up with the following mechanism as an assumption : a Nucleon is a three - dimensional cubic resonator with a natural frequency. The frequency value is related to the mass of the nucleon. The phase shift between adjacent faces is 120 or 240 degrees. Between opposites-180 degrees. The oscillation frequencies of the proton and neutron are slightly different, but when attached, they give a resonance at the third frequency located between them. Adding a neutron on the one hand shifts their frequencies to the resonant one. But maksimalnog the mass of each nucleon has its own frequency. A resonant shift in the frequency of the nucleon gives a reduced mass. And each nucleon attached to the nucleus, if it is attached and gives an odd connection, then it reduces the mass by a small value. And if an even bond is attached, the resonance is still shifted and gives a greater reduction in mass. The entire core is a large number of connected resonant circuits with a single frequency. With the addition of each neutron, or a change in its spatial position (for isomers), this frequency changes, determining the total decrease in mass, which is called for some reason the binding energy. Write me your email and I will send You the entire Geometric Theory in what state it is now (requires improvement). I will be glad if you become a co-author.

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    Nowator suggestion is to re-do your calculations with E = mc to the power n rather using a fixred exponent of 2! This then allows CF to occur. Plug values into Wyttenbach's SO (4) algorithm of reality and there you have all the theoretical answers you need! It's a multidimensional; universe after all!:):):)

    We live in a three-dimensional world. And it turns out that the binding energy values are perfectly correlated with the usual geometric characteristics of the atomic nucleus. And the division into unequal fragments actually occurs by inter-cluster connections. Read the two documents I provided above.

    I approach the problem of the atomic nucleus from a different angle. Just as any geometric construction can be described by a mathematical formula, so any mathematical formula or theory has a geometric meaning. You're asking about electromagnetic communications... I'm trying to figure out the resulting core design. I see patterns that explain the magic of nuclei and the division into fragments of different masses, the presence and location of clusters. Correlation of experimental data with geometric data. But I don't have anyone to talk to about it. I see an opportunity to get an accurate calculation of the binding energy better than weizsekker and for absolutely all nuclides. Read here -

    Official science believes that nuclear forces are very large. This is based on the fact that when a nucleon is incorporated into an atomic nucleus, it simultaneously loses part of its mass. And according to the formula E=mc^2, a very large energy is obtained. I'm waiting for physicists to awaken their knowledge of formal logic. The simultaneity of two physical processes in a limited area of space is certainly a NECESSARY condition for recognizing one process as the cause and the second as the effect. But this is not ENOUGH. To establish a cause-and-effect relationship, you need to know about its mechanism. As far as I know, there Is no such unambiguous understanding. Thus, both of these processes: the occurrence of holding forces and the loss of part of the mass can both be the result of the third, and possibly the fourth... We do not consider a flash of light and an acoustic shock during rain to be a cause and effect. They are both consequences of an electric discharge caused by the ionization of the atmosphere by the solar wind and the earth's magnetic field

    It is the same with nuclear forces. The occurrence of holding forces and the loss of part of the mass of the nucleon may have different reasons. It is quite acceptable to consider them separately. And here the first thought comes about Coulomb forces. Charges distributed in space may well lead to holding forces even for generally neutral structures. Example of a hydrogen atom H2. Just take and calculate the Coulomb forces by taking each Hydrogen atom as three charges. the positive charge of the proton in the center, and two half-negative ones on the radius of their shell of rotation along the interaction line. on the line, rear -1 / 2, center +1, front -1/2, and also for the second Hydrogen. You will be surprised but you will get a curve that is presented in all textbooks as a graph of nuclear forces. And here it is worth considering nucleons as a system with spatially separated charges. And we get the same graph for the Coulomb proton-neutron interaction.

    When you have read both documents, write me your opinion.