Rends Moderator - Germany
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  • from Germany
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Posts by Rends


    "Sometimes also called Low-Energy Nuclear Reaction technology, though it is not a “nuclear” reaction in the traditional sense."

    Are you sure? There are some speculations of theories out there, but it is not yet sure what we are dealing with, so from my point of view it is not appropriate to exclude a kind of nuclear reaction.

    And this leads me to the next point, a discussion about the shortcut LENR in general. Because, even if at the end, someone found out that it is not 'nuclear', the term - Low Energy Nuclear Reaction - (39500 Google Search Results) is much more common than - Low Energy Nanoscale Reaction - (17 Google Search Results) and therefore I would prefer, if all professionals use one identical term and this should be, from my point of view and several reasons, 'Low Energy Nuclear Reaction'. Even if someone found out that is not scientifically correct, 'nuclear' is in combination with energy very common and it makes clear about what scale of energy it is all about and last but not least it sound much better.

    And Michel Vandenberghe - LENR as a disruptive technology has of course the potential to disrupt the fossil energy business, but it will for several reasons not disrupt the market itself. In contradiction, the market in general will 'explode' in a positive and negative meaning, because of the massive impact that more or less 'free energy' will have on mankind.

    You can have a look at the digital revolution that is still developing. In not more than 25 years the world had completely change, global tele- and visual- communication is available for nearly everyone for very low prices with flat-rates worldwide. If you want to, you can phone or connect to the internet and communicate from every location of this planet, no matter where you are, or how fast you are.

    And what happened to the old existing telecommunication market? It bloomed, or better exploded, most of the old telecom company's still exists, but today's biggest globally acting company's are, beside the few energy giants, more or less it-device producing, telecommunication or internet company's, that even did not exist 30 years ago. Billions of people around the world work in this new sector that does not exist before and this is only possible because of the very cheap cost for communication on a global scale.
    As an earth citizen of today you can get a mobile device for a few dollars and sit somewhere at a lonely beach and make a free video call, when ever you want to, with a person on the other side of the planet, that is sitting on a mountain in the middle of nowhere; look back 25 years, people would have laughed you out if you had made such a prognosis in 1990.

    And the same will happen to the energy market! The old energy company will enter the LENR market extremely fast by buying licenses, because all of them are not just sell energy as fuel, they are selling 'energy products', infrastructure, devices and so on and they are ready to sell more and more of those products, but today are not able to sell more, because their costumer have to pay to much for fuel. Think about it, what will happen if their costumers will have a very cheap energy flat-rate!?

    I do not have much time at the moment for a debate, but I think this is, beside the technical debate on LENR, the most important issue that we have to discuss. What will happened to the world if energy is more or less for free? I think it will, after some struggles end in a kind of Gene Roddenberry Star Trek Scenario, because if energy is for free, we (the mankind) are able to do everything and one day we will leave this planet and explore the universe... and this will happen very fast.

    Greets Felix


    ... this news also covered here ...

    Homeland Security News Wire


    Small-scale nuclear fusion may be a new energy source

    Published 28 September 2015

    Nuclear fusion is a process whereby atomic nuclei melt together and release energy. Because of the low binding energy of the tiny atomic nuclei, energy can be released by combining two small nuclei with a heavier one. Fusion energy may soon be used in small-scale power stations. This means producing environmentally friendly heating and electricity at a low cost from fuel found in water. Both heating generators and generators for electricity could be developed within a few years, according to researchers.


    @ me356 THX again for this amazing experiment!

    ...if you have a look at the glow on 00:01 at 1200°C obviously something seriously happened... maybe this is the reaction we all waiting for and unfortunately the reactor chamber is not stable enough, or has a leak and therefor was not able to handle the LENR reaction.

    The Tesla battery heralds the beginning of the end for fossil fuels…-fossil-fuels-2015-5?IR=T

    I think this device in combination with an E-Cat, or equal reactor, a sterling engine and an electric engine would be very good solution not only for the single household, but also for individual mobility and if the house, an/or the car is not in use, they could decentralized be used as a prefect solution to stabilize the power grid.

    NETS-2015 Nuclear and Emerging Technologies for Space - Sponsored by ANS Aerospace Nuclear Science and Technology Division, Universities Space Research Association, NASA

    Progress in Development of an LENR Power Cell for Space
    George H Miley, Kyu-Jung Kim, Erik Ziehm, Tapan Patel and Bert Stunkard, Department of Nuclear, Plasma and Radiological Engineering, U of Illinois

    Abstract. Since originally reported at NETS 2013, considerable progress has been achieved in development of a revolutionary new nuclear power unit using [lexicon]Low Energy Nuclear Reactions[/lexicon] (LENRs). Test units now produce power densities equivalent to fission power plants, but work still needs to be done to insure the long lifetimes required for space applications. If successful, LENR reactors will allow small power units that could provide a vital new power supply for both space station power and propulsion. Due to the low energy of reactants, the compound nucleus formed in LENRs has little excess energy, thus the resulting breakout products are mainly channeled into stable or near-stable products, avoiding significant radioactivity or nuclear waste problems. Such a power source enables a tremendous advantage in energy density, lifetime, and tolerance to wide differences in environmental conditions (temperature, pressure).

    Page 166 -…06/NETS-Program-FINAL.pdf

    Titel: Vorrichtung und Verfahren zur Energieerzeugung
    Anmelder/Inhaber: Airbus Defence and Space GmbH, 85521, Ottobrunn, DE ; Airbus Operations GmbH, 21129, Hamburg, DE ; Astrium GmbH, 82024, Taufkirchen, DE
    Erfinder: Kotzias, Bernhard, Dr., 28717, Bremen, DE ; Schliwa, Ralf, 21739, Dollern, DE ; Toor, Jan van, 81739, München, DE
    Anmeldedatum: 17.09.2013
    Anmeldenummer: 102013110249
    Anmeldeland: DE
    Veröffentlichungsdatum: 19.03.2015

    Zum Bereitstellen einer umweltfreundlichen, für den Transportsektor geeignete Wärmeenergiequelle schafft die Erfindung eine Energieerzeugungsvorrichtung (10) zur Erzeugung von Wärmeenergie durch eine exotherme Reaktion in Form einer LENR durch Nutzung eines metallgitterunterstützten Wasserstoffprozesses, umfassend:; einen Reaktionsbehälter (14) mit einem reaktives LENR-Material (45) zur Durchführung der exothermen Reaktion enthaltenden Reaktionsraum (16), eine Felderzeugungseinrichtung (18) zur Erzeugung eines Feldes in dem Reaktionsraum (16) zum Aktivieren und/oder Aufrechterhalten der exothermen Reaktion, eine Wärmeübertragungseinrichtung (20) zur Übertragung von Wärme in den und/oder aus dem Reaktionsraum (16), eine Betriebsparametererfassungseinrichtung (28) zur Erfassung wenigstens eines Betriebsparameters in dem Reaktionsraum (16), und eine Steuerung (26), die dazu ausgebildet ist, die Felderzeugungseinrichtung (18) und/oder die Wärmeübertragungseinrichtung (20) in Abhängigkeit von dem erfassten Betriebsparameter zur Stabilisierung der exothermen Reaktion zu steuern oder zu regeln.

    Offenlegung Seite 1…uZERzYWc/view?usp=sharing

    Gesamtes Dokument als PDF…uVm42cVU/view?usp=sharing

    Deutsches Patent- und Markenamt

    Europäisches Patentamt - THE COLD FUSION RACE JUST HEATED UP


    The E-Cat, or Energy Catalyser, is an alleged cold fusion reactor invented by Andrea Rossi. While many researchers claim to have produced small quantities of excess heat using nickel and hydrogen, Rossi claims he can produce kilowatts and his technology is ready for industry. Rossi's claims are far-fetched, but the E-Cat refuses to go away. Now it appears to have been not only verified, but replicated. Should we start taking Rossi seriously?…rgy-advances-2015/viewall


    Der italienische Tüftler Andrea Rossi behauptet, er habe einen Mini-Fusionsreaktor entwickelt. Wissenschaftler prüften die Anlage - und waren beeindruckt. Doch viele Forscher halten Rossis Reaktor für einen Fake. Konnte er die Zweifel ausräumen?…derreaktor-a-1003850.html

    Ein erneut sehr kritischer Artikel mit den ewigen Betrugsvorwürfen, der sich einfach nicht mit den wissenschaftlichen Fakten und Messdaten beschäftigt, sondern lediglich die gleichen Kritiker zitiert, die ohnehin nicht überzeugt werden können und auch nicht überzeugt werden wollen!