bang99 Member
  • Member since Oct 11th 2014

Posts by bang99

    I am so happy, that I was able to watch this live in my lifetime!
    Finally catching the Booster! Starship splash down. (Explosion afterwards, but: Hey! That adds to the fun!)
    A complete uniterrupted live stream.

    I suspect even if Roaai had opened the box the nay sayers would still have found some way to holler scam My suggestion is he redo the test with a light and camera in the box.

    For decades, Il Dottore has received factual advice and recommendations from experts on how to design his tests in order to obtain 100% clear results.
    What do you think, why he has never done it properly?


    You mean the test has already been done

    at the race track?

    If so why would location have to be kept secret for security reasons?

    'cause nothing Il Dottore has done or said in the last 30 years makes sense or was just pure lies.

    I saw an article stating that this sunspot cluster was comparable to the one that caused the Carrington event, an that the past Geomag storm was indeed of that intensity, anyone has read something similar?

    AFIK: Last Event was G5 280 points
    Carrington-Event was G5 400 points

    Sourced from a German site.


    Heftiger geomagnetischer Sturm bricht Rekorde
    Der seit Freitag Abend wütende Magnetsturm ist der stärkste seit Jahrzehnten. Und er ist noch nicht vorbei.


    Magnetsturm am Wochenende: Die Infrastruktur hat den Härtetest bestanden
    Stromnetze und Satellitensysteme haben den heftigen Magnetsturm am Wochenende offenbar gut überstanden.

    And the order doesn't even matter...

    "He never planned to have the event in the first place. It was all a smokescreen from the very beginning."


    With every "Demo", we saw a decrease of equipment, overall layout, audiance, etc.
    Doral was the absolute highlight!

    So for me, it's not a surprise.
    Even the basics, two production EV-cars, one retrofitted with E-SCAM tech ... not in his "Budget".
    And think about the necessary peripheral equipment aspects.

    He is a One-Man-Show, there is no team!

    ... and who will be the "ERV" for this announced "demonstration"?
    It's important, as it was with the Doral incident.


    AR needs an "ERV" to weasel out again :)
    In case there are again some strange readings from "EXPANSIVE" instruments used.

    Andrea Rossi

    July 3, 2016 at 2:03 PM

    Frank Acland:


    a) The flowmeter used in the test is property of the ERV. The ERV has chosen that instrument based on his experience. It is, by the way, a very common flowmeter, that everybody can buy, even if it is quite expensive. The flowmeter has been certified and after the test the ERV has retrieved it and sent it to make a certification of its margin of error after the test of 1 year, specifically with a flow of water with the same temperature and the same flows of water that we had during the test, minimum, maximum, average. So the ERV told us he was going to do when he retrieved his flowmeter after the shut down of the plant at the end of the test.


    The ERV is a nuclear engineer, with experience of nuclear power plants and certification+validation of plants

    Warm Regards,


    AR a bit upset about a website that has been up and seemingly unchanged for about a decade…

    Yeah, Roger Green ....

    For decades now, this Australian guy is trying to make some money with slipstreaming Rossi's vapor tech. Nothing really new.

    If my memory serves me well, AR wanted to send his army of lawyers, to sue Roger Green to obivilion.

    That AR, with the usual capital letters is complaining now... Gosh, booooooring, really!

    Haven’t checked in for at least six months. Obviously I haven’t missed anything. And yes, still a “Rossi skeptic”, a unicorn skeptic, a Santa Claus skeptic….

    Nice to read you again.
    You missed nothing in the Rossi "case".

    Come back in October 2023, after the annouced big "E-Cat keeps an eletric powered car alive" event really happened.

    As usual with Il Dottore, you can not rely on anything.

    This is a suspected sockpuppet posting and answer:

    Sourcecode is "fine", but look at the writing style and the usual spacing for exclamation/question marks.
    In general, one time poster with a single female name in the past were sockpuppets. (e.g. Kelly)

    After talking about that here in LF, he changed behaviour. Now we got some more single name male sockpuppets.
    E.g. Like Tim, Hans and Yuri.
    And if he has got some script to "correct" his sockpuppet control error, it's getting even more difficult.