andrea.s Member
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  • Member since Oct 12th 2014
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Posts by andrea.s

    1 - [...] dryness of the outlet steam [...] a factor of six, at least.
    2 - [...] flowrate of the dosimetric pump [...] a factor of 2.5 of the thermal power produced.
    3 - The duration of the boiling period [...] a factor of 2 of the total energy [...]

    Congratulations Ascoli, I wasn't yet in the loop back then and hadn't studied this early test, but your summary is very telling.

    Actually it fits the scheme of "multiple redundancies" that Dewey mentioned a while ago.

    Even Lugano has two big measurement issues, one of which (electrical) may have been noticed and corrected early in the test but leaving traces.

    [note skeptics formatting self-applied]

    Have you ever seen a melt down so precise to transform a Delta to wye without destroying the resistors ?
    Have you ever been in a laboratory ? (as a Scientist)

    I am pleased to agree with you that the delta to wye is a quite crazy idea, I was only looking for a justification for the funny numbers in the Lugano report.
    I remind you: Joule heating on the connecting wires increasing by six times from dummy run to experiment run, but reactor consumption only increasing by two.
    This would be perfectly explained by one reversed clamp after reconnecting, but I don't insist down that path: the mistaken spectral emissivity suffices to explain the apparent COP without suspecting extra input power (which I think happened only temporarily, after which the Joule heating numbers and PCE830 plot were not corrected or replaced as they weren't significantly changing the conclusions).

    I lead an engineering lab since 16 years and worked in one for 26 years, as an engineer and not a scientist. Indeed resistors will break open most likely, but I never tried 3-phase on wound coils that close to each other.

    I welcome any alternative hypothesis that is consistent with the data supplied.

    One possibility I considered was that the testers initially ran the reactor too high (around 3kW), causing meltdown of the coils on a hotspot in the center of the dogbone (would need to largely exceed 1400°C). The triple coil would then collapse to a wye with two parallel resistors from each conductor C2 to the common virtual ground node, each roughly half the original 1.23 ohm, i.e. 0.62 ohm. Resulting power would however still be around 2 kW when adjusting the phase angle to provide a current (48mA rms) consistent with the Joule heating declared. This is too big an error vs. the declared 900W.

    I wonder what happened to the used reactors: wasn't there at least an inspection after the endurance test? one would want to run a Destructive Physical Analysis to assess what damage if any resulted from the life test.

    And I guess Dewey will tell us one day what the internal temperatures were.

    Has Lugano ever been reviewed by an expert in the calorimetry used in the report?
    Randombit0 claims that experience and she tells us that lugano test is done by the book.

    Randombit0 is most likely expert in the mistaken calorimetry used in the report, to the point that one wonders whether she designed herself the experiment. She fails to understand, or at least won't admit, that the camera is a narrow-band sensor (an octave roughly), and that the spectral emissivity weighted average over its range of detection will only match the total emissivity for a perfectly grey body, which alumina is not. Dewey mentions a IH team which I know nothing about, but the error was clearly proven experimentally by MFMP in a live broadcast.

    The French Quatre-Quart cake is a version of the British Pound cake, the ingredients and IP were misappropriated during the Napoleonic wars...

    Frank don't get me started now... a French colleague at the canteen in Rome said potato gnocchi is a French specialty as they were first introduced in Nice.
    Sure, as if Nice were French before Napoleon..

    They have a recipe. I have one for Quatre-Quart cake, but it does not produce heat.

    Alain would you mind sharing your zero-calorie Quatre-Quart cake IP? Summer is almost here and those love-handles won't go away.

    Look at the answer to Mr Karels.
    This is at least very strange.
    Can or can´t it be in SSM mode.

    What about his exchange with Tom Conover.

    Tom Conover
    June 15, 2016 at 3:38 PM
    Dear Andrea,
    [...] Does the 0.5 Wh/h drive power still need 240v three phase power to run the QuarkX?
    Thank you,

    Andrea Rossi
    June 15, 2016 at 3:48 PM
    Tom Conover:
    [...] Answer: yes.
    Warm Regards,

    Three phase to provide half a watt ? To absorb the 10 watt back? In a big blue box with undiscloseable content covered by "trade secret"?

    @Dewey: thank you for sharing the info and taking the time to reply.

    Paradigmnoia: I don't buy the wye to delta change, not an intentional one at least There is only one reactor described, first used ad a dummy, then loaded with charge and operated. The Lugano report states "After 23 hours’ operation, the dummy reactor was switched off and disconnected from the power cables, to allow for one of the caps to be opened and the powder to be inserted". To drastically change the setup connection and not to declare it, seems too "unscientific".
    P.S.: Nice calculator, thanks!

    Kanthal A1.. so much for the three-fold drop in resistance: It actually increases by 5%.
    You say "tightly twisted into a pair". Do you mean that each of the three phases were a twisted pair?
    Can you confirm it was a three phase delta connection?

    Andrea S - would you care to share some additional color on your link and the pictures? What are you claiming this link demonstrates?

    Hi Dewey, the link just proves that a flowmeter as visible in the photo posted by Walker

    "Did IH's motion to dismiss ruin them?"

    next to the white reservoir, is misplaced and can lead to a large overestimate of the inflowing water.

    Now this is not a photo officially depicting a test whose protocol is known to me nor to my GSVIT friends.

    But if COP computation of that Ecat container is based on the amount of inflowing water that is vaporized, one may want to check this.

    Re: flowmeters
    My house (minus parts of the roof where there is no plumbing) is entirely below the level of the city water meter.
    I guess I should test it.

    Water from the public aqueduct likely has enough pressure to keep the pipe full whatever number of taps you open.
    The same cannot be sure for a small pump sucking water from a bucket.
    If the pipe is half full, water may still turn the palettes and the flowmeter may indicate twice as much water.

    IH will release the "ERV" when the timing works best for IH.

    One thing I always wondered, how much money did IH or its shareholders spend in technical consultancy before throwing their 11.5M$ in the trash bin? Whatever amount it was, it adds to the loss.

    I as almost everybody was initially intrigued by, and cautiously optimistic about Rossi as long as I had metadata only to rely on, but it took few hours to realise the claims were totally BS as soon as I analysed the technical details. And many others had before me. Had IH's shareholders listened to the critics, they could have avoided this mess: and it was a consultancy for free. I am always surprised by Dewey's evident lack of awareness of the vast amount of very solid refutations of all Rossi's public demos, scattered over the Internet.

    Now IH has an opportunity for saving, at least on technical consultancy (since lawyer fees must be huge). Just publish the ERV report: it will be ripped to shreds in a matter of seconds, all for free!

    Some of Thomas' conclusions were highly unscientific and driven either by his personal claim or by spin. His conclusion about Lugano (COP) can be refuted by many ways. But this wouln't help anybody because Lugano was a political show event and not a real test.

    Wyttenbach can you expand on at least one way of refuting Thomas's conclusions about the Lugano test?

    Do you think there was excess heat unexplainable by conventional physics, or do you think it was "a political show" with no excess heat and no transmutations ?

    If this is true, then Ascoli65's model breaks down, because it requires an insulator or air gap between the hot core and the water. How certain are we that the core components are bolted to the outside metal box without an insulator or air gap in-between?

    All it would take is to use a few ceramic insulators on the bottom of the core.
    By the way there is electricity fed into the core, at 220VAC, so its casing has to be waterproof (if not airtight) and the core electrically insulated. Electrical insulatIon most of the time goes with thermal insulation.

    Urban Eriksson wrote "the inlet TC of the secondary seems to be rather constant throughout the test, while you (if I got it right) assume that the outlet TC is affected by the leaking heat from the heat exchanger. What is the explanation for that?"

    The outlet of the heat exchanger secondary goes to a piece of tubing that is a single block with the primary steam inlet at 120°C. To place the thermocouple on this block although on the outlet poses serious doubts. Check the last frames of the video on ny teknik. It should nave been placed at some distance, e.g. on a brass junction after few cm of rubber hose. Note on the contrary how carefully far from the exchanger is the secondary inlet TC.