AlainCo Tech-watcher, admin
  • Male
  • from Villejuif
  • Member since Feb 9th 2014

Posts by AlainCo

    I got some more answers on their current work in progress

    Quote from David Daggett

    It is a NiH system. Presently, our focus is on testing for repeatability of the positive results that we’ve seen. Before making anything public, we want to make very sure of our test results and so are in discussions with respected neutral 3rd parties to have at least one of them validate the results.

    Rossi would say F9. :D

    I've recently reconnected with @David.Daggett of Phonon Energy.
    He made a presentation at the SAE AeroTech 2015 Congress & Exhibition

    Here are : SAE_LENR.pdf

    Phonon Energy has developed a LENR technology of their own, with promising results. You can see the test rig in the last slide in the presentation.

    Because SAE AeroTech is aviation focused, the presentation is oriented towards an aerospace application. However, Phonon Energy is working to improve their LENR technology that can be used to satisfy practically any heat need.

    In the context of Mutual Assured Delusion, that I call the consensus by terror there is a well known quote

    Quote from Allan Bullock

    "No one understood better than Stalin that the true object of propaganda is neither to convince nor even to persuade, but to produce a uniform pattern of public utterance in which the first trace of unorthodox thought immediately reveals itself as a jarring dissonance."

    This helps to explain how the jokes, insults, despite the frauds and lack of arguments, the opposing data, the violation of ethics and rules, are so efficients to maintain a pathological consensus.

    Note that there is such subject that now, I don't even correct my daughter of 5 when she repeat the propaganda, by fear to cause her problems. I have heard retire professor saying they refused to propose studies to young students by fear to cause them trouble. That is when consensus is enforced by terror. Biberian explained how CEA flee of the domain despite good results by feed of "unnobelizability" of the lab. Miles despite his good work, as McKubre has to flee, and Bockris even filed a complain for harassment after 3 negative inquiries.

    From Franck Ackland asking Mitchel Swartz

    “They discussed background, history, problems with the technologies, role of D and He4, and development of CF/LANR worldwide. About 70 people there, very attentive, knowledgeable and interested. Peter and Lou did a great effort and service to this community.”

    :hi: But note that the same day there was a LENR presentation at SAE International.
    I'll say more soon. :ninja:

    I corrected the link which was bad (space in it)

    For the context, Wikipedia provide good entry information on groupthink ,and especially the criteria :

    Roland Bénabou publish a new paper on his site.
    I often refer to him about groupthink theory, as he propose a model of Mutual Assured Delusion.

    His new paper is "The Economics of Motivated Beliefs" 1.pdf

    It seems to be linked to Leif Holmid claims of muons emissions.
    Not Hot Fusion ! :lenr:


    In a collaboration between researchers at the University of Gothenburg and the University of Iceland, a new type of nuclear fusion process is studied. It gives almost no neutrons but instead fast heavy electrons (muons) because it is based on nuclear reactions in the ultra-dense heavy hydrogen (deuterium).

    - This is a big advantage compared to other fusion processes that are under development at other research facilities, as the neutrons from such processes can produce dangerous radiation damage, says Leif Holmlid, professor emeritus at the University of Gothenburg.


    Si j'interprète correctement votre déclaration vous pensez à des modèles dérivés, alors je suis en désaccord. J'ai une dalle de graphite pyrolytique qui lévite au dessus d'un aimant puissant et prévoyait un moyen de propulsion à haute vitesse. Cela a été empêchée de se développer. Il y a une censure qui contrôle ce que les modèles sont autorisés à se développer. Je ne suis d'accord qui est vous êtes un membre de la cognoscente alors votre déclaration est exacte.

    You are right that there is a problem today to develop science with no, or not "theoretical" enough theory. This is an age of dogmatism.

    Vous avez raison qu'il y a aujourd'hui un problème pour dévelope des sciences sans théorie, ou avec une théorie "pas assez théorique". Nous sommes à un age de dogmatisme.

    Sur les écologistes je suis partagé, car on y trouve autant de gens dynamiques et inventifs, que des rétrogrades technophobes.
    La vision que l'on est est biaisée par les média catastrophiste et les besoins de financement des associations sur fond de vente de peurs.
    La pensée même des gens inventifs est biaisée par ce fait, et je vois des cyclistes bricoleurs aller vers le rétrograde plutot que le progrès, alors que le tempérament bricoleur va naturellement vers l'innovation.

    Si la fin du monde est retardé "sine die" a cause de la fusion froide LENR, je soupçonne que beaucoup d'écologistes déprimés et passéistes vont frémir de technophilie comme un fan de Star Trek.

    Sur la théorie, depuis les années 50 nous avons pris la mauvaise habitue d'avoir des theories "up-front" plutot que phénoménologique.
    Si la théorie de la fusion froide se fait attendre comme celle de la supracconductivité froide (BCS) puis chaude, cela n'empêchera pas de développer des modèles phénoménologiques valables dans des domaines restreints mais utiles.

    Avec de l'argent, on obtiendra ces modèles d'ingénieurs, pratiques mais pas très esthétiques.

    I just found that Nationa Instrument course on PID Control…engineering/controls/pid/…engineering/controls/pid/[/url]]
    Teaching PID Control

    Proportional integral derivative (PID) is a common algorithm used in control system design and taught in most controls courses. Using PID control requires a deep understanding of mathematical theory as well as experience designing and creating PID control systems. Learn how students can begin bridging the connection from theory to practice through experiential learning so that they can use PID control in their own control system designs.

    may be useful for beginners, and even maybe for knowledgeable implementors.

    Enseignement du Contrôle PID

    L'algorithme Proportionnelle Intégrale Dérivée (PID) est l'un des plus couramment utilisés pour la conception de systèmes de contrôle et est enseigné dans la plupart des cours sur le contrôle/commande. L'utilisation du contrôle PID nécessite une compréhension approfondie de la théorie mathématique, ainsi que de l'expérience en conception et création de systèmes de contrôle PID. Découvrez comment les étudiants peuvent commencer à établir un lien entre la théorie et la pratique par le biais de l'apprentissage expérientiel, ce qui leur permet d'incorporer le contrôle PID à leurs propres conceptions de systèmes de contrôle.…gineering/controls/pid/f/

    la version anglaise…engineering/controls/pid/…s-are-investing-cleantech…rashheniya-elementov.html


    Запретные превращения элементов

    В науке есть свои запретные темы, свои табу. Сегодня мало кто из ученых осмелится заниматься исследованием биополей, сверхмалых доз, структуры воды… Области сложные, мутные, трудно поддающиеся. Здесь легко потерять репутацию, прослыв лжеученым, а уж о получении гранта говорить не приходится. В науке нельзя и опасно выходить за рамки общепринятых представлений, покушаться на догмы. Но именно усилия смельчаков, готовых быть не такими, как все, порой прокладывают новые дороги в познании.

    H bomb is not LENR but hot fusion, triggered by an ultrafast detonator, a fission bomb.

    The LENR explosions observed does not look like the extreme chain reaction of fission bomb, even if there is huge energy produced. the rate seems like intense chemical reaction, and only the quantity of energy compared to the fuel seems abnormal.

    Anyway, we don't have a theory and maybe someone can trigger the reaction perfectly synchronous on a huge mass of reactant and catalyst (NiH or other).
    It will be huge bomb, in small volume, but not a radioactive one.
    The size may be a blackswan (very small), but the need of synchronous control will normally ask for very high technology, thus states.

    Maybe I'm too optimistic, but it should not be worse than a super TNT... anyway if a super TNT can erase a city that is a problem.
    Noàte that an army of drone can dump 10tons bombs the same way USA B52 did on Le Havre or Dresden, or put it on fire like Kobe.

    from a strategic point of view, the ability to kill the president, the HQ, the spiritual leader, of the opponents is more important than erasing a city. Drone can change the face of the warfare.

    imagine Terminator-like drones, not humanoid but as stubborn and patients as Terminator...
    There will be good reason for leaders to be "polite" with their enemies.
    This was done by nuclear bomb, but drone can be more chirurgical in their deterrence.