jimimo Member
  • Member since Oct 20th 2014
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Posts by jimimo

    In a former life I have been working for more than 15 years with italian engineers in the IT field.

    It was my task to offer solutions in the german market.

    They were superior in design and innovation sometimes, but always weak in realisation.

    To admid failure was always a nearly impossible task for the most. When things went wrong there alway was a next, new product around the corner. It is a deja vue for me, I think there is kind of mentatily playing a role.
    This is rassism in the view of some diluted political correctness fans, but what the heck....

    Wenn die Perspektiven einmal klar werden, wird man erwarten können, dass in 10 Jahren jegliche zentrale Energieerzeugung obsolet wird.
    Stromtrassen werden weniger benötigt, Planungen umgeworfen, Kabelproduzenten geraten in Bedrängnis.
    Die Bahn kann wieder autark fahrende Lokomotiven haben, neue Bahntrassen können auf Oberleitungen verzichten. Jede geplante Investition muß unter diesem Aspekt betrachtet werden.
    Bauen wir das Kraftwerk zu Ende? Bestellen wir bei Airbus noch Kerosinschleudern? Entwickeln wir weiter Benzinmotoren mit noch teuereren Schadstoffvermeidungstechniken. Kaufen wir teuere herkömmliche E-Autos mit noch teureren Akkus darin oder warten wir ab, fahren mit dem billiger werdenden Sprit erstmal den alten Kfz-Bestand "auf"?

    Alle, die am Bau mit Dämmung und Energiesparen beschäftigt sind dürfen umdenken. Bauvorschriften können gelockert werden.
    Jedes per LENR erzeugte kW macht die verbleibenden fossilen Energieträger billiger, solange der Markt nicht fiskalisch gegengesteuert wird.


    The Impossible Fact
    Palmstroem, old, an aimless rover,
    walking in the wrong direction
    at a busy intersection
    is run over.

    "How," he says, his life restoring
    and with pluck his death ignoring,
    "can an accident like this
    ever happen? What's amiss?

    "Did the state administration
    fail in motor transportation?
    Did police ignore the need
    for reducing driving speed?

    "Isn't there a prohibition,
    barring motorized transmission
    of the living to the dead?
    Was the driver right who sped ... ?"

    Tightly swathed in dampened tissues
    he explores the legal issues,
    and it soon is clear as air:
    Cars were not permitted there!

    And he comes to the conclusion:
    His mishap was an illusion,
    for, he reasons pointedly,
    that which must not, can not be.

    Christian Morgenstern, english by Max Knight

    Since the end of the test, again an enormous amount of posts in the related forums have been released. Needless typing of millions of letters. Now we oracle about the pre annoncement from [lexicon]IH[/lexicon].

    It make me lough when i read about calometry, QoSteam etc. while there is a management summary in the making which will compare cost in $ before the e-cat to cost in $ with the e-cat. Simple as it is.

    There may have been a falling out, [lexicon]IH[/lexicon] disapproved how Rossi ran this test, or even that the early results didn't look promising, jumped ship, and [lexicon]IH[/lexicon] went to their next best tech...BE.

    Following the last year's comment on the JONP, this seems possible, because if A.R. at some point never again emphasized to be the CHIEF SCIENTIST of [lexicon]IH[/lexicon], but the CEO of Leonardo.

    I hope,that the reason was only the poor stability of the 250 kW cats. This very reason forced Rossi to stay in the container for the whole year, which many of us found to be silly.

    Mary Yougo and his Pseudonyms are spamming each and every LERN Forum around the planet.

    If You would be able to count the lines, the types, even if copy & pasted, these are more than 1 Million in 3 Years, You woud come to the conclusion, that there must be some handycapped person whith more than 12 hours per day free for vomiting his endless bullshit into all of the forums concérnd.

    Please ignore and ban him/her/it we don*t need the most silly here!!

    We heard from the JONP that peer review was ongoing for month.
    But there is doubt wether the paper failed peer review in the end
    or reviewers refused to touch the hot cat from the beginning.

    Therefore my short question is:

    "Has happend peer review at all?"

    If you are willing to tell more about this topic, pls. feel free to do so!