Zephir_AWT Member
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  • Member since Oct 21st 2014
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Posts by Zephir_AWT


    Rossi is a fraud now. Perhaps he was not in the past. As I have said about a hundred times, there is some evidence that some of Rossi's experiments work. It is not out of the question. Other people have reported success with similar materials and techniques.

    But why Rossi should cheat, if he has working technology in hands? And why IH shouldn't cheat, if it wants so badly?


    So I am not interested in all kinds of discussions about hypothesises that have no empiric evidence in relation to LENR. Sorry.

    Because you aren't aware this evidence it doesn't mean, that such an evidence doesn't exist. The experimental motivation/confirmation for the above theory is rather straightforward and it follows the recent experiments consisting of shooting of deuterons into a surface of molten lithium, during which the huge evolution of heat and stream of alpha particles gets generated - i.e. the classical fusion Li6 + D —> 2He4 + 22.4 MeV apparently runs there...

    What makes these experiments spectacular isn't just the fact, that the accelerating voltage bellow 4 kV is able to initiate the cold fusion in high yield, because the calculations show, that due to halo character of deuterium nuclei the activation energy of deuterium fusion (~ 2 MeV) can be effectively lowered to few hundreds kVolts. But what is really fascinating is the observation, that the fusion runs only in very narrow range of temperature few dozen degrees above melting point of lithium (which would indeed make the practical utilization of such reaction a bit problematic).

    Which is really something: we can control the nuclear reaction releasing 20 MeV just be temperature changes in few milielectronvolt regime.

    Who would think of that?!

    Note also that the above experiment doesn't utilize any solid phase complexities: metal lattice, nanocracks, plasmons and polarons, magnetic field, Boson condensates and superconductivity and literally all stuffs which for example AxilAxil based his speculations on - so it's very purist from perspective of LENR theory development. We only have deuterons, vacuum and pure molten lithium and the cold fusion still runs here - so that everything is as simple as possible.


    A team in ukraine (Savrasov,Prokopenko,Andreev) reproduced CR39 experiment popularized by SPAWAR (in fact it is a child of GALILEO project) There have succes and failures

    According the article this replication was rather crude (without galvanostat you cannot achieve the exact deposition of palladium layer by layer).

    Szpak also did use magnetic field in his cells probably for good reasons... Also Hagelstein talks about magnetic domains in palladium by now.



    If LENR is a result of magnetic interaction with the nucleus, then the LENR reaction should behave very much like the way that the nuclear magnetic resonance reaction (NMR) behaves.

    Which is why I linked the Meyer's and Vallée's generators here: the magnetic field increases precession of atom nuclei and their sensitivity to EM waves increases. It also shifts the resonance frequency down toward spectrum of thermal phonon fluctuations. Note that LENR occasionally generates magnetic field and EM signal by its very own, so that this process must be reversible. The question is, how much of energy generated really results from LENR (including the beta decay/capture) and how much the negentropic processes could participate on it. BTW Are you still convinced, that Defkalion "had nothing"?

    But please consider my words, get a bit more human.

    Try not to be human so much instead - just keep the subject and everything will be OK automatically.


    Lov tu dívku dolů a vysílání její pic na svých webových stránkách a podrobí ji do svého posměchu bylo špatné

    You have absolutely no idea what you're talking about - try to look at the source, you're trying to cite first. The reason for my banning from /r/Physics was fabricated after coup, which overthrew the former moderator - now the same situation repeats there again, btw. This community becomes turbulent, because of increasing pressure of new findings, which cannot be ignored so easily.


    I do not have time to discuss your thoughtful post above for now but would like to later today

    Apparently that de Broglie–Bohm theory wasn't of greatest importance for you there...

    For example the observation of so-called Hungarian boson is the example of such attenuated entanglement. It still applies to pair of particles, but one of them (boron-8 nuclei) is on the verge of its decay. It's composed of two alpha particles held together at distance with meson mediated forces so it has rod-like shape like the dumbbell. Along axis of this dumbbell the shielding Yukawa force gets enhanced both toward strength, both distance and it manifest itself with increasing tendency to symmetric decays.

    The entanglement attenuated with collinear arrangement of atom nuclei plays an important role during cold fusion, which I believe runs via low-dimensional collisions. It glues and helds atom nuclei together after their impact in the state of the boson condensate like the colossal Casimir force. But it has many other effects: being a concentrated pilot wave it serves as a waveguide for resulting particles and gamma rays and keeps them along connection line of atoms, where they can be absorbed and thermalized most effectively. And it also decreases Coulomb barrier and it dissolves the resulting energy of fusion into a larger volume, so that the energy dissipation doesn't run from single pin-point place - but from rod-like volume area of crystal lattice of much larger effective surface.

    When I alter the properties of A, the conservation of energy alters “automatically” the properties of B in an opposite way. That’s entanglement.

    OK, but WHY the properties get balanced between pair of entangled particles A and B - and not between A and C or B and C, providing that the C is the third particle, just not entangled with these previous ones A and B? At the quantum scale the entanglement is not automatic state, which establishes between all pairs of particles automatically. Instead if it, it's quite fragile state and it has tendency to spontaneous breakup, which is called the decoherence. What happens during establishing of entanglement and during decoherence? What the collapse of wave function means and how it applies to this scenario?


    I don’t know much about the absorption coefficient of neutrons and gamma rays but I think that I understand entanglement

    If yes, how the entanglement arises?


    The most characteristic property of spacetime (or quantum fields) is the absence of anti-spacetime (or anti quantum fields). So there is no existence of anti-energy (anti-quanta). So there is symmetry in the universe and we can describe it as flat spacetime or flat quantum fields.

    I don't think you understand the entanglement, because of violation of simple logic in the above sentence: the absence of antienergy implies symmetry? In dense aether model the entanglement is manifestation of negative energy instead. While the positive energy is mediated with transverse waves of vacuum, the omnipresent ZPE and quantum noise indicates, the vacuum is filled with longitudinal waves too. The shielding of these waves at distance results into well known gravity field and curved space-time around massive bodies: because the longitudinal waves are missing around massive bodies, the excess of transverse waves manifest itself as a positive energy field, it slows down light and it dilates time there.

    But at the proximity the shielding is reversed, because the transverse waves propagate in much lower speed through vacuum than these longitudinal ones. It results into well known Casimir field. The shielding of virtual photons leads into relative excess of scalar waves and negative energy field there. In manifest itself with contraction of time and with increasing of light speed there (Scharnhorst effect). This is what the symmetry of Universe means in dense aether model and the resulting Casimir force is the macroscopic case of entanglement.

    But the things will get even more interesting once we decrease number of dimensions, for example at the case of collinear massive bodies. In this case the Casimir field will get pronouncedly elongated character of dark matter filaments and the intensity of the shielding and force increases significantly. The problem is, the massive bodies are nearly hollow object composed of pinpoint particles, so it's difficult to achieve exactly collinear arrangement. But at the scale of atom nuclei it's already not so great problem and the shielding force is called Yukawa force there (instead of Casimir force, but its principle is similar).

    For practical stimulation of lattice vibration the single wavelength may not be so important - but the fractal combinations of various frequencies and amplitudes (you may visit AxilAxil's thread in this matter).

    The physical background of this aspect is in fact, the nondispersion-less soliton can be generated by combination of multiple well balanced frequencies and amplitudes (wave train) into a single but intensive rogue wave i.e. the soliton. After initiating the fusion the resulting EM impulse gets decomposed into wave train again, because just this particular combination of frequencies and wavelengths propagates with least scattering. We can therefore observe the wave trains during tsunamis and tidal bores, because they can propagate at the largest distance against flow of rivers.



    “How can electromagnetic stimulation “force” locked hydrogen atoms to increase their boundary so the Coulomb force will decrease.”

    This question leads into particular interpretations of cold fusion, for example the Frank Znidarsiac theory, in which the electron orbitals around atoms behave like the elastic droplets resonating under mutually interfering longitudinal and transverse waves (1, 2, 3,...).
    His predictions of resonance frequency are in good agreement with 80 GHz observed at ENEA lab. Once the electron orbitals get entangled, then the frequency goes down because multiple orbitals undulate like the single body. Under this situation multiple electrons get arranged along single line, so that they represent an effective shielding of Coulomb force for protons embedded.



    glow discharge LENR and observation of collimated 1.5keV X-rays

    If the LENR results from low-dimensional collisions, then the resulting gamma or X-rays should always get collimated in smaller or larger extent. My understanding is, the Hagelstein/Karabut observed this behavior in this foils, where the random aspects of lattice domain orientation get suppressed. Another point can be, the ions get implanted beneath surface of metal in oriented way, because the field accelerating them is always perpendicular to the surface of metal, which would lead into their stacking within metal lattice. The plasma implantation is also very effective way of oversaturation of metal lattice with ions, which would lead into population inversion of excited nuclear states. From this reason I consider the glow-discharge plasma in Me356 style as the most effective and reliable way of LENR initiation, way more effective than equilibrial hydrogenation. The formation of such jets can serve as an evidence of "lasering", i.e. the presence of avalanche-like propagation of nuclear reaction, once the resulting radiation initiates another nuclear reactions waiting in its path. In bulk metals like the palladium the formation of pits and hot spots at the surface can serve as an evidence of such avalanche-like breakdown of LENR.


    Entanglement is at the fundamental heart of LENR

    It's consequence of the more deeper underlying mechanism of LENR. We can always raise the question, why/how the atoms/atom nuclei get entangled during cold fusion and not under another normal situations? Just after when we couldn't raise such a questions, we could call our answers fundamental - but not before.


    The only problem I have with him, is his chasing Axil around, I have been reading Zephir's ideas for years. He should defend it.

    My problem with Axil is his postmodern superficial attitude oriented to quantity instead of quality. Once I'll handle Axil as a semi-random generator of links, I've no problem just with him (but for example Alan Co is much better with it and he still doesn't load his links with pile of biased speculations). Just the fact that Axil links the information about aether concept from Nature journal (which is superconservative mainstream science journal and the world "aether" was never allowed to appeared in it) speaks for something.

    While I'm also proponent of aether model, this model has been very mishandled with many aetherists in the past, only Oliver Lodge has understood it correctly in its purist and geometrical way. The most close understanding of the dense aether model is the interior of dense stars: the superfluid and empty from intrinsic perspective, the infinitely hot dense and heavy from extrinsic one. For me it's just emergent space-time concept free of any other attributes. It's not sparse gas, superfluid or whatever else particular phase.

    The pilot wave theory has its direct counterpart to water surface analogies of quantum mechanics, but at the case of EMDrive I'm not very sure that A) the pilot wave model has something to tell about it. B) it really applies just to microwave photons within EMDrive. The very basis of pilot wave theory is the assumption, the particles are inert pin-point objects, the carrier of quantum aspects of their behavior is in pilot wave theory about them. In this aspect it differs from Copenhagen interpretation, which considers whole particle as its pilot wave. But in dense aether model these two interpretations get blended for lightweight particles like the photons and just for microwave photons their particle-like pilot wave character is the least pronounced from all wavelengths, because such a photons cannot be distinguished well from CMBR photon background.

    The mindless application of pilot wave theory can be therefore misleading just at the case of EMDrive. It's also important to realize, that prof. Louis de Broglie wasn't himself conservative proponent of pilot wave model, which he considered it simplistic. He coined the Double solution theory instead, because he really understood, what the quantum mechanics is about. Therefore he was not only one step ahead of mainstream physics (which now just reinvents the pilot wave theory again), but two steps instead and even after pilot wave theory acceptation the physicists can still learn something new from him.


    Microwave ovens aren't supposed to make gold from beer bottles, either.

    I also read about it - but the fact, inventors still collect the money for support of their research serves as a little warning for me. If they can produce up to 400oz of pure gold from 1 ton of empty beer bottles, why they don't smelt at least fifty kilos of them? They wouldn't need to ask for any money anymore. Melting glass in microwave oven is easy and you can even buy some kit for it - so where the problem is..?


    Unfortunately the available literature sources about absence of pink unicorns at Mars are still very sparse - you cannot cite them as an evidence of this absence. But why to adhere on surface waves, once the water is elastic and it mediates longitudinal waves as well? And why to adhere on bubbles, once the water contains some clusters? Why to invent the stuffs, which we actually don't have to?

    the low energy fusion dispatches all the surplus energy with the help of one stream of quanta. Unfortunately, we don’t know.

    How the absorption coefficient of neutrons and gamma ray will differ, if they would be emanated EXACTLY along line of atom nuclei within crystal lattice? How it would differ, if these atom nuclei will get entangled at least partially?


    SPP can amplify EMF by a factor of 10^9

    This mechanism must be able to amplify the energy at the energy scales both 5.10E-8 eV (radiowaves) both 1 eV (heat waves). Surface plasmons cannot apply to Kanzius process, because there are 1) no surfaces 2) no freely movable electrons (surface plasmons apply to metals) 3) energy of microwaves is too low (surface plasmon absorbtion applies to the ultraviolet spectrum, only few metals (gold, copper) absorb with plasmons in visible range).