Michel Vandenberghe Verified User
  • Male
  • from Paris - Bretagne ( entreprise à Neuchatel)
  • Member since Mar 15th 2014
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Posts by Michel Vandenberghe

    "Of course companies reveal major and senior officers. They have to by law, at least in the US" .... IF then else ....

    Rules in the US and in EU are very different regarding disclosure of information, in France in particular. Moreover, in large corporations, most organizations are based on a matrix-type management model which make people to report to different management units (administrative, functional, operational, central/local).

    Reminder : In large corporations, Any communication (internal and external) is strongly controlled ( "hello" to the robot which is going to analyze this sentense :)
    see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corporate_communication

    At lenr-cities we have a focus on this topic. Which 'market' business model and solution architecture are required to enable a massive and fast adoption of lenr? We think at LENR-Cities that even the concept of reactor will not make sense (old way of thinking) and that the transition will not even be driven by the energy sector. But it is also a unique opportunity for the energy sector to smoothly manage their own transition. Only a massive trasition can save them...

    Defkalion is dead and not even the wildest optimist expects them to be resurrected. Rossi is an obvious fraud, even if you don't consider his extensive and varied criminal history. Brillouin is an open question. As far as I know, they have not had independent testing. McKubre is not an independent tester and not a credible tester. Let me know when a national lab or major university approves Brillouin's claims.

    Why anyone will let you know anything before it is done and when i will be done, will you still ask who has approved what? Before to be done, it is not done and then, you are right. After you will not ask anymore the question. Then you are still right. Nothing to prove, then it is true. Easy job :)

    1. What do you think about some journalists?
    2. Some people can earn money in any case; increasing or decreasing, high or low prices. Then it is about politics.
    3. About the last 2 months, during conferences at Toulouse and then in Russia, many presentations about replications.
    4. Because when the duration of a project is over 20 years, one can get some vacation. More seriously, it is a matter of leadership.
    5. Because we are working a lot.

    1. There are two kind of scientific proofs. The one which describes how it works. It can be used as a foundation for applications. The second one which shows that our knowledge is not enough to understand some facts. Work about the first category is in progress and issue is more to explain all the different explanations (as usual as it is transdisciplanary - standard case for any major innovation). About the second category of proof it is done. The problem is that in this case, most people prefer to live with something true excluding disruptive facts.
    2. Www and same pace. This is what is required for LENR and a way to do that is to have a business model attractive enough to make it happen (with a move from a centralized capital intensive model to a decentralized consumer driven model).
    3. Part of a well thought plan. No, we are proposing this kind of plan.

    3 years ago when we have decided if our plan would be to set up a startup to develop some LENR technology and to work on solutions to manage the impact of LENR. We decided to work on the second option, which requires to be deeply connected with people working on the technology itself.

    Some comments about your post.

    0. Scientific proofs of LENR are done. This is not the problem.
    1. Telecoms/internet :) Please investigate... Do some work about Nortel, Lucent and Alcatel for Instance. Same for IT and the evolution of proprietary systems with WWW.
    2. In most large entreprises there're people AWARE of LENR in particular in the automotive, aerospace, energy, defense and many others. for instance, we have talked with a company which produces cement.
    3. All large enterprises are ALREADY waiting a simple proof. The expected proof is to see some major actors to engage but in way to not kill the market, which requires to agree on a business model which address this issue.

    As usual two models will compete. Set the value in the network or set the value in the end-points. What is at stake today is the economy itself.

    We are working on a BUSINESS MODEL to fuel the transition and dissemination of LENR in a way which reduce risks for ALL players. Please read what we are writing. Analyze what you write and think about risks factors and how one can address these risks. We are working on that since 3 years.

    Thank you.

    Hi Jon,

    Agree. In some way, you can think we want to develop with innovative industrialists a kind a industry association but 2.0 format. our problem is to get funding to do that !

    In Switzerland, we have done some initial work with the Swiss Engineering Association (150.000 engineers) and have published an article in their own news paper. Objective is to make them aware of LENR and share with them some insights about impacts on industries including requirements to align capabilities from standards to installation and maintenance... (2 people in our team have a strong background in Industry). We are also very focus on education. and we are doing some initial work with several universities in Europe to develop an LENR cursus for Engineers and PHD. We have an unique value proposal for scientists.

    In Japan has its own national project, India, Brazil has no capabilities but we know since Two years that some people are working to develop some, China just obvious, US have a huge capability to accelerate with required.

    In Europe, we are late, I will say as usual !

    Open to ALL industrialists which are not waiting to be disrupted ! We need to find allies to engage in this wide project and our project has been designed to be implemented but by a set of actors, and LENR-Cities is only one of these actors.


    @Mary. Before you even get to that, you have to be able to show that high power LENR is real. Who do you think has done that? Certainly not Rossi or Defkalion or Brillouin unless you are gullible and have a very low threshold for belief.null

    May be Rossi or Deflkalion or Brillouin unless you are very well informed and have a very high high level for belief. Opinion is opinion and vice versa.

    Couple of questions: Is LENR-Cities privy to the performance, or veracity of the Ecat, or any other near market LENR products? How will your organization help navigate those looming regulatory obstacles LENR products nearing market entry will most likely encounter?

    LENR-Cites business is about the technology, i.e how LENR works in order to engineer solutions and make sure they are using safe technology (in order to get industrialists to invest massively). Then there's a requirement to certify LENR nano materials (and their usage). If any regulator can prove there's no risk without this knowledge, it is out of the scope of LENR-Cities business.
    Note: And it make sense to consider there's many way to trigger LENR effects.

    You are right Felix. If we are able to make LENR to be adopted by the market using the same Internet pattern it will work! It is what we say. Our point is that LENR technology itself does not impose such adoption pattern and in order to do that one needs to build a business model with two characteristics: Force a viral Open adoption model and provide a competitive advantage to be adopted by all the players as the market is developing itself.

    ABout Nuclear: It is obvious that LENR trigger nuclear reaction but as an effect. Nuclear today means, it is impossible because triggering nuclear reactions without verifying some conditions of nuclear reactions... hum... Using "nanoscale" is to point out that organization change not only the properties of the matter but can change the matter itself which makes sense as matter has a sub organization. use Nuclear if you want people to be afraid by something which has not the same effects as Nuclear as it is known today.

    HI Tyy, yes. I've a simple question for you. Implementing LENR is a global challenge. Right? The problem is that economy is a system which works with parameter with certain limits and it applies to innovation. At LENR-Cities even at Oxford, The airbus chief scientist had made an interesting mathematical presentation about this.

    Global challenges and disruptive innovation have both massive impact of the society. In both case, nobody is leading and nobody can the leader (Even if some people forget that any viable evolution process has no center) Disruptive innovation leverages the force of economical logic to change the economy itself and LENR is a unique opportunity to address some global challenges.

    Let's build a tool to get anybody participating in solving a global challenge... You firs, may be?