Shane D. Administrator
  • Male
  • from Pensacola Beach, Fl.
  • Member since Jan 26th 2015
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Posts by Shane D.

    Interestingly, the patent was abandoned. No date on when. But as of 5 months ago it was being appealed by IH. Not sure if authors Murray, and Morris abandoned their patent, and then IH decided to intervene to save it?

    The appeals letter Ahlfors provided states "Ex parte Julie Moris and Joesph Murray". As I understand it, that means IH and the USPTO are dealing with each other, and the 2 authors (applicants/appellants) are not involved in the appeals process.

    And the appeals letter also states: "Appellant identifies IH IP Holdings as the real party in interest" which I believe means Murray/Morris identified IH as the real party in interest.

    Putting it together, it sounds like Murray/Morris abandoned their efforts to have their patent granted. IH was still interested in pursuing it however (must have funded the research), and is now appealing directly to the USPTO. Does that sound plausible?

    A side note; Murray/Morris have also been funded by Team Google on other research.

    Let us keep on track. This thread has been a refreshing break from the non-LENR discussions, so let us not spoil it. Yes, there was a personality clash, as we have had before.That is to be expected, and frankly IMO, it is to our credit we have not had more.

    Lately, moderating has become boring to me, mainly because there is so little conflict...let us keep it that way.

    Marathon Systems patent granted. Has this been presented here? Also. Is this the correct thread to post this on?

    This is the place Gregory. Surprised we missed this, if as say your search did not return a hit. These patents are hard to keep track of on a forum like this. It can become buried, and we too often find ourselves talking about something we already talked about.

    Rob Woudenberg started a thread recently to try and address this problem. Hopefully new patent applications, and those granted, will from now on be reported there.

    So can the management explain why the Covid-19 thread was closed so that there can be thousands of posts on the subject in the Playground? Is this supposed to convince anyone that the subject is not the most active one in the forum?

    To bury it out of view. Talk of Rossi, and the COVID thread are what we are most often told distracts us from our main goal of promoting LENR. Some claim they do not join, or participate, specifically because of that. On the other hand, we have many like yourself who want to talk about Rossi....and others COVID

    So we settled on a happy middle ground. For those who want to find Rossi, they know where to dig. Those against, can't complain if they find where those discussions are.

    Maybe an idea for our moderators (even if it’s the Playground here) to get rid of this boring posting style: install an analytic linguistic protection mode that automatically removes all sentences that are related to W‘s boring distinct Nazi language use… not so much would be left 😁

    And a recommendation for narcissistic children who are lacking basic skills in proper language use in Online Forums….

    Fascism started in Italy, and spread through Europe...including Germany (Nazi's), so it is a general term not targeting one country the way W used it in that post.

    Not long ago when it seemed every other post included "Nazi's" in some way or another, I asked that we give the German's a break (we have many German members/2 staffers), and spread the pain around to other countries/civilizations and use their dark past for analogy. Spread the pain so to speak. That seemed to work...for awhile at least.

    Carl Pages Anthropocene Institute, which recently launched the mentioned above, put together a very nice end of the year review:

    500: We've Run Into An Issue | Mailchimp

    Surprised, but thankful to see their emphasis on traditional nuclear. IMO, shunning nuclear was regrettable. Anthropocene are still big supporters and proponents of LENR of course, and make many mention of it in the newsletter, but it is always good to be pragmatic...just in case, and have a Plan B.

    Discussed here RE: What is the current state of LENR?

    Carl Pages Anthropocene Institute, which recently launched the mentioned above, put together a very nice end of the year review:

    500: We've Run Into An Issue | Mailchimp

    Surprised, but thankful to see their emphasis on traditional nuclear. IMO, shunning nuclear was regrettable. Anthropocene are still big supporters and proponents of LENR of course, and make many mention of it in the newsletter, but it is always good to be pragmatic...just in case, and have a Plan B.

    Plenty of sites carry these 'one side of the fence or the other' conversations. This one seems particularly toxic to me and off topic... LENR Forum No?

    Anyone else agree?

    Yes it is, but it acts like a pressure relief valve for our members, so that when they leave here for the other threads, they focus on the science, not their hostilities. Or at least, I think it works that way.

    Shutting this thread is just trying to sweep the past under a rug

    I see it more as putting the bad past behind us, and refocusing on the developments that really matter to LENR. Infinite Energy (Marriane Marcy) did the same thing in an editorial after the Rossi/IH court filings became public record.

    Rossi wasted 11 years of our time. It was fun until Doral, then became painfully pathetic after that. He is an old, boring man now, and out of rabbits to pull from his hat. Time for him to retire and save his fans from wasting what time they have left on this planet, and time now for us to retire him from LF.

    Your LF staff have decided to shut down all discussion related to Rossi at the stroke of midnight London time, on 1/1/2022. If new (positive) developments occur after that, we will consider reopening.

    We truly regret having to do this, but the demo was of such low scientific value, that we could not in good conscious allow the discussion to continue.

    If you disagree with this decision, please speak up, and state your reasoning before the deadline.

    Over Two Billion dollars!

    Serious business, NASA!l

    I missed that in your link? Saw the ~$2 million awarded in the competition.

    The BAH entry concept included a cold fusion reactor to power the habitat and construction process. Booz Allen Hamilton has been watching the "cold fusion ecosphere" for as long as any of us.

    Could you either provide a link, or expand on this more?


    Gerold sent me the official statement:: Appendix 20 Information to NFE shareholders december 2021.pdf

    NFE Chairman of the Board has been indisposed due to cancer surgery and have reduced

    working capacity

    • NFE has received two large claims against the company:

    • An immediate closing of a loan from Professor Leif Holmlid of NOK 122’ from

    February 2020.

    • A claim for SEK 388’ from The University of Gothenburg related to significant parts of

    the lab equipment belonging to The University of Gothenburg, not returned from

    NFE as requested and agreed. The documented claim has not been disputed or

    answered by the resources borrowing and using the equipment on behalf of NFE.

    • Closing of rental agreement by Norrønt AS for lab room at Slemmestad.

    Judgment day: Sweden vindicated
    Austria, one of the most repressive European countries during the coronavirus pandemic, has recently overtaken Sweden in terms of total covid mortality,…

    Yes, Sweden again. This time in comparison to Austria, and how each has done against COVID. Sweden with it's relatively laissez faire policy, and Austria with it's more oppressive approach.

    In all sincerity, I feel sorry for the Rossi fans. They deserved so much more than this after their years of loyalty. The least he could have done to reward them was a semi-professional demo, and maybe some proof he has a real team, customer, or something... anything other than what he gave them.

    The buildup took almost a year! Rossi teased endlessly, knowing full well there would be nothing come demo day. Very cruel IMO. Reminds me of his many comments going back to 2010, saying he would donate most of his profits to help children with cancer.

    It will be painful to watch as the remaining fans (Sam in particular) regroup, convince themselves "next year is when it will happen", and come next Christmas nothing...yet again.

    Happy holidays to all, except for that "Grinch who stole Christmas".

    Read the Executive Summary. Very nice job by Grant Draper putting it together. Thanks go to the Anthropocene Institute for funding this.

    Thanks for passing this along Thomas. Good to see Dr. Kowalski left a library for posterity. Last week, David Nygren, Alan S, Ruby and myself were discussing whether there is sufficient record of all that has happened in LENR, other than in Rothwell's LENR-CANR library.

    We decided there is, but it is scattered all over the place.