Nigel Appleton Member
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  • Member since Apr 2nd 2015
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Posts by Nigel Appleton

    This brouhaha has had one good effect - it has greatly reduced the probability of good time and money being wasted on future con-artists. No-one will in future (I hope!) will enter into a multimillion dollar investment without there being good, solid evidence that what they are investing in actually works as claimed. The bar for "GOOD, SOLID" has been greatly raised in this field.At a minimum, it should involve independent replication of the claimed effect without the "inventor" being hands-on in such efforts.

    I don't think the presentation of QuarkX will be done by a third-party (if this is what you mean for "close observation"). Rossi will present the new reactor to the public and, whenever possible, he will sell it. Users will told us whether it works or not.

    I don't believe anyone will buy anything from Signor Rossi in the future without cast-iron proof that it works as claimed

    Would you? - in fact would you buy ANY heating device from ANYBODY without a guarantee? If so, your money deserves a better home than with you!

    And if the Quackex works, how better to publicise it than to have credible 3rd-party verification?

    More unsupported negative speculation from the get Rossi crowd. Rossi has stated he will demonstrate the E-Cat QX this year. He has always kept his word on doing demonstrations in the past.

    Do you favor the consensus based, multi-billion dollar, "proper" R&D of hot fusion? The BBC points out that the hot fusion demo has been pushed back to 2054.

    Or is it that you are clueless about how long it takes to develop a new technology?

    It may indeed be that Signor Rossi demonstrates something this year.

    If so, it will be interesting to see whether or not it will be open to close observation and whether it will involve some sort of control run. No one in their right minds will accept claimed positive results if there is no contemporaneous control; lacking, say, some necessary fuel component, but otherwise treated exactly the same as the properly fuelled item.

    Standard scientific practice. Would anyone here accept a positive result in the absence of such a control?

    Ay,'s going to be a long 3-4 years. :) Like going back to 2011 and starting all over, but this time knowing how it will end. Only difference is a name: 1MW then, QX now.

    Still do not understand why the 1MW is obsolete now.

    No - nor has anyone else a coherent explanation. I don't expect any explanation from any of Rossi's "clients" who he says now prefer to wait for the Quackex; simply because no such people exist. IIRC, he admitted in deposition that he had no clients or customers for the ecat.

    It would be interesting to see, from a Rossi supporter, some cogent reason why anyone who may have had a need for 1MW of cheap heat would now prefer to wait for a barrel of 50,000 20 watt Quackexes

    For me, the only real interest remaining in this saga is to see:

    a) on the one hand, the amount of crow eaten by one side if either or both of the ecat and the Quark X come on the market and actually work in accordance with claims made. (I shall be a big crow-consumer if this is the case!)

    b) on the other hand, the inventiveness of the excuses made by the other side as the years pile up and the above fails to happen.

    That is not to say that LENR may not have some commercially viable instantiation in the future. But IMO it will be skilled scientists and engineers that will bring it off. Not Rossi, who is neither

    I'm afraid all you'll get out of Signor Rossi in the future is the anodyne answers like " still getting closer to Sigma 5" on his pseudojournal blog.


    What the Rossi case proves about Woodford is that they don't properly vet and investigate sizable new investments, even in very controversial areas and even when there is considerable, credible, high quality negative information on the internet with regard to the investment. Can they still make money? Sure. But I'd avoid investing in them because their methodology is so piss poor.

    Sure, they made a mistake. But Woodford and his homies are smart cookies, and I can hope they have learnt from it. I've certainly never lost money investing in Woodford-managed vehicles.

    Follow the money...

    Winners: lawyers

    Losers: Woodford shareholders

    As it happens, my stake in Woodford Patient Capital trust took a sudden uptick in value at about the time the settlement was announced. I only wish all my investments had performed as well over that timescale (I was clever lucky enough to buy at about the lowest price it's ever been)

    My take is that there will be a number of shareholders heaving sighs of relief that it's all over, and even topping up because the trust is selling at a 4.5% discount to its asset value; and the future of the trust is in no way dependent on the worth or lack of worth of the ecat. Woodford's chaps always said that the investment was for the generality of potentially disruptive energy technologies - not just for Rossi's box of tricks

    But IH/Smith did not take those photos. They were never allowed into that area. Those photos (11 & 12) were brought in as exhibits by Rossi's own legal team. Rossi claimed in his deposition that they were the result of a conspiracy between employees of the State of Florida (who visited (as they were bound to do) after a false report of possible dangerous radiation being produced) and IH.

    Yeah, right

    At which point, the sound of his his legal team's collective head-desking must have been deafening

    I can't speak for Dewey, but I would be prepared to put put either or both hands on a stack of holy scriptures of any and all varieties and assert that to the best of my belief and knowledge, and taking into account all relevant and credible evidence and data, Signor Rossi never generated a single watt of excess energy over and above the wattage he put into whatever Rube Goldbergish collection of junk he'd dreamed up (and whatever chemical energy was in the fairy sprinkles in the "fuel"

    So help me ----- (insert ID of whatever deity or deities most appropriate)

    Sifferkol, are you really suggesting that Signor Rossi has not told lies?

    If so, I wouldn't mind a few pints of whatever you're drinking, or a good toke at whatever you're smoking! Seriously psychoactive stuff, whatever it is.

    You don't see because you don't want to see.

    Ooooh! I live in Europe - I really really would like to buy an e-Cat (I know a business park that could use the heat) or a bucket of QuarkXs for domestic use. (Working, of course)

    Can you, with your superior vision, tell me where in Europe Rossi's IP is being used to enable this?


    Those good old days.....

    May 25th last year, I sent this to Rossi

    Dear Dr Rossi

    Some time ago, I believe you mentioned having received an order for more 1MW e-cat reactors. If memory serves, you mentioned a delivery time of ~180 days.

    Is this order still in existence, and are the reactors being manufactured?


    Nigel Appleton

    The very same day, I got this in reply

    Dear Mr Appleton:

    The order is on course.

    Warm Regards,


    Something seems to have gone wrong!:/:/:/

    Spoken as a true peanut-gallery worker, who has never run a business, or created a single job or product; if so, you would know that every business deals with these hoards of bureaucrats and paperwork that police every aspect of one's business, waiting to find some technical violation of paperwork or whatever, to fine the business and justify their existence--they are, in fact impossible to avoid at one time or another. In fact, I would wager that in addition to never running a business, or ever creating a job or product, you all are probably one of these public dole bureaucrats (or similar). But, everyone knows that you are simply grasping at straws to somehow draw some moral-equivalence to all of Rossi's dubious behavior and claims--keep jousting at them ecats, quarkxxxx's and invisible heat-exchangers.

    Whoah there!

    In my many years owning business and creating jobs, I have generally found that a) many of the regulations are necessary to protect the public, the consumer, and the workers from predatory and negligent practices; and b) that the vast majority of the bureaucrats responsible for administering those regulations are helpful and constructive when you are trying to keep up with the paperwork. The LAST thing they want to do is to sit on your shoulder waiting for you to make a mistake - that would mean more work for them.