Mark Jurich Member
  • Member since Jul 30th 2015

Posts by Mark Jurich

    Hi Jeff:

    Because of the reaction issues (amongst other reasons), MFMP has gone to a rather thicker steel metallic capsule to contain the solid part of the fuel (see the GlowStick 5 Run). The higher temp reaction/breakdowns of LAH[:Li] can get rather complicated, and I am sure that others will comment about this in further detail. It is believed that Rossi has/had used a metallic containment system for the fuel, and Parkhomov used a Stainless Steel Sleeve to facilitate transferring fuel to the heating tubes, but it may have also aided in protecting the tube for a period of time.

    I think you are probably aware of most of this, but I thought I would hash over it as a starting point in this discussion. MFMP hasn't loaded additional Li yet, but that may happen soon. This is when the thicker metallic capsule will really be tested against additional Li. Since Gas Exchange is promoted via the MFMP capsule design, there is really nothing preventing liquid phase fuel from escaping the capsule, just slowing that eventual process down.

    ... If you have some better design ideas on a containment system, I am sure all of us would like to hear!

    Hi Sveinn:

    Would it be possible to get a pre-print/link to Reference 35 of your co-authored paper with Leif, entitled "Muon detection studied by pulse-height energy analysis: Novel converter arrangements", published in Review of Scientific Instruments, which is:

    L. Holmlid, "Decay of charged nuclear particles at 13 and 26 ns formed by laser-induced processes in ultra-dense hydrogen," Ann. Phys. (submitted). ?

    Do you know how long it will be until it is online as an "Articles in Press"?

    Thank you so much.