Nigel Appleton Member
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  • Member since Apr 2nd 2015
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Posts by Nigel Appleton

    Thomas Clarke is right again about the Woodford Funds investments. They were always a gamble. The vast majority of investments are gambles. There MIGHT be a comeback if Woodford Funds could show deliberate premeditated fraud; otherwise, none. If, say, the Patient Capital Fund investment in IH became completely valueless, it is only ~2% of that fund. Fund values can rise or fall more than that in a single day, for any reason or none.

    Interesting times to come. There's a court case pending: if it does actually get to court, much information will be revealed. Elsewhere on this forum, the scientist/engineer known as me365 is claiming some fairly startling results. No doubt there will be others.

    I think Thomas Clarke makes very good points.

    I am no expert on the emissivity of hot alumina; but I have not seen any rebuttal of his remarks about the probability of a big mistake being made about it in the Lugano test. Nor have the Lugano testers been able to replicate any excess heat.

    That needs to be addressed by anyone hoping to rely on the Lugano result

    Add to that the seemingly contrarian refusal by Rossi to follow better scientific practice (simultaneous dummy reactors, multiple measurement methods for any parameter...): and the few "successful" replications - all open to doubt - and one can see where he's at and why.

    As for the hoohah around Ecat patents - I think it quite possible that none are valid as to the actual LENR process, because insufficient disclosure has been to allow facile practice. We shall see - maybe.

    Good work, jeff, albeit the results are negative for excess heat.

    I have long thought that if LENR were as simple as heating NI, Li, and H2, we would all be basking in LENR-heated luxury by now. But no - the suggestion of "internal structure" in the Lugano cell, the (apparent) lack of replications of replications (although I should not be altogether surprised if the dead hands of the Russian and Chinese state apparati were operating here) all suggest to me that there are a lot of things we don't know we don't know besides those we know we don't know.

    Let's face it, without a viable theory for LENR, we are relying rather a lot on serendipity and hunch. No reason to stop, though!

    I believe "paraffin oil" is simply one of several mineral oils, but in this case straight chain n-alkanes of a certain size range (I see C15 to C40, but I suspect that is a bit wide. Mineral oil or high purity is readily had by buying pharmaceutical grade from a pharmacy or big box store. The only problem is that the mineral oil (and even paraffin oil) might not be strictly anhydrous. If you have access to metallic sodium, that is a good test for dryness (should be no bubbles of liberated H2, no build up of soaps or salts indicating other non-alkane comstituents). I would pay close attention to your ultimate application, you may well want no trace of oily hydrocarbons in say a powder or other application related to LENR. It may be best to buy a small tank of Ar while you are at the welding shop, keep those packets under Ar, open them in a glove box under Ar etc.

    When I need to keep hydrocarbon liquids anhydrous, I place a generous amount of molecular sieve in the container, and mix it up periodically - but of course alumina is a good water absorber too! - and probably readily available to LENR experimenters. I've seen 5% w/v recommended.