LENR under Nonassociative Quantum Mechanics.

  • Quote

    Physicists investigate unusual form of quantum mechanics


    "Nonassociative quantum mechanics (NQM) has been of mathematical interest for some time (and has recently shown up in certain models of String Theory), but it has been impossible to obtain a physical understanding,"

    The rabbit hole that is LENR might have gotten a lot deeper. A new field of study may now have revealed itself. LENR may not follow the rules of standard quantum mechanics; it might be described by a new form of quantum mechanics called nonassociative quantum mechanics. In this new breed of QM, the uncertainty principle is expanded to include many variables simultaneously. Both momentum and position could all be squeezed as a method of amplification. But it doesn't stop there, quantum uncertainty can take on N variables. In such a world, it is impossible to know what would happen in states where NQM ruled.

    NQM is currently under study in string theory, a field that we may be required to go to understand LENR. LENR may help the string theorist understand what sting theory really means physically.

    LENR is a candidate for NQM application since its causation might involve monopole magnetic particles. The Surface Plasmon Polariton (SPP)is such a particle.

    The SPP will be a future tool of research into NQM.


    "Fundamental monopoles are hypothetical, but there has recently been much research on constructing condensed matter systems consisting of quasi-particles which have properties similar to monopoles," said coauthor Suddhasattwa Brahma. "In this setting, our new predictions may well be testable. Our equations have to be analyzed in more detail in order to see what should happen in the presence of magnetic fields realized in this context, and how strong the new effects would then be. This process may take a few years, but not much longer.

    A condensed matter systems consisting of quasi-particles which have properties similar to monopoles is what a LENR system is.

    As LENR theorists, now once again we are faced with some new and obscure esoteric field to understand. When will we hit the bottom of the endless LENR rabbit hole?

    Edited 4 times, last by axil ().

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