OEL Member
  • Member since Mar 12th 2015
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Posts by OEL

    Actually "the bell" had nothing to do with time travel, it was used for production of fissionable material for bombs. The mercury whirling at high velocity may have caused interesting relativistic effects as reported by people working on the breeder.

    Thank you for the responses. Now I'm beginning to understand the underlying reasons for Dr. Rossi's popularity. It's unfortunate that these events have had a negative effect on the popularity of hydrogen fusion as an energy source. A form of nickel as a catalyst will cause hydrogen to fuse and basically produce only gamma radiation. The catalyst functions without undergoing any chemical change, transmutation is proton to helium based.

    Sorry that you won't consider the RAGOEL approach. Would be important to reproduce my fusion results.

    I've worked with lithium aluminum hydride and consider it far more dangerous than bottled hydrogen as a gas source. It's extremely sensitive to combustion and also a serious health hazard. It is very important in organic synthesis but questionable as a hydrogen source in this experiment.

    The reactor gas through the RAGOEL is flowing at atmospheric pressure and a water bubbler controls any backflow of oxygen introduction into the reactor. Not much effort required to place the experiment well into the comfort zone. OK this is all true until fusion initiates. Then if lucky only equipment melt down results.

    "These chemicals uses as fuel are not fundamental to LENR, it is what these fuels produce that results in LENR. Those more fundamental elements are nanoparticles of the proper sizes and aggregations comprised of elements and/or chemical compounds."

    Two forms of catalytic activity are present in nanoscale hydrogen fusion when a nickel catalyst is used. Both are transmutations related to proton to helium and nickel isotopic transmutations. A means of producing a molecular beam for injection of the high amu's into the RGA ionizer must be devised for the high amu analysis. I've measured both with a modified RGA.

    "The key to getting LENR to work is to generate nanoparticles. Rydberg matter is best."

    Yes, the key is submicron particles. But why go this tortuous route? Submicron particles of nickelous oxide are easily produced and fuse hydrogen at H2 dissociation temperature.

    "In their experiment, the physicists forced deuterium gas into a cell containing a mixture of palladium and zirconium oxide, which absorbed the deuterium to produce a dense "pynco" deuterium. In this dense state, the deuterium nuclei from different atoms were so close together that they fused to produce helium nuclei."

    I've forced hydrogen gas into a dense state by interaction with nickelous oxide at 830 C. Excess heat was produced without change of the green NiO catalyst.