Jack Cole Member
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  • Member since Apr 14th 2015
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Posts by Jack Cole

    Please don't misunderstand. One must have the ability to separate the JMP ruse itself from the reference to a legal entity as a separate person. The former is at least distasteful and the latter is completely normal and does not imply the former.

    Certainly that's the hope. The hope is that the deception has an endpoint. The hope is that all the lies do not involve the actual functioning of the technology itself. This is the place I came to which helped me come to a decision about AR.

    What is more likely: that the lies extend from the known lies to the technology itself, or that he has lied about many things, but told the truth about the technology? Can you really believe that one man, with a long history of deceptive practice, has solved problems that the worlds (no apostrophe) best scientists have never solved, or is it more likely that it doesn't work and is a scam?

    In order to believe he has working technology, you must believe:

    The Lugano test falsely showed high levels of excess heating, which he has claimed is valid. You must believe that it is actually valid despite the evidence.

    Despite probably salting the "spent fuel" from multiple tests to fool isotopic analyses, that he has something that actually works (but is it the Lugano formula)?

    That he lied in his patent and left out a secret ingredient or preparatory step.

    That his ruse to get IH to move the plant was an innocent act to just get the GPT started.

    That Darden is lying about the high COP blank reactor.

    That Darden is lying about internal tests not validating AR's claims.

    That he is deceptive on a daily basis on his blog in his use of puppets, but the puppets and he tell the truth in what they discuss.

    That he innocently removed the piping and homemade heat exchanger to be used elsewhere.

    That he lied repeatedly on his blog about how satisfied the customer was and so forth, but is telling the truth about his COP=80+ device.

    While running the test, he developed a brand new device that produces excess heat, electricity, and light at incredible COPs.

    That all his excuses for technical inadequacies in each and every one of the tests are unimportant.

    I could keep going, but it is really not worth it. It is easy to get caught up on one particular issue and to not see the forest for the trees.

    Do you believe this Darden-says? That is one whale of a story, and probably exaggerated, in my opinion. After all, if Darden really believed that his dummy reactor produced the same results as his high-COP IH-built reactors, he would have never sought to attract tens of millions of outside money, with Rossi being core to the investments.

    I do believe it. It is consistent with other stories about AR. From NASA, to Darden, to Dewey Weaver.

    It isn't his style. I don't think that you believe this yourself. Why would he be so open in his depos about the JMP ruse (which is quite damaging to his position) and then cherry pick a big lie on the heat exchanger in the mezzanine, thereby risking his entire case? I think you are all in dreamland on the heat exchanger, just like you were on the spoliation.

    Right. He is probably too clever to lie about the heat exchanger. It lacks flare compared to a fake company for a fake customer. Then have fake agreements between both which restrict anyone from entering one side or the other. Compounded on fake Russians stealing fuel and so on. In all seriousness, it is absurd to assert that he would not lie about this. But, I would expect him to keep driving this point home against Darden on perjury, as he tries to cover his own actions by accusing others of the same thing first. Personally, I don't care about whether there was a heat exchanger or how big the pipe was. I enjoy the technical analyses of these issues, which is just more nails in the coffin of this atrocious farce. It just is not needed as the whole weight of the shady behavior of AR is more than enough evidence of a scam.

    @JC: Is hate your primary motivation to stay in this forum?

    Is that what you would suggest?

    My motivation is for valid science to be done without wasting a lot of people's time and money. I really want to know if Brillouin has something that works, but right now, the evidence seems very insufficient. It definitely is insufficient to outsiders (at least me). Do you like people to waste lots of money on insufficiently validated technology?

    Would you prefer another $15M be spent on further engineering or $500K on a more thorough set of validation tests?

    MFMP would do it for free!

    I hate to see large scale funding happen before major validation occurs. I know some work at SRI has been done including a press release, but it is basically that they just set up the system at SRI and it produced the same values using the same measurement techniques. Maybe they have done more than that and a good job at validating this, but from the outside, I see little reason to invest. Hopefully, the investors will be very careful and have the reports reviewed by knowledgeable experts.

    I am only really worried about the upcoming sharp steps between 900°C to 1200°C because I haven't done it before.


    The temperature overshoot per se is not the biggest danger. Depending on where you are measuring the temperature, the input power spike during the run up will cause the heater coil to become much hotter than where you are measuring until the temperature equalizes. I found this is where wires most often melt.


    When I was conducting NiH experiments, I developed software based custom PID algorithms. You could set how fast you want the temperature to rise between each temp level. This virtually eliminates overshoots and and excessive input power that damages the heater coil. I also used a step up and step down algorithm to repeatedly take it up and down in temperature ranges. There is a way of running it this way that allows the reactor to serve as its own control. I can explain that more if interested. I used a windows desktop app in combination with an Arduino board for running these experiments.

    Pressure against me356 to reveal his valuable secrets and importance to jump into big boys wagon started here immediately...
    me356: Be smart and calm enough and read Rossi vs. Darden thread carefully as warning example. Think again if someone says you should team up with companies whose only asset is capital and greedy sharks. Business valuation is something that entrepreneurs usually don't seem to know well enough.

    The conspiratorial excuse making just enables people like AR to continue their scams. There is no excuse for avoiding a proper test (even a black box test). The question here is whether me356 will allow the data to speak or will he veer off into conspiratorial excuse making?

    If he teases with this possibility of a test causing Brian Albiston, Ryan Hunt, Bob Greenyer (et. al.) to do all of this prep work only to back out, then I personally will consider that an invalidation of his technology. There is no excuse for making claims, but not doing a proper test.

    If you don't believe, you can completely ignore any related posts.

    If one believe, it is enough. And one can do everything. Blessed are those who have not seen and believed.

    Thank you for engaging again. Many of us are interested, but not in personal philosophies or belief. We are interested in objective empirical data and testing. After AR, we are not interested in excuses for why proper tests are not done by people making bold claims. Your willingness to allow testing by MFMP is probably your last shot at convincing many people here. That said, I do believe you have very impressive technical skills. So, please let this go through an objective test so that you can use your skills for other purposes if you are wrong. Let this go forward and if it turns out you are wrong, acknowledge it and move on. That's my unsolicited advice.

    As more and more people "get" how to induce excess heat and follow down the same path, there will be more incidents in which people go "black" and withhold the information to replicate. To respond to a couple comments, I do specifically think me356 is the real deal and has produced exactly what he claims. And I think I understand what he is doing and how it would apply to a variety of metals. My guess is that the MFMP will successfully prove his effect is real, but he will not share any know how until long after his product is on the market -- if that ever happens.

    An alternative hypothesis is that certain people are unwilling to engage in public self-correction. In other words, they are embarrassed to discover their own mistakes and cover by moving on to something else. That is only one possible alternative, but there are many others. The other explanations must be given priority over "he has something that works" in the absence of empirical evidence. You continue to ignore the fact that MFMP and others have already tried many of me356's recommendations with null results.

    To a certain extent, he has already done that. There is a bread crumb trail of posts on this forum that individuals could go through, examine, and use to produce their own systems. The problem is that piecing together the dozens of stray nuggets of information, putting them into a coherent framework, and performing tedious trial and error testing would be extremely time consuming and costly. This is one area where Me356 deserves to be commended. He sacrificed a great deal of time, labor, and money to figure out how to make high powered Ni-H devices. My understanding is that he would work each day and go home to perform a new test. Like Andrea Rossi, he was dedicated and obsessive about figuring out the critical parameters to make his system work.

    People have already done this. It was a waste of time. None of his ideas have resulted in anything. He has proven to be an unreliable reporter.

    There would be no patent infringement by showing others how to make it work. In fact, he could probably get rich just by offering to make it work for anyone (including AR)!

    One sure hopes that somebody couldn't be fooled for quite some time, but we certainly can be fooled for a long time. I would at least put myself in that category as well as most others. On the other hand, I agree that in the absence of a secondary motive, you can be fairly sure who is really working (you can tell by effective results). I would include all of your hard work under that category.

    Call him what you like, THH, but don't call him lazy.

    He does indeed work very hard at putting on a show, while enlisting others to do the hard work of making the props (reactors). He also works hard at putting on the show of working hard. :) It gives the intended image and makes the reader think, "surely he wouldn't work so hard for nothing would he?" That was one thought it elicited in me in the past. Eventually, I realized these kinds of thoughts are coming from a rational doubt.

    On the question of "extrapolating to the nth degree."

    You mentioned 1 MW from a basketball ???

    which I interpret as a question about power density.

    Mills Jan/15 calorimeter report calculates power to be 1.24 MW per 0.7 ns

    Mills says this is typical. The short time interval is necessitated by the calorimetry set up.

    Yes, that is extrapolation to the Nth degree. They come up with all kinds of amazing imaginative ideas for how to use all the energy they will some day be able to create based on extrapolated energy generation. I don't know about their more recent tests, but earlier tests in the bomb calorimeter showed an energy gain of ~2 (for a single brief event). I'm not convinced that they are doing anything beyond burning metal at this point. A lot of times, it is difficult to know what has been measured and what has been extrapolated. They don't always make that clear, and it doesn't really seem to matter to Mills.


    You seemed to miss the part where I said it seemed unintentional. You seemed also to miss the point I was making on extrapolation. I don't really care about his theory. He surely does. He takes small (maybe false) experimental result and extrapolates it to the Nth degree: "All of the engineering challenges are solved. We can do all this with off the shelf parts. We are planning a 1MW prototype by June of next year. It should be about the size of a basketball and generate 1MW of electricity."