penswrite Member
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  • Member since Apr 16th 2015
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Posts by penswrite

    Mary Yougo and his Pseudonyms are spamming each and every LERN Forum around the planet.

    If You would be able to count the lines, the types, even if copy & pasted, these are more than 1 Million in 3 Years, You woud come to the conclusion, that there must be some handycapped person whith more than 12 hours per day free for vomiting his endless bullshit into all of the forums concérnd.

    Please ignore and ban him/her/it we don*t need the most silly here!!

    Dear Jimimo, With due respect to your opinion, I'd like to relate that I've been following LENR, and Rossi et. al., Mary, and many, many others for years now. I respect the contributions of Mary. She/he responds to the data we all have an opportunity to collectively observe, and evaluate, with reason and intelligence--across many, many forums. (Albeit without unquestioning assent!)

    On these boards, we follow LENR because we are interested in LENR. Mary is as dedicated to the topic as anybody I've ever encountered. LENR won't advance without dissent, intelligent challenges, and questions. In my view, Mary provides reasoned responses to reasonable questions.

    Physics is not a popularity contest. Discoveries and the advance of our understanding of LENR's mysteries will not respond to our mere collective hope for LENR's success and advancement. Mary is working, as are many others, as hard as anybody to unlock LENR.

    Many minds, many hands are needed. Mary's included.

    “Success is most often achieved by those who don't know that failure is inevitable.”
    ― Coco Chanel

    My hunch is that most of us follow LENR due to our hope that individual perseverance against common wisdom (aka BIG SCIENCE) will produce a miracle for mankind: cheap, clean, distributed, and commonly available fusion energy.

    Go team!

    LENR is a riveting topic. For those of us who are not scientists, and yet have followed LENR (and its various-odd cold-fusion iterations) for years, each twist and turn adds to its mystery and allure. Who, after all, except for those with contrary vested self-interests could nay-say humanity's continued hope for abundant and cheap clean energy?

    It is a disappointment to hear that e-cat world is apparently attempting to throttle open scientific inquiry. Respectful disagreement and dialog--which has to include honest and data-supported skepticism--is essential to arriving at scientific proofs and verification of experimental results of LENR. Be they "positive or negative." (Hmmm...)

    I am indebted to all of those who engage in such an informed and spirited debate. That includes Mary's contributions. I would hope that he/she might offer to lend those considerable talents to MFMP's open quest for truth.

    Thanks for this, and in-advance for that, George.

    I'm pretty old. Old enough to remember fairy tales like wrist-watch personal communicators, light-ray-beam-energy devices, distributed portable personal electronic computing devices, distributed commercial sunshine-to-electricity converters, etc., etc...

    "Bah, humbug," said many of then-experts. (Many of them my teachers and professors.)

    What next? Fiery fairy tales like nuclear fusion in a take-home bottle? Bah, humbug!

    You say.

    If I understand correctly, they've got the PID numbers recorded, in real time. For us in the peanut gallery, watching, would the real-time and constantly changing inputs (we had a graph and periodic numbers to see--if we could resolve them on our screens) be informative? There was one heater on the outside of the reactor. As the temperature targets changed, the PID automatically responded by supplying power. On and off, like a home heater responding to a thermostat. It would probably not be useful for us observers to try to interpolate the aggregate of those quickly changing numbers in real time.

    The actual power required to heat two sides of the reactor/experiment was subject to a host thermal variables, demands, and losses. There was no attempt at holistic calorimetry calculation in this experiment. We get a gross comparison of fueled and un-fueled vessels. Thermocouples to measure heat on two sides, some radiation monitoring, and pressure monitoring are pretty much the experiment. Crude, maybe, but coupled with subsequent analysis of ash we should be able to detect LENR. If there was any.

    I am glad to see folks continuing to defy conventional wisdom about the physics of transmutation. Humanity has historically shunned, and scorned, alchemists. Until, of course, they produced some useful process or discovery: then, they became historical heroes. (Albeit often posthumously.)