Now IH have lost E-Cat License and IP, who will manufacture E-Cats in the US?

  • Hi all

    Now IH have lost E-Cat License and IP, who will manufacture E-Cats in the US?

    There is talk of ABB.

    I personally think we are looking at a number of large companies manufacturing E-Cats: Siemens, GE, HP, Ford, GM, Toyota etc. After IH fumbled it, they are not going to be able to afford the court case up against, the wealth of moneyed interest scrambling for the ball.

    Hard to believe IH let the goose who laid the Golden Eggs just fly away.

    I wonder what their investors will do?

    Kind Regards walker

  • Hi walker this is interesting question, but may be just not yet clear who has license see Document in Alains new post Leonardo Corporation Issues Press Release Announcing Termination of Industrial Heat License

    ABB is global enterprise working in sector having lots of synergy, so could be ideal partner, if IH would lose its license at the end. Also Siemens has been working with powerplants, but I think they sold their share of nuclear plants unit to Areva.

  • Hi all

    In reply to Argon

    I think Rossi denying them the IP and License and the prospect of the big dogs now stepping in is what forced IH to answer early and incomplete, in their motion to dismiss, which we can all see is full of holes, not the least of which is that they are unable to refute the ERV.

    They were far too lax in their negotiations with Rossi when they had the chance and now they have to consider paying Rossi even more to stay in the game.

    A deal is still possible but IH will now have to pay through the nose, a hostile takeover of IH by one of the bigger investors or a new player asked in to rescue them, may well be on the cards. Bill Gates?

    Kind Regards walker

  • Hi all

    In reply to Argon

    I think Rossi denying them the IP and License and the prospect of the big dogs now stepping in is what forced IH to answer early and incomplete, in their motion to dismiss, which we can all see is full of holes, not the least…

    In what way is the MTD "full of holes"? I'm not falling for your "emperor's new clothes" argument "we can all see". Please provide a specific example of a "hole" in the document?

    "Unable to refute the ERV"? It seems more than obvious to me that they don't NEED to refute it (whether they want to or not is another matter entirely). I don't think this court case will further the cause of LENR in any way at all.

    • Official Post

    First of all, assuming E-cat exist, Rossi is allowed to manufacture where he want, provided he does not sell them in IH license territory.

    If I follow the defense of IH, Rossi cannot deny the license, or he have to give back the money.
    It mean he have to deliver something that IH can make work...
    People wonder why IH was not so active for the long test... it is logical : this is not important as long as they cannot make it work. and I suspect that if they could make it work, they would design a powerplant quickly.

    I suspect the situation is simpler and the answer is more brutal than the one I made.

  • On P.R. you apparently can render legal documents null and void by press release decree. In the real world, if you take $10M in exchange for a license and don't deliver, you are not in possession of the talking stick.

  • Anyone else having a deja-vue?
    Rossi: you have not paid!
    Defkalion: well, you see we have some technical concerns.
    Rossi: Fine, then I terminate.
    Defkalion: No, no, you can't do that! We have an agreement.

  • Anyone else having a deja-vue?
    Rossi: you have not paid!
    Defkalion: well, you see we have some technical concerns.
    Rossi: Fine, then I terminate.
    Defkalion: No, no, you can't do that! We have an agreement.

    This has been mentioned before, but I agree that there are a lot of similarities - although it now appears that Defkalion had nothing, even though they claimed at the same time that Rossi terminated the agreement that they had built working reactors using Rossi's IP. If I remember correctly, Defkalion's issue was "stability". Here's an interesting link which provides a "look-back" through time, which makes neither of the parties look very good:…Defkalion_controversy.htm

  • This has been mentioned before, but I agree that there are a lot of similarities - although it now appears that Defkalion had nothing, even though they claimed at the same time that Rossi terminated the agreement that they had built working reactors using Rossi's IP. If I remember correctly, Defkalion's issue was "stability". Here's an interesting link which provides a "look-back" through time, which makes neither of the parties look very good:…Defkalion_controversy.htm

    I retrospect it seems obvious that the core issue was that Defkalion run out of funding. Almost everyone seems to assume that funding it not issue this time. Personally, I think this is an excellent explanation for the present commotion.

    • Official Post

    Defkalion was two separate stories.
    Initially it was a licensee of E-cat, and they moaned many time that they had not enough data to make E-cat themselves... they refused to pay, maybe helped by not being funded, but maybe also simply not wanting. Finally Rossi dumped them like with IH... very similar story.

    Then they tried to make a reactor, observed probably some anomalies that were in fact artifacts, and then exploited them to convince investors, with maybe hope to become real after they get funded.

    Any similarity with another story may not be pure accident.

  • It is laughable that Team Rossi wants to compare the DKG story to IH. In retrospect, it looks like DKG and Rossi were more like two deceivers trying to out deceive each other. IH put big money into Rossi and watched him drive his imaginary "Ferarri" into the ditch despite best efforts to help him keep it in the road (up to a point).

    Boom-sha-doobie, shattered. All this chitter-chatter, chitter-chatter, chitter-chatter 'bout
    Shmatta, shmatta, shmatta -- he can't give it away on any continent.

  • Hi all

    As a natural follow on from Dewey Weaver being unable to speak for IH.

    Maybe since they probably lurk this forum IH can place a real IH representative before us to explain to us why they did not give up the license and IP when Rossi offered them all their money back.

    Kind Regards Walker

  • Walker - I speak on my own as an IH shareholder and investor / enabler of LENR projects.

    Why do you keep repeating the fabrication that Rossi offered to buy back the IH license? It's simply not true. Didn't happen.

  • Hi all

    As Dewy Weaver has now made clear his only "claim" is that he is a junior "Share Holder" of IH and not on the board or working in a managerial or representative role and so is incapable of providing us with any useful information about the actions of Rossi or IH or indeed anyone of any importance to the matter.

    IH themselves have made it clear in their first Press Release that we should not trust anyone like Dewey Weaver as having anything truthful to say on the subject of the ERV, IH or its relation to Rossi.

    Thus we have the desperate and somewhat flawed attempt to Dismiss the case in reaction to Rossi using IH's failure to full fill their contract to have nullified their License and all access to Rossi's IP.

    There are rumours that IH want to settle and have been trying to negotiate with Rossi and his lawyers but these come from, among others,the source of Fred Zoepfl who is about as reliable as Dewy Weaver, that is to say not at all, since neither can provide any proof of their prattling.

    So we are left with court documents which so far overwhelmingly support Rossi in the matter.

    As to who has the right to sell, and manufacture Rossi's E-Cats in the US; that is now totally up to Rossi, clearly IH no longer have a say in the matter.

    Kind Regards walker

    Edited 3 times, last by Walker ().

  • Walker - you have clearly chosen the only course that you can pursue right now.
    Your collaboration with the other Rossi-ites on whoever this Fred character is confirms that he is a fabrication of Team Rossi. Insidious and pitiful behavior on the part Team Rossi.

    The Rossi "warship" took a substantial broadside yesterday is now more like the good ship lollipop.

    No amount of imaginary posting, fabrication or attempts to retell / reshape the story are going to help you or your friend now. If fact, things will soon be substantially worse for Rossi on the legal front.

  • With tell-tale comments like that I wonder why IH didn't call Dewey off long ago as it doesn't get any more psychologically telling and thus damaging to IH. Whom do you expect to resort to such snarky remarks, threats and bullying? Certainly not the one who knows he is in the right and his cause is just.

  • Timar - you and your team started the PR / Slander war and wishing that it would go away now is not going to bring you any rest. Team Rossi stated this. IH is going to finish it. Gird up bucko.

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