barty Administrator
  • Member since Jan 16th 2017

Posts by barty

    @Hank Mills: I believe everyone understand your oppinion.

    Me too would prefer to see me356 giving a detailled description of what he did. Better yesterday than tomorrow.

    But we can't, and at least I don't want to force him to do anything.

    We should accept this.

    The whole IH-Rossi story is completely weird in my eyes. For me, the bizarre behaviour already started at the early contract phase between IH and Rossi.

    We have the following initial situation:

    - IH consits of a very skilled and experienced management staff (at least Darden), working in the energy and environment field since decades and can be expected to be very experienced in doing negotiations.

    - Rossi has a dubious image since years/decades. He's known to be difficult to get on with and has italian temperament. He also was accused for investment scam. A lot very alarming information about Rossi can be found easily in seconds using google. So IH should have known that.

    - The whole idea of cold fusion or LENR is seen at least questionable since decades by scientists too.

    So what I don't understand is: Why were Cherokee/IH so much incautious dealing with Rossi, knowing all the facts above?

    They should have double or tripple checked each single sentense coming out of Rossi's mouth, before paying one single cent. @Dewey Weaver often said that IH has very skilled scientists. So why didn't they use them?

    Why didn't IH make clear that they want a really independent test (not Rossi style), with their own scientists, already during the negotiations?
    Even on a blackbox such a test with proper equipment and skilled scientist could give clear indications whether the inside of the blackbox is worth 10 M$.

    Either Rossi wants the money or he should look for another investor.

    I expected IH is clever enough and has the negotiation skills. But they seem to be very stupid by just trusting Rossi says if all @Dewey Weaver said is true.

    Sorry for that, but something in this story smells like fouling fish!
    Either the guys at IH are naive like kids, or...I don't there another possibility?

    But the behaviour of IH just didn't fit into the picture @Dewey Weaver is painting with his claims.

    We don't know what me356 is on.

    Maybe he really has what he says, and is now trying to verify it to be 99,99% sure he had no measurement issues.
    According to some members here, Rossi better should have done this as well.

    And even if me356 should have fooled us, we lost nothing except some hope and time. There happen worse things on this planet each second.

    Going it alone is not possible. You do not have the legions of lawyers and millions of dollars required to protect your invention long enough to commercialize it yourself. Incumbents with billions of dollars will crush you within weeks as soon as LENR is considered a commercially viable technology. Only with the protections inherent in partners with very very deep pockets can you maximize your return.

    I fully agree with your idea.
    But @me356 said that he owns a company. But we don't know how large and funded it is.
    Maybe he's able to market his product through his already existing production and sells infrastructure of his company.

    We know by @Mats Lewan that Rossi's latest visit to sweden was planned to visit the Lugano professors and to make a bid for a manufacturing builing.

    But why met Rossi with the scientists?

    We also know that the Lugano professors tried their own replication and they seem to have no success.

    Was Rossi there to give them some hints, so that they get undoubtable excess heat and publish scientific papers?

    This could give Rossi a huge boost in the law case against IH.

    @Dewey Weaver: What do you think about me356?

    Let's say he really found the missing step for successful replications.
    He now also is in the phase to optimize and make his reactor and fuel design to run reliable for months and more. So meanwhile he seems to be far ahead of blind try & error, like MFMP and others are doing now.

    The base of this replication is still the isotopic data from the Lugano test, which gave many clues about the fuel composition.

    The missing parts were how to prepare it, and how to trigger the reaction.

    But, let's assume for a moment, when me356 really has COP > 2 with a fuel composition largely based on the Lugano test, wouldn't this imply that Rossi knew this information long before the Lugano test?

    Wouldn't a replication based on the Lugano data improve Rossi's credebility about 100%?

    When Rossi already knew this 2+ years ago, such a replication would automatically imply that Rossi has it as well.

    What could this mean for IH and the law case?

    Barty has apparently joined the Team Rossi censorship committee.

    1. I'm not a Rossi believer. I'm a LENR sympathizer (you also, or why did you invest money) and just want to see a working LENR device. I don't care by whom.

    2. I deleted your post because you are continuously using aggressive and provoking language. I didn't delete is because of your information, which, when true, are very valuable.

    3. You make very hard accusations against Rossi without backing them with evidences (for e.g. signed documents). So don't be surprised that many users won't take you serious. Everyone here can say he's related to IH and think some stories up. Your informations currently don't have more value than "Rossi said".

    TL;DR: Be objective and no one will delete your posts anymore.

    Everyone here notices that you are very sensible in this case. And you already said why: You have invested money. So it's understandable. But keep cool!

    Possible, but I believe Bob is just the front man.

    While he's making the videos Alan Goldwater and Bob Higgins (and other I maybe missed) will try to start a real test.

    I'm also sure (and at least hope) that MFMP learned from the last "recipe" debacle, and stop making big pre-announcements like apple before a new iPhone release.
    They just should say what they know, and not make a big entertaining show.