Wyttenbach Verified User
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  • from Switzerland
  • Member since Jan 15th 2016
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Posts by Wyttenbach

    This was a Stupid Conspiracy Theory. And I showed that, so who votes it down (so far)? IHFB, of course, I'll claim he doesn't "like" seeing the truth, he has no respect for the time it took to find what I found and reported. (Including the risk of infection.)

    You should distinguish between facts, like deliver a poisend link and conspiracy... The problem is that Dewey opened his mouth to early...

    The link was poisended and You know who posted it.

    And Jed has been as silent as a turk.

    There are a few groups in this world which adhere to the omerta and tell nobody who helped them:
    1) free masons, 2) mafia, triads...

    All it says is that said person has poor protection for their PCs and visits risky websites. About half the planet qualify.

    Off course: Any Windows PC has since latest (where I first saw it!) 2000 an official NSA trap door. The same is known for CICSO routers and others...

    So your statement is a direct deduction of the US-secrete services involved in world-wide computer hardware deployments...

    Or do You really believe all people are careless?

    i was referring to replication of the Stringham sonofusion results that Wyttenbach believes to be compelling but Jed says have questionable calorimetry.

    @THH. You did not read JED's post carefully. He wrote that (unnamed others) questioned the calorimetry - what could have included You too.

    The calorimetry is as simple as a kitchen teapot. Run the transducer for one minute. Measure delta T.

    Now You can start to argue what can go wrong with the measurement of a teapot.

    There is no RF-inference no recombination no chemical active reactants etc...

    It's Your turn. Put a pot of water on yor stove and explain us all what can go wrong with the T-measurement.

    Inspired by you guys I have just ordered a pair of 100W 40kHz transducers and amplifiers. What fun!

    @AlanS: Stringham now (2011..) uses 1.6 Mhz ultra sound waves. This works fine for small homogenous bubbles.

    I recommend to set the particle size into relation with the ultra sound wave length (lamda/2-4) and the sound speed e.g. in Nickel (4900m/s).

    Thus 40kHz should only impact clusters of particles.

    The other aspect is, where You put the transducer. Full contact with the target medium or is gas/air an intermediate medium? A "slow" medium like air will reduce the wavelength.

    PS - do you call yourself a believer or a denier? or somone better than both?

    @@THH: Neither!!

    I strictly take the scientific position, which allows to conclude:

    - There exist many different LENR reactions, including "energy neutral" isotop shifts.
    - The physical evidence for the existance of a nuclear (LENR) reaction is above 10 sigmas, as we measure all possible radiation of nuclear processes.
    - Transmutation are confirmed for a broad range of experiments.

    But, one thing is also clear: Nuclear physics has more holes than many believe and LENR is a big chance to complete the picture.

    Isn't sono-fusion the same high energy process?

    @Z In the He/heat thread I explained the differences. Bubble collapsing speed goes up to mach 10. But contrary to hot fusion inside the bubble a jet of strongly correlated D2 is formed, which is physically close to a metallic state and mechanically very stable. This jet bangs into the lattice, heavy O2 is stripped off and some D2 penetrates the Pd grid.

    Thus kinetically sono-fusion is close to hot fusion, but the ignition energy, containment, Radiation, no neutrons (some tritium) etc. is LENR.

    Wyttenbach: I see no intrinsic barrier to such discussion with you, except I'm not sure your motives are for greater understanding? But, if you tell me they are, then another thread might be worthwhile as suggested earlier?

    My motives are very clear. I want to stop a silly and useless discussion between believers and deniers.

    Sono-fusion is a nice testbed for LENR because it leaves no room for split arguments. The calorimetry is kitchen proved and as simple as preparing a cup of Japanese green tea. You can also see radiation of all kind and a true He/heat equivalence. The COP is moderate, but increasing. 2011 it was somewhat below 4.

    But, as I already posted three times: That might be the reason You wont like it.

    Other methods of calorimetry have been used to confirm the effect. I think every major method listed in Hemminger and Hohne have been used. It is not possible that every major method of calorimetry has major errors that experts are unaware of.

    Sono-fusion is LENR on demand, easy to measure and simple to understand.
    That's why especially THH doesn't like the irrefutable work of Stringham. Thus I post it again.

    Here the latest overview paper of the Stringham : iscmns.org/CMNS/JCMNS-Vol15.pdf#page=62

    Already in 1995 LANL - Los Alamos National Laboratory confirmed the ratio heat/bubble=He produced. (JED told us, many times, about this fact too...) Stringham counted the cavitation/fusion bubbles, which are in line with the heat produced. As the maximum COP is close to 4, we also must not discuss about marginal significance... Read conclusion point 5. The other measurement is the photon count of the Bremsstrahlung (fig.5) which clearly indicates the nature/intensity of the process.

    Sono-fusion is LENR, albeit the underlaying process is more like hot-fusion!!! Thus it is politically very risky to discuss these facts ... More experimental details are given in the older paper: lenrcanr.org/acrobat/StringhamRlowmassmhz.pdf

    and more actual with COP: lenr-canr.org/acrobat/StringhamRwhenbubble.pdf

    Not only is this entirely off topic, the gross incivility then stimulates more off-topic commentary, such as this. Such users should be warned and if it repeats, banned. But right now, a gross impersonation, highly uncivil, is defiant and is being tolerated. Not a good sign.

    If this is to be "the trusted LENR community," there must be open, clear, trusted and effective moderation and administration. Otherwise, forgeddaboudit. Experts will avoid participating, and the above comment was aimed at an expert (i.e., someone with high real-world knowledge), to discourage participation.

    ABD: Can we now draw the conclusion, that you liked the bikini maidens??

    Or should we thank JED for this fleshy present????