Dr Richard* Member
  • Member since Apr 6th 2021
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Posts by Dr Richard*

    It's not over with the new COVID variants re-appearing (eg in Marsielle) every day. Omicron it seems gives us a brief relief. I wonder what Professor Didier Raoult, the eminent virologist, thinks about it now? ;(

    One microscopic detail here I must reveal is that it is often missed that like chemical reactions (according to the Law of mass action) all nuclear reactions also must be reversible. So adding or subtracting n or p to a heavy element (Cu, Ag or Au) should both ways generate LENR energy to form (Ni, Pd or Pt) for example. In practical terms for constructing a LENR reactor or even a U235 fission reactor which synthesises Pu and also other isotopes useful in imaging in medical applications. LENRS are always in a state of dynamic equilibrium. :)

    Hybrid cars are becoming obsolete because they are fine on short runs but as soon as the battery is used up on motorway long distances the small ICE becomes grossly inefficient pulling along the battery dead weight. Most newer diesel cars now are fitted with the 'blue motion' exhaust cleaning system which adds urea and water to the exhaust gases to reduce NO2 emissions. if we all replaced petrol with alcohol and mineral diesel with bio-diesel, we surely would be as 'green' as the fully electric car which has to be charged up from coal or gas or nuclear fission - fired power stations.?? :) .

    Marathon Systems should be called 'Snicker's Systems' after the re-named chocolate bar! :) Everything under the Sun seems to have been patented now (lots of 'just in case it works in the future - syndrome'). And its all repetition, repetition, repetition. So whatever anybody says its all been done before and is all in the public domain.

    I have proposed an alternative hypothesis that the centre of galaxies is not a black hole which the stars revolve around but rather is simply an area of space-time held at absolute zero on the Kelvin scale. It has been demonstrated by a Nature paper recently that very close to absolute 0 photons stop!!! Neutron stars yes when matter condenses down and when a critical density is achieved a new supernova results. Lots and Lots of big bangs repeating themselves eternally. All we have to do now is modify Einstein's special theory of Relativity to tap into LENR because the energy is universally everywhere. :)

    So-technically I could run the prototype from the 600W AC wind turbine! Or from the 240 V mains but to do this outside in the back garden is technically dangerous. I need a laboratory to test this out under controlled conditions before I go any further.

    Finding a blacksmith who can do the precise welding is the main obstacle in building a small prototype. I have found one in Trewellard just down the road as long as I say its all for installing a wind turbine (I am building one of the new 600W 3 phase AC turbines directly imported from China). If I told them I was trying to build a fusion reactor they would probably not do the work. :)