AlainCo Tech-watcher, admin
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  • from Villejuif
  • Member since Feb 9th 2014

Posts by AlainCo

    It looks like the tritium generating experiments (Bockris, Srinivasan at BARC, Los Alamos)...

    Some researcher like Pamela Mosier Boss support the idea that tritium/neutron production is anticorrelated with He4/heat, so Puratio reactor should be seen as a bad reactor.

    It seems that when the reactor is well tuned it should produce heat and He4, beside soft X/gamma...
    Tritium, neutrons, hard gamma are like the dark soot of a badly tuned gas stove...

    This is however something that will please the physicist as there are evidence in their domain of competence, and not only heat and helium.

    maybe is it wrong anyway, as all is not well established yet.

    I expect government to block LENR, to protect the incumbent and the green to frighten the population from hidden Malthusian vision.

    New Renewable from data I have are not efficient (if not polluting)... Waterfall is the perfect energy but limitted.
    Nuke is incompatible with modern fearmonger.

    Anyway I think the blocus ofLENr will explode because the markets of many machine (boiler, cars, appliance, trucks, trains, cargo, powerplants ) will freeze/flow immediately with clients waiting for the LENr version... manufacturer will be desperate and will develop LENR variant in 2 years...

    imagine that someone explain you that the next generation smartphone will support 4-5G, last 1 month on batteries, have 150cores, for less than 20$... guess what will happen with iPhone and galaxy S sales the day after.
    guess what will happen when your government says he will forbid that telephone to protect apple and Samsung ?
    guess what will happen in africa and china if OECD countries forbid it?

    Jean-Paul Biberian sur son blog relaye le rapport du ministère de la défence britanique:


    Le gouvernement Britanique s'interroge sur la fusion froide

    Rapport sur la Tendance Stratégique Mondiale Britannique:…e/33717/GST4_v9_Feb10.pdf

    Bon, comme d'habitude on vois les problème lié a un changement de status quo, pas les bénéfices

    Hard to know if they have something working.
    Like the patent of LENR-cars, this patent seems quite generic, with many options.
    It is well done, precise but very open... I suspect a desire to protect many kind of LENR reactor...

    What is ST Micro, and Mastromatteo preparing ?
    maybe it will be clear soon.

    This video of a US Navy Spawar conference: Twenty-Year History of Lattice-Enabled Nuclear Reactions (LENR)

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    Cold Fusion Hot Again - 60 Minutes

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    when I say looped I mean that like on a fission reactor, that electricity produced feed the reactor itself...
    not feeding another reactor

    chaining heat could be possible, but I'm afraid it is not, because of control and stability.
    I suspect that the mouse and cat of rossi, take advantage of very tricky control theory (phase shift) to allow stability...
    I'm also afraid that plugging an e-cat into a steam generator is not trivial...

    if E-cat is used just as an amplifier of heat, it is right that gas is the best primary source, because in US gas is a competetitive source of electricity, but with an efficiency about 1/3...

    note that Rossi claims a COP of 3 for gas version... anyway if you take from gas to heat, the COP of electric version is 2 (6*.33%), and 3 for the straight gas version.

    problem of gas e-cat is that it cannot be looped as an energy source.

    It seems that phase is over for some, and in process for some others.

    Investors are not stupid, and today they see that there is hope, just hope maybe, for industrial and no more toys like in the 90s. They however know it is socially risky, and they have to be discrete.

    Some young startups are still battling in "the valley of death" to convince venture capitalist to invest below a million, just for research. It starts to work.

    Cherokee and Sunrise Securities are example of investor further proposing millions, for more mature prototypes.

    It will go very fast when things get public.
    The trigger will be when some markets will freeze waiting for a LENR variant of the product...

    imagine suddenly all clients refusing to buy an expensive boiler, preferring a cheap one or repairing the old, because they expect a LENR boiler in few years...
    Imagine cars no more sold, waiting for LENR-cars to produce it's first prototypes.
    For oil it can block shale oil prospections, and most oil prospection...

    all companies in those frozen markets will ask LENR experts how to design "LENR-enhanced" products, in less than 18month.

    before the markets are frozen, companies could stay blind. after, not possible.

    Il semble que ce soit la phase finale avant un grand bazar... les derniers mois de dénis.
    Le dénis est déjà fini en haut lieu pour ceux qui en doutent, mais ces gens la ne sont ni bavards ni... courageux=suicidaires.

    Sur l'affaire de l'oxydoréduction (probablement un artefact fumeux lié aux oxydes de lithium, en oubliant les gros résultats, les bouffées, les expériences sans LiO2, les calorimétries non F&P...), j'attend d'avoir plus de détails sur comment le réfuter...

    Je suis tombé sur cette news étrange dans la nouvelle républiques...
    Ca ne semble pas très cohérent, mais sais t'on jamais...



    Pour la dix-neuvième année consécutive, tous les Lions clubs du district Centre-Ouest ont lancé un concours auprès des élèves de terminale S des quatre départements Poitou-Charentes, de la Vendée, de la Haute-Vienne et de la Corrèze, afin de décerner le prix CERN, Centre européen de recherches nucléaires.

    Ce concours a eu lieu en décembre et portait sur le sujet « fusion froide nucléaire et oxydoréduction ». Pour tout le district, ils étaient cent onze candidats ; pour les lycéens niortais, il s'est déroulé dans les établissements Paul-Guérin, Jean-Macé et la Venise-Verte.
    Ils ont gagné un voyage à Genève les 7, 8 et 9 mars prochains, et bénéficieront d'une visite commentée du Centre européen de recherches nucléaires.

    Qui aurait des informations ?

    Je n'ose pas imaginer que ce soit une prise au sérieux de la FF, et je me doute que c'est une moquerie de plus, mais...

    PS: j'ai fait une réponse, qui je l'espère sera publiée...

    j'ai ajouté ce message après avoir pris quelques informations

    comme je l'écrit c'est pitoyable

    Ed Storms as an LENR editor, as an author of cold fusion review paper, have analysed all the accumulated evidences.
    For him p-e-p,d-e-d,p-e-d reactions seems to be the most probable reaction, and the mechanism of PdD,NiH, and He4 or T production should be the same...
    The problem with all theory supporters is that quickly they fall in love with their theory.

    I feel the situation in worst than what you say.
    The problem is not that Cold Fusion after being unproven and questionable is now clearly proven.
    As you can see in Beaudette Books, since the beginning, despite come communication problems, and some errors in physicist domains (neutrons), all was proven and checked in 2-3 years like any good chemistry science...

    think about it... forget theory... don't care it is nuclear.

    what is F&P science ? F&P experiments? what is F&P evidences ?
    It is electrolysis, producing heat... absolutely pure chemistry science.

    I agree that when F&P did neutron measurement they ruined it as quickly as Lewis sabotaged his calorimetry. Don't ask neutron measurement to chemist, and calorimetry to physicist.

    why did we ask the physicist ? for the theory ? why not, but don't ask if it is real, ask them why it is real... and no problem if they cannot answer... no theory have never been a problem, except recently.…ntific-science-apologist/Today I found that article reporting the announce of Cherokee fund and industrial Heat, about buying E-cat technology... Nothing worth new except that astounding closing message :


    Reminder: Cold fusion has not been verified by science and has been rejected. So I do not allow cold fusion advocates to post claims that it’s being verified all over the world.

    So since censorship is announced, I publish here that open answer. The occasion to answer many similar believers in consensus.

    "So I do not allow cold fusion advocates to post claims that it’s being verified all over the world. "

    This sentence resonated like one of the most awful, anti-scientific, and consensual position about the cold fusion. So forgive my extensive response, nothing is really personal and feel free to escape from the box.

    A good synthesis of the scientific arguments about old-school cold fusion... the one which was proven about in 1992, without the least honest doubt. A good reason to read the book of Charles Beaudette, Excess Heat. THE BOOK!

    He3 is a decay product of Tritium, but over many years.
    Tritium can also be explained by others theory. Ed Storms who criticize WL theory (his position is that no mechanism can filter 99.9999%, and slow neutron are thermalized more than 0.0001%), propose p-e-p->d+v theory, but also p-e-d->t+v and d-e-d->he4+v, as the same mechanism.

    Interesting subject. :thumbup: hope we get the answer soon.

    Two article about LENR, in Swedish…ll-fusion-r-hett-mne-lenr

    Même question sur cette conférence de JP Bibérian pour
    votre avis?


    une conférence La fusion froide et les transmutations biologiques " Samedi 16 Novembre 2013 de 16h20 à 17h20 (Salle Clovis)

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