Zephir_AWT Member
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  • Member since Oct 21st 2014
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Posts by Zephir_AWT


    Here is my cold fusion theory(Confined D2 gas in the T site of the metal).

    Prof. Focardi coined similar explanation: proton gets drowned inside palladium/nickel atoms by getting negative charge, which allows it to get closer to atom nuclei. In palladium wire loaded by hydrogen and DC electric current hydrogen partially migrated to cathode.


    Let us first consider a cell which liberates hydrogen gas by the electrolysis of water containing a standard electrolyte 55 such as H2S04 or Li2S04

    Patterson's power cells did use lithium sulphate as well.. Between others he recommended to avoid any traces of sodium in electrolyte, as he claimed it kills the nuclear reaction and evolution of heat.


    A cell according to claim 8, wherein the electrolyte comprises lithium sulphate monohydrate, nickel sulphate hexahydrate, chromium sulphate or palladous chloride.

    Patterson also did use fluid bed cathode layered by nickel and palladium (a spill-off catalyst for nickel?). It seems that Eccles merely mirrored Patterson's electrolyser.

    A recent study has shown that patients treated by Hydoxychloroquine (HCQ) are 40% more likely to develop atrial fibrillation.

    This just means, that this drug is perfectly safe for short term usage (i.e. treatment of coronavirus). Rheumatic patients are taking it for years, yet this connection was revealed quite recently (after fifty years of HCQ at the market). And 40% is not so much, it merely blurs with background (the immunosuppressed patients are taking often antibiotics, which induce palpitations too). I'd affraid of azithromycine more in this connection, being Trump.

    In Vitro Antiviral Activity and Projection of Optimized Dosing Design of Hydroxychloroquine for the Treatment of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). Hydroxychloroquine (EC50=0.72 μM) was found to be more potent than chloroquine (EC50=5.47 μM) in vitro of Vero cells. Based on PBPK models results, a loading dose of 400 mg twice daily of hydroxychloroquine sulfate given orally, followed by a maintenance dose of 200 mg given twice daily for 4 days is recommended for SARS-CoV-2 infection, as it reached three times the potency of chloroquine phosphate when given 500 mg twice daily 5 days in advance.

    This is a good new, as hydroxychloroquine (Plaquenil) is at least twice less toxic than chloroquine (generic Aralen). Phosphate salt of chloroquine, a an aminoquinolone compound with antimalarial and anti-inflammatory properties was discovered by Bayer and introduced into clinical practice in 1947 to treat malaria. It was proven to be effective against SARS in 2005 too. There is theory that mineral zinc supplements could potent its effect a lot.


    It is time for everyone to stop blaming, criticizing what the people in charge did in the past, etc and start doing something now to prevent a catastrophe.

    But how to prevent future catastrophe, if we don't learn from (origin of) previous one?
    I guess, the origin of disaster which killed at least 3.000 people should be prosecuted in similar way, like let say origin of Bhopal gas tragedy and to draw consequences from it.
    IMO it's time to outlaw genetic research of viruses in similar way, like for example eugenic, because the consequences of future outbreak can get only worse.
    Sometimes less activity is more: we just cannot try whatever sh*t possible, just because some people will get money for it.


    One of my friends from Northern Italy is taking this very seriously- here he is with his Ozone gun....

    Ozone is smelly and a bit radical, but hydrogen peroxide fumed at public places (together with free Plaquenil pills) could enable safe public meetings and travelling in trains and planes.


    it even looks like result of failed vaccination for me: the immune cells are raging for enemy in their proximity which they all were trained for - but they cannot find one. - Link please or it is highly improbable. I think you are anthropomorphizing. If that is a word!

    The influence of COVID-19 on the human body is like a combination of SARS and AIDS as it damages both the lungs and immune systems. The suspiciously symmetric (artifical?) HIV inserts Covid-19 virus are probably culprit of this behaviour: it still attracts immune cells at distance but it remains invisible at proximity. HIV envelope protein has an unusually long tail, an element that distinguishes it from similar viruses. It also brings application for immunization experiments, which possibly failed when virus escaped into wild.

    The Coronavirus Was Engineered by Scientists in a Lab Using Well Documented Genetic Engineering pShuttle Vectors That Leave Behind a “Fingerprint”
    Jan. 30 science paper published in The Lancet concludes that, “recombination is probably not the reason for emergence of this virus.” In other words, this did not occur through natural mutations in the wild. Another Jan. 27th study by five Greek scientists who also concluded the coronavirus has no lineage to other viruses in the “family tree” that’s found in the wild.
    Researchers pinpoint facility near Wuhan seafood market as possible ground zero. But Wuhan outbreak was first reported in late December 2019, when bat species are hibernating. Second, no bats were sold or found at the Huanan seafood market, whereas various non-aquatic animals (including mammals) were available for purchase. Wuhan CDC has 600 bats in capture. Researcher attacked by bats may be Wuhan virus origin The sequence identity between 2019-nCoV and its close relatives bat-SL-CoVZC45 and bat-SL-CoVZXC21 was less than 90%. Hence, bat-SL-CoVZC45 and bat-SL-CoVZXC21 are not direct ancestors of 2019-nCoV.


    Testing in the USA is almost being avoided, one can only wonder why that is. It appears to be sheer incompetence. "Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity." - Hanlon's razor.

    IMO it's intentional sweeping things under the carpet in Chinese style, motivated by greediness this time (decreased availability of tests enables to escalate prices). See for example: Why are we letting FDA regulations limit our number of coronavirus tests? Regulations and socialism in any form are usually connected with limited availability and economic inefficiency. Corrupted state capitalism often profits from artificial throttling of supply-demand equilibrium both at the side of corrupted officers, which are approving it, both at the side of companies, which are allowed to escalate their prices. This is also what we could expect from Sanders reforms - no matter how well minded they would be.

    Regarding the vaccination, I'm skeptical about it too. The flu vaccines are notoriously inefficient, as flu viruses mutate fast. The cytokine storms following the coronavirus outbreak are strange, it even looks like result of failed vaccination for me: the immune cells are raging for enemy in their proximity which they all were trained for - but they cannot find one.


    New Battery Can Self-Charge Without Losing Energy Researchers use a ferroelectric glass electrolyte within an electrochemical cell to create simple self-charging batteries. The ferroelectric character of the electrolyte, with an impressively high dielectric constant of 106–107, supportes self-oscillation due to negative resistance and negative capacitance. Negative capacitance is due to the formation of an inverted capacitor between the double-layer capacitor formed at the negative electrode/electrolyte interface and the dipoles of the ferroelectric-electrolyte. Negative resistance is triggered by the formation of an interface phase, which leads to a step-change of the chemical potential of the electrode.

    2Wi06jMl.jpg OH6CvH0.gif

    Illustrations indicate, that this battery uses stochastic resonance of double layer) of ferroelectric glass electrolyte within an electrochemical cell for recharging. . If confirmed, it could be a great thing - not only from practical, but also from ideological reasons, because overunity devices are still ignored and denied by mainstream journals and science.

    Stochastic resonance (SR) is a phenomenon where a signal that is normally too weak to be detected by a sensor, can be boosted by adding white noise to the signal, which contains a wide spectrum of frequencies. An overdamped particle in a periodically oscillating double-well potential is subjected to Gaussian white noise, which induces transitions between the potential wells. We again have cyclic process which has activation barrier assisted by random noise. Further, the added white noise can be filtered out of signal to effectively detect the original, previously undetectable signal. This phenomenon extends to many other systems - whether electromagnetic, physical or biological - and is an area of intense research. See also:

    New Device Harvests Energy in Darkness It doesn’t generate much power, but it works during the one time of day that solar cells can’t: night.


    That's nonsense. Japan is not densely crowded. It has a lower population density than 23 other countries including Belgium, Israel and the Netherlands. Would you say individuals are not so important in the Netherlands?

    Netherlands didn't invent Kamikadze, Japanese did.


    I believe that the particles are mainly composed of Ni selectively emitted from the heated sphere

    Try to scrap some of the particles and dissolve them in acid. Nickel gives green colour, copper merely blue one when diluted. If your theory is correct, then the same particles should be emanated also by pure nickel sphere, but You still didn't report it despite of much higher temperature. So I guess it would merely have something to do with cuprous dioxide which is brown, whereas all oxides of nickel are black.

    Is BigOil a Potential Customer of Rossi E-Cat QX Technology? It's evident, that BigOil is not in any way an enemy of LENR. The bigest enemies to watch out for are those with tax payer funding to lose, ie:

    1. The Academics, primarily the hot fusionistas. For obvious funding for their research the coming 30 years or so is on the line – We’re talking billions of dollars. For example Ernest Moniz who has joined the board of directors of Tri Alpha Energy served as US energy secretary under Barack Obama in 2013–2017 is just the person, who fought against cold fusion research at the MIT. But the other leaders of DOE weren't any better. Mildred Dresselhaus - now known as the "queen of carbon science" - was a long-term fighter against cold fusion, particularly against its research at MIT. She had signed the negative DOE report in 1989.
    2. The Greens and to some degree politicians in general that have spent many years building an opinion, funding and careers on the illusion of scarcity when it comes to energy. And of the taxation of it, including the AGW agenda, global taxation initiatives, etc.
    3. US military entities increasingly worried that they will not get the upper hand on this technology. They want it to difficult and it is not in their interest it being available quickly and everywhere. Entities like SPAWAR, NASA has obviously done research the past 25 years in the dark (with results, but probably not yest anything working). So it is safe to say they are watching.
    4. Industrial Heat. Definitely during the trial, but less so now I guess since they have other things to tend to. Unless they are involved in no 2 or 3 above which is not entirely impossible.
    5. Oil producers locally (mideast etc). But not really the big corps. They are owned mostly by the taxpayer and they will survive fine adjusting to new realities. Neither the banks who will mostly benefit. Read Sifferkol's report

    I can fully agree with Sifferkoll's opinions, because I got to similar conclusion before some time already


    I believe the resulting AC is finally rectified with a simple voltage doubling circuit, produces both a positive and negative voltage.

    The character of discharge indicates high frequency AC rather than DC output, after then it would have no meaning to distinguish between cathode and anode.


    Open circuit voltage is > 800V across output terminals

    I don't understand, how boost converter rated to 390V generates spark at distance few millimeters..
    I'm also missing rectifying HV diode in module picture. There should be voltage doubler or something similar in circuit.

    Technically the ball can be also heated by impacts of positively charged ions from air..

    I'm not expert in this matter, but could it be possible, that once material melts, the energy of ions is absorbed elastically?

    It would explain, why the heating in this way cannot exceed the melting point of material too much.

    But the melting point of nickel (1,455 °C) isn't so high with compare to copper (1,085 °C) - the difference in brightness is striking.

    Could you make photo of the glowing nickel ball through welding glass (dark filter)?



    this occurs only when the heated material is at the cathode and does not dissipate heat efficiently

    Thermoionic effect dissipates lotta heat, I'd expect that impact of electrons would bring additional heat - but it would happen only, if the surface of ball would be positively charged, i.e. the anode.

    Also without being an anode the ball would oxidize rapidly as the electrons will protect it from oxidation. Are you sure about polarity?


    As the NiFe ball (of about 1 mm diameter) attached itself to the cathode

    The ball is attached to nail originally, but it ends attached to a surface of steel plate, so I'm still not sure about polarity.