Zephir_AWT Member
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  • Member since Oct 21st 2014
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Posts by Zephir_AWT


    The polarization of nuclear spin axes with static magnetic field does not affect nuclear beta "decay" rates, but the addition of a perpendicular high frequency alternating field at the Larmor frequency, does. With maximum stimulation, does not occur exactly at 90deg nuclear spin precession, but at some angles a little below and a little above 90 deg

    Miles Mathis suffers with macromanic inventory delusions. He thinks Pi equals 4.0 and other crazy stuffs. This is what disease does with talented people.


    In dense aether model the acceptation of breakthrough finding can be understood like the analogy of the surface tension of society (dark matter effect of gravitating function of money), which prohibits the smooth merging of massive galaxies and black holes in astrophysics. The point here is, the people naturally follow the money in similar way, like the massive objects follow the gravitational field and they move toward their gradient, which considers the utilization of findings. But at the moment, when the gradient of money density is very pronounced (as it's common at the case of breakthrough findings, which promise huge incentives), then the opposite effect can be observed and such a gradient effectively slows down the smooth acceptation of such a finding. This effect has been recognize long time in microeconomy as so-called Gartner hype curve. This hype is the most pronounced, the more breaking its announcement gets. It corresponds the anti-kick of black holes before their merging. This analogy just illustrates, that the general emergent principles driving our human society and material world around it are geometrically similar each other.


    The important aspect of this analogy is, it manifest itself at both large, both small scales in symmetric way and it serves as a mechanism of censorship of information. The big monopoly companies just boycotts and censor information about LENR and overunity findings as effectively, as their inventors itself from the same reason: the fear of lost of profit. Except that the inventors fear the lost of FUTURE profit and the big companies fear the lost of PAST profit. Both mechanisms lead into establishing of information horizon, i.e. the censorship barrier which prohibits the free spreading of information about breakthrough findings and their implementation. It also increases the competition between inventors and it leads into duplicated research. Such a barrier occurs even during plain information exchange between two subjects which differ by their complexity and intelligence very much: once some person or idea is just a bit smarter than you, then you can learn and adopt it easily. But once the subject becomes substantially more complex, then the information will bounce from you with total reflection mechanism and you'll get not anything...

    So it has no good meaning to criticize the greedy Big Oil lobby for boycotting the information about cold fusion or overunity findings at the moment, once their greedy inventors are doing the same and even from the very same reason. The possible solution is to provide incentives, which would make the spreading of information more palatable for both parties and which would smooth the money density gradient existing there: the big monopoly companies should get some compensation for the lost of existing profit and the inventors should get some incentive for revealing information about their findings.

    This is all only Krivit's version of reality. The truth was, A. Rossi invested into oil recycling in the times of Iraq oil crisis, when the Italy got into serious troubles and its government started to support environmental projects. When the prices of oil dropped again, Swiss investors cheated Rossi and leaved his Petrodragon company in debts. Rossi did try to pay them in a ways, which weren't legal strictly speaking - but what he did was just a desperate attempt to solve his situation. He isn't criminal by his very attitude, just adventurous and careless. At the very end he was vindicated and released, whereas the judge who sued him was jailed instead - what a surprise, huh? ECat technology is real and based on research and results of Piantelli and Focardi. Andrea Rossi firmly believes in his technology and he sold his home in its development. IH is virtual company connected to CIA attempting to steal his IP and to suppress and delay cold fusion in the USA like many other fossil lobby companies. [snip]

    Please respect the anonymity of forum members. You may not have been watching the other thread where this same request was made several times, so I will not assume you were aware of the rule against doxxing.

    Also, while I'm here, please avoid all the ad hominem.



    He will end up suing the university for millions of dollars. That is how he treats people who try to help him

    The public demo at university is not for Rossi, but for tax payers who need to convince ignorant physicists into research of cold fusion. A. Rossi would need such a demo for anything and he should be payed for it under regular contract. Of course the university must provide corresponding protection of IP of Andrea Rossi and the test must be made at place which A. Rossi will agree with explicitly.


    Axil. EVO's are nothing to do with dusty plasma.

    Do you have a reference for this idea, or is it your original thinking?

    The connection of EVO's and dusty plasma is your speculation - you should prove your point. Don't expect Alan will do it instead of you.


    In fact, the silver condenses into nanoparticles that provide and support polariton creation on their surface.

    Do you have a reference for this "fact", or is it your original thinking?

    IMO the only reason of lack of progress is the lack of replications. I know and many other people (Piantelli) also know, that the Ni-H fusion runs within nickel whiskers stabilized against their recrystallization with pyrolytic carbon layers. But it was never attempted to replicate.

    Even without special preparation the Ni-H fusion runs within hydrogen discharge, when the hydrogen atoms get forcefully implanted beneath the surface. But it was never attempted to replicate.

    It's probable, that the combination of both approaches would run even better. But nobody did even attempt for it - it's as simple as it is.

    Until these attempts for replications will not be done, I wouldn't spend a dollar into another research of Ni-H, not to say the research of Pd-D and another systems.


    When we master PdD, we should be able to use other material. What is important is to develop a theory of what is required to make LENR works, in PdD.

    For what? The nickel-H system is quite different system than the PdD. I even suspect, that the Pd serves as a spillover catalyst only, the actual LENR runs at transition metal impurities in it.

    If you want to develop Ni-H energetics (because the supplies of palladium are scarce), then you should study the Ni-H system primarily.

    The scientists should focus to problem, not to try "everything what works". If the palladium is scarce, then it simply doesn't work as a solution of energetic crisis.

    The research of Pd-D system is just waste of time from this perspective.


    One example of inconsequential act of academic is rejecting ideas that they don't like. it is the biggest stupidity upon earth not to try ... a testing e-cat, even if they have negative hint)

    We can see it even here, at this forum: Jed Rothwell is supporter of cold fusion, he did a lotta work for its popularization, yet he considers Rossi a fraudster obstinately. And maybe he really is, but his technology should be validated first. It even doesn't require to know how the ECat is working, the scientists could analyze the ECat like black box. Instead of this, they did choose the way of obstinate ignorance and doubting all LENR results.

    Jed is right, as the reason of change is mostly the cost of research.

    Such an experiments wouldn't cost more than any other calorimetry. A. Rossi should be invited at some university with isolated and guarded laboratory, during one or two days the experiments with his heater could be done and once the overunity would be proved with no doubt, then the research of nickel fusion should be established with all seriousness. It's as easy/cheap as it is. Every other attitude is just a better or worse masked attempt for cold fusion dismissal.


    My view is that if it works, then there can be no stopping it

    And it actually can not be stopped. But the progress may still take very long time, because of ignorance, lack of funding and attempts for boycott of research like these ones (1, 2, 3).


    People seem to think that the validity of LENR can be decided by popular vote

    Just because I don't think so I don't understand the meaning of your posts here. How do you want to revert the results of thousands scientific publications about it (and I even don't mention the classified reports not listed there)? This is virtually impossible.

    This principle is here for quite some time already, so that the patent presented would probably violate priority of many others.

    The basic idea is, the magnet attracts ferromagnetic objects only until they're not saturated with electromagnetic field (magnetic field of electromagnet).

    The usable work is done, when the saturation gets shut down again without involvement the backward electromotive force to electromagnet.

    The magnon or even LENR stuff is speculative here, because the overunity could be explained even without them.