Jack Cole Member
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  • Member since Apr 14th 2015
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Posts by Jack Cole

    When I read the whole thing I get the impression that Rossi was always loyal to Craig J. Cassarino and that IH was well aware that the test in Miami was the ERV test after which the 89 mio would have to be paid to Rossi.

    From your question I deduct IH is going after the reputation of Penon and the validity of his measurements in the trial?

    One would hope they are going after Penon and his report. That is a key claim of AR that supposedly shows his breakthrough technology producing copious amounts of excess heating.

    How do you know he has even looked, or that the Lugano report forms any significant part of this trial which is AFAIK a contract/payment dispute? Are you straying a little too far from the facts here?

    AR and/or his lawyers have claimed it to be important in their allegations against IH for attempting to tamper with important witnesses (e.g., Levi). That has since been rejected by the magistrate. AR wants it to be important since it is part of the repeated BS about his technology being demonstrated scientifically. IH may want it to be important because of shenanigans of AR during and after the test (salting the spent fuel and intervening in the null run; probably a great deal more as well). We'll see how much of a role it plays, but it *could* play a significant part in the trial. I think THH is correcting the record for someone new to the Lugano report and its refutations. It is a very good summary.

    Rossi testifying himself will be interesting. I predict that he will go off on lots of detours and tangents and it will be interesting to see how JD responds. Rossi may bring up lots of stuff that may not be directly relevant or admissible, e.g., his "sales" of the ecat to other parties as evidence of his brilliance and that they work. JD could object that this is not relevant and therefore not admissible or not object or JD could allow that testimony and then question him on cross about these other "sales" and whether or not they really exist. Such questions/topics might not have been permitted on cross if Rossi hadn't brought them up on direct, but once he brings it up on direct, they are fair game on cross. As such, this could give JD more scope to go after Rossi's credibility on cross.

    Yes, I agree that he will likely attempt to go on lots of detours and tangents. He will also play up the non-English native language difference so he can misunderstand whenever it suits him.

    I think MFMP thought they had some minor excess heat levels. Regardless, researchers at SKINR demonstrated through some very well done studies using Celani provided wires that it didn't work. I'll look up a reference if there is interest.

    So I do not think that Rossi did not fulfill the contract: when Murray tried to replicate the E-Cat, for Rossi the contract was already at risk because he was at this point certain that IH did not intend to pay.

    Rossc, this kind of blows your narrative that IH did not tell AR about any problems until after the third PRV (puppet responsible for verification) report.

    As always our friend is a "man of few words", but he confirms what reported here from Ele. Many people do not miss the opportunity to remind us that Rossi had problems with Justice in the past (always omitting that he has been absolved of everything). When, however, they discover something about the counterpart's past, they are the first to talk about "mud" and to say that the others are lying. Accept it: Darden is not the savior of humanity like many think.

    Did you even read the documents? There is nothing to confirm any wrongdoing by Cherokee that I could see. Maybe I missed it. Could you quote what you found to be confirmatory?

    From what I see, Cherokee was trying to do some good for the environment unlike AR's pollution history. But in true form, AR and extremely-similar-thinking individuals (e.g., ele) accuse others of doing what he does.

    Brillouin's people probably do not think so, and anyway quizzical has already answered you in a proper way.

    I wonder what drives people who do not believe in the veracity of the phenomenon to spend time on LENR forums ....

    Sure Brillouin doesn't agree. But Godes thinks he has it all figured out from theory to being able to totally control the reaction. I know he monitors this forum, but has not provided evidence for any recent claims and his old work has never been replicated by anyone else (unless you want to rely on his say-so). I do not buy the last test from SRI, since the input power measurement was done by a system designed by Brillouin. Honestly, we don't really have enough info to say one way or another since all we have is a press release. One thing we do know, is that he has raised even more money than AR! I don't really see Godes as a scammer, but he could easily be deceiving himself. Until Godes shows the data, I will assume that his system works about as well as AR's and Me356's.

    So you have not read the many papers published by Focardi and Piantelli and the subsequently granted European patents of Piantelli.

    All that material was published before and independently from Rossi and contains a lot of evidence that the phenomenon exist.

    Note also the results from Celani and Cammarora, also independent from Rossi.

    (Nobody here is talking about conspiracy apart you.....)

    A patent is hardly an automatic credible claim of excess heating. Piantelli's work has not been replicated. There is no credible and repeatable method for achieving results from any of those things you reference. I am not making claims of a conspiracy, but I do claim AR has been running a scam. Celani has been resoundingly refuted by the work at SKINR with high accuracy calorimetry.

    Instead of just dropping names, why don't you provide some links to empirical evidence supporting the Ni-H effect that has been credibly replicated by an independent third party.

    Can you point us to the data, that underlays your claim? Or do You you just repeat statements made by scientific dilletantes like Darden?

    Did Darden say this? If so, maybe he is repeating what I have been saying. ;)

    Please point to one credible and repeatable claim of excess heating from Ni-H. I can point to lots of null results. We've been down that road, but I can go through the list again if you can't remember.

    I have expressed my opinion on this issue many times. I think that IH has received the necessary information to replicate the E-Cat and has in fact had positive results. Then they preferred to transfer this information to other members of their portfolio, probably less demanding than Rossi regarding the final payment.

    There is no credible or repeatable empirical evidence of LENR occurring with nickel-hydrogen. You have no legs to stand on other than suspicion and conspiracy theory. The data support IH's claim that AR did not transfer the IP--almost certainly because there is no IP to transfer. It doesn't work. It never has, and there is not a shred of good empirical evidence showing otherwise.

    PIH, you entered in a speech without understanding it. We were talking about the possibility of giving the E-Cat to a group of scientists or experts, such as MFMP, not to IH. IH people already had enough time to study the reactor and I'm sure they will not need a second more .....

    This is a typical Rossc excuse. MFMP has demonstrated that they can be quite discrete without even revealing the identity of the inventor or any secrets. This type of excuse making has allowed AR's scams to run unabated for years. There are no excuses for not submitting to a proper test. If you don't, any potential investors would be wise to conclude it doesn't work.

    That should be the default assumption: it doesn't work until it can be demonstrated empirically that it does. The next assumption should be that any results showing excess heating are wrong and all efforts made to disprove any apparently positive results. A real phenomenon will persist despite any and all efforts to disprove it.

    Dear me356,

    Let me join others in thanking you for allowing MFMP to test your device. I have been impressed with your technical skills as you have demonstrated since you started working on LENR.

    I would also like to encourage you to be objective, and don't let your hope cause you to waste more time and money than need be. Hope will keep you working, but it won't make LENR work. Before you go further down this road, please do everything possible to demonstrate whether your technology is working or not. It will be worth the time and effort. You should be able to step back for a month and determine conclusively whether any of your reactors work. Please make use of MFMP's equipment for the determination. Personally, I'm not concerned if you share the results so long as you can be objective. Like others, I would prefer you share negative results, which are as important as positive results.

    In the Me356 case, I don"t think his runs were conclusive and successful therefore Me356 appaers to be clever and hardworking.

    He still needs time to finalize his work......... unfortunally MFMP used him to advertise themselves one more time.

    I'm not certain what your point is. The me356 were conclusive and unsuccessful. Whether he has anything that can work remains to be seen. It is extremely unlikely, but he has another chance.

    If MFMP got some advertising out of this, they deserve it. It's not like they are making money from this. They sacrificed a lot of time, effort, and probably money to do this test.

    I would not recommend MFMP start playing with rolling average stuff, if never done it before. Next 6 hours is so important that it should not be risked to fail because modifications to dashboard. Most of readers should understand that instantaneous COP sometimes gives false positives/negatives because of heat energy stored and released from mass.

    Everyone who understands the instantaneous false positive/negative qualities of COP, will also understand a rolling average. Conversely, people who get excited over instantaneous and erroneous COP values will have less to make false conclusions about with a rolling average (e.g., some folks on ECW). All the raw data is saved and you could calculate your own instantaneous COP if you wish (but it has no purpose in this case).

    Ah, yes. The control run, where they stopped the run at a very low temperature, instead of going through the range of temperatures that would be seen in the live run. This was a controversial detail from the moment the Lugano report was released. I had figured it was Levi et al. applying an overabundance of caution, or possibly acting on a suggestion of Rossi. It now occurs to me that it was more likely Rossi himself, together with Fabiani, who made that call.

    Yes, I was very excited when the report was released, but started to experience pain in the first page or so when reading about what they did for the un-fueled part. I really wanted to believe anyway, because surely they used more than one method to measure temperature right? Well, no. In the end, they did a really good job of putting lipstick on a pig.

    You could make a case that they lied about some things (e.g., the extent of AR's involvement). With the facts as I know them so far, I would say it is more like Levi just took AR's word for everything. "Well, he said that he didn't touch anything the whole time, so 'he only intervened on two occasions.'"

    AR could settle this whole thing within the next week or two if he wanted to. Have the MFMP guys come run a live black box test on any one of his reactors. He won't, because he has nothing at all that works.