Display MoreAndrea Rossi, of the Leonardo Corporation, has had his application for a
European patent for his E-Cat rejected, but has an American application for it
under no. US2011/005506 A1, publication date 13th January 2011. However,
he does have an Italian patent, Processo ed apparecchiatura per ottenere
reazioni esotermiche, in particolare da nickel ed idrogeno, no.
MI2008A000629, granted on 6th April 2011 and valid until 9th April 2028.
Etiam OY has a patent application for Thermal-energy producing system and
method, WO2013076378 A2, published on 30th May 2013.
LENR Cars Sàrl has a patent application for Low Energy Nuclear
Thermoelectric System, US 2013/0263597 A1, published on 10th October
There is a presumption in US patent law that there be full disclosure sufficient to allow those "practiced in the art" to replicate the experiment. Clearly that is a judicial issue.... however the patent case law here in the US is very convincing. If one examines the Lipinski-UGC WIPO 2014 application, one sees immense and specific detail of how to conduct their experiments (for whatever the worth). Rossi appears to have unusual patent advice, perhaps even extending to exploitation by his Agent / Attorney. He appears to be ignorant of the US PTO requirements vis a vis disclosure. Of course that may be a deliberate misdirection. And, if so, we will all owe him the gratitude of placing much of LENR in the hands of Piantelli, Focardi and other "prior art" claimants (eg. Tandberg etc.) whose patents have expired or will expire much sooner-- placing all that was disclosed, or not, in the public domain long before a patent grant is even possible.