The Guardian : British Gas: alternative, cheaper energy suggestions - Cold Fusion LENR among

    • Official Post

    An article in the science section of The Guardian present alternative to Gas, with Cold Fusion as first option...
    Is it linked to the presence of Nukey startup getting implemented...

  • The article is 2 1/2 years old and hardly serious:

    There is still some debate as to whether practical cold fusion is feasible, given the conditions required to result in a net gain of energy. One restriction is the amount of pressure required to force atoms to fuse. This has proven to be a tricky hurdle for scientists, but it should be easy for British Gas. If an executive is placed in the middle of a reactor, given a lump of solid hydrogen to hold, then told it is the last thing of value owned by an impoverished pensioner, it should trigger a grasping reflex so powerful that the hydrogen atoms are forced together and a fusion reaction initiated. Once initiated, it should be sustainable.

    • Official Post

    thanks , I missed the date.
    I also missed british humour.

    I concede that with current conundrum rereading it from a skeptical point of view may be funny. :/

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