The Playground

  • Quote from "Jed"

    I am afraid he may have them already.

    tell me, why does that frighten YOU ???

  • "Jed" wrote:
    I am afraid he may have them already.

    tell me, why does that frighten YOU ???

    See the Cambridge Dictionary online:

    [Second definition]
    afraid adjective (FEELING REGRET)
    › [not gradable] feeling regret, esp. because something is not the way you think it should be:
    A lot of those stores will cheat you, I’m afraid.

    Assuming that was not a weak joke --

    Are you a native speaker of English? If so, it is a little odd that you failed to understand I meant regret, rather than fear or anxiety. I suggest you read a book about English composition and word use, such as "The Elements of Style."

  • A plausible explanation for the values could only be given by the authors of the Lugano Report.

    We discussed this months ago...

    In the dummy run the "super wave generator" was switsched off. If you feed delta shaped current to a line, You anyway get a mess of signals... Further on TC never looked at the real heater coil setup revealed in the Rossi patent. A coil is alway inductive -> one more mess.

    Thus: It's useless to discuss, unless we know the exact details!! (Further on : Cows eat grass!)

  • Quote from "Jed"

    Assuming that was not a weak joke --Are you a native speaker of English? If so, it is a little odd that you failed to understand I meant regret, rather than fear or anxiety. I suggest you read a book about English composition and word use, such as "The Elements of Style."

    Well, sorry to say. It was a (weak) joke... Or maybe a question (since I sort of get your point even if I'm not a native english speaker); why would you "feel regret" if Rossi got funding? It doesn't make sense for you to care unless having other issues with the consequencies.... As you probably understand I have the complete opposite view on the issue.

  • why would you "feel regret" if Rossi got funding?

    Because I do not like to see people defrauded. Swedish people, in this case.

    It doesn't make sense for you to care unless having other issues with the consequencies....

    Naturally I have issues with consequences. I do not like to see investors defrauded. Plus, I am in favor of cold fusion. I hate to see Rossi hurt the reputation of the field.

  • Quote from "Jed"

    Because I do not like to see people defrauded. Swedish people, in this case.

    Ok. I get it. Nice of you, or whatever.

    Looking at the "business entropy" though, doesn't it occur to you that the investors could be aware of the Rossi/Ecat history and have triple checked it many times to make sure what is the truth and what is spin/FUD by disgruntled left behinds (IH, you, etc)?

    So, my conclusion is that you are more worried about the former investors, ie. IH that are losing it due to lack of business skills, than the coming ones, that you know nothing about... Don't you agree?

  • Looking at the "business entropy" though, doesn't it occur to you that the investors could be aware of the Rossi/Ecat history and have triple checked it many times to make sure what is the truth . . .

    I hope they do.

    So, my conclusion is that you are more worried about the former investors, ie. IH that are losing it due to lack of business skills, than the

    No, if you review the conversation and verb tenses, you will see the discussion was about people investing now, or in the near future, not those who invested in the past.

    Seriously, you seem to have some reading comprehension problems here. It was quite clear I meant the present and future. Either you have comprehension problems, or you are using a strange rhetorical trick to try to twist what I say to mean something different. That does not work as logic, or as a joke, or any other way. You merely confuse the issue. You give the impression that you do not understand syntax.

  • Quote from "Jed"

    No, if you review the conversation and verb tenses, you will see the discussion was about people investing now, or in the near future, not those who invested in the past.

    I do not care that much about the words you type, but what you think about when typing them. As you know these are different things; usually called - reading between the lines. This is what I aim to do. And I believe I'm better than most at it. Of course you do not agree, but I'm not here to convince you per se, but to point out the the glitches to other readers. You're lost anyway ... so far...

    As a sidenote. I did see you as consistent and rational prior to losing it in emotions over ERV/Penon issues and the rediculous sauna theory.

  • Jed wrote


    I am afraid he may have them already.

    meaning investors.

    If anyone invested in Rossi recently, they deserve what they will get. It's hard to feel badly for them. I mean, how hard is a Google search?

  • Quote from "Maaary"

    If anyone invested in Rossi recently, they deserve what they will get. It's hard to feel badly for them. I mean, how hard is a Google search?

    I completely agree. Note that I even upvoted you ... They absolutely deserve what they will get ... regardless of what ... ;)

  • I do not care that much about the words you type, but what you think about when typing them.

    I am a technical writer. I always say exactly what I think, as accurately as I can.

    As you know these are different things; usually called - reading between the lines.

    This is not "reading between the lines." This is obtuse misconstruing; misunderstanding; or willful distortion with the intention to pick an silly argument. In any case, it is unhelpful, so I suggest you cut it out.

    Reading between the lines is what you may need to do with poetry, or perhaps with a political speech or policy statement. What I write is more like a computer operating manual. That is, in fact, exactly what I write. It is boring & pedestrian, and it calls for no interpretation.

    As a sidenote. I did see you as consistent and rational prior to losing it in emotions over ERV/Penon issues

    You cannot begin to judge that issue. You have not seen the technical data from Rossi. You have no idea why I have reached my conclusion. It is a very bad idea for you to try to evaluate a technical problem when you know nothing about it. Even if you happen to get the right answer by chance, like throwing a dart blind-folded, you are still making a big mistake.

    Just wait. Reserve judgement. Decide nothing until you get a chance to review the facts as presented by Rossi himself.

    I do not understand why people fail to do this nowadays. Do you have no technical training?! Didn't anyone teach you in school that you need to look carefully at the facts before you try to solve a technical problem? Guessing is worse than useless.

    I suppose your technique of "reading between the lines" is similar to your method of trying to understand Rossi. It is an unfounded wild guess which is completely wrong.

  • Quote from "Jed"

    This is obtuse misconstruing; misunderstanding; or willful distortion with the intention to pick an silly argument. In any case, it is unhelpful, so I suggest you cut it out.
    This is obtuse misconstruing; misunderstanding; or willful distortion with the intention to pick an silly argument. In any case, it is unhelpful, so I suggest you cut it out.

    Oooops! Touching a nerve obviously ... Everybody who hangs around these streets knows you have changed Jed. You are not rational anymore. It is a fact. Shout at me if you like, I can take it. It does not change anything.

    I have no idea why you believe so much in stuff you recieved from IH when there is obviously stuff from other directions that tell another story. It does not compute ... As an example the sauna hypothesis you spinned some time ago is absolutely rediculous. Even my tech education can see that...

    What you do Jed is easy to see, but I still do net get why. Who are you protecting, unless it is yourself?

  • Jed, the facts to evaluate Rossi's sincerity and the reality of his claims were all available in early 2011. And the non-demo fiasco in November 2011 with the "NATO colonel" charade sealed the deal for most watchers. One had to be incredibly gullible to believe anything Rossi said or did afterwards. And the incomplete and incompetent and unnecessary hot cat experiments only reinforced that impression. No real invention of this importance and value would ever be developed in the way Rossi went about it. No sales, no licensing, no proper testing and four years later a one year test of a complex assembly of supposed reactors done by an anonymous customer and an unknown evaluator? And that didn't tell you anything? Even before it turned out the evaluator was a friend of Rossi's and the "customer" was his lawyer? Wow. Just wow.

  • JedRothwell wrote:
    Because I do not like to see people defrauded. Swedish people, in this case.

    Me neither! What are you referering to?

    I refer to some vague comments in the recent Lewan interview:


    ". . . assisted by his Northern Europe partner and licensee Hydrofusion, Rossi made an offer on the building in the order of USD 3 to 5 million. Negotiations are now ongoing."

    Elsewhere I heard this has to do with his latest claim of yet another revolutionary breakthrough device, the Quark X. I hope that Hydrofusion is not giving him money, but I fear they may be.

    I do not try to follow Rossi's business, so I could be wrong about this. It is hard enough trying to make sense of his calorimetry, which is the worse I have ever seen in cold fusion. Cold fusion has lots of bad calorimetry, so that is saying a lot!

  • I have no idea why you believe so much in stuff you recieved from IH when there is obviously stuff from other directions that tell another story.

    I believe it because it came from Rossi. Of that I am sure. I have independent verification.

    No amount of "stuff" from any other direction could contradict or soften this. This is irrefutable proof from the maestro himself that his test was a farce.

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