CleanHME: new EU-funded LENR research project

  • Influence of crystal structures on electron screening

    EPJ Web of Conferences 275, 01007 (2023)

    I don't know if I've misread this paper, but I can't see anything about running control experiments by bombarding equivalent foils that have not been loaded with D, or by using foils loaded with 1H.

    How do they know that the 20F hasn't simply stolen a spallation neutron from one of the metal atoms?

    "The most misleading assumptions are the ones you don't even know you're making" - Douglas Adams

  • I don't remember if this report has been here before:

    Documents download module

    Table of content

    1. Executive summary 4
    2. Experimental set up and results from the FutureOn
    3. Experimental set up and results from the VEGATEC
    4. Experimental set up and results from the INFN-LNF
    5. Experimental set up and results from the Lakoco
    6. Experimental set up and results from the Uppsala University
    7. Experimental set up and results from the PoliTo
    8. Conslusions

    The experiment activities described above represent different efforts to collect appropriate
    information in order to find a valid focus to make progress towards LENR. It should be remarked that
    our knowledge about the mechanism behind LENR is still rudimentary. Some experimental progresses
    have been claimed in the past, but rigorous attempts to replicate those experiments have not been
    successful to the extent that general acceptance has been achieved. Accordingly, one has to have an
    open attitude as to which experimental approach might lead to a breakthrough in our understanding.
    The experiments presented in this report all encompass loading of different fuels with hydrogen or
    deuteron gas and then heat the reactor system in steps up to about 900 degrees. The general idea is
    that the hydrogen or deuteron stored in the fuel structure might come at a sufficiently close distance
    in order to be inside the range of strong interaction. Then exothermic reactions of the type e.g.
    p+d→3He+e-/ or d+d→3He+n, d+d→3H+p or d+d→4He+e-e+ might occur. Those reactions are of
    course severely hindered by the Coulomb repulsion, but there is a hope that electron screening
    prevailing at low energies can enhance the tunneling effect through the Coulomb barrier. The
    experiments are therefore conducted with different fuels having different structure for
    hydrogen/deuteron storage. Also, the preparation of the fuel as to removal of any unwanted oxides or
    carbonates are tried. Other parameters varied are gas pressure and temperature variations. A healthy
    variation in the experimental arrangements is found among the WP3 activities. The existence of extra
    heat coming from the fuel is being monitored by different arrays of thermocouples. In one case a
    calorimeter based on water circulation is also used. Several apparatuses have a sensitivity down to 1
    Watt excess power, with the exception of the water calorimeter which is sensitive down to about 10
    Watt. Of course, a future heat generator based on LENR should provide power much higher than a few
    Watts, but a starting point even a confirmed less power would be helpful to guide further
    development. With all respect for the present achievements in the different WP3 experiments it is
    nevertheless very important to consolidate those results with replications so they can stand on solid
    Despite some successes, none of the experiments carried out can yet be singled out as more
    satisfactory than the others. Further experimental work is necessary to find the best approach. Such
    work is obviously ongoing with full vigor. What certainly could be an interesting extension in the
    experiments is to find means to stimulate the fuel to ignite. This is tried in one experiment so far
    (FutureOn), and more work of this kind is needed

  • Haven’t seen it before, AFAIK, so thanks!

    I certainly Hope to see LENR helping humans to blossom, and I'm here to help it happen.

  • Update 20230728

    Ten reports written by Politecnico di Torino researchers (group lead by prof. Alberto Carpinteri) are published in the Downloads / Scientific Reports section of our website. These newly published reports are marked as “Politecnico di Torino report”.

    These reports present years of experimental results, as well as new theoretic results.

    These reports contain overwhelming evidence of transmutations during the fracture of brittle materials. Such transmutations are correlated with the presence of high frequency (THz range) phonons, and are accompanied by low intensity neutron emission.

    As a practical aspect, these results demonstrate the feasibility of neutron detection based earthquake warning.

    The theoretic studies elaborate on the role of high-frequency phonons, and explore what the fission-like transmutation patterns reveal about nuclear structures.

    These reports are a solid foundation for exploring the puzzling energy source behind the observed fission-like transmutations.

    Politecnico di Torino reports published – CleanHME

  • Checked the ICCF25 schedule, and I don't see Carpinteri giving a presentation on this.

  • Alberto Carpinteri is quite elderly, I suspect that he doesn't fancy the longish haul to Poland for the conference, also that he has less new work to show these days.

  • Three of Alberto Carpinteri's above-listed papers have been presented at the 15th International Workshop on Anomalies in Hydrogen Loaded Metals, Assisi (Italy), September 26-28, 2022. I think the video recording of that conference was published.

  • Alan, who is guy, his background, general ideas ?

    Probably lnked wih Mauricio Magiorre who came from the same Uniersity ?

    Alberto Carpinteri is quite elderly, I suspect that he doesn't fancy the longish haul to Poland for the conference, also that he has less new work to show these days.

  • I have known about Carpinteri’s work on Fracto emissions since around 2010, also the highly controversial academic troubles he had because of his work in this field. He was subject to a smear campaign, and also there was a paper published by his detractors to “debunk” his neutron emission detection work as a mere mechanical shock artifact causing the instruments to glitch.

    His work on hydrodynamic cavitation has also caught my attention, among the latest batch of reports of the CleanHME project there’s one devoted entirely to their cavitation prototype based on water pumps.

    I certainly Hope to see LENR helping humans to blossom, and I'm here to help it happen.

  • His work on hydrodynamic cavitation

    This (cavitation transmutation) was first time published in the 70-ties by Swiss researchers checking eroded, high pressure turbine blades (or better cups).

    They could find transmuted iron etc..

    Some months later a friendly nuclear power forced them to hide the paper... No problem some years later they sent us 100kg highly enriched (more or less bomb ready..) Uranium... There always is official science and the somewhat hidden one.

  • A written Question to EU Comission.
    It seems positive, but I'm not sure.

    “Only puny secrets need keeping. The biggest secrets are kept by public incredulity.” (Marshall McLuhan)
    twitter @alain_co

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