barty Administrator
  • Member since Jan 16th 2017

Posts by barty

    I think it is more appropriate that failure to reproduce would mean a COP around 0.9.
    Anything above 1 + 4 sigma is Low Energy Nuclear Religion.

    Sorry, this makes no sense.
    In the first time of the IH-Rossi relationship both sides seemed to be satisfied of each other.
    So I guess there was some IP exchange as demanded by the license agreement and IH was able to reproduce the claims to that time (COP of 3 - 6? as hot-cat did with ssm?).

    I guess the IH dispute is related to recent technology advancements (COP ~50) by Rossi, which where not exchanged with IH, because Rossi is a really stubborn person :nono:

    The relationship was about 3 years now. So they had the possibility to cut it much earlier if they noticed a fraud.

    That would mean Darden is a bare-faced liar. The tests on which they invested were all showing that COP except for one outlier at 6.

    Okay I should have been more generally. "COP of 2-3" was just guessing why IH could be upset.

    What I wanted to say is: IH was/is able to reproduce, but with much smaller COP than Rossi is achieving now. Maybe Rossi just gave them enough information to build reactors and fuel to get COP < 10.
    But Rossi knows how to boost that to 50 and higher. IH is not able to reproduce such COP values.

    The license agreement also wants this knowledge to be transfered to the IH staff. But Rossi didn't do that. So IH didn't pay.

    Just my guess. It would make sense in my view.

    I guess IH is able to reproduce a COP around 2 - 3. So Rossi's "old" IP.
    But meanwhile Rossi has IP to get COPs 10 times more than that.

    So IH is not able to reproduce this. That's what they said in their press release.
    According to the license agreement Rossi should have exchanged his new findings with them, what he didn't.

    If this is true (that IH just filed a new patent) that would make them definately lose the lawsuit.

    Such patent states completely contradicting circumstances to what IH states simultaneously to escape the license payment.

    But we need the patent ID to be sure about what Rossi is talking.

    Soon I would be glad that anybody will arrive and measure whatever is possible, especially from safety point of view.

    How far away in terms of time do you see this?

    If you speak of "we", about how many team members do you talk?

    I guess if you could publish your "recipe" many know replicators which stopped their approaches (because of the things you menationed) would jump in again :)

    @Thomas Clarke: That's why I said that they knew long before their negotiations with Rossi that he is accuses to be a fraudster.

    In such a special case they should have been extra carefully and groomed their own experts, own scientist they trust. Skeptical scientists like you, who better measure 5 times than believing their own measured data.
    As a manager of a company which maintains millions and billions of US$, I expect that Darden has very good contacts to get some absolutely independent and well known scientists (e.g. from NASA or something else).

    If Rossi didn't agree with that: Okay, then we go separate ways and you will not see one single cent from us.
    It's simple like that.

    Therefore I expect that Darden had very good reasons to trust Rossi and pump money into this, due to own due diligence.
    Otherwise Darden is a very dumb man. Sorry.

    But where in this story would you want him to have acted differently?

    • Darden and his Team are experienced business men and know how to negotiate and make pressure to negotiation partners.
    • They also knew, long before making negotiations with Rossi, that he has a "reputation" as fraudster.

    So they should have been very careful.

    In this case I would have expected by Darden and his Team, that they forced Rossi to give them absolutely clear evidence that his invention works as claimed (in what ever way this happens).
    Otherwise the negotiations end with negative outcome. Finish.
    When Rossi wants the money, he would have delivered. Even heavy-heartedly.

    But, if the recent IH deny story isn't just a not yet uncovered business tactic, they seem to have invested much money and trusted Rossi without the "absolutely clear evidence that his invention works as claimed".

    I can't believe such a naive behaviour from experienced business men like Darden.
    So I guess this deny-story is a complex business tactic, to steal the IP legally through some legal loopholes.

    Darden decided to offer Rossi to give him money. :!:
    Rossi did not force Darden to give him money. That's the confusing part in this story. :pillepalle:

    @Rends: agree. The whole story makes absolutely no sense.

    Especially the fact that Rossi is going to court.

    If he really is a fraudster, he would silently go his way, hoping to be forgotten as fast as possible.
    And not starting a big and expensive lawsuit against a very powerful corporation (Cherokee and it's subsidiaries) which could take a few years.

    It has long been known that the customer was originally using gas boilers, whose running costs (including oversight and depreciation) must have been somewhere between $1000/$1500 per day. They changed over to electrical heating specifically to accommodate the E-cat.

    The problem is, that it looks like the "customer's company" was a shell company set up by Rossi's lawyer just before the beginning of the 1 year test.
    So "the customer" doesn't really exist. It's just a undercover subsidiary of Leonardo Corp... ?(
    And there also seems to be no production with natural gas before the test (because the company didn't exist before that).

    This is very strange.

    It's very sad that the ERV is (again) a person who was involved in the E-Cat story before :thumbdown:
    No one can talk about real independence here.

    But as stated in the press release, [lexicon]IH[/lexicon] and LC seem to made their own measurements which correlated with those made by Mr. Penon (ERV). And we know that this whole test wasn't designed to satisfy the general public but big investors.

    Another thing of which I don't know whether it's good or not is the legal dispute between [lexicon]IH[/lexicon] and LC.
    On the one hand it could heavily boost the innovation and speed of market entry of both. :thumbup:
    On the other hand it could lead to a total hold of this innovation. :thumbdown:

    This legal disput clearly looks like Rossi has something he can lose (the IP of his invention which is worth trillions).
    And it's more or less this IP skeptics raise to question.
    No one would defend an IP which is worth nothing due to scam :nuke:

    Now were LC made pressure with this press release, [lexicon]IH[/lexicon] has to respond in some way. The next weeks can be interesting entertainment :popcorn:

    PS: hopefully @Mats Lewan is now able to confirm his symposium :)