Peter Gluck Verified User
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  • Member since Mar 29th 2014
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Posts by Peter Gluck

    To Dewey his friend
    Just to call to your attention, I have answered to your sentimental messages on my

    an appeal to LENR patriotism.

    On the LENR Forum, in "my" thread- I am shown there to be Rossi's advocate Dewey Weaver and one follower of him played the sentimental string of their guitar and made appeal to my/our love of LENR- as if Rossi is outside it, an alien hostile force doing harm to the genuine good LENR.

    Dewey Weaver wrote:
    Peter and supporters of Rossi - I'd like to ask that you think about the impact of the following regarding LENR research funding. Every single legal dollar that IH has to spend the Rossi litigation is one dollar removed from the LENR research cause. Rossi is on his 5th 1MW ruse since 2011 and has $11.5M in his bank account from IH while attempting to move to his next act. Knowing that, would you rather see the $5 to $7M in estimated legal expenses for a full-blown trial go to experts and lawyers or would that money be better utilized by LENR researchers?
    Real dollars - in your opinion, what is the best way to spend them?
    Dewey's follower, Stephenrenzz who considers me very biased- has added:
    So very well said Dewey!!! I would also ask Peter (who I find deeply biased) and supporters of Rossi to consider how much collective brainpower and attention Rossi has stolen from the community that could have been redirected without this circus. While some good may have come from all the discussions regarding the circus, I believe the return versus what has been spent is definitely not warranted. When you go to a site like E-Scat World, you see an amazing amount of very intelligent people clinging on to a hope and a dream often with a charged anger at this point. You get the same sense of fear and anger that you do when talking to someone who has gone over the deep end speaking of things such as chemtrails and flat earth. While I believe this court case will most likely continue on for years. I do hope this circus will end one way or another sooner than later so we can at least get back to talking about reality than fantasy.

    My answer:
    Surely it is wonderful that IH wants to fund LENR research and in the Statement discussed above we have seen they have the group and team which can select the best LENR researchers who deserve this funding.
    Surely it is a stupid waste of money to pay legal expenses for a a difficult Trial instead of promoting LENR- awfully regrettable.
    However the money comes very probably from the investments made due the Rossi Technology- we have no proof it is something other comparably with it in the strong portfolio. IH has arrived to LENR only via its relationship with Rossi, not meeting Rossi no funding then!
    However the clue and the essence is this: this Trial could be avoided, if IH had been proceeded correctly in the frame of the story they are promoting now; as the Test has started in 2015 and they have seen in anger that there is NO EXCESS HEAT- break the contract and cease any relationship with Andrea Rossi, show to the world that the technology is not valid- finita la commedia!

    Obviously it is crystal clear in the very frame of the IH story, variant, of the facts that
    IH has made a major strategic error by NOT taking the necessary decision, DIVORCE in time.
    This is the cause of the sad situation with the reduced LENR funding.

    Apart to Stepphenrenzz do you remember the status and situation of LENR say on January 13, 2011? How could Rossi interrupt the triumphal march of the Rossiless
    LENR? He brought attention and funding (as this from IH) in the field.

    Dear Jed,

    You are ne er responding to the questionn of timing and you never show your data but you insiult aanybody who does not believe you.

    As regarding your hydrophobic Jeremiad against Rossi naswer to Axil I do not dare to comment it here beacaue I am polite
    but it is the most horrible injustice in LENR I will say you who does harm to LENR.


    Dear Tom Paulsen,

    so you are contented with the timing of the Events?
    IH people were in the plant had access to all data- how much time do they need to understand the plant has COP,1 and what is the natural reaction to such a disaster?

    Take a woman working in a bordello, how much time does she need to distinguish a potent client from an impotent one?

    It is incredible how IH's ad-hoc story became...credible.

    Sorry for the indecent metaphor but I am amazed by what
    people are able to consider true.


    Dear Colleagues,

    Actually I am grateful to Abd- my traditional discussions partner
    for publishing this here.
    In the spirit of audiatur et altera pars I have created a possibility for Rossi to tell what he thinks.

    IH denies his technollogy, his Test, his results, instrumentation unsuitable, measurements flawed, ERV incompetent, excess heat zero. After 352 days of experimentation, 3 partial reports
    of the ERV- he has nothing and was demonized indeed including by people connected at laeast by symapthy with IH.
    And it seems everything has happened when he asked the money. However now his opponents are trying to build a retro-history in which IH knew from the start that nothing works.

    These things were discussed many times my blog and I were called ugly names and "asked" to shut up.
    Yesterday it was decided to stop suh unsolvable discussions first for 30 days however Abd wrote this long message, he knows why.
    Only the trial will solve the problem- who is right
    Tyhe discussion is like chronicized illness- incurrable, insolvable, useless.
    Going back to my Blog.
    Greeting to you all, Abd included- he hs good intentions


    Dear David,
    A comment - with pleasure: If this idea brings the official announcement with a week earlier- than it is a contribution.
    It is unfair to keep friends and supporters in the so called but impossible; "positive or negative result" mystery situation. It is about friends- the enmies still willo tell that it was not a truly independent test they are not rational people.


    Dear H.G. Branzell

    I m convinced thta there were essential changes from 1MW plant 2011 to the present one; Rossi's problem seemed to be with controll long start-up and shutdown- remeber the Cat Mouse issue- no details known. He needed some stimulation method beyond thermal shocks,
    If you read my blog you could see that I consider re-design normal and I do not expect positive-positive results i.e. system ready for mass commercializtion THEN; massive excesss heat is the awaited positive. High COP values- decently uniform from day to day is satisfactory.
    What do you want tell more exactly about team work at Rossi?

    Dear Majorana,

    One of my readers came with the idea that the 1MW test will be a failure however Rossi being the world's best scammer -will be celebrated as a hero.
    Your idea Rossi is narcissistic therefore we better should ignore him completely-is also very interesting. Actually not Rossi is important but his generators- after 5 years from the first demo at Bologan U. we still do not have the absolute certainty thta it works LENR+ style (that is COP over 3 and power density over 1000W per gram reaction mixture.)

    I am spending many hours daily searching for LENR info and I can tell you that without Rossi it would be indistinguishable from hopeless- at least for somebody focused on technology.
    IF Rossi has indeed solved the LENR+ problem than his narcissim would be not a serious flaw.

    If he and his team works really seriously, then the technology is naturally in continuous
    development that is a general rule I know from experience.


    how many years have you followed closely BLP and what makes you to believe it is scam?
    I tell you actually it is VERY difficult task toconvert lightnings in usable electric current, it can be an error but a honest one. Not every delayed, lagging or failed research is a scam.

    If all the research projects you have lead were successful- then you have the right to throw the first stone. Randy is a personality- this does not make him inerrant but he has tried. Great.
    Just FYI- he ia disbeliever in Cold Fusion

    First of all congratulations for the bright Hydrogenation idea. See my comment at blog Ego Out.
    I want ask you about your future plans in LENR research, how engaged and dedicated to it you can be (have no idea about the profile of your Company.
    LENR critically needs people like you. Rossi's monopoly is braking progress.
    Thank you for an open answer.

    Dear Thomas

    Excuse me please for the delay< each evening I am launching an issue of my Ego Out blog
    Your comments are cited there.
    Assassination is not the intention but it is the effect of your paper.
    You have seen that accusing Rossi of manipulating the sample is a Mary Yugo like
    But openly I have no problems with your opus, I am very angry with the Lugano testers
    It is professional seppuku what they make, very sorry for them.
    Best wishes,

    This was predictible, the Lugano Testers had behaved very irrationally. When you claim results of such earth-shaking importance you must confirm them- or if you cannot- then retract them
    And this must happen in a relatively narrow time-frame- ay 3 months.
    To err is human, to persist in error is devilish but to shut up so long is a bit suicidal- and repels even your best friends and supporters.

    The weak part of Thomas report is what he says about isotopic shifts- too Mary Yugo inspired.
    I wonder if Bo and Co. will answer now in the 13th hour.
