Trifon Member
  • Member since Mar 29th 2014
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Posts by Trifon

    Adhesion, triboelectric effect.

    Adhesion (from Latin adhaesio – adhesion, adhesion, attraction),- this is the connection between heterogeneous condensed bodies in their molecular contact. It becomes obvious that the ubiquitous’s in nature have a decisive influence on this phenomenon. As for the triboelectric effect, there is still no clear explanation for this phenomenon and charge clusters put a lot in their place.

    All’s after the active phase of their existence gradually move into the stable stage of the "cold cluster". At the same time, we have the following picture: a very small electronic crystal of ~ 10^-9 m (about ten atomic diameters) is surrounded by a huge cloud of single-charged gas ions. The deionization potential of such an ion is not enough to detach an electron from the surface of an electronic crystal and thereby begin its disassembly. A powerful electrostatic field tightly presses the nearby ions to the crystal. Further, the ions are arranged more loosely, and thermal motion becomes active. The attracted ions turn out to be orders of magnitude more than in the previous phase of the "hot" cluster. That is, all the conditions for the long-term existence of this, in fact, lump of air appear. In general, the small internal potential energy of these formations remains unclaimed, it cannot be released under normal conditions.

    Let's see how the interactions develop between a powerful point negative charge of an electronic crystal, a cloud of single-charged air ions and a solid or liquid surface to which Ch.Cl has a tendency. In electrostatics, the effect of the field is inversely proportional to the square of the distance, therefore, the further the ion shell that shields the point charge extends, the less charge it can have. Shielding refers to the compensation of the electric field of our cluster in a relatively close environment. With more distance, the object will still be perceived as negative and will attract positive ions. Thus, the ion density will decrease with the radius, and at the periphery the ion bond will be very weak. The property of a "cold" cluster to adhere to any solid or liquid surface, regardless of how electropositive or electronegative it will be, can be explained as follows. When the hits an electropositive surface, for example, a quartz grain, the electronic crystal of the cluster shifts slightly towards this surface, resulting in an electrostatic force of attraction. That is, is capable of polarization. At the same time, on the opposite side of the cluster, the field weakens and some of the positive ions leave the cluster zone. Now, if the cluster is torn away from the surface by some force, for example, as a result of friction, the number of positive ions in it will be less and it will be negatively charged as a whole. This is the main mechanism of the triboelectric effect. For an electronegative surface, we have a mirror process - the electron crystal moves away from the surface, the cluster attracts additional ions from the surrounding space, and when the particle is detached, it acquires a positive charge. When we rub a glass stick with a silk handkerchief, depleted and enriched with positive ions charge clusters mix, and each side receives a part of the "foreign" particles. When charged bodies are separated, a potential difference arises, which is perceived as triboelectricity.

    Static electricity, electrification by friction, thunderstorm manifestations are so common and widespread phenomena that the explanation of their nature with the help of is alarming. Then we must admit that clusters are ubiquitous and we are so used to them that we simply do not notice them. Then we must admit that in the nature around us there is a certain excess of electrons over nucleons, because each contains an of electrons, the number of which is orders of magnitude greater than ions. It can be assumed that there is a very small excess of electrons on the surface of our planet compared to the number of protons. The reason for this may be the solar wind. A stream of corpuscles and ions coming from the sun enters the Earth's atmosphere; on the other hand, even more ions and neutral atoms are continuously blown away by the same solar wind from the periphery of the Earth's atmosphere. A certain balance is being formed in terms of the total electrostatic charge of the planet. How will excess electrons behave on the surface of our relatively cold planet if they encounter in their path, in the vast majority of cases, self-sufficient, electrically neutral atoms, molecules and compounds.

    I continue the "detective from life Ch.Cl ."

    If the conditions of existence of a cluster (Ch.Cl.) that is in the active phase of its life change towards more favorable (more exothermic nuclear reactions), negative feedback is activated. High energy release after several consecutive exothermic LENR reactions overexcites the electronic crystal, the alignment of the focus of the intersections of the trajectories of the nuclei in the center of the crystal deteriorates. This causes a decrease in the probability of another nuclear reaction. The cluster as if protects itself from overheating and prolongs the length of his life. For this reason, LENR experiments are safe against progressively evolving processes such as explosions. It is also unlikely that these technologies will be used in military affairs.

    When conditions worsen, the cluster gradually "cools", its degradation and its transition to the next phase according to the following scheme: As a result of harmonic vibrations of the nuclei through the common focus of the electron crystal, due to elastic interactions, a constant exchange of kinetic energies between the nuclei occurs. There is a certain distribution of particle velocities with "fast and slow tails".

    Both of theam "extreme" particles lead to a loss of the internal energy of the cluster. The slow nucleus has lost so much speed that at the moment of leaving the electron crystal it will capture the outer electrons of the crystal and turn into a neutral atom or a single-charged ion. The crystal is constantly surrounded by such ions with a charge plus one. Their deionization potential is not sufficient to detach an electron from the crystal, while the deionization potential of the "naked" nucleus is many times higher. At the same time, such capture is impossible when the core flies through an array of crystals at high speed.

    Excessively fast cores also lead to a loss of internal cluster energy. They fly outside the dynamic screening zone of the cluster, get lost, take electrons from neutral atoms or pick up free electrons, becoming neutral atoms. The dynamic system of oscillating nuclei – ions is the energy basis of the "hot" Ch.Cl ., and the loss of these nuclei leads to a decrease in the probability of new nuclear reactions, which means the maintenance of life and the possibility of long-term existence of the cluster.

    At the same time, the dynamic screening belt along the far periphery of the cluster is weakened, and it is replaced by single-charged positive gas ions. These slow ions approach the electron crystal very closely in their thermal motion. Therefore, to ensure the shielding effect, they need an order of magnitude more. The nuclei still flying out of the crystal lose some of their energy to "push apart" the increasingly dense shell of these ions. Gradually Ch.Cl it goes into the "cold" phase, in which it can stay for a long time. Perhaps, at the final stage of its existence, numerous decelerated nuclei, capturing electrons, destroy the electronic crystal from the inside, dividing it into parts. All these trends lead to poor reproducibility of LENR - experiments and difficulties in creating a simple and reliable energy production technology.

    Fragments of electronic crystals surrounded by a dense shell of single-charge ions live long enough. Although they carry a small amount of excess energy, this energy cannot be released so easily. These microscopic negatively charged particles shielded in the located around are essentially the same air compressed by ions to a density of 200-500 kG per cubic meter. They may contain traces of transmutation as a result of LENR reactions that took place in the previous phase of their existence. These degraded "cold" Ch.Cl They are distributed everywhere on solid and liquid surfaces, envelop them like soap foam, prevent adhesion and are responsible for the triboelectric effect. These persistent formations find their end when heated or disintegrate in a strong electrolyte, falling into the oceans.

    6. "strange radiation"

    CD. Lutz believes that there is no "strange radiation", there are only the results of the vital activity of CD who find themselves in certain conditions. In section 1.4 of his article, he writes. The high electric field between core and halo is capable of ionizing matter in the vicinity of the CP and re-condensing it at other places. This ionization is non-thermal and non-dissipative (i.e. it consumes no energy). The effect of this is, that all sorts of material can be “etched away” and be re-deposited by a CP. From the amount of etched material one should not falsely conclude, how much energy the CP was providing to “melt/evaporate” the material, because the ionization energy is recycled upon re-condensation. In reality, ionization and re-condensation are two sides of an equilibrium reaction. … The ionizing and re-condensing capability of CPs is responsible for one of the most perplexing properties of CPs: CPs are able to bore holes several millimeters deep through even the hardest materials. Thus CPs can escape all sorts of enclosures. This is rather problematic, because CPs are harmful to biological tissue and pose a serious health risk.

    On the other hand, this explanation aims to remove from CD, as it were, "responsibility" for spontaneous emissions of significant amounts of energy. Such phenomena would be difficult to explain. Similar processes of cascading energy transfer to local zones located in the immediate vicinity are possible under conditions of uniform heating of the material to temperatures close to the points of phase transition of the substance. Here, the processes are uneven, with high temperature gradients, similar to pulsed laser irradiation.

    Ch.Cl. This is how Ch.Cl.'s concept explains the possibility of high energy release in the course of his life. When a nuclear reaction is realized in the focus of an electronic crystal, part of the energy goes to excite vibrations in the crystal body. But a significant proportion of the energy is converted into kinetic energy of oscillating nuclei. The amplitude of their oscillations increases and the probability of such a nucleus falling into a neutral atom on the periphery of the cluster increases.

    Many electrons will be knocked out of this atom and it will turn into a positive ion with a high charge, unlike the single-charged ions surrounding Ch.Cl . This one will rush to the electronic crystal and, according to the scheme described earlier, will be integrated into the cluster. There will be an exchange of matter and energy between Ch.Cl. and the environment.

    For example, the nitrogen nucleus left the cluster, carrying away some of the energy, as a result of which the iron atom from the adjacent solid surface was ionized, torn out of its place and involved in the cluster, absorbing at the same time another part of the energy of the nuclear reaction that occurred. In terms of energy costs, the erosion of metal from the surface of a solid and the transmutation of gas from the cluster environment are things of the same order. That is, for Ch.Cl. it makes no difference to convert carbon from the indestructible surface of a diamond into nitrogen or oxygen from the air into silicon, for example.

    While Ch.Cl. is in the "hot" phase, this micro nuclear reactor or LENR - machine is working to transmute the surrounding matter. It works more or less efficiently depending on the current situation: the type of atomic nuclei inside the cluster, the type of atoms in the outside, the results of the latest series of nuclear reactions in the focus of the cluster, which can be both exo and endothermic. Sometimes conditions are so favorable that a cluster block "plows" a furrow in a solid substrate or, stalled, drills a hole in the wall.

    One of the topics of this forum (Energoniva - a water plasma transmutation technology from Russia)   describes an installation (Vachaev, Anatoly, Energoniva Reactor) where the conversion of plain water into hundreds of grams of sediment consisting of silicon, iron, calcium and many other elements was observed.

    • The geometric dimensions of the formations (significantly larger than the light wave) indicate that we are dealing with an object consisting of a group of clusters combined into a group structure.
    • The nature and pattern of the "caterpillar tracks" left by the object proves a certain inertia of the object's movement, which indicates its relatively significant mass.
    • Alveolus and holes are a special case of linear tracks, when an object "got stuck" in surface irregularities and "got trapped"
    • The object moves along the surface and is attracted due to the behavior of the electric fields of mutual shielding of the positive
    • The speed of movement of the object relative to the surface is small, it is possible to experimentally register an ultrasonic trace.
    • The cluster does not care what to "eat" - oxygen, aluminum or carbon in the form of a diamond, for example. One cubic meter of water contains exactly the same number of protons, neutrons and electrons as one ton of copper.

    After getting acquainted with the idea of the structure of condensed Lutz Jaitner (CD) plasmoids, I decided to conduct a comparative analysis of this approach with my cluster model (Ch.Cl .).

    Lutz Jaitner's work can be found at

    my ideas are presented on this site in the topics #1 and #1

    Models are compared by categories:

    1. The structure of the cluster

    2. Nuclear reactions in the cluster

    3. LENR – features of the reactions

    4. Conditions of cluster formation

    5. Life, - development, dying of the cluster

    6. "Strange" manifestations ("strange radiation", destructive effects on the environment

    1,2,3 earlier #24

    4. Conditions of cluster formation

    CD. The author has built a kind of quantum mechanical model of an active nuclear environment in which there is a place for LENR manifestations. There are not many opportunities to implement this model in natural conditions. In order for z-pinch to function, it is necessary from the very beginning to have tens of millions of electrons moving at relativistic speeds strictly in one direction. Neither an electric arc, nor a red-hot cathode, nor a collapsing cavitation bubble can provide such a flow. This position is the most vulnerable in the justification of the author's model. I do not know enough mathematical apparatus to point out to the author his annoying mistake or to state his brilliant epiphany. However, if the theoretical assumptions of the author are correct, and the micro z-pinch allows you to obtain open or tangled CDs with such remarkable properties, then what do the researchers from the ITER project do with their recalcitrant macro z-pinch? Perhaps, in laboratory conditions, it is not so difficult to generate an electron beam of the necessary parameters, and then saturate it, in accordance with the author's description, with "cold" nuclei. Moreover, Lutz and his team are conducting experiments themselves.

    Ch.Cl. The main thing here is the proof and recognition of the existence of "electronic crystals". If they are real, then everything is simple. Compact, bonded by short-range forces, electronic crystals spontaneously arise when discharged at the cathode in places of high concentration of the electric field. The powerful negative charge of the crystal attracts positive ions from the surrounding space and accelerates them to high speeds. Crashing into the crystal body (the diameter of the atom is 10^-10 m, between the electrons in the crystal is 10^-13 m, the diameter of the nucleus is 10^-15 m), the ionized atom leaves all its electrons outside, passes through it in the form of a naked nucleus and flies out from the other side. Electrons, if they do not integrate into the crystal, neutralize nearby or positive gas ions that have failed to accelerate quickly enough. From an energy point of view, the newly formed Ch.Cl initially, it receives energy from the cathode to "assemble" the electronic crystal, then significantly increases it by collecting positive charges from the surrounding volume. A sufficient number of nuclei included in the cluster create a dynamic cloud of positive charges around it, making harmonic oscillations through the focus of the electronic crystal. This cloud is shielding Ch.Cl . for the immediate environment. This is how the phase of its formation ends, as an independent stable macroobject.

    5. Life, - development, dying of the cluster

    CD. If a CD has a source of energy replenishment in the form of nuclear LENR reactions, we can talk about its more or less long life. This life also involves, among other things, the exchange of matter with the environment. The author describes the mechanism of the cluster's loss of some ions and electrons, which determine the cluster's energy impact on the environment (1.4). According to the author, the lifetime of the CPs ranges from milliseconds to tens of hours, depending on environmental conditions. Nevertheless, the article does not explain the mechanisms of replenishment of the electron clan responsible for the functioning of z-pinch. By definition, a cluster cannot function with a small part of its relativistic electron flux. Either live forever, or collapse with an explosion, that's the alternative. However, as experience shows, most often CDs die in silence.

    Ch.Cl. If the cluster is large enough and nuclear reactions occur in it, then there are no problems with replenishing the average kinetic energy of oscillating nuclei. Newly formed nuclei and nucleons with high velocities as a result of the reaction share their kinetic energy as a result of elastic collisions with other nuclei. The fastest cores are leaving space Ch.Cl. In doing so, they ionize neutral atoms, filling their own electron shells. New positive ions of atoms arrive in place of the nuclei that have left the cluster. There is an intensive exchange of material between the Ch.Cl. and the environment. The excess electrons are displaced by the field of the electron crystal to the periphery, where they reunite with positive gas ions, and additional energy is withdrawn from the reaction zone. Life time Ch.Cl It depends, first of all, on the composition of the environment in which it exists, on those nuclei that form its body. Under favorable conditions, the proportion of nuclear reactions with a positive energy balance prevails, and the cluster exists for a long time. The density of the gas that surrounds the cluster also plays an important role. Positively charged ions do not cause difficulties for nuclei flying to the periphery. Neutral atoms, despite the low probability of collision with them (the diameter of the nucleus is 10^-15 m, the diameter of the atom is 10^-10 m, the average distance between air molecules under normal conditions is 10^-8 m), lead to energy losses Ch.Cl and, eventually, leads to degradation, transition to the cold cluster stage. #17

    After getting acquainted with the idea of the structure of condensed Lutz Jaitner (CD) plasmoids, I decided to conduct a comparative analysis of this approach with my cluster model (Ch.Cl .).

    Lutz Jaitner's work can be found at

    my ideas are presented on this site in the topics #1 and #1

    Models are compared by categories:

    1. The structure of the cluster

    2. Nuclear reactions in the cluster

    3. LENR – features of the reactions

    4. Conditions of cluster formation

    5. Life, - development, dying of the cluster

    6. "Strange" manifestations ("strange radiation", destructive effects on the environment

    1. The structure of the cluster

    CD. The plasmoid is strongly compressed as a result of z-pinch, has cylindrical symmetry, the radius of the plasma channel is 40-200 pm, the diameter is several micrometers, that is, four orders of magnitude larger. Such a formation cannot be called a toroid, rather it is a ball of wire. The specific current is 2.5 A per square picometer, the electron density is 0.15 pieces per cubic picometer, the nuclei of atoms are completely devoid of their electrons, the distance between the nuclei (in the case of hydrogen) is about 2 pm, the density of matter is hundreds of thousands of times higher than the density of ordinary matter. The electron velocity ranges from 10 to 80% of the speed of light, and the axial kinetic energy of the electrons reaches 100 keV. The number of electrons in a CD exceeds the number of nuclear charges by only a few percent. Lutz Jeitner believes that Kenneth R. Shoulders was wrong that EVs are almost entirely made up of electrons.

    Ch.Cl. The charge cluster consists of an electron crystal bonded by short-range forces of approximately spherical shape with a diameter of ~ 10^-9 m, including ~ 10^ 11 pieces of electrons. The distance between the electrons in the crystal is ~ 10^-13 m with an electron diameter of ~ 10^-18 m. Through the geometric and simultaneously electrostatic center of this crystal (focus Ch.Cl .) positively charged atomic nuclei with a diameter of ~ 10^-15 m fly from different directions in the mode of harmonic oscillations. Flying to the periphery Ch.Cl The ion nuclei completely convert their kinetic energy into the energy of an electric field. The ion nuclei spend most of their time outside, their total charge is five orders of magnitude less (established by Kenneth R. Shoulders) than the charge of the crystal. Diameter Ch.Cl . formed by oscillating ion nuclei is ~ 10^-7 m, while it turns out to be completely shielded for a near observer. The average cluster density will be ~ 100 Kg per cubic meter.

    2. Nuclear reactions in the cluster

    CD. As a result of the powerful z-pinch, the nuclei of atoms inside the cluster are brought closer to a distance of 2 pm. Given their mutual oscillations and strong shielding by an extremely dense flow of electrons passing by, the Coulomb tunneling process becomes possible (Chapter 1.7). A variety of nuclear reactions occur, not just D-D synthesis, because nuclei do not require kinetic energy to pass through the Coulomb barrier.

    Ch.Cl. Large Ch.Cl . (the number of electrons is 10^10 - 10^11 pieces) they are capable of LENR – nuclear reactions. Here, the Coulomb barrier is overcome by a direct frontal collision directly in the focus of the cluster of two nuclei flying towards each other. The precise alignment of the trajectories of the ion nuclei performing harmonic oscillations is achieved by the spherical symmetry of the cluster configuration. The electronic crystal has the shape of a ball, and the nuclei – ions, being on the periphery, occupy equidistant positions due to mutual repulsion. The non-zero probability of a collision of nuclei is explained by the huge number of passes of nuclei from different directions through the same focus Ch.Cl ., having very small dimensions. Oscillating nuclei have different energies and different charges, elastic collisions occur more often, leading to energy exchange, and a Maxwellian pattern of particle energy distribution develops.

    3. LENR – features of the reactions

    CD. LENR is characterized by: nuclear reactions are diverse, penetrating and corpuscular radiation is absent, and there are no radioactive elements in the transmutation products. The main argument of the author explaining the LENR - specificity of nuclear reactions in his model is as follows. A dense stream of electrons, tightly washing at relativistic speeds the nuclei of atoms that merged at the moment of interaction, "cool" them, as it were. The electron velocities are different and there are those that resonate with an excited coalition of protons and neutrons and take a small part of the energy from them. There are many such electrons and the nuclear process ends more peacefully. At the same time, these electrons accelerate and thus provide CD with energy and prolong its life cycle.

    Ch.Cl. All atoms in the cluster can participate in nuclear reactions, including the products of reactions that have already taken place, since energy is constantly exchanged according to an "elastic" scheme and all nuclei – ions participate in the "lottery" of inelastic collisions. Unlike the nuclear reaction, which was realized as a result of percolation through the Coulomb barrier, here, most often, the partners have an excess of kinetic energy in total. In addition, there are always closely spaced electrons that can also participate in the reaction. This allows us to expect more "logical" results of the reaction in the energy sense, including without radioactive products. The absorption of high-energy radiation is facilitated by a thick layer of electrons around the focus Ch.Cl, only in which nuclear reactions can occur. I will point out another important «egative feedback» characteristic of the described model. With the next nuclear reaction that occurred with the release of energy (endothermic reactions are also likely), as a result of excitation of the entire structure, a temporary adjustment violation occurs Ch.Cl. the focus is blurred and the probability of a the next nuclear reaction decreases, which contributes to the stability of the system.

    To be continued.

    fig.4 …

    "Hot" – this is more about LENR processes, but the prospects for using "cold" . they are viewed better. Although no one denies the results of the experiments of Winston Bostik and Kenneth R. Shoulders, no one is in a hurry to repeat and develop these experiments, prove the existence and investigate the properties of these very . But since we are at a thematic forum, let's fantasize a little and mentally make three products from this cluster, and then see how these products can be applied for the benefit of society.

    Product "A". "Cold" - this is an electrically neutral formation consisting of gas ions supplied to a vacuum chamber, which are additionally compacted by the forces of attraction to an electronic crystal located in the center. At atmospheric pressure, such clusters will be heavier than air, although they consist of the same nitrogen and oxygen. We will concentrate them and collect them in the form of a liquid at high pressure and low temperature.

             Product "B". Here we are talking about the same condensate, but a heavy inert gas or mercury vapor is chosen as the shielding ions of the electronic crystal. In this case, apparently, we will get a liquid or pasty preparation at normal pressure and temperature.

    Product "C" is more difficult to obtain. It is necessary here .’ fix on a silicon substrate, gently neutralize the positive gas ions with a soft flow of electrons. In this case, the gas molecules will fly away, and the cluster sizes decrease by two orders of magnitude. Pure electronic crystals will be fixed on the substrate by an external electric field. Further, by vacuum spraying of the dielectric, the crystals are integrated into the substrate. We get a plate with a constant surface charge or even a volumetric charge in coulombs per unit area. What will the use of such new materials do for the development of technology?

    The most obvious use of composites from electronic crystals (product "C"). Like a neodymium magnet, strips with a powerful negative electric charge are arranged along the generator on the rotor of an electric motor, a positive potential is applied to the flat electrodes of the stator in the desired sequence. Such an engine is much lighter, it does not use transformer steel necessary for electromagnetic induction, copper is also consumed at a minimum, since there are no strong currents.

            Now about energy storage in industrial super capacitors and using other devices (see fig.4). In a capacitor, energy accumulates not in the form of complexes of chemical compounds formed during battery charging, but directly in the form of an electric charge, that is, in the form of living electrons artificially spaced on different capacitor plates. The more of these electrons (linear dependence) and the greater the potential difference we spread them (quadratic dependence), the more energy there is in the capacitor. Consider an ordinary capacitor fig.4a. When charging it, an external energy source moves electrons from one plate of the capacitor to another, overcoming the increasing potential difference.

             The capacitor is characterized by the "strange" behavior of electrons. Under the influence of external influence, there is no uniform compaction of electrons in the entire volume of the conduction band of the metal plate of the capacitor, and they focus exclusively on the surfaces directed towards each other. The electric field does not penetrate into the conductor, and the capacitor lining can be made in the form of a metal film of micron thickness. The only possible way to increase the capacitance of a capacitor is the dielectric constant of the material through which the lines of force of its electric field pass. For the rest, the capacitor remains hostage to its geometry. (formula 2 in the figure). If energy is stored in a vacuum capacitor as a result of forced compaction of similarly charged electrons in a certain closed geometric space, the dielectric itself additionally stores energy in a dielectric capacitor. (see Figure 4b). The elastic internal forces of the material under the action of the field allow asymmetrically polarized molecules to shift and unfold, partially compensating for the external field. During the discharge of the capacitor, this energy is returned. The gain is 8 times for porcelain, 10 times for aluminum oxide in an electrolytic capacitor and 24 times for alcohol. (relative permittivity ε ). There are specific materials, for example, ferroelectrics, with an ε equal to tens and hundreds of thousands of units. (feel the difference). However, their use for the purpose of energy conservation is difficult due to strong hysteresis and residual phenomena in the material.

            In Fig. 4c Our product "B" is used as a dielectric. It is enclosed in an insulating shell to exclude the contact of weakly bound ions directly with the capacitor plates. "Cold" clusters based on a heavy inert gas under the action of an electric field form a homogeneous mixture of free-floating electronic crystals in a liquid of massive ions. Such a structure, due to its plasticity, is apparently capable of accumulating significant energy.

    The storage element based on product "C" is shown in Fig. 4e. This is not a capacitor, but a system of charges opposing each other in space, opposite in sign and always equal in magnitude. In the middle there is a silicon wafer, for example, with pure electronic crystals embedded in it with the highest possible density (product "C"). This is an insulator, the movement of current carriers through this material is impossible. Positive ion collectors are located on both sides of the plate (Fig. 4e position 4). The properties of these collectors are such that, under the action of the electric field of the central plate, they will be filled with positive ions, the total charge of which will be equal to the central charge.

    Each collector has an electrode through which the external electrical circuit of the element is closed. When the charges are balanced, the potential difference at the terminals of the element is zero.

             The element is symmetrical and can be charged in any direction. When voltage is applied from an external source, electrons discharge positive ions at the electrode of one collector and create new positive ions at the electrode of another collector (if it is a gas collector, then they simply discharge the existing negative ions). The ion concentrations to the right and left of the central charge change, a compensating electric field appears between the collectors and, accordingly, a potential difference occurs at the terminals of the element. A device based on a certain volume of artificially ionized gas, an electrolytic bath or a solid semiconductor with hole conductivity can be used as a collector of positive ions.

            Now about using product "A". In fact, it is just air, it is ionized, and the resulting electrons are collected into electronic crystals, around which these same charged ions are grouped. The energy stored in this product consists of energy dd-cc (fig. 2, sub #15 ) and the ionization energy of air molecules (based on each electron of the crystal). The potential barrier gg is responsible for the stability of the cluster, which must be overcome in order for the hh energy to be released and the released electron to reunite with its ion. For such a waste-free "burning" of air in the air, a special device will be required (Fig. 4f). When is discharged in a vacuum chamber on a strongly positive anode, the instantly released energy creates a microcrater of molten metal. In the device shown in the figure, the oscillating circuit allows you to discharge the crystal in portions and divert the received energy to the consumer.

    I continue to advertise my charge cluster model ( .), now in graphical form, see Fig.3. Two forms of existence of the same subject do not contradict each other. It is based on an electronic crystal (#15), a small, spherical object linked by short-range forces with a huge negative electrostatic charge. Not being in an absolute vacuum, this charge will be compensated in one way or another, and a shielding shell will appear. The most interesting is the hot form . It has been explained repeatedly in two of my topics on this site: #43, #49, #61, #62, #1. This form allows for the possibility and explains the mechanism of the LENR process in the form of a variety of nuclear reactions. Not very rare and unlikely thermonuclear reactions of hydrogen and helium in the hot plasma of the sun, but full-fledged head-on collisions of any nuclei involved in the process. More than probabilistic calculations, the ratio between the volume of everything convinces . with a diameter of 10^-7 m and the volume of the focus of the electron crystal, through which all 10^6 atomic nuclei of the cluster continuously pass at maximum speed.

    The "cold" form It differs in that the shielding is carried out by slow thermal ions with a charge plus one e. This form can occur immediately upon the birth of an electronic crystal if the pressure in the chamber is high enough that the free path of the molecules does not allow the ions to accelerate strongly in the electrostatic field of the crystal. The formation of such a cluster is also possible through the degradation of its "hot" form. The phenomenon of finding an array of electrons in the immediate vicinity of a cluster of positive ions is due to a potential barrier of about one hundred volts (#15), which prevents the transition of an electron from the lattice of a crystal to the valence level of an atom. (the energy of a single ionization of an atom is only 5 – 20 eV). The figure "100" follows from K. Sh.'s experiments to reduce the voltage required for generation . The diameter of the "cold" cluster is significantly larger, on the order of 10^-6 m, and the number of attracted ions is 10^ 7 - 10 ^8, respectively. This is due to the fact that most of the shielding component is located near the electronic core.

    Let's take a closer look at the process of forming a "cold" . under conditions of relatively high gas pressure in the experimental chamber. The electric field at the cathode forms an electronic crystal. In accordance with Fig. 2 (#15), the energy hh is transferred to the next electron, for example, 100 eV. At the same time, it is pressed against the electronic crystal, short-range forces are turned on, the energy gg, say 95 eV, is returned to the cathode and this electron is included in the crystal lattice. The dd – cc difference of 5 eV per electron is the acquired positive potential energy of this new group object in relation to the environment. 95 eV, respectively, is the energy that needs to be expended in order to detach the extreme electron from the crystal. At some point, the crystal separates from the cathode, acquires a symmetrical shape and rushes to the anode, following the electrostatic field as a local electric charge.

    In a discharged gas environment, there are always positively charged ions, they "squeeze" to the electronic crystal, surround it and, unable to tear off the valence electron, gradually shield the charge of the crystal. If the electric pulse at the cathode was short, or the experimenter artificially created a highly ionized plasma in the chamber, the . it will not have time to discharge at the anode. Actually, there may not be an anode in the chamber at all, the circuit can work on a capacitive load, only a collector is required to collect free electrons.

    Calculations show that such a sub-particle in its density approaches the density of a gas under normal conditions. According to the experimenter's plan, "cold" It can be filled with ions of a heavy inert gas, for example, krypton or xenon. Then it becomes possible to accumulate this quasi –neutral substance in the liquid phase in a cryo chamber on a positive electrode at a low potential. An electronic crystal, paradoxically, is an insulator, all the electrons in it are fixed in a lattice, there are no free charge carriers. If you collect such "cold" . in a cryo chamber on a sponge made of thin metal fibers, or on a substrate, you can try to remove an inert gas from the drug by de-ionizing its atoms. We will get an object carrying a constant electric field, a completely new object that has no identity with such a class of objects as «electrets». Such manipulations are related to expected practical applications For example, to create super capacitors capable of storing electricity on an industrial scale. (more on that later).

    Data used:

    -the number of electrons in the cluster is 10^8...10^11 pieces (according to K. Sh. measurements)

    -the number of atoms involved 10^3... 10^6 pieces (according to K. Sh. measurements)

    -cluster diameter 10^-7 m (according to K. Sh. measurements)

    -atom diameter 10^-10 m

    -the diameter of the core-ion is 10^-15 m

    -the diameter of the electron is 10^-18 m

    -the mass of the electron is 10^-30 kg

    -the ratio of the mass of a nucleon to the mass of an electron is 1836

    -the average distance between air molecules at atmospheric pressure is 10^-8 m

    -the charge of an electron, proton is 1.610^-19 coulomb

    Let's take another look at the validity of the proposed concept with numbers in our hands. Kenneth R. Shoulders (K. Sh.) argues that the discrete objects studied by him -(Ch. cl.) consist of 10^8...10^11 electrons and 10^3... 10^6 atoms involved and have a size of the order of 10^-7 m. Did the experimenter have the opportunity to substantiate these figures? Regarding the charge, yes. By destroying a single Ch. cl. on a positively charged electrode, he could use an oscilloscope on a calibrated resistor to measure the voltage from the passing current. The number of electrons 10^8 have a charge 1,610^-19 * 10^8 = 1,610^-11 coulomb, that is, 1.610^-11 amperes per second or 16 microamperes per microsecond. On a 1 kohm resistor, this is an amplitude pulse 10^3 * 1610^-6 * 10^3 = 16 Millivolt. Such a value is recorded with sufficient accuracy by a conventional oscilloscope.

    Now about the number of atoms involved. The ratio between the mass of an object and its charge is usually estimated by the deflection of a moving charged particle in a magnetic field. In this case, the mass of Ch. cl. consists of the mass of electrons, of which there are 10 ^ 11 pieces and the mass of atoms, of which there are five orders of magnitude less - 10 ^ 6 pieces. Let's assume that all the attracted ions are ionized nitrogen molecules N2+ with 28 nucleons. Then the ratio of the mass of the cluster's electrons to the mass of the atoms involved will be: (1 * 10^5) / (1836 * 28) = 10^5 / 51408 =1.94 . This means that an electron clot (crystal) surrounded by ions becomes almost a third heavier, and measurements of its flight path in a magnetic field make it possible to carry out the necessary calculations.

    As for the third figure, the diameter of the cluster is 10^-7 m. K. Sh. most often I observed groups of Ch. cl. in the form of toroidal formations or luminous chains. With the help of special experiments, it was possible to obtain single Ch. cl., in an optical microscope they looked like luminous dots. Considering that the wavelength of the blue color is 5*10^-7 m, the experimenter could not see the object's body through a light microscope and, therefore, it must be less than the wavelength.

    Now let's calculate what energy the ion of the nitrogen molecule N2+ (q) will receive, accelerating in the field of a small electron cluster – a crystal of 10^10 electrons (Q). According to Coulomb's law, the force acting on charges is inversely proportional to the square of the distance:

    F(x) = qQ / (4πεε0x^2); ε0 = 8.8510^-12 F/m; ε = 1;

    1 / 4πεε0 = 1 / (4 * 3.14 * 8.8510^-12) = 910^9;

    F(x) = 910^9qQ / x^2;

    The energy E accumulated by the ion at the point x =R0 = 10^-7 / 2 (at the boundary of Ch. cl.) :

    x is the current linear coordinate with zero in the center of Ch. cl.

    E = integral from infinity to R0 from F(x)dx = 910^9qQ / R0 ;

    E = (910^9 * 1,610^-19 * 1,610^-19 * 10^10) / 0.510^-7 = (23.04 / 0.5)10^-12 J =

    = = 2.8810^6 eV = 2.88 MeV ;

    1 eV = 1,610^-19 J; 4.610^-13 / 1,610^-19 = 2.8810^6 eV;

    The resulting figure should be estimated taking into account the mass of the particle, that is, attributed to one nucleon. So for the N2+ ion, it will be 2.88 / 28 = 0.103 MeV, while for H2+ it is already 2.88 / 2 = 1.44 MeV. The same locomotive pulls trains of different weights.

    The ion received energy of 2.88 MeV at the Ch. cl. boundary, at the coordinate x = 510^-8. Meanwhile, the ion continues to accelerate until it comes into contact with a crystal – a bunch of electrons whose diameter is significantly smaller. For example, if it has a diameter of 10^-8 m, the ion energy will increase to 28.8 MeV. How large is the kinetic energy of a charged particle accelerated by a field and what will its interaction with a bunch (crystal) of electrons lead to?

    I will indicate in the same units the energy intensity of the electric arc process occurring in the operating area, as well as in more serious phenomena:

    - the energy of motion of a gas molecule (average) at a temperature of 1000 degrees K 0.13 eV

    - the radiation energy of the visible light quantum is 2 – 3 eV

    - the energy of loss, acquisition by a valence electron molecule of 5 – 20 eV

    - the energy of total ionization (up to the bare core – ion) of the helium atom is 78.98 eV

    - the same lithium atom 203 eV

    - the same beryllium ATOM 402 eV

    -the energy of convergence of two protons to overcome the Coulomb barrier 1.1 MeV

    - the same for nitrogen nuclei of 70.6 MeV

    - the same for uranium nuclei 700 MeV

    For the sake of credibility, the Coulomb barrier for nitrogen is calculated using the same formula as the calculations above:

    Ek = (910^9 * 7 * 7 * (1,610^-19)^2 ) / 10^-15 = (9 * 49 * 2.56)10^-14 =1.1310^-11J

    Ek = 1.1310^-11 / 1,610^-19 = 7.0610^7 eV = 70.6 MeV.

    From the above data, it becomes clear that the N2+ ion accelerated to high energy at the boundary of the electron crystal will lose its shell, fly through the center of the electron cluster and turn into a core - ion with a charge of 7+. A sufficient number of such ions will turn such a cluster into a kind of "reverse atom" formation, in which not electrons move in circular orbits around the nucleus, but nuclei make harmonic oscillations through the focus of the electron crystal in the center. This model is described in detail above, it allows us to explain both nuclear LENR reactions and the triboelectric effect.

    If the ion nuclei lose their energy to radiation or to collisions with atoms and ions on the periphery of the Ch. cl., a completely different type of formation will occur. In an electronic crystal, as described in the previous text, the electrons are in a potential well surrounded by fairly high barriers. The positive gas ions surrounding this crystal can only offer electrons ionization energy of 5-20 eV, but this is not enough. A shielded quasi -neutral formation is obtained from a dense group of electrons and positive gas ions jostling around in thermal vibrations. They no longer emit, the formation is like a "black EVO".

    the drawing could not be displayed, it can be viewed at:

    Finally, I understood how electrons condense into compact, crystalline clumps, from which Ch. Cl. begin to form. The mechanism of this process is explained by the drawings given here, which need to be considered together. Figure 1 shows the force field near the electron from the position of a single test charge of negative polarity. The resulting force action on this charge (the red curve) consists of the action of three forces: Q, R and S. The first is the usual Coulomb field force repelling our test charge inversely proportional to the square of the distance. Positive R and negative force S are short-range forces, they decrease very quickly with distance. I do not undertake to discuss their physics.

    As we approach the electron, the effect of the field on the test charge initially obeys the Q law. Then the positive R –field begins to act and the force repelling the test charge from the electron first decreases, then reaches zero (point 3), and finally changes sign. Now the test charge is attracted to the electron and it needs to be held. The force of attraction increases to the value bb, after which it decreases again. A powerful negative field S begins to act, it is the closest acting one. At point 2, all forces balance each other, the charge that got here is in a potential well. To get out of it, you need to expend energy.

    Everything that is said about the trial charge also applies to an electron approaching another electron or to a group of already condensed electrons. Having spent the work on bringing the electron closer to such a group, we will immediately partially or even completely return it when the electron "happily" joins the group under the action of a powerful R–force. The electrons in the condensed group, as in a solid crystal, are pulled together by a powerful field. According to the interpretation in Fig. 1, they are located at point 2 and can oscillate to the right and left relative to this point in their thermal motion. The convergence of electrons is counteracted by a very sharply increasing S –force, the crystal is practically incompressible (point 1). But it is able to stretch significantly (point 3), showing the property of a certain heat capacity. This will be useful when the condensed electron crystal, already mature for LENR manifestations of Ch. cl., will have to store and disperse significant energy.

    Fig. 2 shows the change in the energy state of the system during the formation and then destruction of the condensed group of electrons. Suppose, at the tip of the cathode of a vacuum diode, the energy hh necessary for their approximation to the group is transmitted to the electrons in a sequential process by means of a concentrated electric field. Immediately, a significant part of the energy of gg returns to the reaction zone. As a result, the condensed electron crystal has a relatively small internal energy dd compared to the original cc. It is not necessary to confuse the energy of this crystal with the energy of the Ch. cl formed from it.. The charge cluster collects its main considerable energy from the ionized environment, as described earlier. The segment ee is the lifetime of the electronic crystal. A deep potential well gg can retain it indefinitely under certain conditions, in our case of a high vacuum, a condensed group of electrons at point 7 approaches the anode and ceases to exist. The reverse, also sequential process occurs: the anode transfers energy gg to each electron and immediately takes energy hh from it.

    In nature, condensed electronic crystals cannot exist in pure form, with the participation of positive ions, they turn into Ch. cl. The same, in turn, can grow, split up or pass into plasma at appropriate temperatures.

    If the subunit from which the condensed structure of the cluster core is formed is asymmetric, a cylindrical symmetry, not spherical, arises. At the same time, the structure grows not only radially, but also laterally. A long cylinder appears, it breaks off, the ends merge, and a toroidal shape appears. Nevertheless, the mechanism of the core–ion accelerator, which explains the possibility of LENR manifestations, as in the case of spherical symmetry, still exists. Only instead of one focus, a toroid axis appears in the center of the sphere, at each point of which nuclei – ions of local cross-section meet.

    As for the observations of Winston Bostik and Ken Shoulders, it is possible that they saw secondary, grouped structures in an optical microscope. The wavelength of the blue color is 5*10^-7 m.

    Let's consider some controversial aspects of the proposed Ch. cl model. Electrostatic shielding of a bunch of condensed electrons is carried out by naked nuclei – ions that oscillate through the focus of this bunch. Most of the time these positively charged particles spend on the far periphery of the Ch. cl., forming a dynamic shielding layer.

    There are two possible versions of the interpretation of the screening process. The first is complete shielding, when there is no electrostatic field of the electron clot at a distance of ten radii and beyond. And the second version, when the screen creates a pseudo-shielding. Ch. cl. in the near environment is perceived as a slightly positive, then neutral object. In the distant environment, the picture of the distribution of the electrostatic field comes to a monotonous decrease in the field of a powerful negative charge according to the inversely quadratic law. In this second more logical option, a question will arise. If Ch. cl. it is ubiquitous why in practice they do not create an electric current in the air between any electrodes that are under potential, air is a good insulator.

    Here we have to place another feature of Ch. cl.. We are dealing with a macro object. According to the calculations given above, the diameter of the cluster is 10^-7 m, the diameter of the electron clot is 8.4*10^-10 m, and its average density is 100 kg/m cubic. Usually such a particle floats easily in the air, but not in this case. Neutral air molecules (size 10^-10 m) freely fill the space inside the Ch. cl. and do not create a lifting force, as it would be if the volume was closed from air molecules. In our case, the density of an object is determined by the volume of the core, which contains 99% of the mass. (-the number of electrons in the cluster is 10^11 pieces, the number of atoms involved is 10^6 pieces, an atom is 1800 times heavier than an electron). Such a structure will not experience thermal shocks of air molecules at all and will fall under the influence of gravity until it meets the nearest solid or liquid surface. These figures refer to LENR – mature Ch. cl., the vast majority of clusters are much smaller, and their sizes are one to one and a half orders of magnitude smaller.

    Thus, Ch. cl. should not be detected in the air, they live at the interface of the gas and solid or liquid phases.

    A little more about the life of charge clusters. Let's assume that all the "extra" electrons, that is, the electrons remaining from the primary assembly of atoms, are concentrated in the form of small and inconspicuous Ch. cl.. Electrons can be free under different circumstances, for example, when a neutral atom is ionized by an extraneous radiation quantum. Most often, this electron will immediately be captured by the same or another positive ion with the emission of the same quantum of energy - the first priority. But Ch. cl. he may be nearby, he will capture this electron and the energy of this very quantum will be in his possession - the second priority. Thus, clusters tend to grow. Sometimes, in turbulent places, where a lot of ions and quanta of radiation Ch. cl. grows to a value when inelastic collisions of nuclei become probable, LENR manifestations occur: synthesis and fission of nuclei, transmutation, energy release, strange radiation. But the cluster does not live in this state for long. During the decay, the electrons get to the positive ions in the environment and other small Ch. cl..

    Another source of "extra" electrons is such an unlikely event as the capture of a neutral atom by a nucleus – ion during its oscillations. With such a hit, the nucleus breaks the electron shell of the atom, captures part of its electrons and, during its next course, carries them through the focus to the central cluster of electrons. The strongly ionized affected atom also rushes to the center and after passing through a bunch of electrons becomes a newly acquired component of the cluster. Ch. cl. incorporated a new core, there was an act of material exchange with the environment. There are also mechanisms for removing atoms from the cluster. For example, if the nucleus – ion received very little kinetic energy as a result of another elastic collision in the area of the cluster focus. Then it will take its electrons from the nucleus (first priority), become a neutral atom and exit Ch. cl.. Much more often, clusters do not grow to the LENR condition. They are brittle, they divide and break up under friction, mechanical and thermal effects. In this case, a triboeffect occurs and free electrons are released. In the conditions of thunderstorms and dust storms, many mature LENR - Ch. cl. appear, transmutation is activated. For millions of years of the existence of the planet with its solid, liquid and gas phases, perhaps the proportion of "transformed" matter on the surface of the planet turns out to be significant.