plazma_max Member
  • Member since Aug 26th 2015
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Posts by plazma_max

    precious metals gold, platinum is quite stable and easily formed from hafnium and tantalum electrical discharges in a condensed medium. But this process has no commercial interest, as is only of scientific interest. Hafnium and tantalum metals are expensive, so the cost of producing gold is equal to the cost of bank gold.

    LENR other mechanism, not nuclear fusion. This nuclear-chemical reactions taking place via the serial to capture protons and electrons formed by beta decay of neutrons with the restructuring of the core in the intermediate reaction. The reaction proceeds at the interface "a solid body - gas". Therefore, the Coulomb barrier does not hinder the passage of the reaction.

    I spent a lot of experiments and analyzed the results of other experiments on the transmutation of chemical elements.

    Mendeleev considered the discovery of radioactivity mistake. According to the beliefs of the then science atom could not on their own decay. Physicists also believed that the heated body radiates heat and light must be on the theory of self-cool to absolute zero.

    Rutherford worked on a similar problem. In his experiments, bombardment of hydrogen atoms of lithium atoms at 100 kV in the plasma discharge. For deuterium needed 40 kW. The novelty lies in the fact that the cross section of the reaction in gaseous form is very small. If you use nickel as the hub of the hydrogen atoms that the reaction cross section will increase significantly.

    Well finally guessed about the atomic hydrogen.
    Is not chemists in the forum?
    I have an article in Russian, in which I described the process in metal hydride reactions to the release of excess heat.
    Unfortunately, I do not know English, so there is no translation of the article into English.

    article are shown thermodynamic calculations and excessive heat generation mechanism, the example A.Rossi reactor.

    The process consists of two reversible reactions - lithium hydride homogeneous decomposition at 890 degrees Celsius, into atomic hydrogen and atomic lithium and lithium hydride catalytic synthesis of hydrogen adsorbed nickel and lithium in an atomic molecular lithium hydride. Then the expansion cycle is repeated. Efficiency on nickel can be a maximum of 6. Platinum is 10.

    Possibly replace the lithium metal and lithium aluminum hydride, calcium hydride, and the calcium is less destroys the reactor vessel, and excess heat is stored.This is an example.

    Ну наконец -то догадался об атомарном водороде 8)
    Не химики в форуме?
    У меня есть статья на русском языке , в котором я описал процесс в реакциях металл - гидридные к выделению избыточного тепла
    К сожалению, я не знаю английского языка, поэтому нет перевод статьи на английский язык.

    статьи приведены термодинамические расчеты и чрезмерный механизм генерации тепла, пример A.Rossi реактора.

    Процесс состоит из двух обратимых реакций - гидрид лития гомогенного разложения на 890 градусов по Цельсию, в атомарный водород и атомарный лития и гидрид лития каталитического синтеза водорода адсорбированного никеля и лития в атомной гидрид лития молекулярного. Затем цикл расширения повторяется. Эффективность на никель может быть максимум 6. Платина 10.

    Может заменить литиевую кальция гидрид, температуру и тепло будет продолжаться , как хорошо. Но кальций меньше , чем тело будет уничтожить реактор.

    Да, это не чайник вскипятить :crazy:

    Только в работе есть накладка.Теплопроводность водорода в 7 раз выше теплопроводности воздуха,и теплоемкость выше воздуха в 14 раз. потому температура поверхности выше и скорость падение температуры ниже.
    И нефиг тут формулами считать.
    Каллометрию надо снимать, а не градусниками мерить :)

    Yes, this is not the kettle to boil.
    The thermal conductivity of hydrogen is 7 times higher than the thermal conductivity of air and the specific heat of air above 14 times. because the surface temperature above and below the rate of temperature drop. Error formulas considered. Kallometriyu should be removed, not a thermometer to measure