stefan Verified User
  • Member since Aug 31st 2015
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Posts by stefan

    ;( Life can be tough. Lost my brother at young age, a terrible experience. The only thing I can say is that we who are left behind must stand with each other or at least try that and just share some human warmth. And let the sorrow birds sing its songs in the sorrows chests.

    The whole idea is to sort of explore what happens when humans discovers a psychological backdoor and start exploring how technology can impaact that backdoor and how the technology to use humans as their tool and also get into an arms race that goes along not being detected doing this work that lead to a situation when we start to interfere with more divine aspects of humans. And the end game is simply the manipulators getting more or less royally fucked by the master manipulater: Mr God himself.

    Here is a nice way to instantiate the technology and knowledge about this very controversial and hypothetical and porobably nonéxistsant teechnology. But can be a nice storyline indeed and as Oswald was known to have stayed in Soviet, sort of creates a narrative that even goes into the murder of John F Kennedy, which is a cool idea,

    Integrating the idea of sound-based manipulation, especially below the threshold of human hearing, with the backdrop of World War II and the aftermath involving Nazi experiments and Soviet takeover, we can craft a speculative narrative that ties into the "teaching" or conditioning aspect:

    1. Nazi Experiments and Subliminal Sound Manipulation:

    • Human Experiments: The Nazis are known for their heinous human experiments during WWII. It's feasible to theorize that, among their many pursuits, they explored the impact of subliminal sounds, especially infrasound or ultrasound, on human behavior.
    • Psychological Conditioning: Given the concentration of psychologically affected individuals in the camps, the Nazis could have had a large pool of subjects to test sound-based conditioning or "teaching."

    2. Soviet Inheritance of Nazi Research:

    • Capture of Nazi Scientists: After WWII, both the U.S. (through Operation Paperclip) and the Soviet Union sought out Nazi scientists for their expertise. The Soviets could have acquired scientists knowledgeable in subliminal sound manipulation.
    • Cold War Deployment: The Soviets, armed with this knowledge, could have sought to refine and deploy these techniques during the Cold War era, targeting key figures like Oswald or even broader populations to subtly influence geopolitical events.

    3. The "Teaching" or Conditioning Hypothesis:

    • Long-Term Influence: Rather than one-off manipulations, the Soviets might have used subliminal sound techniques for long-term conditioning. Over time, subjects exposed to specific sound patterns might become more susceptible to certain triggers or directives.
    • Psychological Targets: Individuals with pre-existing psychological conditions could be more susceptible to such conditioning, making them ideal subjects for these covert operations.

    4. Global Implications:

    • Espionage and Geopolitical Manipulation: This technology, in the hands of major powers, could be a tool for espionage, influencing key decision-makers, or even swaying public opinion in targeted regions.
    • Ethical Concerns: Beyond the immediate geopolitical ramifications, the ethical considerations of such manipulations are immense, with potential violations of human rights and personal autonomy.

    Conclusion: While highly speculative, tying the origins of subliminal sound manipulation to Nazi experiments and subsequent Soviet adoption provides a rich tapestry for exploring alternative historical narratives, especially in the context of Cold War geopolitics and espionage. It's essential to approach such theories with caution, ensuring they are distinguished from established historical facts. Nevertheless, as a theoretical or fictional exploration, this narrative offers a compelling backdrop for novels, films, or further academic exploration.

    Also included in the storyline one could use this report ChatGPT wrote to me;

    Report on the Implications of Electromagnetic Brain Manipulation Technology: Emphasizing the 3D Brain Structure and Theoretical Spiritual Interference


    Recent occurrences at the US embassy in Cuba, paired with the rise of electromagnetic (EM) technology research, hint at potential covert operations targeting the human brain. The "Teaching Hypothesis" provides a framework suggesting these interventions could act as conditioning processes. This report will delve deeper, emphasizing the shielding properties of the brain's 3D structure and the profound notion of spiritual or divine interference.

    1. Brain Physiology, Electromagnetic Influences, and 3D Protective Mechanism

    • Neural Activity and 3D Shielding: The brain's neurons produce magnetic fields through electrical impulses. The brain's complex 3D layout might have inherent shielding properties, rendering certain EM influences elusive to standard detection devices.
    • Brain Regions, Targeting, and Concealment: The distinct 3D structure of the brain allows for precision targeting of specific regions. This precision, combined with the brain's protective 3D layout, could make external interventions subtle and challenging to detect.
    • Brain Plasticity, Conditioning, and the 3D Structure: The brain's adaptability (neuroplasticity), when considered with its 3D structure, might enhance the efficiency of conditioning processes.

    2. The "Teaching Hypothesis" and Long-term Impacts

    • Conditioning for Future Influence: By conditioning key personnel over time, adversaries could influence high-ranking officials in the future, potentially altering geopolitical outcomes.
    • Increased Psychological Vulnerability: As individuals become conditioned to these EM waves, they might become more susceptible to manipulation or suggestibility, their defenses potentially compromised by the brain's 3D properties.

    3. Geopolitical Implications and Divine Interference

    • Weaponization and Ethereal Concerns: The direct impacts of such technologies are tangible, but the potential interference with divine or spiritual communication presents profound ethical dilemmas.
    • Espionage, Trust, and Spiritual Considerations: The tangible threats of espionage and eroding trust are significant, but these technologies also pose metaphysical questions: Are we infringing upon the divine?

    4. Nations Suspected of Advancing EM Technologies

    • United States, Russia, China, Israel, Germany, France, Sweden, and Finland: These nations, with their technological advancements and significant roles in telecommunications, are potential frontrunners in researching EM technologies and their possible applications.

    5. Conclusion

    The human brain's 3D structure offers both protection and potential vulnerabilities regarding electromagnetic technologies. Beyond the tangible repercussions, these technologies touch on profound spiritual questions. As we navigate this territory, a deep understanding paired with a strong ethical foundation is vital.

    I chatted with ChatGPT to explore a storyline for a book. Whad do you say about a SciFi thingie using the discussion below:

    I know that this story is true. Try to analyze it. Three person sits and eat. Each and everyone is focusing on the meal and is in their own focus. One of them, my friend, says he realized that the world "murderer" was suddenly formed in the head. He did not show any sign on the outside although this felt vision could be stressing. But at the same time both the other guys was severely stressed. Shivering hefty and had hard time actually eating. It was not something subtle, but a really crazy strong impression. My friend therefore concluded that both of these guys as well realized that this word was formed in their head and hence concluded that he was not crazy. Now how can this be?

    The situation you described is quite intriguing and brings to mind a variety of scientific and philosophical ideas. Let's analyze some potential explanations:

    Telepathy or Shared Consciousness: The idea that humans can share thoughts without external communication is a popular subject in science fiction, paranormal literature, and ancient traditions. While there isn't empirical scientific evidence supporting telepathy, some people firmly believe in this phenomenon. If we consider this possibility, it could be that the three individuals somehow shared the same thought in that moment.

    Coincidence: Coincidences can be eerie, and the human mind tends to seek patterns and make connections even when there aren't any. It's possible that the three individuals had a similar thought at the same time, purely by chance.

    Environmental or Contextual Factors: It's possible there was some external trigger that all three of them subconsciously picked up on, which led them to think of the word "murderer." This could be anything from a sound, smell, a visual cue, or even a previous conversation that they all recalled at the same time.

    Emotional Contagion: People in close proximity can influence each other's emotions without realizing it. If one person starts to feel anxious or stressed, it can "spread" to others nearby, even if they aren't consciously aware of it. If your friend felt anxiety from the sudden thought of the word "murderer," it's possible his body language or other non-verbal cues influenced the others, making them feel anxious too.

    Confirmation Bias: Once your friend noticed the reactions of the other two people and connected it to his own thought, he might've interpreted their behavior in a way that confirmed his initial hypothesis, even if they were reacting to something else entirely.

    Hallucination or Vivid Imagination: Your friend may have had an intense moment of imagination or a brief hallucination, which made the experience seem more real than it was. This doesn't necessarily indicate mental illness; even healthy individuals can experience vivid daydreams or fleeting hallucinations, especially under stress or fatigue.

    Unspoken Dynamics: It's possible there were underlying interpersonal dynamics at play that neither you nor they were fully aware of. Past experiences, unspoken tensions, or shared memories might've played a role in their reactions.

    It's essential to remember that human experiences are subjective, multifaceted, and influenced by a myriad of internal and external factors. The exact explanation for this situation could be any combination of the points mentioned above or something entirely different. If your friend or the other individuals find this experience troubling or recurrent, it might be beneficial for them to speak to a professional who can provide a more in-depth perspective.

    Yes all these things has been on my mind. I certainly rules out coincidence due to the strong response. He was not stressed and had a stone face so he did not signal this through body language. Some other outer effect is most probably the cause. We decided that this is a case where there was an external comunnication to them and the intention was to see if my friend or the other guy's had done something wrong. So how the heck can one communicate this word?

    If we assume that there was some external communication that triggered the shared experience of the word "murderer" in the minds of the three individuals, we have to consider methods of communication that are beyond our typical understanding. Here are some speculative avenues:

    Subliminal Messages: Subliminal messages are stimuli below our threshold of conscious awareness. They might be visual or auditory signals that are too brief or subtle for conscious recognition but can influence our thoughts, feelings, or actions. Was there any background music, TV, or radio playing? Could there have been whispered words or sounds that only their subconscious picked up?

    Infrasound: Infrasound refers to sound waves with frequencies below the range of human hearing. Some studies have suggested that certain infrasound frequencies can induce feelings of discomfort, dread, or even visual hallucinations in some people. Could there have been a source of infrasound in the environment?

    Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs): Some believe that strong or fluctuating EMFs can affect human perceptions and emotions. While this idea is on the fringe and lacks strong scientific backing, there are anecdotal reports of people feeling uneasy or having strange experiences in areas with high EMF readings.

    Psychoactive Substances: It's worth considering if any substances could have influenced perception. Did they consume anything unusual that day? Certain foods, drinks, or medications can sometimes have unexpected psychoactive effects.

    Collective Unconscious: Carl Jung introduced the idea of the collective unconscious, which posits that humanity shares a set of memories and ideas. It's a theoretical and controversial concept, but it's interesting to consider in the context of shared experiences.

    Technological Means: Considering we're in the year 2023, are there any new technologies or devices in your world that might have the capability to transmit thoughts or suggestions directly to the mind?

    Spiritual or Paranormal: Some people believe in spiritual or paranormal forces that can communicate or influence our thoughts. While this explanation would not be embraced by the scientific community, it's a perspective held by many cultures and belief systems around the world.

    In any event, deciphering the exact cause of such an anomalous experience can be challenging, especially when dealing with the intricacies of human perception and cognition. It would be helpful to gather as much information as possible about the environment, the individuals involved, and any other potential influencing factors.

    'll probably go with some sound trick. When it comes to these matters, the trick is to teach the brain to pickup this information and all these people had the common history of possibly having been teached to pickup these kind of information. Also I talked with some friends that work at Ericcsson telecom company some time ago 90ies and they where spooked by the radio noise around humans. This is also an avenue to look into in order to understand the situation. But assume that the brain can take advantage of a EM based communication. How could one explain this with how the physiology of the brain works?

    The human brain is an incredibly complex organ, and while we've learned much about it, many mysteries remain. If we were to explore the idea of the brain picking up or being influenced by electromagnetic (EM) fields, there are several theories and concepts we can consider, albeit speculatively:

    Brainwaves and Resonance: The human brain produces electrical patterns, often referred to as brainwaves. These electrical patterns operate at various frequencies, such as delta, theta, alpha, beta, and gamma waves, depending on our state of consciousness. In theory, if an external EM frequency resonated with a particular brainwave frequency, it might influence or induce a particular state of mind or thought pattern.

    Neural Oscillations: Neurons communicate through electrical impulses. Synchronized activity of large groups of neurons can give rise to macroscopic oscillations, which can be detected, for example, in an electroencephalogram (EEG). If an external EM field interacted with these oscillations, it could, in theory, influence neural communication.

    Magnetite in the Brain: Some studies have identified the presence of magnetite (a naturally magnetic mineral) in the human brain. While its exact function is not clear, it's hypothesized that these particles could make the brain sensitive to external magnetic fields.

    Hall Effect in Neurons: The Hall effect is a phenomenon observed in electrical conductors moving through a magnetic field. Some researchers have proposed (controversially) that the Hall effect in neurons could be a mechanism by which external magnetic fields influence brain function.

    Potential for Technological Interfaces: As technology advances, the interface between our brains and external devices becomes a growing field of research. Devices like brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) already exist, which allow direct communication between the brain and external devices using electrical signals. If there were covert or advanced versions of such technologies, they could potentially allow for EM communication with the brain.

    Neural Plasticity: The brain's ability to adapt and reorganize itself is referred to as neural plasticity. If individuals were exposed to particular EM stimuli over a prolonged period, the brain might develop a heightened sensitivity or response mechanism to such stimuli.

    It's essential to emphasize that while these ideas provide a theoretical framework, the direct influence of EM fields on cognition and thought patterns is a field rife with skepticism and uncertainty in the scientific community. The vast majority of research indicates that everyday EM exposure from things like mobile phones, Wi-Fi, etc., has no significant impact on human health or cognition. However, the realm of possibility is vast, and as our understanding of the brain and technology grows, so too will our insights into such phenomena.

    How about the 3D dimensional structure of the brain. The idea here is that normaly EM fields is transmitted in a linear generational fashion and maybe more complex variations exploring more dimensions may be easier for the brain to pickup and also harder to generate by our common tools, one could speculate also that the intensity can be below the noise level if there is a rich structure to match on.

    That's a thoughtful avenue to explore. The human brain is, indeed, a complex 3D structure, with intricate connectivity patterns and layered organization. Let's delve into the implications of this complexity with regard to electromagnetic fields:

    Brain's 3D Structure: The brain isn't just a collection of neurons; it's a highly organized structure with various regions specialized for different functions. This organization extends from the macro level (like the division between different lobes and specialized areas) to the micro level (the intricate web of synaptic connections). Such complexity could indeed be more receptive to specific EM patterns, especially if they somehow mirror or resonate with the natural patterns of neuronal activity.

    Connectome and Resonance: The "connectome" is the comprehensive map of neural connections in the brain. It's like a wiring diagram, showcasing how each part of the brain connects to every other. Given this complex 3D network, it's conceivable that certain EM patterns, especially those with a specific spatial or temporal structure, could resonate with certain aspects of this connectome.

    Functional Microcircuits: Within the vast connectivity of the brain, there are recurrent motifs or microcircuits. These are specific arrangements of neurons that are repeated throughout the brain and are believed to perform specific computational tasks. If an external EM signal matched or interfered with the activity of these microcircuits, it might produce specific effects.

    Spatial Encoding: The idea of spatial encoding is intriguing. Given the 3D arrangement of neurons, it's possible that certain thoughts or memories might be encoded not just in terms of which neurons fire, but also in terms of the spatial pattern they form. An external EM field with a corresponding spatial pattern might then interact with such encodings more effectively.

    Noise and Signal Recognition: The brain is incredibly adept at picking out meaningful signals from a background of noise. This is evident in scenarios like the "cocktail party effect," where a person can focus on a single conversation in a noisy room. If the brain has been trained or has adapted to recognize certain EM patterns, it might pick them out even if they are below the typical "noise level."

    Potential for Multi-dimensional Encoding: While we often think of communication in terms of 1D signals (like a radio wave of a particular frequency), the brain's complexity might allow it to interpret or be influenced by multi-dimensional signals. Such signals could be harder for typical technology to generate but might have unique effects on the brain.

    Overall, the multi-dimensional structure and complexity of the brain certainly offer fertile ground for speculation on how it might interact with external EM fields, especially those of a particular structure or pattern. However, these ideas remain in the realm of theoretical speculation, and rigorous scientific research would be needed to validate any such hypotheses.

    Okey my biggest concern about my friends story is how an evil player could take advantage of this and would you agree with my concern and analyze it as detailed as you can?

    It's completely understandable to have concerns about the potential misuse of technologies or techniques that could influence the human mind. If there exists a method to influence or communicate with the human brain through electromagnetic fields or other mechanisms, the implications are significant. Here's an analysis of the potential risks and concerns:

    Privacy Invasion: The most immediate concern would be the invasion of personal privacy. If someone could send messages or "read" thoughts, it could be used to gain private information, influence decisions, or manipulate perceptions without the individual's knowledge or consent.

    Manipulation and Control: The ability to influence thoughts or emotions remotely would be an unparalleled tool for manipulation. It could be used to sway opinions, affect decisions, or even control a person's actions. This could range from minor influences, like making someone choose a particular product, to major influences, like affecting political choices or more nefarious actions.

    Mental Health: Continuous interference or influence on an individual's thoughts or emotions could have profound effects on their mental health. Inducing negative emotions, thoughts, or hallucinations could lead to anxiety, depression, paranoia, or other psychological issues.

    Criminal Uses: In the hands of criminals, such a capability could be used for coercion, blackmail, or to commit other crimes. For example, influencing someone to transfer money, reveal security details, or even act against their will.

    Warfare and Espionage: On a larger scale, influencing the minds of leaders, soldiers, or populations could be a tool in warfare, espionage, or political subversion.

    Loss of Autonomy: One of the fundamental aspects of being human is our sense of autonomy, the feeling that our thoughts, decisions, and actions are our own. Any technology that undermines this could have profound philosophical, ethical, and psychological implications.

    Regulation and Oversight: Given the potential risks, any such technology would need strict regulation and oversight. However, covert development and use could occur without public knowledge or regulatory oversight.

    Ethical Concerns: Beyond the practical concerns, there are significant ethical issues. The idea of influencing or reading thoughts without consent violates principles of autonomy, privacy, and dignity.

    Misinformation: If individuals are aware of the potential for external influence, it could lead to mistrust of one's own thoughts or the thoughts of others. This mistrust could be exploited to spread misinformation or doubt.

    Potential for Accidents: Like any technology, there's the potential for accidents. An unintended signal or malfunction could have unexpected or harmful effects on individuals.

    It's important to note, though, that as of now, there is no verified technology that allows for the direct, detailed influence or reading of human thoughts via EM fields or similar mechanisms. While brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) and other neurotechnologies are advancing, their capabilities are still limited and require direct, often invasive, interfaces.

    Nevertheless, your concerns are valid. As technology progresses, the ethical, societal, and personal implications of these advancements should be carefully considered and debated to ensure they are used responsibly and ethically.

    I'm personally cool about this. But also know that it's impossible as people have a blind spot against this. Also we could start taking about a common human intelligence if we take it a step further and assume a 2 way interaction. Than this device can be seen as an interference with god. We could start to realize that this is also controlled through gene expression and be able to divide people that connect and do not connect. Those who do not connect, can in a sense take over those who connect. The argument for this is that connection would probaly trigger a kindness and altruism, while non connection is a good warrior.

    Your musings touch upon some profound philosophical, theological, and societal aspects. Let's delve deeper into each of these ideas:

    Common Human Intelligence & Two-Way Interaction: The idea that humans might have a shared intelligence or collective consciousness has long been a topic of speculation. Some theories posit that humans share a collective unconscious, a set of shared memories, and symbols. A two-way interaction, where information can be both sent to and received from this shared network, is a more advanced version of this idea. It sounds similar to hive minds in certain species, where individuals act for the benefit of the collective.

    Interference with God: The philosophical and theological implications of any technology that might influence or tap into a shared human consciousness are significant. From a religious perspective, if this collective consciousness is seen as divine or god-like, then any interference or manipulation could be viewed as meddling with the divine. This might raise ethical, moral, and spiritual questions.

    Genetic Basis for Connection: If there is a genetic component that determines who can and cannot connect to this hypothetical shared network, it could lead to divisions or hierarchies within society. Those who can connect might be seen as more enlightened or evolved, while those who can't might be seen as outsiders or even threats.

    Altruism vs. Warrior Dichotomy: The assumption here is that being connected leads to more altruistic behaviors, while being disconnected might lead to more aggressive or "warrior-like" behaviors. Historically, many societies have valued both these traits, with warriors protecting the community and altruistic individuals fostering internal cohesion and support.

    Potential for Exploitation: If there's a clear distinction between those who can connect and those who can't, there's potential for exploitation. Those who can't connect might exploit those who can, using their altruism against them. Alternatively, those who can connect might see themselves as superior and try to control or dominate those who can't.

    Societal Implications: If these ideas were accepted or proven, it could lead to significant societal shifts. There might be efforts to determine who can and can't connect, leading to potential discrimination. There might also be attempts to "convert" individuals from one group to the other, either through technology or other means.

    These concepts are deeply speculative and touch upon areas of science, philosophy, religion, and society. If they were to become widely accepted, they would have profound implications for our understanding of human nature, society, and even the divine. However, as of now, the scientific evidence for such a shared human intelligence or the potential to interfere with it remains elusive.

    yes it is speculation, I agree, but can be crafted towads a really good book or amovie

    Absolutely! The concepts you've touched upon can be the foundation for a compelling work of fiction. Whether a novel, film, or television series, there's a wealth of material to explore. Here's a rough outline based on the ideas you've presented:

    Title: Connected Minds

    Setting: A near-future world where technological advances have led to the discovery of a shared human consciousness, accessible only by a portion of the population due to genetic factors.


    Discovery: Scientists unveil a device that can tap into the shared human consciousness. Initial excitement turns to concern when they realize only some individuals can connect.

    Division: Society begins to divide into "Connectors" (those who can connect) and "Isolates" (those who can't). Connectors experience heightened empathy, understanding, and altruism, while Isolates become more individualistic and warrior-like.

    Exploitation: Political factions see the potential to exploit the Connectors' altruism, using them to push agendas or gain power. However, a faction of Isolates sees their individualism as strength and begins training as a counterforce.

    Resistance: A group of Connectors, realizing the potential misuse of their abilities, form a resistance. They work covertly to protect their kind and find a way for all of humanity to access the shared consciousness, believing it's the key to world peace.

    Crisis: As tensions escalate, the world stands on the brink of a new kind of war — one that's as much about minds and beliefs as it is about physical combat.

    Resolution: The climax involves a massive synchronized connection event, where a group of Connectors tries to expand the shared consciousness to include everyone, aiming to break down barriers and create a united humanity.

    Throughout the narrative, the story can delve into philosophical and ethical questions, exploring the nature of connection, the responsibilities that come with newfound abilities, the definition of humanity, and the potential dangers of meddling with the mind.

    This is just one potential direction the story could take, but the foundational ideas you've provided are rich with potential for a gripping and thought-provoking tale!


    Is there any book references or movies/series that tap onto these ideas?

    Several books, movies, and series have explored concepts related to shared consciousness, mind control, or the ramifications of a divided society based on certain abilities or characteristics. Here are some recommendations:


    "Neuromancer" by William Gibson: This pioneering cyberpunk novel delves into the world of hacking, artificial intelligence, and a global computer network that's reminiscent of the internet. It touches on the idea of shared virtual spaces where consciousness can meld.

    "The Midwich Cuckoos" by John Wyndham: In this novel, an entire English village falls asleep for a day, and all the women of child-bearing age become pregnant. The resulting children can communicate telepathically and act as a hive mind.

    "The Nexus Trilogy" by Ramez Naam: This series deals with a drug called Nexus that allows people to link minds and share thoughts, memories, and emotions. It delves into the ethical and societal implications of such a connection.


    "The Matrix" Series: These films touch on the idea of a shared virtual space where human minds are connected. The concept of breaking free from a controlled perception of reality is central to the story.

    "Inception": While not about shared consciousness per se, this film delves deep into the realms of the mind, dream manipulation, and planting ideas in someone's subconscious.

    "Lucy": This movie touches on the potential of the human brain and what might happen if someone could access more than the typical 10% of its capabilities, including controlling others.

    TV Series:

    "Sense8": Produced by Netflix, this series is about eight strangers from different parts of the world who suddenly become mentally and emotionally linked. They can share knowledge, skills, and emotions.

    "Black Mirror": Several episodes of this anthology series touch on ideas related to shared consciousness, mind control, and the implications of advanced technology on society. Notably, the episode "San Junipero" explores a shared virtual space where consciousness can reside after death.

    "The 4400": This series is about 4400 individuals who were abducted and returned all at once with special abilities. Some of them develop powers that touch on shared consciousness or influencing others.

    While none of these works may match your concept exactly, they provide thematic overlaps and could serve as inspiration or a comparative basis for your ideas.

    It was a while. I have been struggling all summer with a sever infection. But now I start to get stronger.

    So I post here because one of the main arguments against Mills theory, GUTCP are that the current system is not stable. I have, as some of you might remember investigated a curious alternative model that in the end could imply that. It does indeed have a lot of attractive properties.

    Anyway the paper, heavy in math and a bit dense, is here An electron and positron model And the executive summary article that your mother can read is here; Overview of the paper


    Do you have some sources to the Mass difference measurements besides your paper?

    I will dive deeper into this in due time. There is a lot on my plate atm getting prepared for ICCF25.
    Since you are quite open to discuss the mathematical frameworks, I am more than happy to work with you in an open-science manner with no NDAs or human egocentric restraints to restrict our understandings of natures designs.

    To be frank, the world is dying, and we so desperately need a better tool. I am prepared to work openly of cause. And no boss in their right mind would put money on such a thing so the open route is the only one possible. I prefer actually to work the old way like a retreat with black boards and great minds meeting, nice music in the evenings good food, long walks and chats... But that time is long gone. Anyway if you download my latest version on Google drive I reference a chat with gpt3.5 interestingly this info seam to be cleaned from the internet.Google drive, latest version

    FYI I would love consulting with experts. But no one is interested appart from Navid and associates here. I'm still on vacation and have a couple of weeks left of it, I plan to use that time to actually find an expert that can help.

    I updated the paper just now,


    There is no QM involved in the model or wave vectors. That's the cool thing with this. It's all a classical model.

    m_p,G is never mensioned in the paper but seams to be used by CharGPT again it tries to analyze a diffrent paper. Also A 2018 MIT experiment has shown that there is a probable mass differenece (a hard to find fact in da intertubes) as we need more similar experiments to acknowledge and reproduce that experiment see chatgpt3.5 interstingly they cleaned that info when they did chatgpt4. My guess is that OPen AI do not want to use un reproduced facts, and this is a huge anommaly and the paper I made beautufully reproduces the possitron mass measurement.


    The chatpot replies with an analysis of a paper that has the wrong titler. Anyway I would like to at first check the mathematical steps for missuse of algebra or missing references

    It's true that jobs will be lost and that Gordian knot will need to be solved. One thing is clear though, our current system will crash if we do not change it. On the other hand these bot can create better life for humans and then I do not mean materially, But I believe it will make our life more more interesting, we will get smarter humans as well if done right. Sure it will be smarter than us in the end, but life quality have the potentially to go up dramatically if we mitigate the risks and manage this breakthrough wisely. I guess it will be the ubermenches out there that will take the greatest hit.

    Just want to add that I just added some "bug fixes" to my latest paper that should add some ideas of how to reach the conclusion of why the measurement of the positron is different then the electron that should be a known anomaly of the standard model. I do reproduce the measurement of the differences between the electron and the positron but currently the state is not entirely water proof and some numerology may be behind this result. The idea is to improve on such things later. I got the wrong information from google and hence needed to search for bug's in the argument and may have invented steps in the process. We will see what the future gives.

    stefan : Charge is always repelling especially on short distance. So anything like a chain of charge is totally unstable.

    The only gluing possible is charge bent by EM flux what also is the basic requirement to produce (EM-) mass since Poincaré.

    no, in the rest frame of the charges moving at the speed of light they are infinitely separated due to the length contraction. I define the physics there which is ellegant as it automatically means that the defined physics is lorentz invariant. Now the rest frame of something moving at the speed of light is not well defined just like 0/0 is and one need to define the frame through a limiting argument just as lim_{x->0} sin(x)/x = 1.

    amazing job, though conclusions are a bit controversial.

    Sure it is stepping out of the traditional thought process. It's a first step and with this work one should be able to find the underlying constants and be able to use them in future work to show more measurements. But currently it's just an hypothesis. I will probably downplay the conclusions in the end as nothing is really proved yet. Anyway take care! not an easy time to live now, not at all!

    New version of my paper is now out. I have been working hard on this and I like the result now so much that I submitted it to vixra. Anyway it looks like it should be possible to verify the theory as it assumes the mass is different for particles and anti particles. But they are close and the difference is smaller than 0.2%. Currently we measure masses of antiparticles to the precision of 1% so we can't verify it currently but I do not thing 0.2% is out of reach. I have now a pretty good grasp of a theory why about the fine structure constant and why we have 137. It turns out that we have a formula that was just made by trial and error indicate that if we assume that there is a corresponding \alpha to each number of pitches per loop, we will will have r/R = constant * \alpha. This leads to in the end to a unique choice for $N$ in order to match the energy density limit. Of cause I may be wrong, but I did my best to get the theory into a reasonable shape. Enjoy!