zorud Member
  • Member since Jan 24th 2016
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Posts by zorud

    Sam12 - not sure what your intention is to ask Rossi such questions, but be assured there are way more and very much different skills required to become and be successfuly employed as an "engineer". Proably everybody knows what is and how to use a screwdriver or a hammer or a stethoscope... even Rossi does (my guess)... :)

    1. Sam October 3, 2018 at 7:07 PM

      Can I simply ask if you are good with hand tools?

    2. Translate Andrea Rossi October 4, 2018 at 4:42 AM


      Which kind of tools?

      Warm Regards


    It is really entertaining to read on JONP...and should be eye-opening to the sam's and AA's here. Rossi still doesn't seem to have a clue if his gadget works, but claims to start and sell a certified product based on his marvellous SK Ecat in robotized factories??? How can this be? If you follow carefully his explanations one could think he is already about to prepare the crowd for another fail or delay or big excuse...

    If there was a real global player in the game who signed a contract and is about to spend millions Rossi would never be allowed to write such a BS every other day...but I am almost sure that is part of his conspiracy and misleading the snakes and trolls...

    Andrea Rossi
    October 3, 2018 at 2:42 AM

    Koen Vandewalle:

    As you know, SK stays for Sven Kullander. The Ecat SK evolution has taken substantial advantage from what I learnt from him during our discussions in Uppsala and in Bologna, together with Prof Sergio Focardi and Prof Hanno Essen of the University of Stockholm.

    I am strongly indebted with “SK”. I want to say clearly that if , as it seems, the SK will work, the merit is also of Sven Kullander, but if it will fail ( which is not impossible ), the failure will be totally mine, because at the end I decided how to apply what I learnt.

    Warm Regards,


    Oh - don't forget that Rossi scrapped his marvellous QX E Cat (which had sigma 5 and was tested, ready for robotic production and certified) for the new SK Ecat, which is far more advacned, efficient and superior to everything else he had before....

    It is really a pity and annoying to see such a waste of engineering goods and efforts, after all these years of hard work and R&D.

    But hey - I am curious what comes next, as always. Rossi is entertaining.

    Adrian, can‘t believe that you are so blind and naive... do you really believe that a serious business partner who is about to start manufacturing a product that will change the industrial landscape (if true what Rossi claims) for sure has an air-tight legal contract, would really allow his “partner” to behave as he does and post all day long such hilarious bullshit, every other day something new and different? Now focusing to 40MW gas turbines powered by nuclear devices which will for sure need an approval by Florida’s state authorities and must be declared and planned, the more they are running by wires and are controlled by internet from Leonardo’s headquarter? What happened to this crazy plans btw?

    Oh I forgot, yes, this all is of course part of the game to mislead the snakes and bad enemies out there to stay ahead of his competitors...

    You say what counts, are facts. Why do you then ignore the clear facts that Rossi has been proven to be a liar and con man? He himself admitted to be his own fake customer he did sell heat to...

    Adrian, you were so convinced from your hero and his QX that was ready to manufacture and sell. Any idea or opinion on why Rossi may have dropped this world changing product and the billions of revenue for starting this crazy heat selling adventure which is in your eyes questionable?

    That is what probably everybody who has a sense of engineering would expect and design if there was a little LENR reactor that really does what it claimed to do.

    But Rossi instead tries to reengineer large gas turbines or put a huge sealed container in your back yard, that delivers many MW steam the hell knows out of what via an extensive piping/cooling/water supply system. And it seems all without independent testing or certification by a notified lab or agency....

    Battle lines are drawn. Rossi says he will begin SK production this January 2019. I think that is what Adrian predicted? If so, good on him. Good to see we have a defined timeline, after which the winning side will have bragging rights. While it remains to be determined how, exactly, we will know he has started production, I say let the best man win.

    Isn’t this exactly what the babblers have predicted? Because this is Rossi’s scheme and pattern..? Dropping the current “product” that is “Sigma-5-ready” for the next generation that is superior and more efficient? Rossi keeps us curious what might be his next toy in a year from now, he will drop his SK for? Luckily there is enough room with letters from the alphabet... Adrian come on with a suggestion 😄😄