stephenrenzz Member
  • Member since May 15th 2016
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Posts by stephenrenzz

    Hi all

    In Reply to stephenrenzz on the matter of my previous post.
    Quote from stephenrenzz: “What on earth are you talking about??? My last name is Reynolds thus the renzz at the end of my name. What is a renzz besides what I just said? Good god they…

    You can see my reply to Keieueue regarding your ridiculous claim that I talk to myself or that I have created a second fake user. There is no user named renzz btw so a second fake account makes no sense if that was part of the implication.

    Sifferkoll "renzzed" you from stephenrezz, or shortened your name if you so would prefer

    It then seemed as you stephenrezz were answering to renzz, while it's not clear whether you answer to anyone but yourself

    I'm fascinated by all the social engineering going on in alternative/paradigm shifting sciences. I mean, I think My Little Poney is an abomination and wreaks terrible havoc, but I don't spend my free time bitching about it on their forums. Why do you supposedly scientific people spend time naysaying what you think is stupid and absurd instead of working at things you recognize as worthwhile/proven/rational?

    Keieueue...THANK YOU for explaining it!! haha I will be 100% honest, I am new on this forum and while I have used many different forums in the past, I am new to the Quoting system used here. I realized I was using it wrong a few times and could not figure out why it was not quoting for me like most forums, until I discovered the little oval that says "Quotes (1)" down at the bottom right of the page. It is a VERY convoluted quote system, but I think that explains it. I am quite confused why Walker would think I was intentionally talking to myself just by the misquote text as the substance of the discussion should have been obvious that was not the case. Talk about conspiracy theory or possibly mental illness....

    I honestly still have NO idea what you are talking about! I am assuming you are telling me there is or was a user on her named renzz? I just did a user search and I am not finding a user name renzz. Something tells me you are a little mentally unstable. Can anyone else explain this to me please? I am quite confused by this nonsense.

    I have read many different perspectives on Rossi's criminal activities that put him in prison. I don't believe most of the spin on it...from what I gather Rossi's prison time was well deserved. Every single government on this planet is riddled with corruption, Italy would be no exception. If we discounted every court case because of possible government corruption, everyone would go free. Spin spin spin. He deserved prision time...he got it. Some of the photos and reports of the environmental damage are quite sad.

    I believe that IH had very much confidence in Rossi early on, but Rossi could not deliver in the end. No one in their right mind would walk away from the brass ring for peanuts in relative terms. If Rossi could achieve COP~50...or hell even COP~5, he would have the technology of the century and IH would capitalize on it no matter what it took. To think that IH would walk away from an agreement that would be worth more money than anyone has ever conceived is beyond ludicrous. Don't give me any B.S. excuses about raising the money, I don't believe is what they do. Don't bring me a bogus concocted story about IH wanting to push Rossi out, because even without pushing out Rossi, the invention of a lifetime would still be worth more money than anyone in IH could ever shovel into their homes. I am so tired of the fantasy world you people live in that discounts this is beyond absurd. I think Rossi easily fooled everyone. If you built a plant, you would be able to fool everyone as well. Everything from rigged monitoring equipment (which is easy to do if you know how and return it to cal before examination), hidden wiring, hidden devices, edited data within databases and reports...oh god the list could go on and on how an intelligent person could rig a test no matter if it was for an hour or for a year. It would be REAL easy if you were to sway the tester to at very least look away from time to time if millions are at stake. Imagine the amazement at a human being swayed by millions even if he has a clean background....insert sarcasm tag. I will wrap up by reminding people of Ross's degree in chemical engineering from the University of Kensington, California. That university was shut down by government authorities as a fake diploma mill. That should be a pretty good indicator of character and wisdom. When will you stop following Rossi's carrot or better yet ecat on a stick? He is a scammer who will hopefully get what he deserves...which may include jail time...

    Dewey Weaver-
    I asked that you were verified on another thread earlier today. I did this not as a Rossi advocate (for sure I think he is his own worse enemy) but to see if you represent IH in anyway that could be verified other than an email.

    You (and I will mention Skifferol-- so it's fair) and others spend so much time in personal attacks I am confused on why Mr. Darden or anyone from IH has not asked you to frankly to knock if off. I have spent a fair amount of money on investments that have not paid off. I just don't see how telling people that their IQ must be low if they do not agree with your point of view helps sway opinion. Is IH aware that you think everyone is dumb as f*ck? Especially if they don't see your point?
    Now since I have spent money (wasted btw) on technology in the past I don't see how you are doing IH any favors. Now if this is your personal Dewey money I could understand. I hate being screwed by people. But I sure as "crap" for a better word just do not get how this is moving your cause along.
    At least explain it.

    Rigel...intelligent minds are seeing right through Rossi's scam at this point. There was a time when many believed him, but he has now proven to be a scam-artist. Every time a question is asked about Rossi's criminal past in prison, his odd secretive ways, his rigging of tests in the past (the steam scandal is my favorite), his fake accounts he talks to himself with on his pompous blog (talk about an ego calling your blog journal of nuclear physics), the mysterious companies he has set up, the mysterious customer that moved in and moved out, outlandish answers are all Rossi supporters have to provide. Intelligent critical thinkers are no longer buying Rossi's lies and manufactured delays. To this day Rossi continues to operate in a shady secrecy.

    Of course it is, that is why I stated it ;) ... Do you deny there being an accountability factor on statements made?

    Do I deny it? I think your perspective on accountability is absolutely absurd. Rossi has produced nothing but lies, delays, past scams that put him in prison...still to provide a single shred of verifiable proof. I have not seen this track record with IH, so while I am not convinced that they are squeaky clean, I think bets are best to be placed on IH in this horse race. COP~50...give me a break!

    Stephenrenzz - totally missed the mini-Rossi in the lower left hand corner. Two classics in 12 hours.
    If you end up with a couple of cycles, perhaps a rendering of Rossi listening to a Saturn V rocket engine test with his stethoscope? Even better, the picture of Rossi in his jacket in a steam bath or nuclear cooling tower scenario.

    Oh you read my mind on the stethoscope!!! More goodies to come! haha

    Ah Dewey, I had no idea you have such a deep understanding of the Book of Rossi as well as the Book Of Siffer. You somehow knew one of my favorite passages from the good Book of Siffer! You have been cleansed my have been cleansed.

    You DID catch the mini-Rossi located in the lower left corner of this gem of mine right? It's much like pokemon or pogs. You can trade in 5 mini-Rossi's for 2 mini-Penons. The mini-Rossis have a +5 deception rating in battle situations. Just wanted to make sure you start collecting now before all the good ones are gone!

    stephenrenzz - you're an animal! Which was is Sifferkoll?

    Dewey my son, if you recall Matthew 9:13 we take in to our hearts the following verse. "And by Gods grace alone, our lord and savior Rossi turned to his loving brother John to speak these words" -"we-ahh shall-ahh bring-ahh tha snakes-ahh to-ahh there-ahh knees-ahh".

    What is the hidden moral of that passage you ask Dewey? Much like the E-Cat....knees on snakes are not real.

    So I think it is John (yes the one usually mistaken for Mary). lol

    What on earth are you talking about??? My last name is Reynolds thus the renzz at the end of my name. What is a renzz besides what I just said? Good god they drink some amazing koolaid in here. I await your eye opening revelation on this.....

    Maybe you could describe more in detail what it is you dont understand and I can help you.

    What exactly are you talking about? When did I say there was anything I do not understand? You are claiming a "Rossi says" to be fact and that is nonsense. I am glad your ego is getting stroked by being quoted in forum is a VERY rare thing that happens ever. Something tells me Sifferkoll(R) = attempt at ego stroking. Adorable.

    Good for you, good for you. Entertainment is a start anyway ... Actually I do not claim to be unbiased or scientific; only to reach the most probable conclusions from my analysis. But I do not expect you to understand it.

    I take you freaking out as a confirmation on being on the right track ...

    "Sifferkoll is about using quantitative analysis and proprietary algos on big data to verify qualitative and intuitive models covering areas of interest, including trading, online sales, social media behaviour and black swans like the LENR paradigm shift."

    Sure sounds like your mission statement DIRECTLY contradicts your statement to me. Oh I am sure I am on the right track...and it is NOT the track that the Rossi train is on full steam headed for the bridge that is out.

    I am going back through Sifferkoll's posts at this point as well as observing the incredibly slanted bias of his blog or whatever Sifferkoll (Rights Reserved) is lol. His site appears to have a worse bias slant than Ecan't-World. And that is HARD TO BEAT!!! Speak against his holiness Rossi over there and you are awarded a insta-ban! haha

    "Sifferkoll is about using quantitative analysis and proprietary algos on big data to verify qualitative and intuitive models covering areas of interest, including trading, online sales, social media behaviour and black swans like the LENR paradigm shift." LOL...what a load of B.S. coming from someone so biased and slanted....soooo far from the reality of real science and analysis. Truly amusing!