stephenrenzz Member
  • Member since May 15th 2016
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Posts by stephenrenzz

    [quote='Dewey Weaver','']

    If this is true, then Industrial Heat have to inform the USPO and immediately withdraw the patent application! And you can try to discredit me to take party as long as you want, I am completely independent, impartial and act on the behalf of facts and fact is that there is this valid patent application filed Feb.20,2015 by Industrial Heat, LLC, Raleigh, NC, published by the USPO Feb. 25, 2016 (by the way exact the period of the long term 1MW test) and you are not able to explain why IH copied the Lugano report without permission of the authors and used it in this application for a device they now claim that it is not working.

    That is not true Rends. It would not be in IH's interest nor is there an legal obligation to have it removed before the conclusion of the legal proceedings around this situation.

    Quote from Dewey Weaver: “12. Rossi has infiltrated all of the blogs with fake handles including "Vortex" and this forum.”
    It's most unlikely that there's a sock puppet of Rossi's that is regularly posting to Vortex. All of the people on Vortex…

    It is now known that Rossi uses at least 4-5 fake names on JoNP (they are soooo obvious when you look at the track record for numerous reasons), at least 3 on Ecat-World and at least 2 on Vortex. He used to be rather silent with his sockpuppets, but that changed as of late. Rossi's sockpuppets are VERY real and he spreads them well. Unfortunately for him, his proficiency level of the English language, his rhetoric, grammar and consistent misspellings are a dead giveaway. We all know there will and probably have been fake-fake users (double agent users lol) but it is pretty easy to spot the real ones by watching the context of the speech.

    Quote from stephenrenzz: “it is now known that Rossi uses MANY sock puppets on all of the forums. randombit0 is one of Rossi's characters on here. I can give you a full rundown on how to spot Rossi fake users, it is quite easy. If you don't believe me…

    Slad, you must be new to forums. No one will answer you nor take you serious if you create posts like this addressing everyone and their brothers all at once. Good luck with that.

    Quote from stephenrenzz: “
    Keieueue I didn't say info regarding a possible Rossi scam, I was speaking to info regarding the case in general. While I personally do believe Rossi is pulling a scam, that isn't what I was talking about in reference to…

    As I already mentioned in the original post, I am not interested in the troll bait of debating the actual fact points right now. You can do the research there on your own.

    I am unsure about Rossi but what info apart from hearsay is available about a possible Rossi scam?

    Plus he might really have just dissipated the heat away not having found a customer

    I mean nothing in this whole story makes common sense so why not?

    Keieueue I didn't say info regarding a possible Rossi scam, I was speaking to info regarding the case in general. While I personally do believe Rossi is pulling a scam, that isn't what I was talking about in reference to Dewey.

    Zorud, come is the playground so we are just having a little fun. I am making sure not to post any more joke stuff outside this thread.

    Edit: if the moderators feel it is inappropriate I will stop.

    What am I speculating about?

    Your perspectives of the aspects of this situation like everyone else. This has become quite unproductive. Bottom line for me, whether it be here or any other forums or blogs discussing the Rossi/IH I have seen a solid trend of ridicule and attacks towards Dewey, yet people like Sifferkoll are almost heralded as oracles on the facts that are so far unknown across the board on this matter. I have seen some inconsistencies in some of the things Dewey has said, but it does not shock me due to the complexity of this situation. What does interest me about listening to Dewey is that he has put forth information that even the Rossi-camp has had to admit is true. I am not going to get into rehashing it, I am quite sure you are aware of the things I am talking about. This has gone further than I honestly intended Alan....I apologize that you have taken the brunt of my Rossi frustation this time lol I just feel a serious unbalance that frustrates me on these LENR forums....E-Cat World is NOTORIOUS for bad bias and unfair least here voices can be heard.

    @stephenrezz: So which provable fact did dewey unveil?
    and by the way: "It is known" is not a prove ;)

    Monty I am not interested in your age old troll bait tactic there. Much of what Dewey says is absolutely hearsay from the public perspective, as I am sure he would admit, but there have been many facts that Dewey has brought to light that have in fact been substantiated. I am not going to do the research for you as I have no desire, you can choose to keep the Rossi-blinders on....that is definitely your prerogative.

    There is absolutely no contradiction in my sentences, you are merely speculating yet calling out Dewey for what you are doing yourself. If you have any facts, present them, otherwise realize your speculation voice is no more valuable than anyone elses. I 'hear' you saying you are for science not name calling....and yet we are speaking of the topic of your namecalling (F*ckwit). Please if you are to expect anyone to take you from a science perspective, do not allow yourself such logic failures within general would make any intelligent mind question it beyond that....

    They are both equally unacceptable. The difference is that 'FWOTW' was meant to be humorous and 'Planet Rossi' is meant to be offensive. If you cannot tell the difference I suggest that you use neither.

    Wow really? Please tell me this type of logic is not indicative of your logic in the lab?? I am quite sure those on the opposite side of the isle from you would disagree on that perspective. How on earth is "Planet Rossi" inherently offensive yet "F*ckwit" is nothing more than humor? You lost MAJOR credibility on this one Alan....


    If you cannot tell the difference I suggest that you use neither.

    LOL...YOU are the one who suggested it!!!! good lord


    Dewey, you are very provoking in many ways. And it is deliberate because you want to create opportunities to troll and proffer insults to your chosen targets. Regularly apologising for behaviour like this -which does not fit the polite and mostly technical nature of this forum- is very childish behaviour. You will run out of apologies soon and be banned for sure. Which may or may not be your ambition.

    Alan, what a terribly dishonest incorrect perspective you have. From what I see Dewey has provided WAY more actual fact regarding Rossi/IH situation that I have see you even speculate on. If you are going to call out Dewey for just spewing rhetoric rather than fact, please point me to your wealth of facts on this situation. You are speculating just as others are....just because you do not appreciate Dewey's tone does not mean your voice is anymore important or relevant. You wight want to do a little reflection on that perspective......

    Also forgive me if I am a bit suspect of someone so vocal in here who is profiting off selling kits that hinge on perspectives of current LENR work and successes....

    I'm following this with great interest. It's fun because I have some technical background and can follow some of the technical discussions.

    Stefan, unfortunately all we can do at this point is wait for someone to succeed in finding a combination that not only proves LENR theory but shows it to be viable. Rossi has proven absolutely nothing to me personally in this area. Rossi, while preparing for litigation has already moved from the E-Cat to the QuarkX, yet we are still to see any proof of operation. I lost faith in Rossi quite a while back due to his inconsistencies, secrecy and failed promises, but I honestly do accept people who do not want to give up the Rossi fight in possibly the 11th hour. What I do not accept is the outlandish excuses for every point that skeptics present that puts Rossi in a bad light or shows possible misdoings on his part. There are a couple videos floating around that show some pretty obvious shenanigans during one of Rossi's demonstrations I call the "Magic Steam Video" lol. It is a pretty ridiculous video to an intelligent mind...I see right through Rossi's tricks.

    Dewey Dewey Dewey have you so soon forgotten what you have learned of the scriptures? Sifferkoll 15:2 clearly tells us "The path of the righteous fall up thine ability to censor any beast of the depths who might seek to destroy our lord and savior A.R. but do not be fooled my son, for the power of the censor is found greatest in the land of Ecat-World. In this world you will find true salvation in the highest degree of censorship"

    It's all there black and white Dewey, I beg of you to refresh your studies in the great book of Rossi and see that the sins of lenr-forum are nothing to that of Ecat-World and reflect on your love of the E-cat.
    FYI..... Statistically you have a 97.35221% chance of having your comment removed if it speaks badly of Doctor nay Professor Rossi over on I am deeply grateful of the moderation here.....although I am guessing my mileage differs lol

    Ohhh yes, I definately plan on dealing with his stethoscope! That photo floating around of him using it as a high tech precision instrument on an E-cat is priceless!!!!! Poor Smithers is really terrified of old Rossi in gem above huh?

    I am so interested in finding out about the "customer". Every time a question is asked about the "customer", Rossi-supporters have to rely on elaborate excuses as pseudo-answers and of course when questioned about the ridiculous level of secrecy, they always turn to the old standby excuse that the "customer" required privacy. The "customer" never would have had a notion there would at some point be a lawsuit and reason to stay so secret. I can't wait to see the absurd story the Rossi legal team will have to concoct to explain the fake customer.

    Seems old Doctor Rossi has quieted down quite a bit over on JoNP (Joke of Nuclear Physics) with his rhetoric of snakes in the grass and valiant warriors of the E-Cat as of late.....

    <a href="">@sifferkoll</a> and <a href="">@Dewey Weaver</a>:

    You are invited to discuss objectively, but stop the continuous needling each other. This spams!

    <a href="">@Dewey Weaver</a>: And stop calling each…

    Barty, FYI totally understand this and I will definitely comply. Any messages I have posted today (minus a fun one in the playground lol) have been purely to explain Walkers false assertions, I will not make any attacks or start any mischief. I apologize for being one of those stirring the pot as of late...I will keep it to the playground.

    Hi all

    In reply to on this matter
    Quote from stephenrenzz: “Wow...Walker I am blown away by your brashness of asking for documentation of a forum poster. Such entitlement from a random stranger.”

    And yet you make no remark of this kind when 'Dewey…

    From what I can tell here, Dewey's identity is pretty well known, yet I see you still asking for even more documentation? And then accuse me of fake accounts or talking to myself for some nefarious reason because I used the quote button wrong? Forgive me if I have a perception of you that is the least trusting here. good lord.