Zeus46 Member
  • Member since Sep 22nd 2016

Posts by Zeus46

    Tesla is a loss-making sideline for Musk, and whilst he's to be commended for open sourcing, I think it's a strategic move to standardise charging technology. That might be wrong, I haven't checked - but I bet they are still keeping hold of any "self-driving" patents.

    Quote from Rionrlty

    but I guess if you believe in Global warming or atmospheric polution that might be an added advantage. I don't.

    Let me guess - you also consider the scientists studying climate change as being 'naive', and that those who base their scientific opinions on Fox News reportage are paragons of rationality and critical thinking?

    Dewey reckons the Lugano report says the sample was taken from the plug, not the ridges. According to 167-08 at least.

    I guess IH didn't fancy trying to explain Tom Clarke's incisive emmisivity paper to a bunch of lawyers. (No sarcasm intended).

    Reading the Levi stuff I am reminded of this:

    Durapot 801 is 99% Alumina. 810 is (from memory) Alumina and Magnesium Oxide with a trace of Zinc Oxide.

    Alan - We know that the Bologna University folks have kept their integrity so there are no questions or concerns there - I have no doubt that they tested and reported on material that was delivered to them by Levi. Taking it from there, what part of the story would you like adjust from a Durapot 810 reactor at Lugano to 99% pure alumina material test result with Levi as the middleman per his own words?Dewey,

    Was the analytical test by X-Ray diffraction? If so, what does an X-ray look like if you take say 80% crystalline material and mix it with 20% amorphous material of similar density? Won't the amorphous material just elevate the background and the spectrum be dominated by the crystalline material? Alumina has many different diffraction spectra. What phase was identified? When you say 99% pure what does that mean - 99% of what you can see? It is like saying some metal is 99.99% pure but only relative to what was analyzed and the precision and sensitivity for various impurities.

    And this possibly tasty morsel:

    The Playground

    Looks interesting... Quite an opening paragraph:


    1. The pleadings of Defendants Thomas Darden, Industrial Heat, LLC, and IPH

    International B.V. are hereby stricken, with prejudice, for engaging in bad faith litigation,

    including the attempted bribery and coercion of witnesses.

    I haven't bothered looking at all this arcane stuff before: Is 167-01 something the judge has ordered, or that Rossi is asking for?

    Suppose all goes to CF energy production and 100W/g are attained (1 W/g is more realistic now. Cf will generate then) 200,000,000x 100= 20,000, 000,000W that is 0.02 TW was calculated with 100 W/g

    ...OK, has PdD a commercial future? Y/ N

    The first nuclear reactor used 50 tons of uranium and uranium oxide, and put out 0.5W...

    It gets boring after a while which is why I like to take a rest from time to time.

    Welcome to the daftest thread on the internet. There's more mindless bitching and pointless verbiage here than on the entire coldfusioncommunity.net website...

    Who's deceptive and entirely fake "Masterpiece" was it, that triggered IH's decision, probably made "in good faith"?

    Zorud, I can't tell if you are agreeing with, or disagreeing with, my statement about reality processing abilities.

    Dewey, in truth I respect anyone who has a tolerance for that level of risk in their investments... But wouldn't do it myself.

    I think one needs an open mind (or a maybe just a contrarian streak) to even start to look at the evidence for LENR. The problem with this is sometimes minds can be a bit too open, or too reflexively contrarian.

    But whilst we're flinging mud about people who lack the ability to process reality: Who was it that decided to give Rossi 11 million dollars?

    I equate it to the "Trump haters" in the U.S. after recent election.

    Is that because in general the sides in both those cases seem to be split according to their levels of intelligence?

    I have a preliminary grey logic augmented ray trace render of the view normal to the backside of the container.

    But you aren't going to like it...

    Cool. I assumed you were joking about your recursive ray tracer. Get it uploaded!

    Edit: You're still joking, right?

    Quote from Bob

    I am now curious as to why low temp steam is not used in power generation. Low temp steam is far less corrosive and easier, less dangerous to handle. I would not think a 5% power increase would merit the increased problems with the higher temp.

    Low temp (dry) steam is in danger of partially condensing into small droplets (wet steam). These are actually much more corrosive than dry steam, when you consider the velocities inside a turbine.

    It is of benefit to make a turbine as small as possible otherwise costs and "centrifugal" forces on the vanes increase dramatically.

    To get the highest efficiency possible from a (smaller) turbine, it wants the hottest steam possible. Normally/previously this has been limited to 550C due the strength limits of steel at high temperatures... Better alloys are available but are typically not deemed cost effective for 'normal' uses.

    Well vault7 apparently contains the CIAs hacking tools (it's been published now). Amusingly none of the hacking tools were classified - because an agent cannot upload classified material to the Web! Wikileaks claims that because of this hackers and ex-CIA contractors have been trading them for a while, all with total immunity from (official/overt) punishment.