IHSupporter Member
  • Member since Mar 30th 2017
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Posts by IHSupporter

    If 1mW of heat where flowing out of a window, I would think that there would be wavy resolution around the window. Have you ever looked across a hot car and noticed how there is "atmospheric distortion"? As an amateur astronomer, "atmospheric distortion" is often a problem in getting good photos.

    I don't see how a solenoid diaphragm pump could excide its max by decrease of pressure. Don't they have a max volume of the diaphragm volume and a max stroke rate. I would expect that would set the max flow rate regardless of the lack of back pressure (vac). That is I would not expect them to be able to move more than the captured volume on each stroke.

    Rossi's comment about heating a room is laughable. I can heat my room in the winter with a 1kW room heater even when freezing outside. How hot would it get in a room in Florida in the summer when it is 98F outside and humid with 10 kW heaters going constantly?

    I am still waiting for someone, anyone to give evidence that Rossi had 1MW with COP60 that is not based on what Rossi says or data that was given by Rossi. It is Rossi that must prove his case against IH. I don't see where that has been done with the preponderance of the evidence. What has Rossi offered to prove his case?

    The few statements that he has made like customers and hidden fans, he has not supported by documents or photos. Most of his items read like a defense instead of a prosecution.

    Shane ---he placed a radiator in an insulated box?

    yes, I don't understand how you get much air flow inside the insulated box. I didn't see enough to tell if there were any way for the air to flow in and out of the box. And if it did flow out of the box how did it get out of the warehouse?

    If Penon actually did as he said in the test plan (use T type thermocouple) but Fabiani used K thermocouple software ID -

    then a T thermocouple at 99C (giving 4.232mV) would show up looking like a K thermocouple at 103C (4.220 MV).

    Do you believe Penon told the truth in his test plan?

    Anyway you look at it, Fabiani only having two thermal data points for an entire day is sloppy.

    It would be so easy to have non reprehensive thermal readings if you only took one data point a day.


    I often wondered why Rossi said he stayed late. Perhaps to be there when the data was taken.

    You know you could fake excess heat by just stopping the flow for a few moments before a single heat reading and then letting the heated water flow just as the temperature was read at the single time during the day. The flow is only recorded as the total for the day so it would not even show up in that. Close a valve then open just before the reading. Wouldn't take much to fool a one or two data point a day system.

    Saying that the sensors were fine does not mean that the recorded readings that Rossi listed were fine.

    IH repeated requests for the raw data and to my knowledge never got them. All that they got was

    the daily items that were forwarded from Rossi's "hand" records.

    Fabiani has not released the logged data that I am aware of.

    I wonder if we can see the barometric pressure swings in the raw data if the instruments can tet to 10E-4 Bar.

    Have you run the numbers of the utility bill consumption by the "customer" and Rossi's claimed fans? I would love to see those.

    How do the numbers look when you throw in that pump? are there any days on the bills that high?

    I wonder how the "customer" dumped the heat so uniformly with the variations in the weather and the day/night temperature swings.