gio06 Verified User
  • Member since Oct 10th 2014

Posts by gio06

    From Vortex-L:

    Re: [Vo]:Holmlid paper retraction

    Jones Beene Sat, 23 Feb 2019 16:36:49 -0800

    The retraction by the Plos editor is regrettable, even stupid. We can only wait to see if it will be an total embarrassment for them.

    In the end, the burden of proof is going to be met with a commercial product, or not at all. Based on everything in the record, we could see something like a commercial neutron generator as an initial product.

    These neutron generators are used for such tasks as petroleum well-logging. Normally the neutron well logger requires tritium - very expensive. Holmlid indicates that his device will not require tritium.

    The World-wide market forthese is actually quite large and no one else uses muon catalyzed deuterium fusion as the source of neutrons. Norront is well positioned to become a prime supplier, if they can avoid the

    need for tritium - especially given Norway's petro industry would be an initial buyer.

    Here is a Russian product with lots of details - which is what the present competition looks like. The Russians would be smart to take a license from Norront.

    VNIIA - Neutron generators - Well-logging

    Seems that, at least, the undesirable effects of high density electron clusters have been recognized!

    "It wasn't until the 1990's that the buildup of high densities of low-energy electrons was identified as the reason behind performance limitations in many types of particle accelerators over the preceding decades. Nowadays the incorporation of means to prevent the buildup of electron clouds is a necessary feature of modern accelerator design. These electrons cause a wide variety of undesirable effects, such as increased beam size, beam loss due to instabilities, distortions of the magnetic lattice optics, noise induced in instrumentation, vacuum contamination and increased heat load on cryogenically cooled accelerator components."

    Vitaly Uzikov: Пока всего лишь частное мнение…

    Виталий Узиков

    Очень и очень возможно, что восьмилетняя интрига с вопросом о реальности существования «невозможного изобретения» Андреа Росси под названием Energy Catalyzer подходит к финалу.

    В преддверии промышленной демонстрации серийного27-киловатного энергоисточника E-Cat SK, которая состоится 31 декабря в 9 часов утра по времени Нью-Йорка и будет транслироваться по интернету (для этого была даже создана новая web-страница по адресу ), Андреа Росси опубликовал статью о некоторых теоретических основах своего открытия «E-Cat SK и взаимодействие частиц на больших расстояниях» (E-Cat SK and long range particle interactions).

    В этой статье представлено теоретическоеразвитие ранее опубликованных работ и исследуется возможное образование плотных экзотических электронных кластеров в E-Cat SK. Предложены некоторые соображения о вероятной роли эффектов Казимира, Ааронова-Бома и поляризации вакуума в формировании таких структур. Плотные электронные кластеры вводятся в качестве вероятного предшественника для формирования протон-электронных агрегатов в пикометрическом масштабе, подчеркивая важность оценки правдоподобия специальных электрон-нуклонных взаимодействий, как уже предлагалось в совместной работе Карла-Оскара Гулстрёма и Андреа Росси «Nucleon polarizability and long range strong force from σI=2 meson exchange potential». Наблюдаемая изотопическая зависимость конкретной спектральной линии в видимой области спектра плазмы E-Cat, по-видимому, подтверждает наличие специфического протон-электронного взаимодействия в электронном комптоновском масштабе длин волн.

    Правильность представлений А.Росси об открытых им ядерных взаимодействиях подтверждается главным критерием - успешным развитием его технологии. Если проводить аналогию с братьями Райт, то предстоящая презентация E-Cat SK, это не столько показ публике возможности управляемого полета на легком биплане, сколько демонстрация уже серийно выпускаемого реактивного самолета. И продолжая аналогию - чтобы исключить риски потребителя при использовании такой сложной техники, ему предлагается не покупать и управлять летательным аппаратом, а лишь платить за оказываемые услуги - пассажирские и/или грузовые перевозки. А если уйти от аналогий, то А.Росси все проблемы по поставкам и обслуживанию своих установок E-Cat SK оставляет за собой (все установки в собственности его компании Leonardo), а потребителю предлагается платить за тепловую энергию со скидкой не менее 20% от любого другого поставщика в данной местности. Почему только 20%? Ведь скидку можно бы и побольше, компенсируя потери от этого гораздо большим числом клиентов. Причина этого в том, что Росси не только ученый, но также разумный и опытный предприниматель, не стремящийся разрушить устойчивость сложившейся системы на рынке энергоносителей и энергоисточников. И скорее всего такая осторожная стратегия обеспечит плавность его вхождения на этот чувствительный и опасный рынок, что даст возможность занятия соответствующей ниши продавцов энергии без непредсказуемых потрясений и уменьшит количество серьезных врагов. С этим же связано то, что на первом этапе его клиентами смогут стать только серьезные кампании в безопасных странах, гарантирующих защиту от промышленного шпионажа и сохранность его интеллектуальной собственности. Возможно, что успешные исследовательские работы Александра Пархомова и японских ученых по изучению «эффекта Росси» в недалеком будущем также приведут квысокой степени промышленной применимости, но пока Андреа Росси недосягаем в своих разработках.

    It is very, very possible that the eight-year intrigue with the question of the reality of the existence of an “impossible invention” by Andrea Rossi called Energy Catalyzer is coming to a final. On the eve of the industrial demonstration of the 27-kilowatt energy source E-Cat SK, which will take place on December 31 at 9 am New York time and will be broadcast on the Internet (even a new web page was created at http: //www.ecatskdemo .com /), Andrea Rossi, has published an article on some of the theoretical foundations of his discovery "E-Cat SK and long-range particle interactions". This article presents the theoretical development of previously published papers and explores the possible formation of dense exotic electronic clusters in E-Cat SK. Some ideas on the probable role of the Casimir, Aaronov-Bohm effects and vacuum polarization in the formation of such structures are proposed. Dense electron clusters are introduced as a probable predecessor for the formation of proton-electron aggregates on a picometric scale, emphasizing the importance of estimating the likelihood of special electron-nucleon interactions, as already proposed by Carl-Oskar Gulstrom and Andrea Rossi "Nucleon polarizability and long range strong force from σI = 2 meson exchange potential. The observed isotopic dependence of a specific spectral line in the visible region of the E-Cat plasma spectrum seems to confirm the presence of a specific proton-electron interaction in the electron Compton scale of wavelengths. The correctness of the ideas of A.Rossi about open nuclear interactions is confirmed by the main criterion - the successful development of its technology. If we draw an analogy with the Wright brothers, then the upcoming presentation of the E-Cat SK is not so much a demonstration to the public of the possibility of a controlled flight on a light biplane, but rather a demonstration of an already commercially produced jet plane. And continuing the analogy - in order to eliminate the risks of the consumer when using such complex equipment, he is asked not to buy and operate the aircraft, but only to pay for the services provided - passenger and / or cargo transportation. And if you get away from analogies, then A. Rossi leaves all the problems for the supply and maintenance of his installations E-Cat SK (all installations owned by his Leonardo company), and the consumer is offered to pay for heat energy at a discount of at least 20% from any another supplier in the area. Why only 20%? After all, the discount could be more, compensating for the losses from this much more number of customers. The reason for this is that Rossi is not only a scientist, but also a sensible and experienced entrepreneur, not seeking to destroy the sustainability of the existing system in the market of energy carriers and energy sources. And most likely such a cautious strategy will ensure a smoothness of its entry into this sensitive and dangerous market, which will make it possible to occupy the appropriate energy niche without unpredictable shocks and reduce the number of serious enemies. This is also connected with the fact that at the first stage only serious campaigns in safe countries that guarantee protection against industrial espionage and the preservation of its intellectual property can become its customers. It is possible that the successful research work of Alexander Parkhomov and Japanese scientists on the study of the “Rossi effect” in the near future will also lead to a high degree of industrial applicability, but so far Andrea Rossi is out of reach in his developments.

    See also US patent 4595975 and Italian patent 1024274

    They better should care.

    Legimate researcher - in particular when they do research in an anyway controversial field - are well advised not to be lumped together with crackpots.

    Here a nice tool for ‘rating potentially revolutionary contributions to physics’:

    I suggest to add :

    38: your research is not reported neither by mainstream media nor by high "impact factor" journals.

    The problem is that none seen your blu SC, so you agree with me but you failed to agree with yourself.

    This is a classic example of a believer in own tales.

    Nobody has ever seen neither red nor blu SC. SC confinement question is clear in this point.


    For your info also in the south emisphere of Earth SC is represented in red, maybe your claim is wrong.

    yes, it's true that in modern times "south emisphere of Earth Santa Claus is represented in red", but there are some forgotten australian natives legends

    that tell otherwise.

    redColor charge = +1

    blueColor charge = -1

    SC = 0 (Santa Claus does not exist, that's your point)

    SC = redSC + blueSC (that's my point)

    I agree again with you.

    I give you a big news:

    Santa Claus does not exist. You can continue to believe in fakes chatting of Pauli.

    I understand your point. This problem is well known and is called "Santa Claus confinement". Nobody has ever seen an isolated north pole Santa Claus, because he is always associated to a another, less known, blue dressed south pole Santa Claus.

    Like kids every year believe in Santa Claus.


    Who believes that Rossi has an efficient LENR reactor is crazy, but, paraphrasing Bohr, probably is not crazy enough to have a chance of being correct.

    Niels Bohr quote:

    "We are all agreed that your theory is crazy. The question that divides us is whether it is crazy enough to have a chance of being correct."

    "Said to Wolfgang Pauli after his presentation of Heisenberg's and Pauli's nonlinear field theory of elementary particles, at Columbia University (1958), as reported by F. J. Dyson in his paper “Innovation in Physics” (Scientific American, 199, No. 3, September 1958, pp. 74-82; reprinted in "JingShin Theoretical Physics Symposium in Honor of Professor Ta-You Wu," edited by Jong-Ping Hsu & Leonardo Hsu, Singapore; River Edge, NJ: World Scientific, 1998, pp. 73-90, here: p. 84)."

    Do they also make knots on the wires?

    No, as far as I know, but seems that the active material used is similar, i.e. nanostructured NiCu alloys.

    Celani is the first cited author in a quite recent NEDO project paper.

    Japan seems quite seriously commited in following LENR research according to NIKKEI journal and the DoD report.


    This practice is strictly tied to "magnetism", i.e. the art of eating, from Italian "magnare", a regional variant of "mangiare" (to eat), very popular in Italy. From the same root, it comes also "magnificence", from Latin "magnum" "facere", i.e. to make somebody big, by means of eating a lot. :)

    Anyway, jokes aside, is it your physics model really able to explain the improved nuclear performances of Celani's knotted wires?

    you should also add that this popularity is strictly related to Italian food quality and variety, probably a consequence of a paradigm different from "fast food" culture. Celani, if I remember well, has been much more criticized for his electrolytic compression experiment, mainly in a long-lasting debate on a cold-fusion italian blog.Seems to me that he is following a path similar to that of Japanese researchers.

    If we look however at the "restaurant bill" USA and Japan are much better placed than italians "buongustai".

    Ottima iniziativa, che spero venga seguita da molti altri, a cui raccomando di ricordare alle medesime autorità dei due Ministeri che sono in ritardo di almeno 8 anni nell'occuparsi seriamente della faccenda Ecat e di segnalare loro, a questo riguardo, anche i seguenti video:

    Esatto. Ricordiamo anche le interrogazioni parlamentari che dovrebbero interessare chiunque voglia sia fatta chiarezza sull'argomento,

    indipendentemente dalla propria opinione.

    Il governo ha la facoltà di non rispondere alla singola interrogazione indicando però il motivo.…ght=0&idAtto=7370&stile=8

    35 solleciti, un "record" storico per l'interrogazione di Ermete Realacci!

    SOLLECITO IL 18/11/2013

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    altre interrogazioni:…50949&stile=6&highLight=1…ht=0&idAtto=64823&stile=7   <>…=Sindisp&leg=17&id=702825…=Sindisp&leg=17&id=704669…ght=0&idAtto=7370&stile=8…=Sindisp&leg=17&id=719513

    Michelangelo De Meo su Facebook:

    Cari amici, suggerisco a chi vuole un mondo più pulito ed economico di scrivere della presentazione del 31 gennaio dell'ECat SK alle segreterie dei Ministri ( Ambiente, Sviluppo Economico, Università e Ricerca ) affinché loro non possano dire che non lo sapevano. Allegate anche l'interrogazione di Di Maio sulle LENR che trovate nei precedenti post. Io L'ho fatto! chi lo farà?

    Capo Segreteria Ministro Università e ricerca: Dott. Biagio DEL PRETE

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