bang99 Member
  • Member since Oct 11th 2014

Posts by bang99

    Alan Smith

    Did you notice some EM interference at the DPS, after the QX was fired up?

    Any problems with mobile phones or the microphone system or any other electrical device?

    While watching the video, there were a lot of people handling with phones, Hurley and FF only some meters away from the QX.

    None of the seems to have probs with their devices.

    I'm mean, as Mr. Lewan said, probably high frequencies (>100kHz), high voltage (kilovolt)

    and the QX, as Rossi said several times on JONP, produces electricity.

    Can you comment?

    • Andrea Rossi December 1, 2017 at 7:53 PM

      Colin Watters:

      You must distinguish the specific situations if you want to make a serious analysis.

      One thing is to make a new car or a new electronic device in the context of an already
      well consolidated industry that already produces massively cars or electronic devices.
      A completely different situation is to make an industry to produce massively a new apparatus starting from zero.

      By the way, your information is very particular, because the CEO of one of the major car manufacturer of the world told me that to put on the road a new concept car it takes between 10 and 20 years ( from a consolidated car manufacturer ).

      Warm Regards,


      (emphasis added)

    Realy?! It takes 10 to 20 years?

    e.g. from a mayor car company:

    Golf I (Typ 17) (1974–1983)

    So, the development of the Golf Modell 1 startet in 1964? Or in 1954? :)

    Golf II (Typ 19E) (1983–1992)

    Golf III (Typ 1H) (1991–1997)

    Golf IV (Typ 1J) (1997–2003)

    Golf V (Typ 1K) (2003–2008)

    Golf VI (Typ 1K) (2008–2012)

    Golf VII (Typ AU) (2012- ...)

    Today, the average time for a car sold to customers in Europe is 7 to 8 years incl. facelifts. Normally, facelifts are done 4 years after the SOP.

    Development of a car from concept to Start of Production (SOP), incl. the production lines and really EVERYTHING) takes about 4 years.

    I'm doing automotive development since 20 years for mayor car companies and it really hurts me, to read such nonsense :(

    The time to market (SOP) of the QX may of course be much longer, because of the new materials that have been invented

    by Dott. Rrossi. And also this sooooo complex PSU problem. And the certification of an unknown nuclear for industrual use.

    Uhhh, that will take time and MONEY!


    No Mesons, no Bose-Einstein-Condensates, no Hydrinos and WhatsOfEver you copy and paste here in relation to LENR/CF will have any effort.


    Not a DPS or a Copy'n'PasteShow (+LENR)! Over and out!

    Can't read that Axil-style anymore, really!

    Get REAL!

    Occam's razor's, do ya remember?!

    Yes, Alan of course.

    And Para also asked, what power rating had the little 800 ohm resistor, which Mr. Lewan was handling with?

    I know what 50W resistor are the size of. Haven't seen it there on the table. Looked like nothing more than 1 or 2 Watts.

    E.G. heres a 10W resstor:…OUPID=5272&ARTICLE=110710


      • Länge 19,05 mm (lenght)
      • Breite (width)
      • 15,88 mm
      • Höhe
      • 9,91 mm(height)

    Yes, we don't know what was going on, constant current, constant voltage, voltages overall, AC with added DC voltage, mysterious switches everything a MESS!

    I think Eric and the others are doing a fine job. And it's not an easy one.

    Rossi-Yes and Rossi-No believers can freely post their opinion. When there's heavy insulting/ranting/calling names ..., they use their powers. I have nothing to complain yet.

    Try to be critical to Rossi an ECW, you will be off the board quickly. Or try a critical post on JONP :)

    BTW: In the last days, after the Demo-Presentation-Show at Stockolm, the critical postings on ECW grow up.

    A pity, if the original youtube video of the "conference" with the full audio coverage was lost! This could have been a good source for better understanding what happened in Stockholm, but maybe also another nail to Rossis QX coffin? There is a plan why the first video was removed, edited and re-uploaded, now without audio for most of its parts...

    I have a copy of the full version (full audio length, no muted part) here on my hard disk.

    Size is about 1.28GB. Length is 2:59:10, 1280x720p@25fps

    Admins/Mods: What shall I do with that?


    "What bugs me however is the enormous creativy invested in finding out what is possibly wrong with Rossi and his E-Cat compared to the rare comments actually trying to figure out what is going on as if he had something. Is this the nature of us humans? I mean if it worked it would be a revolution for everyone but most people seems occupied with keeping the status quo ..."

    "It however does seem so extremely unproportional - the amount of energy spent here to possibly uncover some minor fraud (in the scale of things) which seemingly did not hurt anyone important compared to both endless sums of money wasted and people defrauded elsewhere everyday AND the possible upside if Rossi was on to something, which do seem to be a likely hypothesis."

    "Maybe IH was only VCs and lawyers trying to get their hands on the IP with no intention to build anything?"

    You have the same strange ideas like somebody, who is frequently banned here.

    Is Sifferkoll your tag-team partner?


    Chosse a Rossi answer:

    a) yes

    b) no, stupid!

    c) too premature to answer

    d) thank you for your sustain

    e) under strikt NDA

    f) this is confidential, can not answer

    g) Cheers

    h) hehehe

    I) watch my wig, not the storm cloud

    Eric, move me to the playground :)

    Overheating of the control box:

    Combine the statements from Dott. Rossi:

    Reached sigma 5 (Rossi on JONP, only Rossi knows, was that means)

    At the show:

    Running the 3 QXs only at 30% (Rossi at the show, because safety, bla bla) / Yes, Adrian, this is correct, watch the video

    Control box has 60W

    One QX has 20W, at the show 3 QX -> 60W, Control box still getting hot

    100% run not possible.

    In my opinion: It's a electric heater and light show, added with some hocky pokey with the scope and a spectrometer.
    There is no excess heat. All power comes from the box, nothing from the "reactor".

    As always, your are defending Dott. Rossi and what he does with all the sharpness of your mind (including words, beginning with "F").

    I've made my point up.

    I have nothing to add to my previous posting.

    I know, that it is useless to debate with you.

    Moved from the Rossi blog thread. Eric