AlainCo Tech-watcher, admin
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  • from Villejuif
  • Member since Feb 9th 2014
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Posts by AlainCo

    I understand what you say, but my phone is even worse than my laptop.
    anyway I succeeded in making a real time video with youtube/hangouts/onair...
    anyway maybe I should ask of one of the participant laptop just for the hangout, following the event on youtube, and relaying questions from the forum


    Who you hoping to interview anyway??????

    many gray hairs, some young startupper and few tight suit... :whistling:
    not yet a reactor,except maybe :huh: ... but not LENR...

    sorry the interview can be positive or negative. :D

    peoples from more than 10 different groups having read a paper, is no more a secret...
    It is hard to keep a secret among a group, but among many unrelated groups is nearly impossible...

    if the paper circulate in a university, it is a question of days before we find it on Wikileaks.

    Who follow Wikileaks?

    Hi all,

    I need help from people experienced with video tools.

    I am invited to an event in few weeks and I would like to propose interview. I have an obsolete netbook from 2009, no skype video, but a USB webcam ok to record fair interview with fair sound.

    my naive plan is simply to report a MP4 as 720p and publish on youtube...
    do you have a better idea ? some talk about twitch, youtube via some broadcast tools

    I have installed Open Broadcaster Software but no idea if it can work.

    I would like too to make subtitles once the interview is finished...

    As people have probably noticed I'm a man of plain text... ;(

    More importantly... where will it appear? Nature? Elforsk?

    great question.

    my feeling is that it is impossible to publish in hig impact journal. they will do anything to delay and block the paper, using diversion tactics, impossible to fulfil exigences like having full access to the trade secrets, costly measurement, time constraints... and then will take years not to admit the facts.

    I bet more on serious second tier journal like Naturwissenschaften, used with good review of experimental articles. or else some technical journal dedicated to chemistry or industry experiments.

    If you see the tally of cold fusion papers by Jed Rothwell, and the recent article like Takahashi and Iwamura (in JJAP), you see Naturwissenschaften, Journal of electroanalytical chemistry, Thermochi. Acta, ... plus some fusion journal that today are closed or will never accept LENR.

    maybe someone here know better the kind of journal that can both do a perfect review, and have the bollock to publish that bomb.

    99% of noise (adobe cold fusion, cat and catarina fan, rarely LENR for camera)

    nearly no e-cat except people I know like e-cat world and fanclub.

    a handful of nasty jokes on cold fusion by unaware people.

    very few real innocents supporting old or very old articles (extremetech, nasa, mallove...)

    yesterday there was some coincidence with few recent comments...
    it seems just luck. today calm.

    sometime I see that I go too far trying to relay (mass of) information...
    then I see that it cannot be worse that current ignorance, and that most people are just uninformed and convinced without any desire to change... that seems to be the basic of some media manipulation... propagate lies endlessly, the first day, month or year and it will end in history books.

    My guess is no, but your idea is possible.
    maybe however a tiny fraction of D can activate some reaction...
    50% D and H in Srinivasan experiments at BARC were producing the maximum tritium... even if the quantity was tiny compared to the expected heat, it may cause somethings.

    Celani observed neutrons in NiD, like some with TiD... neutrons are not good, are probably not LENR (just hot fusion) but they maybe help the good reaction...

    too many speculation, we need the report !

    Yes is seems based on similar ideas.
    Patterson cell patent was based on catalythic palladium ou nickel mesh, but with a glow discharge it seems ?
    it was not just heat that activate the reaction...

    I don't know if it was well reproduced, it seems no.

    On Scientific Amateur site, an article on ITER hot fusion mves to LENR

    funny :D
    when will I be moderated ?

    I keep my violent messages from the bin