AlainCo Tech-watcher, admin
  • Male
  • from Villejuif
  • Member since Feb 9th 2014

Posts by AlainCo

    I hope he based his position on insider data.
    It can be logic that someone enthusiast and informed push such a "cri du coeur", protected by anonymity... logical but not sure... enthusiast troll, or sociopath loving to play with us can say the same?
    He says the reaction is only 50% which is not the kind of half success that you find in a fake wishful claim.

    his final reaction is simply rational and human when you face what we face...

    I remember this from the very mainstream science magazine "La Recherche", by a book critic, about Cold Fusion in all it's states

    Quote from "Luc Allemand - La Recherche"



    If one day it lists all the evils of the Internet, we must not forget that mentioned John Paul Biberian in Fusion in all its forms (p 194.): "Without this new medium, it is likely that Cold fusion would be gone for many years. "And it would have been a good thing!
    Moreover, as he also wrote, "There is no satisfactory theory of cold fusion (p 133.). "This term therefore includes non-existent facts explained by an equally nonexistent theory. So what is the quote in defense phrase that Max Planck: "A new theory will never triumph. These are his opponents eventually die (p. 186) "? In the case of cold fusion, it should rather fear that, despite the Internet, his followers rapidly disappearing.

    This kind of anti-science epistemological fallacy, claimed by reference author, not even understanding they shout a supreme stupidity, is able to make some people ... angry. :cursing:

    Un petit article sur les alternative énergétique qui résume rapidement la situation... assez bien…acer-la-filiere-nucleaire

    comme si l'auteur était au courant de ce qui se passe et s'est passé... rare :thumbup:


    wikipedia explains what Debye length mean... no relation to Debye temp indeed....


    In plasmas and electrolytes the Debye length (also called Debye radius), named after the Dutch physicist and physical chemistPeter Debye, is the measure of a charge carrier's net electrostatic effect in solution, and how far those electrostatic effects persist. A Debye sphere is a volume whose radius is the Debye length, in which there is a sphere of influence, and outside of which charges are electrically screened. The notion of Debye length plays an important role in plasma physics, electrolytes and colloids(DLVO theory).

    Dr Mitchell Swartz (MIT) talks about the Optimal Operating Point which is a curve (manifold) that falls off quickly in both directions under excess power conditions. If too much heat is added or removed too quickly the excess heat disappears.Not a trivial design problem but quite feasible to do with a micro-controller.

    Yes the question of that response transfer function is key to control and thus engineering.
    that it falls of on the high side is a good thing for control.
    My fear is that it is quite destructive on that side. If not, it allows stability.

    what Rossi said recently, that the cat was getting cooler when the mouse was hot make me think of a 90° phase shift, explaining why there is a mouse and a cat... to make a negative feedback which is stable... only a guess...

    the origin of the 90° phase shift is maybe that the heat is produced by flow of hydrogen in the material. some LENR scientist says nothing happens in stable condition, that it have to breath, with biggest example of "heat after death", where degassing cause massive heat release.

    few people understand that what allows fission nuclear energy is that
    1- neutrons are less absorbed at high temperature at some working point (and more absorbed at others like in A bomb, or in Chernobyl accident)
    2- this retroaction is slower than fission, but hopefully there are delayed neutrons production which are slow too, preventing the reactor to go berserk before the reaction is cooled down.

    it is the same for rocket solid fuel, which unlike explosive have to consume regularly, and thus burn less when pressure and heat increase.

    control is one of the key of LENR, and Rossi had problems.

    Brillouin according to recent mail from Sterling allan have also some problem at high COP.

    I don't understand well the debate, as it seems deep theoretical QM in material.
    Debye temperature have been cited by DGT ( :huh: ) as a triggering temperature...
    It seems to be a temperature at which in a crystal the phonons start to behave very differently...

    This paper seems to apply to Mizuno experiments? does it?

    need some subtitles.

    Note for those who don't know that Larsen have broke from Widom-Srivastava.

    my dream would be that Widom-Srivastava merge their theory with Storms, improve both, and solve the problem.

    Hier j'ai trouvé un un petit article sur l'E-cat, avec un journaliste qui circule entre information et mythes consensuels...


    L'E-Cat, un réacteur à fusion froide controverséEn janvier 2014, le département de l’énergie américain faisait mention des réactions nucléaires à basse énergie (LENR, low-energy nuclear reaction) dans un document prospectif sur les idées innovantes dans le domaine de l’énergie. La mention pourrait ouvrir la voie, selon Jeff McMahon de Forbes, à des projets de recherche plus sérieux dans ce secteur. Très controversée dans le monde scientifique, la LENR, apparentée à la fusion froide, ferait pourtant l'objet de recherches au sein de la Nasa, tandis qu'un premier générateur de 1 MW, l'E-Cat, serait déjà commercialisé par l'inventeur italien Andréa Rossi. Si la LENR fonctionnait réellement, elle pourrait révolutionner le monde de l'énergie.

    J'ai posté 3 longs commentaires avec des tonnes de sources, de tréférences, de conseils pour s'informer.
    Ca a passé la modération, puis ce matin... plus rien, effacé :thumbdown: .

    Alors voici mes posts que j'ai retrouvé dans Lazarus, ca fait en fait un bon article de référence pour les curieux. On va pas s'énerver pour une censure sans insulte... on est pas sur Futura-Science après tout :D :

    Comme vous pouvez le constater j'ai été agressif, :saint:

    Mais c'est vrai que pour certains, soutenir un discours avec des éléments c'est agressif... ils préfèrent les insinuation sans preuves et les opinions à l'emporte-pièce non argumentées.
    Ici, sincèrement, je ne crois pas que ce soit de la malveillance mais de la prudence après la probable réaction d'un chef. ;) Pardonnez leurs, ils ne savent pas ce qu'ils font, ils obéissent aux ordres.

    Un petit article sur l'E-cat, avec un journaliste qui circule entre information et mythes consensuels...


    L'E-Cat, un réacteur à fusion froide controversé

    En janvier 2014, le département de l’énergie américain faisait mention des réactions nucléaires à basse énergie (LENR, low-energy nuclear reaction) dans un document prospectif sur les idées innovantes dans le domaine de l’énergie. La mention pourrait ouvrir la voie, selon Jeff McMahon de Forbes, à des projets de recherche plus sérieux dans ce secteur. Très controversée dans le monde scientifique, la LENR, apparentée à la fusion froide, ferait pourtant l'objet de recherches au sein de la Nasa, tandis qu'un premier générateur de 1 MW, l'E-Cat, serait déjà commercialisé par l'inventeur italien Andréa Rossi. Si la LENR fonctionnait réellement, elle pourrait révolutionner le monde de l'énergie.

    It is strange how many hot fusion alternative are proposed today.
    Lockheed martin, this one, and a strange alternative to tokamak.

    it seems experts feel that tokamak is a dead end.

    They also see neutrons as the big problem.