Shane D. Administrator
  • Male
  • from Pensacola Beach, Fl.
  • Member since Jan 26th 2015

Posts by Shane D.

    I will paste here a comment by Robert Godes, answering to a somewhat prominent Mills junkie in the comments section of the IEEE article about the US Navy restart of LENR research.

    Godes and Mills have much in common:

    1. They are not lone wolves. They have other scientists working side by side in the lab, staff, and BOD's. Hard to get that many on board if a scam, or keep them around if the experimental results are exaggerated, weak, or of little commercial value. Without that going for them, I doubt anyone would pay them much attention after this many years in the game with so little to show.

    2. Many solid validations in the case of BLP, and a professional independent replication at SRI's lab of the BEC QPulse system.

    3. Both have theories that I have seen described as absurd.

    All things considered, I really do not think either one is in a position to cast aspersions on the other.…of-275-kw-boiler-suncell/

    New validation report by Dr. Nansteel for a test run at BLP on 3/16/2021. Updated business plan that may indicate they are thinking about commercial arrangements:

    "No metering with electricity sold at about

    $0.05 per kWh on site via a per diem lease fee."

    "Automotive: autonomous electric power source sold to

    vehicle OEM for the replacement value of fuel ~$20 k for a

    250 kW unit."

    More wellknown for spreading fake news, it seems

    Is "Stop Funding Fake News" any better than the group they accuse? It's a jungle out there, and many supposedly unbiased, non-political organizations are in reality wolves in sheep's clothing.

    40% of PCR tests historically in Spain were non-infectious

    By non-infectious do you mean not caused by a virus?

    "Noninfectious diseases are not caused by disease causing organisms or pathogens. These diseases are caused instead from genetic, lifestyle or the environment. Some good examples of these diseases include Cancer, Cardiovascular Disease and Diabetes."

    This may be why they decided to go to such high cycle thresholds in the first place, so they wouldn't miss those 'cases' that are tested late. But if so, they should have made it clear that the vast majority of these positive 'cases' are not infective!

    I am curious as to the "why" also. Why the Ct (cycle threshold) was set so high? My first thought is follow the money, and the power, then what is left was probably good intent based off of bad WHO/CDC guidance.

    The hospitals here in the US for example must have loved the policy, because COVID patients are billed about 3x's more. In their shoes I would not say a thing and keep praying the scheme continues.

    Big story, and my guess is that it will be swept under the rug like so many other things in this pandemic. A few years from now when it no longer matters, we will probably find out the why, but it will be dismissed as a "conspiracy theory".

    I agree but as end of this long farce nothing would be more fun than the magician sued in court by his own believers and flatterers turned into victims because also here they have been alerted many times and despite the warning could give money to him, but I suspec that the magician is not so naive to give them the possibility to do it.

    From the beginning, Rossi has always made it clear he does not want his faithtfull to invest in his schemes. Many have asked how they could, only to be warned away. I believe the way he said it was to "let the professionals take the risk".

    So this is new, as he is tapping into his followers to buy his light. If he actually does reach the 1 million mark (doubtful), then he will be dragging them into this for the first time. his history shows, he has no problem scamming the big boys. It has been mentioned many times, how he envisions himself as David, and sees the professional money men as Goliath, so they are his target.

    We will see where Rossi takes us this time. He always was entertaining if anything, but he will have to work hard to outdo his fake customer, fake factory, fake 1MW plant, and fake heat exchanger in Doral. That was a classic!

    For clarification, I do find Rossi entertaining, but that is only if no one gets ripped-off in his latest venture. He does have a history of that, and I don't want any potential victims to come here and be lulled into thinking otherwise.

    Hopefully this is the real deal (unlikely), and if not, maybe it will be a harmless scheme so we can have a little fun without anyone getting hurt.

    It is well known that most (if not all) tests in the NA and EU are CT 35+

    If so, this opens up the proverbial can-of-worms. Everything we have been told based on the PCR tests would have to be reevaluated...reported case numbers, and deaths attributed to COVID for starters.

    Worthy enough news not to be relegated mostly to obscure websites.

    There's no fee to get 'in', and the emphasis is on product, not recruits. Thus it is legit MLM and certainly not a pyramid scheme. Think of it as democratic capitalism, a welcome opportunity to escape corporate capitalism.

    Just joking, we will keep Rossi here. Would probably be a rebellion if we moved him anyway. We will see where Rossi takes us this time. He always was entertaining if anything, but he will have to work hard to outdo his fake customer, fake factory, fake 1MW plant, and fake heat exchanger in Doral. That was a classic!

    Too bad though we have to wait until at least Dec 2023 to see how this chapter ends. That is a long ways off, and my guess is that even when it is over we still wont have a clear picture.

    Had to double check this against other news sources, since if true the implications are huge. And yes, it checks out. From my understanding, the issue is this: The WHO backed PCR test cycles the sample to amplify the genetic material. Cycle it too many times (>30 according to one source), and the "false positives" are about 85-90% according to the NYT's.

    What I could not find was how many of the tests reported in official figures as positive, were cycled more than 30 times...therefore almost certainly false positives? The greater that percentage, the greater the ramifications.

    Anyone find another take on this?

    Jokes apart, Shane D. , have you heard anything new from Frank Gordon ? Enquiring minds want to know!

    Frank is finalizing his report. A couple members will review before he submits. So understandably, he has been quiet for about 2 weeks. Other than that, I have not heard about any other new replications, and those we lined up seem to prefer anonymity until their work is completed.

    Been busy with family matters, but starting tomorrow will have more time to devote to the love of my life (LF).

    Let's say I develop a car that doesn't need fuel. Its so cheap to drive you will leave your gasoline powered car in the garage and use this one, naturally. However, the caveat is that it works randomly, not when you want it. The fuel-less car turns a lot of heads as you drive and you love that you don't have to pay fuel. The price was right so the first days its so fun to drive around. Then it happens. It stops working. Luckily, you didn't yet sell your old petrol powered car. So reluctantly, you get in the old beast, fire it up and go about your business. After work that day, you have a conversation with your wife, "Honey, I think I have to keep the old car, in case the new car stops working when we need it." The wife is saying that the argument you made to buy the new car was how much money you were going to save but now you have to keep two cars, two payments instead of just one. So even you are using less fossil fuels in your transportation needs, your costs just went up by factor two as you have to pay the loan and maintain two vehicles instead of one. Predictably the wife is not happy with this new setup and starts complaining why we have to pay the loan and maintenance costs on two cars instead of one. Where are these savings every news outlet in the world is talking about? Welcome to the brave new renewable world! Germany has the highest percentage of electricity powered by renewables and they also have the highest retail cost for power in the EU. This simple story explains why. Until we find a dispatchable power source, costs will never go down. The dream of cheap renewable energy is a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.

    Lots of kinks -and politics, to work out still, but green energy is going in the right direction. May take some time, but there really is no viable alternative left for humanity IMO. That is where MTI comes in...

    Nice job Ruby, David, and Alan. Thanks go to Monty Childs for making himself available, and being about as forthcoming as he could be under the circumstances.

    As touched on often in the video; the Aureon team observed several different phenomenon...each revolutionary if borne out by follow-up experiments.

    They are confident they can replicate their own work once they get back in the lab. To that end, money seems to be no problem as they have unsolicited investors knocking on the door, so just a matter of time. I believe he said this summer, in Toronto?

    My understanding was that the theory/theories driving the reactions/effects are little understood, although some from the Electric Universe team seem to have a good idea what is going on.

    Enjoyed watching. Again thanks to all involved.

    Unless it's meant to just be a test of the US Patent Office,

    I just do not see the US Navy playing patent games like this. It is too obvious...and public, with no obvious benefit. They are tasked with fighting foreign enemies, and how exactly would patent trolling like this achieve an advantage with our adversaries?

    Yet on the face of it, it does appear as Curbina said: they copied some passages from Rossi's work. Hopefully one day, we will know what this is all about. If Curbina disappears, I think we can assume he was right. :)