esaruoho Member
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  • from Helsinki, Finland
  • Member since Feb 16th 2015
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Posts by esaruoho

    Also, was this posted?

    Esa Ruoho has archived some history:

    Hi, so, ever since Jerry Decker died, KeelyNet went down. my aim with MERLib is to bring back as much lost-to-the-world old archival data, and the legendary KeelyNET BBS content is just the beginning. A lot of people have died in the last two decades, and their life's work is lost (looking at you, Energy From The Vacuum DVD Science Series, episodes 34 to 46 are lost to the world and nobody seems to have them, for instance. if you have them, please let me know).

    One of the objectives of the MERLib reboot is to bring back these old articles and crossindex them together with wordsearch etc. So much has been lost.

    Plenty of others there in a position to report on every aspect of the conference. I see BG, Ruby is obviously there since she provided the photos, Jed Rothwell, and then of course Abd. My guess is that this will the best covered, and reported on of all ICCF's.

    I hope Ruby will have the opportunity to snag some interview opportunities for the Cold Fusion Now! -podcast series. I hear she has USB-sticks in there with all the current episodes and some of the documentaries she has created and some papers in PDF format contained within them, too? Has anyone seen one?

    Ruby Carat / Cold Fusion Now! -podcast has released episode #004 of the Cold Fusion Now! -podcast - this time interviewing Dr. Jean-Paul Biberian - the author of Fusion in All It's Forms: Cold Fusion, ITER, Alchemy, Biological Transmutations with a foreword by the legendary Stanley Pons. Tune in and don't forget to subscribe!


    e004 Dr. Jean-Paul Biberian is a Professor of Physics at University of Marseilles. He is the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Condensed Matter Nuclear Science and author of Fusion in All Its Forms: Cold Fusion, ITER, Alchemy, Biological Transmutations with Foreword by Stanley Pons.

    Dr. Jean-Paul Biberian, LENR experimentalist

    Cold Fusion Now! -podcast on iTunes

    Ruby Carat has released a brand new episode of the Cold Fusion Now Podcast - this time interviewing Dr. Andrew Muelenberg.

    Nuclear physicist and LENR theoretician Dr. Andrew Meulenberg talks about deep-orbit electrons as an explanation for LENR, and how this model addresses the vast variety of data in LENR experiments.

    After retiring from Draper Laboratories, Dr. Meulenberg was visiting professor at the Indian Institute of Science, where he again met up with former colleague Dr. K.P. Sinha, a theoretical physicist and solid-state scientist, beginning a 10-year collaboration on cold fusion theory.

    Ruby Carat hosts the third episode of the Cold Fusion Now! podcast series that surveys the present state of knowledge in Cold Fusion/LENR.

    Listen at our website or subscribe in iTunes.

    Patreon is a platform for supporting creators. You can pledge as little as a dollar per episode. You can cap your monthly spend. There are thousands of creators on Patreon getting support for their work. Please support the Cold Fusion Now! podcast. Become a Patron!


    By the way, I don't know what is cold fusion music?

    Could be music created by recording the sounds of Cold Fusion devices, or the actual EMF / Etc radiation / field reactions of said devices / reactions.

    On the other hand, music is so experimental nowadays that someone could probably do a concept album based on running a microphone through a few LENR/CANR journals and flicking the pages of these journals and making beats out of that. We'll see:)

    Hi guys, here's a link to the video itself:

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    Am really glad to have my music featured in this documentary. I don't understand the science, of course, but hey...
    Anomalous Effects in Deuterated Systems
    Dr. Melvin Miles
    The Correlation of Excess Heat and Helium
    Navy LENR Research Series
    Filmed in Wolf Creek, Oregon, US August 2015.
    by Ruby Carat for Cold Fusion Now!

    Dr. Miles describes his work in capturing the gasses emitted by electrolytic palladium-deuterium systems.

    The contents of samples were analyzed by experts in helium measurement, including the lab University of Texas Austin, Rockwell International's Brian Oliver and the US Department of Interior helium analysis lab.

    All three labs confirmed the presence of helium in amounts that correlated with the excess heat generated were the reaction simple deuterium fusion. However, instead of a hot fusion 24MeV gamma photon, there was heat generated instead.

    This work was reproduced by scientists around the world and informs the theoretical models of today's LENR.

    A transcript is available here…ects-Audio-Transcript.pdf

    Title music by Esa Ruoho a.k.a. Lackluster

    Anomalous Effects was filmed, edited and narrated by Ruby Carat for Cold Fusion Now! and the Infinite Energy Foundation.

    Read more about Anomalous Effects and link to papers described in the movie at the blog post here:…f-excess-heat-and-helium/

    Hi AlainCo:

    I dunno where you come across all of these but every once in a while I find the LENR-Forum via googling some key words :)

    Anyway, Sebastián Agulló interviewed me for the Spanish blog Culturamas, and wrote, at length, about my new album Lexicon of Goods.

    I released it in collaboration with JellyFish Frequency Records, and their whole idea of releasing records, is to divert a percentage of the record sale income towards charities of the artist's choice. My choice was that a percentage of the record sales should be diverted to the Martin Fleischmann Memorial Project (MFMP). Sebastián asked me about MFMP / Cold Fusion / LENR and there was a bit of a chat of it. I also, at the same time, spoke about my project of creating ambient/furniture music by recording the electromagnetic waves emitted by various devices such as Cold Fusion experiments, etc, using a little known Slovakian device called an Elektrosluch.

    I recently released a 25 minute sound collage for YLE (Finnish National Radio)'s Avaruusromua (Space Debris) show, which also featured the infamous Dogbone MFMP Project's sounds in it, in addition to various other alternative energy devices electromagnetic field recordings. I will probably put it up for sale on my Bandcamp eventually.


    Kuvittele musiikkia, jossa on enemmän ääniä, ympäristöjä ja mekaanisia vempaimia kuin instrumentteja. Kuvittele esimerkiksi ääniteosta, jossa on undulaatteja, Tesla-sähköauton takakontti, iPhonen sähkömagneettista kenttää, metallipurkkeja ja kikattavia magneetteja.

    Esa Ruohon Avaruusromulle tekemä Avaruusromua Special 2016 on juuri tuollainen teos.

    Tämän teoksen äänilähteiden luettelo on kaiken kaikkiaan hyvin kiinnostava. Edellä mainittujen lisäksi teoksessa kuullaan jäätyneen meren ulinoita, vuosaarelaisen autohallin ilmahormia, vuosaarelaisen kellarin metalliovea, vuosaarelaista hissiä, vuosaarelaista ovikelloa, kontulalaista 25 asteen pakkasessa jäätynyttä ovikoodilaitetta, Kampin autohallin kaikua, lasista vesipulloa, kolikoita, Martin Fleischmann Memorial Projectin Dogbone -kylmäfuusiokoelaitteen räjähdystä, Renaissance Chargen valmistaman Nikola Teslan Radiant Energyyn perustuvan akunlatauslaitteen Battery Rejuvenatorinsähkömagneettisia kenttiä, Ed Skillingin kehittämän Harmonic Pulserin LED-valon piippausten sähkömagneettikenttien nauhoituksia, SOTA Magnetic Pulser MP6:n varautumisääntä ja magneettipulsseja sähkömagneettisesti nauhoitettuina, Suzuki Swift -auton avaimia, punaista Clavia Nord Micromodular -modulaarisyntesoijaa, sähkömagneettisten kenttien nauhoitusta varten kehitettyä erittäin herkkää Elektrosluch 2 -induktiokäämimikrofonia sekä kannettavaa Zoom H1 -muistikorttitallenninta. Ja jos teitä ihmetyttää, mitä nuo kikattavat magneetit ovat, ne ovat soikeita magneetteja, jotka heitetään ilmaan ja jotka ilmalennon aikana kilahtelevat kiinni toisiinsa.

    Again, the show's host mentioned the Martin Fleischmann Memorial Project on-air, which I think is pretty cool.

    The money accumulated by JFFR (JellyFishFrequencyRecordings) selling my record has been donated to MFMP and is listed there as either John Hammond, or JellyFishFrequencyRecordings. It's not a lot, but the thought is what counts, I believe. For example, the same YLE Avaruusromua show also linked to the MFMP project - this has been spoken about at length by mhelsing on your forum.

    Recently my music has been used in a documentary about Melvin Miles. I'll link to it in a new post.