Invest in LENR

  • Hi all,

    I am thinking of how to invest in LENR or possibly the cause of it.
    This is my situation, I am grateful for answers and tips:

    I am not a professional investor, neither am I rich, but have some money to put at risk, let's say in the range of $10K - $100K.
    I am not willing to put all money in one single company, risk should be some how distributed.
    I know about but as an individual am I two small for them ?(


    • Official Post

    I have already analysed this question.

    You may also ask to Sifferkoll, who is professional.

    one idea could be to invest in LENR startups, but that is risky for normal people. However it maybe a good idea for sucessfulbusinessmen who, beside solid conservative assets, want to invest in crazy ideas.

    LENR-Cities like LENR Invest are more "meta-startups" who supports, in different ways, the LENR startups.
    LENR-Cities target midcap industialists, and tycoons. You can invest in LENR-Cities itself , but the main vehicle is their crodfunding proposal for industrialists, to fund the research and developement efforts through programs, and get a share of the technology produced that you can develope for your own business...
    We are far from your logic.

    Beside that and that is my position you can invest in assets who are influenced by LENR "risk".
    There is two predictable outcomes linked to LENR :
    - improvement of economic situation
    - increase of volatility

    so buy both, the market growth at long term, and the market instability at short term.
    Beware of time factor, as resistance is so huge that the transition may be delayed for long.

    I warn people not to invest in metals, and even short oil companies. Metals are not so strategic, technology is, strategy even more.
    Don't bury coal, shale and oil companies, who can survive first because they will be the preferred tool for the transition, and also because who know how one oil company can adapt and survive in a new business. Nokia was in paper business.

    For individual I see no safe bet.
    Look for mainstream companies who seems to have LENr awareness, and why not a big strategic plan on LENR (follow my eyes), but question is delay.
    flee risky business in energy, oil, shale, nuke, coal renewable, but not desperately as greentech (turbines, microgrids), or nuke, or waste remediation, may be part of the revolution,and others part of the transition.

    my safe bet would be to go to conservative non energy business, who consume energy, and meanwhile to invest on long term junk derivatives linked to impossible volatility, oil below 20$, big corps collapse, stranded assets reevaluation, coal revival, shales crash or boom, .

  • Change is a driver for business. Retrofitting will make energy consultants like Swedish Ångpanneföreningen (ÅF) grow, another winner could be Atlas Copco (ATCO) who delivers innovative sustainable solutions for industry.

    Then looking at large energy consumers we have pulp & paper, steel and aluminium producers. Early adopters of cheap energy should be winners.

    What about the energy producers? They might loose big customers that become self-sufficient and go off-line.
    But then again energy producers can be winners if they offer cheap risk-free outsourcing solutions to industry.

    Not easy.

  • Yes, you fucktards can keep deleting my posts, no worries. I know I am an evil bastard when it comes to that, but I don't think what you do is fair.

    Banning me, however, would be complete OK. It is your forum.

    Either deal with my criticism, or close your eyes. What shall it be?

    Edited once, last by Pathoskeptic ().

    • Official Post

    Mats, I think before investing any money, start with this:

    Leonardo Corp. has started to offer the "product line" "E-Cat Heat Energy". This means you will just pay for the maintenance and the energy that is delivered to you. You will not buy an E-Cat. It is the cheapest way to start.

    Try this first and you will find out if Rossi is able to deliver what he is promising, without putting a high amount of money at stake.

    Then and only then, invest.

  • My strategy is to not invest in anything. My strategy is to build something from money I have. Yes, it will take longer time, but you are not risking at all.

    In this way you can create a product, that will simply work, because it will be tested by a few people from the beginning. Then customers count will increase and substantially your product will be better and better. You will always have money to create more and more with respect to current demand. You should be only carefull which mean slower.

    Edited once, last by me356 ().

  • Most here who know something of the history of technology will recall the fortunes that can be made if one is an early investor. Those reading here may be able to "see" the future of LENR better than a typical hedge fund manager, investment advisor, finance blogger and so on. Once they start talking up LENR or some particular LENR enterprise, the value of such a stock will rise rapidly. The time to be invested is before that happens. The time to sell may well be after that happens.

    To my knowledge no LENR company or enterprise has yet had an IPO. Opportunities to be a "private placement" capital investor ("VC" or venture capitalist) are probably not available to most of us as smaller players. But to receive such funding might be realistic. If one lives near a financial center with elevators, one may have the opportunity to practice your "elevator pitch". For some entrepreneurs, that time may be right now. That's a pitch that may make your point in 30 seconds up to 2 minutes--- with the object of getting the potential investor to invite further discussion, or at least exchange business cards.


    My apologies to all who already know all this. It might help someone among us.

    • Official Post

    @ Mats002

    Read this ...…g-energy-storage-and-why/

    ... and continue with the Forbes recommendations in the footer ... it is not about LENR but investments in energy storage. You can replace 'storage' with 'LENR' and follow the trace of the big investment funds, the general mechanisms is always the same.


    I am not a professional investor, neither am I rich, but have some money to put at risk, let's say in the range of $10K - $100K.
    I am not willing to put all money in one single company, risk should be some how distributed.
    I know about but as an individual am I two small for them

    My personal opinion is, that with an amount of $10K - $100K any investment in LENR is very risky, the chance to loose all the money is very high, because it is totally unclear where the market is and who the players are.
    There are of course many companies (have a look here)…ions-researching-in-lenr/

    ... but to say who will win the race at the end is at the moment like playing lottery!


  • Hi Felix. Interesting links. I did not risk all that money in Woodford, just enough to feel I have a tiny, tiny share. I am not a gambler, but in this case I make an exception.

  • I warn people not to invest in metals, and even short oil companies. Metals are not so strategic, technology is, strategy even more.
    Don't bury coal, shale and oil companies, who can survive first because they will be the preferred tool for the transition, and also because who know how one oil company can adapt and survive in a new business. Nokia was in paper business.

    Thank you AlainCo for your interesting insights.

    What about steel manufacturers? Especially stainless steel, how will LENR affect to stainless steel demand in the long run? Europe's biggest stainless steel producer Outokumpu is struggling at the moment, and that reflects also to its market cap which is less than 1.3 billion euros at the moment.

    • Official Post

    Investing in steel process is investing in growth.
    Not absurd at all.
    In tourism, luxury, is a similar idea.
    Today I'm afraid tourism is a bit undervalued. 8-<
    Time to buy.

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