Rossi: “Steam Was Superheated” in 1MW Plant Test

  • Here's another thing...

    I just asked AR about the order for more 1MW units, and received the reply that "the order is on course"

    If I was a fraudster going about my fraudulent business, and the order was non-existent, I would either simply NOT have answered, or come up with some pabulum such as "the order is on hold pending the resolution of the lawsuit"

    Not that it gets us any further forward, but it is of slight interest

  • Quote: "Can I give you some advice? Take people at their word. Mostly that works. Dewey is a self-avowed propagandist for IH. That does not mean what he says is false, but it means you take it with a grain of salt. It is always vague. Just like Rossi's elliptical comments that historically get interpreted out of any straightforward meaning."

    Thomas while partly agree with you there are few things to note.
    - Mr Dewey Weaver is independent investor invested in IH so thus LENR and knows personally Thomas Darden in IH. But as he has clearly stated he is not IH:s spokesperson, so his messages can be totally discarded by IH when needed. No matter how direct messenger of IH he could be, he is still not official and can be denied.
    - Rossi has said many things about automated factories, COP, control of his E-Cat SSM, but that has been mostly business game to buy him time from competition. If you blame him about it, think again why IH has been dead silent while knowing exactly how many Rossi claimed robots they had ready for E-Cat mass production.
    - If you like to continue to take people on their words, try to figure out why Mr Jed Rothwel says he could spot error in 5 minutes from Rossis calorimetry, If that was so blody clear why on earth they happily received 3 quarterly intermnediate reports and noticed, or more importantly said nothing?

    This list could go on and on, but this game has already come clear enough and we just need to sit and wait how things roll out in coming weeks and months. Pre-trial activities did not do their duty, so take two starts within weeks.

  • Sifferkoll - the chief character assassin for Team Rossi thinks that little ole moi is a "hitman" for IH then somehow extrudes and introduces the "V" word into the conversation. What is a better than "priceless". We need new words to describe this guy (polite, powerful, effective of course).

    Siff - there are many perfectly legal methods and venues for keeping Rossi within reach of US laws. The overlord himself is already quite concerned about this so please don't jangle his nerves any further with this little worry.

  • We have no repeatable tests that could be used to move towards a viable device, and all we have from Rossi is tales of amazing devices shrouded in secrecy. It blows my mind that critical thinkers can't see this

    Setting aside for the moment an incorrect assumption, there are plenty of critical thinkers who can see the issues here. They write, sometimes. Sometimes they are shouted down. Sometimes they already know that is' like arguments on Youtube. Essentially, so what? It's fluff, of little value, like the endless arguments on moletrap. In the end, it's a bar brawl. And most sensible people stay out of bars like that.

    Now, the assumption: "we have no repeatable tests that could be used to move forward." This was said generally about LENR. It may be true with regard to NiH reactions. More accurately, there may be repeatable tests, but if they exist, they are largely hidden in commercial secrecy. What is secret is only repeatable to those in on the secret. By definition, this is not public science. It may exist, or not.

    Looking back, I'm fascinated to remember all the commentary that there was no one-year test, this was all a Rossi deception. Well, there was a test. That actually happened. He was not lying about that, though he may have lied about details, and, remember, Rossi has acknowledged that he releases misleading information to confuse competition. What that means is that nothing he says can be trusted without confirmation. But ... hope springs eternal, we want Rossi to save us, so .... we forget that it is all *intrinsically unreliable.*

    Replicable cold fusion experiment: heat/helium ratio

    I wrote this paper because the claim that there is no replicable experiment is very common in media reports. Even people in the field will sometimes say it (then making excuses for the difficulty). This is about a misunderstand of what a replicable experiment is. A specific protocol with specifcially and quantitatively repeatable heat, yes. The situation has improved with some approaches so such that heat is statistically replicable. However, that's much weaker than a different approach: looking for a correlated ash from the reaction. That was found in 1991, and has been confirmed, with measurements of the ratio being tightened. There is still a lot of room for questioning the exact ratio, but the correlation itself is strong and, by the preponderance of the evidence, conclusive that there is anomalous heat and that there is a nuclear origin for it, in transmutation ending up with at least roughly commensurate helium.

    This is the state of science on this. The mechanism remains a mystery, and it remains difficult to set up the effect. Obviously, to test the heat/helium ratio, one must set up the effect, or the ratio will be 0/0. That result, however, null for both, is part of a confirmation of the correlation. All that is needed, then, are a few experiments that generate enough heat to create measurable helium. That takes an experimental series, not just one experiment. The "dead cells" become controls, as much alike the "experimental cells" as possible. This is basic science!

    There is another paper in that issue of Current Science:

    Highly reproducible LENR experiments using dual laser stimulation by Dennis Letts.

    He calls his approach "highly reproducible." What he knows is that the result is, in his experiment, reliable. He can predict results in some series, quantitatively. He can turn the effect on and off. But this has not been confirmed. I mention this work in my own paper as an area where further investigation could bear fruit.

    Ed Storms has recently published some extremely interesting results that, if confirmed, could radically change some ideas about the conditions for cold fusion, from an appearance to a deeper reality. He found what looks like quite good evidence that the reaction rate does not depend on loading in PdD. WDF? Isn't there lots of data correlating loading ratio with heat?

    Yes. There is. However, what he has shown is that this is very likely a product of whatever sets up the conditions for nuclear active environment (NAE) to be created. Once NAE exists, high loading is not needed any more.

    And this points to a whole family of approaches to be explored. It may be possible to create engineered surface that will be NAE immediately, ready to burn as soon as some fuel is supplied. It's exciting. He showed steady heat production, no decline, even though this was an electrolytic experiment, when the electrolysis was shut down. There was still input power, maintaining the experiment's temperature.

    So this wasn't so-called "self sustain mode." An experiment could be designed where the reaction power sustained the temperature, it simply requires insulation, possibly in a Dewar flask. But it complicates the experiment, and Ed is expert at calorimetry. I don't think he has a calorimetric artifact. What I'm hoping for and will encourage is independent replication. Ed is claiming that he can make cathodes that show XP, pull them from the experiment and store them, then reinstall them and reload them and they generate XP immediately. That, then, could allow the manufacture of "activated cathodes" which then could be independently confirmed far more easily than if every worker has to go through the very complex process of creating an activated cathode.

    Work in this field was depressed after the Rossi announcement in 2011. After all, why work on a few watts of power (if that!) when someone is generating kilowatts? It had a depressing psychological effect, but also, it's reported, obtaining funding became more difficult. (And quite a few workers rushed to try to see XP with NiH, with many failures, apparently -- or inconclusive results.)

    Delay in the development of commercial LENR -- which may be many years away -- represents a lost opportunity cost I estimate at a trillion dollars per year, for every year that application is delayed (times the probability that practical application is possible, which I estimate at about 90%, ultimately). Whatever slows down the research beyond an effective rate, then, has an enormous social cost. My analysis does not suggest throwing billions of dollars at LENR. Not yet. We don't yet know how and where to spend that kind of money efficiently. However, it does suggest that funding for basic research is crucial, and we are talking millions of dollars a year, not billions. It's not clear to me how much could fruitfully be spent at this time on solid research. It could be tens of millions, though.

    Relying on commercial actors for this is hazardous, which is not to deprecate commercial efforts. We still need science. Public science, common property.

    It's happening, at least to some degree. The Center to study Anomalous Heat Effects at Texas Tech. University

    For me, this means years of study and work are paying off.

    Edited once, last by Abd Ul-Rahman Lomax ().

  • Sifferkol,

    I sincerely disagree with your assessment.

    In the absolute worse case scenerio -- which I declare I'm not suggesting is true but simply a possibility I'm considering -- Industrial Heat may be seeking to dominate the LENR landscape by…

    Unfortunately. It is much more simple. At this point in time the only thing IH worries about is if they will have to pay $89M or not. They will simply do anything that they can do in their favour. And since this right now is to go all in on LENR being totally non-existent, they will do it.

    The reason for this being their best action from a business PoV is that it enables the establishment support, ie. well funded media credible hot fusion physisists from well known institutions, like MIT in 89. This process will be covered in MSM according to the established view. Simple really. The AGW/alternative energy etc. will of course also chime in to curse an Italian fraudster. They will make it as ugly as they can, because this is what lawyers do. Other LENR research will be collateral damage.

    And if IH wins the way they dream, they will come out with most of the IP, a killed inventor, a couple of years delay, but then, maybe, they can restart doing 100W reactors and eventuall fullfull the 10y Bill Gates prophecy.

  • Quote from Renzz: “LOL...okay let me get this straight..this is priceless. So you are saying IH put out millions of dollars and over a year of testing time just so they can defraud an entire new area of science research? Oh god man, you are losing it…

    Wow you REALLY have lost it. So they planned from the very beginning to give him what a million...11 million...then pretend they will give him 89 million...then they are going to kill him. OMG man you have me rolling over here. I really am starting to think you have some mental issues. You have put together the most ridiculous narrative I have heard yet. are they gonna kill him...will it be a knife in the back, radiation poisoning, or maybe the stay puff marshmellow many will hunt him down. Hard to come up with outlandish things to match your story....this is great stuff!

  • Sifferkoll - the chief character assassin for Team Rossi thinks that little ole moi is a "hitman" for IH then somehow extrudes and introduces the "V" word into the conversation. What is a better than "priceless". We need new words to describe this guy…

    Legal "V" is also "V". Doesn't really matter does it. (especially if the "L" is broken...) And maybe you could enlighten me on who you consider the "overlord". Is that a Star Wars thing or?

  • Well its official. Siff has lost it and gone over the edge. Sifferkoll as a vehicle for spreading team Rossi half-truths, lies, and slander is now only effective on P.R. Finished, kaput, done, checkmate.

  • Zuff - feeling proud of your bud's accomplishments? Rossi chose the litigation & PR war route - this one is on him.

    You should also know that sometimes it takes time to make sure that you've caught a repeat performer in a manner that keeps him from performing his stunts for millions again. Rossi laid out the plan and IH supplied the rope. You can put the rest of that together yourself.

    Rossi is hardly a "bud" of mine. My interest in him (or more correctly in the ecats) is indirect and runs though people like you/IH that I projected did a technical due diligience before signing anything with him and if he would not allow it, you'd walk away. The reason I projected this is that is best practise and the way to mitigate personal liability. It would be hard to say that IH had not been warned, since concerns were all over the internet.

    You are now vigoursly implying that IH didn't kick the ecat's tyres. On the whole, IH probably is not helped by you arguing that it was "easy" to discover the flaws.

  • ME356 has coincidentally fallen ill so he cannot provide any info of his experiment.

    Nickel powder is an extremely dangerous material and has made some researchers very, very ill, with long-term consequences. This should be thoroughly appreciated by anyone who decides to explore the NiH territory, and major precautions are in order. And some have followed precautions, but a bit of inattention .... I'm willing to do small-scale PdD electrolytic experiments (codep) in my apartment. Not NiH.

  • WOW!

    This really turned out being more spot on than I could ever imagine. Only arguments left for Weaver and the Renzzie shadow is that I lost it ... Well, meditate on that for a while. If that is not a confirmation, what is?

    BTW Renzzie, "kill the inventor" is standard VC business talk, which you obviously failed to grasp in your temporary? psychosis. lack of focus ;)

    Edited 5 times, last by sifferkoll ().

  • Quote from stephenrenzz: “We have no repeatable tests that could be used to move towards a viable device, and all we have from Rossi is tales of amazing devices shrouded in secrecy. It blows my mind that critical thinkers can't see this”


    While I don't believe your comments here change my point at all, I honestly do appreciate everything you wrote as I read it carefully. You are obviously a critical thinker...and a deep one at that. I gotta say though, it still blows my mind that so many intelligent scientists and engineers do not see right through Rossi's shenanigans. I have hope for LENR, but after everything we have been through with Rossi, we should be well into a position of expecting extraordinary proof for extraordinary claims. All we get from Rossi is double talk, secrecy and broken compounded by a lawsuit. I have said it a million times, Rossi could prove the Rossi effect simply, quickly and cheaply to the community he obviously is interested in impressing. There would be no worry of giving away IP or anything...just show us it works. All I have seen is a ridiculous puff of steam that could barely even be seen in front of a black tshirt and coinicdental chopping of the video at the perfect time. If you know what video I am speaking of, you know how absurd it was when Rossi was asked to see the steam. Rossi talks obsessively to his fans on JoNP and here through his sock puppets all day long...he obviously cares what people think. I would say to Professor Rossi (bit0) if you care about science and your community, show us proof the the elusive Rossi Effect...otherwise be understanding of the fact that you are claiming (especially with ridiculous ~50COP) magic that no other scientist in the history of man has ever achieved. But I digress...I do respect your view here. It is nice to have a civil discussion when not being attacked or ridiculed. Thank you for your indepth view.

  • Quote

    Fraud is a criminal offence. Solid evidence of fraud cannot simply be ignored. Why is there not a criminal case proceeding against Rossi if there has been blatant fraud?

    (1) IH should not spend investor's money on proving Rossi fraudulent to a criminal standard - not their job. And if Rossi does fall foul of US criminal laws it will be at some later stage in proceedings, we will not know that now.

    (2) Criminal standard of proof is much higher than civil standard


    If you blame him about it, think again why IH has been dead silent while knowing exactly how many Rossi claimed robots they had ready for E-Cat mass production.

    I don't blame Rossi for his unreliable comments. I myself don't blame him for his unscientific claims. I think that his long sequence of apparent positive tests perhaps he must take responsibility for, but this could all be his genuine belief interacting with a really bad understanding of science (as Mats says of him). There are a few things like contaminated isotopic results that are difficult to explain away (talk to the testers about the first Cu contaminated sample about whether that was compatible with innocent contamination).

    However given this record of extreme unreliability, and spoofed tests, when IH says his stuff does not work for them that is very plausible. My own personal view is coloured by the fact that I never reckoned Rossi LENR to be at all likely. But the evidence since then from tests has been strongly negative.

    And I can't see why anyone is arguing for IH bad behaviour when no-one has heard their side and Rossi is known so unreliable. Not hearing the IH side is only what must be expected in a legal dispute like this. It is Rossi's actions, in publicising the whole thing, that are unusual.

    The question of what and when IH knew/suspected Rossi's stuff not to work is interesting, but there is too much speculation and it is only if you adopt a simplistic view that this seems in any way problematic. The one fact I believe from Dewey etc leaks is that Darden gave investors a very strong anti-Rossi warning. Too strong, Dewey thought. Seems right to me. The Rossi crowd are so fixated on Rossi they cannot imagine people investing unless it was mainly with hopes of a Rossi miracle, but when you look more broadly that is silly. Many other players make interesting claims to an LENR fan.

    Lots of people here do adopt a simplistic view.

  • Here come the simple-minded numbnut circular arguments again. Good thing that Abd has shown up. He's capable of grinding numbnuts to dust.

    Thanks for your confidence, Dewey. However, please keep in mind that this is an internet forum where the product is mostly noise and flame wars. What is normal in flame wars is that both sides claim total and complete victory, because the other side is obviously stupid, vicious, dumb, or fat and ugly. Q.E.D.

    If people want sober analysis, some can be found by reading through these posts. The S/N ratio is low, but with patience, people can learn. It's necessary to develop some discrimination between confirmed fact, alleged fact, and interpretation, and then, between sober interpretation and cloud-cuckoo-land interpretation.

    It's necessary to be aware that all interpretation is subject to major error, and that what is often presented as fact is actually interpretation. There is also cherry-picking. In the real world, there is always evidence on every side of a question. If we only look at evidence that confirms what we are thinking, we become more and more convinced that we are right. But "right" is an interpretation, it is never a fact.

    Dewey, please stop accusing others of lying. Truth will out, and that day is not hastened by accusations.

    Mostly, what you might call lying would be faulty interpretation, such as -- perhaps -- the claim that IH necessarily trusted Penon and Rossi, and that therefore IH behavior now (what behavior?) is suspicious. IH may have trusted Penon or not. You know, I assume, but cannot provide any verifiable fact. So I take whatever you say as a claim, presently unverifiable. Interesting, but not more than that.

    Providing us with "alleged fact" I consider quite useful. We must toss it in a hopper with all that we know about this complex affair, including that some actors are known to present misleading information. Certainly that is true for Rossi, because he has acknowledged it, and his supporters "excuse" it by saying its a commercial necessity for him. In my training, around integrity, we don't care about "reasons" or "excuses." What happened, and what will happen in the future? Is there a commitment to integrity, or is there a commitment to something else? This is not a claim that everyone *should be* committed to integrity. Rossi's history simply shows that what he says cannot be trusted without confirmation. That is not the same thing as a claim that he is lying. Maybe he is. Maybe not!

    It is totally to be expected that some among the fans of Rossi will attack anyone who "insults" Rossi. I suggest avoiding unnecessary insult. Some level of criticism may be necessary, but all the personal attacks against, not only Rossi, but his fans, is harmful. You are ridiculing a large number of people. Why? What's the benefit?

    I invite you to back off, and to join the community of those who will provide whatever information they can, to the community, as a public service. This has nothing to do with "winning arguments" here.

    There are major public issues. I would hope that IH will consider the public interest and not only their own economic interests. This is more or less what I'd expect from the business they are in. As the public, we do have a major interest in knowing fact, here. I have not signed the petition to ask Rossi and IH to release the ERV, but ... I do support that request. That Gamberale violated an NDA, to release fact about the Defkalion demo of 2013, took a risk, but served the public. There are times when higher considerations require setting aside lower ones.

    There is much more involved here than the ERV report. The entire history of LENR is a major object lesson in how science is conducted and how the process can break down.

    And thanks again for your confidence. It's appreciated.

  • I agree wholeheartedly. One of the damning arguments I see (among others here) on Leonardo/IH (pointed out by Jed and others) is that they used boiler equipment that should have brought in the local inspectors and would require greater scrutiny. I think that IH should have been aware of this, it is a critical failing on both sides.

    The last thing any business wants is Uncle Sam or in Florida the local government involved. Disclaimer* Your government may vary. This is subjective but it seems (if true) both parties were complicit in this. The USA is known for its lawyers.

  • I was not for one moment suggesting it was the job of IH to prove criminal fraud. It is, however, their duty to bring any evidence of such to the attention of those whose job it is to prosecute such fraudsters

  • Sifferkol,

    I don't think this is about not wanting to pay Rossi. Tom Darden has connections to very wealthy billionairs. I think he could raise a hundred million dollars to pay Rossi over a game of golf.

    If IH wanted to pay Rossi, I'm very certain…

    You're right. It's not ONLY about not wanting to pay Rossi. It is also about controlling the IP, which was a huge problem when raising meny. IH had to lie about the IP to get Woodford in (and start working on patent short cuts and bringing in Brillouin etc to hedge). To me it seems like it was not that easy at all getting the funding they wanted, so not paying might actually be triggered by not having the money. I do think that they were not planning to pay though and use the payment as leverage in negotiations still under NDA and with the license agreement IP transfer still valid, when the MW test ended. The complaint came as a suprise for IH, especially the openness to the public was really bad news...

  • how are they gonna kill him...will it be a knife in the back, radiation poisoning, or maybe the stay puff marshmellow many will hunt him down. Hard to come up with outlandish things to match your story....this is great stuff!

    While I don't speak for Sifferkoll, it is pretty clear by the context that what was being referred to is the concept of "killing the inventor" as used in VC circles. No need to inflame when I'm pretty sure you probably understood the actual context even before writing your post.

  • Quote

    IH had to lie about the IP to get Woodford in (and start working on patent short cuts and bringing in Brillouin etc to hedge).

    Sifferkoll, that comment seems far to me from anything that can reasonably be concluded. We have so little information. I'm almost inclined to think Dewey's bully-boy language appropriate in response!

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